A: pcv 13 vs ppsv 23 when indicated
pcv 13: 1 dose if indicated
ppsv 23: 1 or 2 doses below 65 if indicated, otherwise 1 dose if above 65
A: when is tdap required
1 dose during each pregnancy
A: how many doses of mmrv are indicated
2 doses if patient has not been exposed before or never had a jab in the younger years
A: how many doses of hep b needed
3 doses
C: how many doses of bcg needed and when
1 at birth
C: how many doses of hep b needed, and when do you give it?
birth, 2m, 6m. 3 doses
C: how many does of dtap do you need and when
booster? when does tdap come in
2,4,6 plus dtap booster at 18months
then tdp booster at 10-11yr
C: inactivated polio?
same as dtap/tdap, 246 then booster at 18m and10-11yo
C: how about Hib?
same as polio and tdap, except only 1 booster at 18m
C: pcv10/13?
doses 1 and 2 at4,6m then booster at 12m
C: min age for ppsv 23?
2yo, only when indicated
C: mmrv?
12 and 15m. 2 doses
C: min age for flu vax and compulsory till when?
6m to 5y