what are the important variables to consider for image detail?
geometric sharpness
object distortion
object motion
radiographic mottle
geometric sharpness decreased by?
increased by?
increased magnification
beam penumbra
what is the affect of object thickness on object distortion?
thick objects are more distorted
what is the affect of object position on object distortion?
an object plane and image that are not parallel are more distorted
object motion is minimized by longer or shorter exposure? and done how?
electronic timers and doble film screens
what are the factors of radiographic mottle?
*what is another consideration
insignificant factors like film graininess and defects in the phosphor layer
quantum mottle occurring with shorter exposure times
*thicker screens (faster screens) yield same noise as slow screens
how is quantum mottle reduced?
w/ high mAs, low kVp, slow image receptors
what is quantum mottle a result of?
statistical fluctuation in # of photons per unit area of x-ray beam