Immigration Flashcards
Social Darwinism
“Survival of the Richest”. Poor people are lazy and don’t deserve help
Robber baron/captain of industry
Depending on who you ask, a person who robbed people of money or was smart about money.
Andrew Carnegie
Scottish immigrant, gets millions of dollars through an investment and invests that money in steel (US Steel). Becomes a billionaire.
Bessemer Process
Quicker and cheaper way of making steel used by Andrew Carnegie.
Vertical integration
Control all aspects of company, like the companies that provide raw materials, so you don’t have to pay anyone.
Laissez Faire
Adam Smith- the government shouldn’t get involved in the economy, it will fix itself.
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Billionaire, invests in railroads.
The Gospel of Wealth
Written by Andrew Carnegie. He knows best about where he should donate his money, while workers don’t. Wealthy people have a responsibility to the community.
John D. Rockefeller
Monopolizes US oil industry. Company- Standard Oil Trust. Did anything to drive his competitors out of business.
Horizontal Integration
Attempting to control an entire industry.
Knights of Labor
First long term, successful labor union in the US founded by Terrence Powderly. Want better working conditons, more pay, 8 hour days. Membership open to anyone. Proposed shops be run by employees.
Haymarket Square Riot
Explosion occurs at KOL union picnic and police fireat crowd. Gives KOL a bad reputation, and they decline.
American Federation of Labor
Basically create labor unions, founded by Samuel Gompers. Catered to skilled workers, want better working conditions and the ability to organize.
Homestead Steel Strike (1892)
Workers are angry about bad working conditions and decreasing pay. Government sends military and the strike becomes a battle. Ultimately, nothing improves.
Henry George
Writes Progress and Poverty- warns Americans are too optimistic about manufacturing, which will lead to poverty and divide between classes. Proposes tax on landholding.
JP Morgan
Becomes rich in the banking industry by manipulating stock and giving loans to people who can’t repay them and then selling property for more money.
What is a trust?
A monopoly
What could companies do to prevent unions/strikes?
- Hire SCABs- replacement workers
- yellow dog contract- only hire non union members
- injunction- contract that workers have to come to work
- Blacklisting or locking out workers who strike
What could workers do to protest working conditions?
- Boycotts/strikes
- Sympathy demonstration- workers from other industries go on strike
- Wildcat strike- strike without warning
Eugene V. Debs
Socialist (government should pay for everything). Thinks there shouldn’t be any poor people.
Women’s Christian Temperance Movement
Want to prohibit alcohol- when men drink, bad things happen.
Women’s Suffrage Association
Women’s suffrage movement, gained voting rights in many locations.
Sherman’s Antitrust Act
Outlaws monopolies and trusts that restrain trade, but does not clearly define what a trust is, making the law difficult to enforce.
United States vs EC Knight
Favored industrialists, did not support the antitrust movement
Horatio Alger
Wrote many inspiring rags to riches stories
Montgomery Ward
Allowed Americans to buy whatever they wanted, created consumerism.
Upton Sinclair
Unionist, Socialist, criticizes industrialization
Grange Movement
Wants the government to control railroads
Farmer’s Alliance
Grange movement is organized, works toward laws to regulate railroads. Led by Mary Lease.
Munn v Illinois
Allows states to regulate railroads- anti laissez- faire. However, railroads cross state lines and are therefore difficult for states to regulate.
Wabash v Illinois
Says Munn v Illinois verdict won’t work
Interstate Commerce Act
Federal government has the right to regulate railroads.
Populist Party
- Grange movement goes national and becomes the third political party.
- Known as being for the people
- Joined by Union members and industrial workers
New Immigration
- 1880-1920
- Southern and Eastern Europe (Italy, Poland, Russia)
- Mostly Catholic, illiterate, and unskilled (previously farmers).
Old Immigration
- Pre Civil War
- Western Europe (Ireland, Germany)
- Mostly Protestant, literate, skilled workers
Ethnic neighborhoods
Everyone from a specific country or city would cluster together. Everyone knows each other, but slows assimilation.
Ellis Island
Where European immigrants arrive, undergo physical examinations
Jacob Riis
A reporter, wrote How the Other Half Lives about the living conditions in the tenements.
Party Boss
Someone who had a large amount of influence and money, can get votes for candidates. Ex: Boss Tweed
Political machine
Controlled by the party boss.
Jane Addams
Creates Hull House- homeless shelter that teaches English and job skills to immigrants.
Social Gospel
As a good Christian, your responsibility is to help your fellow man.
Frederic Olmstead
Architect of Central Park
Edward Bellamy
Wrote Looking Backward- book written in the future portraying a Socialist government in a positive way.
Lincoln Steffers
Wrote Shame of the Cities- about bad living conditions in cities.
Carry Nation
Led temperance movement
Foreign policy
What a government’s relationship is with that of other countries.
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Writes book about sea power
Yellow journalism
Exaggerating to get people to read a story
William Randolph Hearst
Publisher, attempts to start war with Spain using fabricated stories about events in Cuba.
DeLome Letter
Spanish ambassador writes letter insulting President McKinley.
Sinking of the Maine
The USS Maine goes to Cuba on scouting mission, the ship explodes and the Spanish are blamed.
The Rough Riders
Military regiment led by Teddy Roosevelt, fought in the Spanish American war.
Dewey’s Victory
Battle in the Philippines- Battle in very one sided and US wins due to superior ships.
Platt Amendment
Cuba is an “independent” nation- can do whatever it wants as long as the US approves.
Open Door Policy
Anyone can trade anywhere. Makes China angry and causes Boxer Rebellion
Free Silver
US currency should be backed with both gold and silver, is not advocated by the upper class.
William Jennings Bryant
Leader of the Populist Party. Gives Cross of Gold speech advocating for gold and silver to back American currency.
Refunds on what has already been paid or contributed.
Jay Gould
American railroad developer, robber baron
Watered Stock
Making stocks cost much more than underlying assets to defraud investors.