II.A,B Airworthiness Requirements Flashcards
What documents are required onboard an aircraft prior to flight?
Airworthiness Certificate
Registration Certificate
Radio Station License (If operating outside of US)
Operating Limitations - AFM/POH
Weight and Balance Data (current)
What is required to keep an airworthiness certificate valid?
An airworthiness certificate remains valid as long as the aircraft is:
a. Registered in the United States
b. Meets its approved type design
c. In a condition for safe operation
d. Required maintenance and preventive maintenance are performed
When it comes to airworthiness certification, what is the difference between the NORMAL and UTILITY categories?
Normal: Aircraft structure can withstand 3.8Gs
Utility: Normal - Aircraft structure can withstand 4.4Gs, permitting limited aerobatics, and spins
Where must the airworthiness certificate be located?
Displayed in the cabin, or at the cockpit entrance so that it is legible and visible to passengers and crew.
Who is responsible for ensuring the aircraft is maintained in an airworthy condition?
The owner/operator of the aircraft.
What is an airworthiness directive?
A safety notice that the FAA gives to airplane operators. It tells them about a problem with a certain part of the airplane that could be dangerous, and what needs to be fixed or checked to make sure the plane is safe to fly. It’s kind of like a recall for cars. The plane isn’t allowed to fly until the problem is taken care of.
What is a Special Airworthiness Information Bulletin? Are they regulatory?
SAIBs contain non regulatory information and guidance.
Describe a Supplemental Type Certificate.
When someone wants to add or change something on an airplane, like a new engine, they need this certificate to show the change is safe and approved by the FAA. It proves that the new part or modification works well with the rest of the airplane and won’t cause problems during flight. Should be maintained with the aircrafts logs.
Does an aircraft registration have an expiration date?
Yes, seven years.
Where can you find information on the placards and marking information required to be in the plane?
Type Certificate Data Sheet, or the Limitations section of the AFM/POH
What are the required inspections to be performed on an aircraft?
Annual Inspection (12 MO)
Airworthiness Directives and life limited parts
VOR check (30 days for IFR)
100 Hour Inspection (for hire, or flight instruction)
Altimeter/Static test and inspection (24 MO)
Transponder (24 MO)
ELT Inspection (12 MO, or 1hr cumulative use, or .5 battery life)
A 100 hour inspection was due at 3302.5 hours. It was completed at 3309.5 hours. When is the next 100 hour due?
3402.5 Hours
(You can overfly by 10 hours to reach maintenance, but still add 100 to the original time)
Under what condition can a for-hire aircraft continue to operate beyond its 100 hour inspection?
Can be exceeded by not more than 10 hour while enroute to a place where the inspection can be performed.
If an annual inspection date has passed, can the aircraft be operated to a location where the inspection can be performed?
Not without a Special Flight Permit issued by the FAA.
You notice the engine has exceeded its TBO. Is it legal to fly this aircraft?
Part 91: Yes, TBO is manufacturers suggestion
Part 121/135: NO, TBO compliance is mandatory.
What is a Special Flight Permit, and when might you need one?
Issued for an aircraft that may not currently meet airworthiness requirements, but is safe for flight.
Typically issued for:
a. Flying an aircraft to a maintenance/inspection base
b. Ferrying an aircraft to storage
c. Production flight testing
d. Evacuating from impending danger (e.g. Hurricane)
e. Customer demonstration flights in new production aircraft.
What is a “kinds of operations equipment list” (KOEL)?
Identifies the systems and equipment which the aircraft was certified with, and must be installed and operable for a particular operation. E.g VFR Day or Night. IFR, icing conditions
Found in the Limitations section of the POH
What is a “minimum equipment list” (MEL)?
FAA approved list of instruments, equipment and procedures that allows an aircraft to be operated with inoperative equipment.
Basically tells pilots and mechanics what parts or equipment can be broken or missing, and the plane is still safe to fly.
During pre-flight on an aircraft without an MEL, you notice a piece of equipment that is broken. Describe how you will determine if the plane is still airworthy.
a. Is the item needed for day, night, or IFR requirements? (91.205)
b. Is the item required per KOEL?
c. Is the item required to be operational by AD?
d. Is the item required according to the aircraft’s type data sheet, or STC?
If the equipment will not be fix, item needs to be disabled, placarded INOP, and a logbook entry made.
What types of maintenance may a pilot perform in an aircraft without an FAA maintenance certificate?
Pilot’s can only conduct preventive maintenance that does not involve complex assembly. Pilot still needs to complete a logbook entry on what was done.
Some tasks include:
a. charging aircraft battery
b. changing aircraft tires
c. oil change
d. Replace safety belts.
What instruments need to be operational for Day VFR flight?
Oil Pressure Gauge
Manifold Pressure Gauge
Airspeed Indicator
Temperature Gauge (Liquid Cooled)
Oil Temperature Gauge (Air cooled)
Fuel Gauge
Flotation gear - when operating for hire beyond glide range
Landing gear position indicator
Anti-collision lights (after March 11, 1996)
Magnetic Compass (or gps equivalent)
Safety belts
What instruments need to be operational for NIGHT VFR flight?
Everything for Day VFR plus…
Fuses (one spare set, or circuit breakers)
Landing light (if flying for hire)
Anti-collision lights
Position lights
Source of electrical power (Alternator)
How can you determine if all ADs have been complied with?
Look up the FAA’s database online, and compare with the records in the aircrafts airframe and powerplant logbooks.
When is an ELT not required?
- Aircraft engaged in scheduled flights by scheduled air carriers
- training operations conducted within a 50 NM radius of the airport
- Aerial application of chemicals (agricultural)
- Aircraft equipped to carry not more than one person