FARs 1 Flashcards
FARS stand for
The Federal Aviation Regulations
Do you need to report if there is a substantial damage to NTSB?
Yes, if it affects the structural strength or flight characteristics
What does NTSB stand for?
National Transportation Safety Board
Any required flight crew member being unable to perform flight duties because of illness
NTSB Part 830 requires immediate notification
an in-flight fire: require NTSB notification?
Yes, Immediate
Fight control system malfunction or failure. NTSB?
NTSB field office be nolified
You are taxiing your aircraft to the hanger and experience a small electrical fire. Do you need to contact the NTSB?
No need
While taxiing on the parking ramp, the landing gear, one wheel ,and two tires are damaged by
striking ground equipment. What action would be required for NTSB
no need
During flight a fire, which was extinguished, burned the insulation from a transceiver wire. What
action required?
An immediate notification by the operator of the aircraft to nearest NTSB office
You are the PIC of an aircraft involved in an accident resulting in substantial damage. You are required to
Notify NTSB Immediately.
The operator of an aircraft has been involved in an incident is required to submit a report to
the nearest field office of the NTSB
Only if required
How many days after an accident is a report required to be filed with the nearest NTSB
field office
Regulations which refer to ‘commercial operators’ relate to that person who
for compensation or hire, engages in the carriage by aircraft in air commerce of persons or
property, other than as an air carrier.
Regulations which refer to “operate· relate to that person
Causes the aircraft to be used or authorizes its use
Regulations which refer to the “operational control” of a flight are in relation to
exercising authority over initiating, conducting, terminating flight
Commercial pilots are required got have a valid and appropriate certificate in their physical possession or readily accessible in the aircraft when
acting as pilot in command
Give examples to aircraft class ratings?
Single-engine land,
multi engine land,
single-engine sea, and multiengine sea
Does a commercial pilot have a specific expiration date?
A second-class medical certificate issued to commercial pilot on April 10, this year, permits the pilot to exercise which of the following privileges?
Commercial pilot privileges through April 30 next year
When is the pilot in command required to hold a category and class rating appropriate to the aircraft being flown?
On flights when ca,rrylng another person.
If a pilot does not meet the recency of experience requirements for night flying and official sunset is 1800 CST, the latest time passengers should be carried is
18 59CST.
Prior to carrying passengers at night, the pilot in command must have accomplished the
required take offs and landings in
the same category, class ,and type of aircraft (if a type rating is required).
To act as pilot in command of an aircraft operated under 14 CFR pan 91, a commercial pilot do a flight review in
24 calendar month
You just accepted out-of-state employment that will require you to change your address. How
long do you have the notify FAA?
30 days
To act as pilot in comma rid of an airplane towing a glider, the tow pilot is required to have
Log book endorsement with ground and flight training
To act as pilot in command of an airplane towing a glider, a pilot must have accomplished,
within the preceding 12 months, at least
three actual or simulated glider tows while accompanied by a qualified tow pilot
What limitation is imposed on a newly certificated commercial pilot - airplane, if that person
doen’t not hold an instrument rating? The carriage of passengers
for hire nigh and for hire X country more than 50 NM.
You are PIC of a flight that had to deviate from a rule. According to 14 CFR part 91, you must
send a written report if requested by the Administrator.
Who is responsible for determining if an aircraft is in condition for safe flight?
which document is required by regulation to be
available in the aircraft?
AFM (Airplane Flight Manual)
may not allow any object to be dropped from that aircraft in flight
if it creates a hazard to persons and property.
Preflight briefing, a weather briefing is required for
any flight not in the vicinity of an airport
before beginning any flight under IFR, the pilot in command must become familiar with all
available information concerning that flight. ln addition, the pilot must
Runway lengths,
Alternative airports,
Weather reports
fuel requirements
Required Hight crewmembers’ safety belts must be fastened
while the crew-members are at their stations
Each required flight crew member is required to keep his or her shoulder harness fastened
During takeoff/landing, unless he or she unable to perform required duties.
Safety belts is required during movement not he surface take offs and landings for
each person over 2 year of age on board
Which is required to operate an aircraft towing an advertising banner?
A certificate of waiver issued by the Administrator.
Portable electronic devices which may cause interference with the navigation or communication system may not be operated on a U.S.- registered civil aircraft being flown
in air carrier for operations
Portable electronic devices which may cause interference with the navigation of
communication system may not be operated on U.S.•registered civil aircraft being operated
under IFR
Alternate airport is required, IFR, fuel Requirement
to destination + Alternate + 45