Ground test VOR check. Error range
ATC clearance has been obtained . Pilot cannot deviate unless
receives and amended clearance or has an emergency
VOR check requirement
30 days
VOR check: what data needs to be recorded
1) Date of check
2) Place
3) Bearing error
4) Signature
IFR flight plan, standard weather minimum at the time of arrival for non-precision approach
800 ft and 2 SM visibility
airport doesn’t have approach, how can you file the airport as alternate.
If the airport has ceiling and visibility that allows for a descent, approach and landing under best VFr conditions
Pilot are not authorized to land an aircraft from an instrument approach unless the
flight visibility is at or exceed the visibility prescribed in the approach procedure being used.
what is the rule of 60:1
every 60 miles, 1 degrees of of course will cause 1 NM away from the course.
Wingtime change 10 degrees
Time elapsed: 5 mins
The distance to the station is:
60/10 X 5 = time distance
OBS change from one dot to the last dot. How many degrees change happened?
how many degrees the one-fifth deflection?
2 degrees
what is the purpose of STAR?
to facilitate transition between en route and instrument approaches
What is maximum elevation figure?
Represents the highest elevate within a quadrant.
round up to nearest 100.
on the ramp, before take-off, communication failed.
turn the plane to the tower and wait for the green light
from service what is the max altimeter error
Isogonic lines connect the points
having the same magnetic variation
Speed limit class B
your navigation uses VOR/DME RNAV but VOR NAVAID doesn’t have DME. results in
loss of RNAV capability