Aerodynamics 2 Flashcards
If the CG is loaded rear, plane is unstable about its
Lateral Axis
At given weight and configuration, a plane at hight altitude will take of ______ IAS and TAS/GA will be _______
The Sum of all upward components of the forces ______ to sum of all _______ components of forces
The Sum of all upward components of the forces equals to sum of all downward components of forces
Standard rate of turn. 360will take
Turn Coordinator indicates:
roll rate, rate of turn, and coordination
Trun and slip indicator
rate of turn and coordination
purpose of spoilers
decrease the lift of wing
Which maximum range factor decrease as weight decrease?
Wing Spoilers’ affect on wheel breaks?
Makes them more effective
IAS and CAS are approximately same at
cruise and high airspeeds
IAS error is greater at ______ speeds
At high angles of attack, the amount of induced drag is _____; since
this corresponds to lower airspeeds in actual flight, it can be said that induced drag predominates at _______speed.
the reduction of the wingtip vortices due to ground effect alters the spanwise lift distribution and _______ the
induced AOA and induced drag.
What is the connection between ground affect and static source? How does it affect the airborne speed.
ground effect
causes an increase in the local pressure at the static source and produces a lower indication of airspeed and altitude.
Thus, an aircraft may be airborne at an indicated airspeed less than that normally required.
To maintain the same amount of lift in ground effect
the wing will require a lower AOA in ground effect to produce the same
A propeller rotating clockw;se as seen from the rear, creates a spiraling slipstream which, along
with torque, tends to rotate the airplane to the
Left around the vertical axis and right around longtitunal axis
When the angle of attack of a symmetrical airfoil is increased, the center of pressure will
have very llm!led movemenL
What are the two types of flight controls?
Primary and Secondary/auxiliary
What is the main purpose of primary flight controls?
The primary flight controls maneuver the aircraft about the pitch, roll, and yaw axes.
What are the primary flight controls?
ailerons, elevator, and rudder.
What are the Secondary or auxiliary flight controls
tabs, leading edge flaps, trailing edge
flaps, spoilers, and slats.
what is cruise control means?
optimum airspeed,
altitude, and power setting to maintain the 99 percent maximum specific range condition
Calibrated airspeed is best described as indicated airspeed Corrected for
installation and instrument erros
why Runway slope increases takeoff distance?
power is being used to climb the slope as opposed to accelerate
The maximum speed at which an aircraft may be stalled safely is
“design maneuvering speed” {VA)
What is a Mach Number?
In highspeed
flight and/or high-altitude flight, the measurement of speed is expressed in terms of a “Mach number”
How to calculate the Mach number?
the ratio
of the true airspeed of the aircraft to the speed of sound in the same atmospheric conditions.
-An aircraft traveling at the speed of sound is traveling at Mach _____
-An aircraft traveling at the speed of sound is traveling at Mach 1.0.
What is the sound speed at 15 C at sea level?
661 knots
______ is termed “critical Mach number
Mach 1.0
Exceeding critical Mach may result in the onset of compressibility effects such as
by buffet and aircraft control difficulties can occur.
Accelera ting past crit ical Mach may result in the onset of compressibility effects such as
stability difficulties.
what is point of “drag divergence” when you pass Mach 1.0
At speeds 5- 10 percent above the critical Mach number, compressibility effects begin.
Drag begins to rise sharply.
Associated with the “drag rise” are buffet, trim and stability changes, and a decrease in control surface effectiveness.
What does pitch setting mean?
the propeller blade setting determined by the blade angle specified by the instruction manual for the propeller.
Transonic airflow typically occurs between airspeed regimes of Mach
- 75 to 1.20
Mach numbers below 0.75
Mach numbers from 1.20 to 5.00
Mach numbers above 5.00
What range is normal for civilian jet aircraft
Mach 0.7 to Mach 0.90.
military aircraft flights in what airspeed regimes?
transonic and supersonic