ILS Approach Flashcards
Generally, intercept the localizer at flaps ___. This helps prevent overshoots
When VNAV is not available, ____ is the preferred descent mode.
APP mode should not be selected until____.
-ILS tuned and identified
-Both pointers appear
-Cleared for the approach
-On intercept heading
Glideslope captures if within_____ degrees of the localizer
Localizer captures within ____ degrees
When should you select gear down, flaps 20?
Glideslope alive
When should you select landing flaps and call for landing checklist?
Glideslope capture
If cleared for an ILS while above the glideslope, ensure that __________ before descending from cleared altitude to try to catch the glideslope.
Localizer captured
How do you catch the glideslope if cleared for an ILS while above the glideslope?
Select APP when cleared. Wait for LOC to capture, set 1,000-1,500 FPM in V/S mode. Catch the G/S.
Stabilized approach criteria
By 1,000’ AFE:
-Correct flight path (within 1 dot G/S and LOC. Or within expanded LOC scale)
-On speed (momentary deviations OK)
-Landing configuration
-Sink rate not over 1,000 FPM (If greater required, must have been briefed)
-Appropriate thrust setting
-All checklists complete