Aerodynamics 3 Flashcards
what are the nonstandard conditions that a sensitive altimeter can face?
mechanical and inherent
Altimeter indication is off more than 75 feet from the surveyed elevation,
next step is: instrument repair station
You are flying an aircraft with an auxiliary electric fuel pump When should this pump be used?
in accordance with the POH instructions.
Which statement Is true about isogonic lines?
lsogonic lines are lines of equal variation.
What is zero fuel weight?
the maximum allowable
weight of the airplane and payload, assuming there is
no usable fuel on board.
What is the purpose of zero fuel load?
limit load forces on
the wing spars with heavy fuselage loads.
On a fixed pitch propeller, the angle of incidence is a its highest pitch at the ________________________
hub of the propeller in order to provide uniform lift across the blade.
Difference between normal airfoil and propeller airfoil
The propeller is a rotating airfoil, subject to induced drag, stalls, and other aerodynamic principles that apply to any
wingtip vorticies drift
with the wind and at the same speed.
Direction of the vortices
outward, upward, and around the wingtips
vortices are
the by product of _______
wing lift
how Wingtip vortices move?
1) bit less than a wingspan apart,
2) drifting with the wind,
3) at altitudes greater than a wingspan from the ground.
To avoid excessive cylinder head temperature
increase airspeed, enrich the mixture, and/or reduce power use the cowl flap
The cruise propeller has increased efficiency foc cruise operations and has a
The cruise propeller has a higher pitch, therefore more drag. More drag results in lower rpm and less horsepower capability, which decreases performance during takeoffs and climbs but increases efficiency during cruising flight.
As air speed increases ,parasite drag increases
as the square of the airspeed.
Which factor remains constant for stalls?
Angle of attack.
While accelerating for takeoff, you notice the airspeed Is constant and remains constant for a few seconds. This can be caused by
a winds hear to an increasing tailwind.
What is wing loading?
dividing total weight of an airplane in pounds by the wing area in square feet
how does density affect lift and drag? compare 18000 to Sea Level
18,000 feet, the density of the air has one-half the density of air at sea level.
In order to maintain its lift at a higher altitude, fly at a greater true airspeed for any given AOA. so Lift and Drag will increase
The direct cause of every stall is
airflow separating from the surface of the wing.
Critical Mach number
airflow over any part of the aircraft first reaches
the Mach 1.0
Ramp Weight
Zero fuel weight plus usable fuel weight.