FARS 2 Flashcards
supplemental oxygen must be used by the required
minimum flightcrew ft that time exceeding 30 minutes while at cabin pressure altitudes of
12,500 feet MSL up to and including 14,000 feet MSL.
You are conducting a flight with passengers above 15,000 feet MSL What are the oxygen requirements?
Crew must use and passengers must be provided supplemental oxygen at or above this altitude.
Which is required equipment during VFR night fl ights?
Anti collision light system.
Which is required equipment during VFR night flights?
An electric landing light, if the flight is for hire.
Approved flotation gear, readily available to each occupant, is required on each aircraft if it is being flown for hire overwater
Beyond power-off gliding distance from shore
The maximum cumulative time that an emergency locator transmitter may be operated before there chargeable battery must be recharged ls
60 mins
Prior to carrying passengers at night, the pilot in command must have accomplished the
required takeoffs and landings in
the same category, class, or type of air craft (if a type rating is required).
Which is true with respect to formation flights? Formation flights are
not authorized when carrying passengers for hire
Which is true with respect to operating near other aircraft in flight? These flights are
not authorized, when operated so close to another aircraft they can create a collision hazard
Which is true with respect to formation flights? Formation flights are
not authorized, except by arrangement with the pilot in command of each aircraft.
If not equipped with required position lights, an aircraft must terminate flight
at sunset.
If an aircraft is not equipped with an electrical Of anticollision light system, no per-5on may
operate that aircraft
after sun set to sunrise.
Who is primarily responsible for maintaining an aircraft in an airworthy condition?
Owner or operator of the aircraft.
You have been hired by an owner to manage his aircraft In a 14 CFR part 91 operation. The owner has received an Airworthiness Directive in the mail. Who holds the responsibility to
ensure the air craft is in compliance with the AD?
The owner or operator of the aircraft.
After an annual Inspection has been completed and the aircraft has been returned to service,
an appropriate notation should be made
in the aircraft maintenance records
A standard airworthiness certificate remains In effect as long as the aircraft receives
required maintenance and inspections
Plane is affected be alteration or repair, test flight and approval needs to be given before
with passengers aboard.
Which is correct concerning preventive maintenance, when accomplished by a pilot?
A record of preventive maintenance must be entered in the maintenance records
An aircraft carrying passengers for hire has been on a schedule of inspection every 100 hours of time in service. Under which condition, if any, may that aircraft be operated beyond 100
hours without a new inspection?
The 100 hour limitation may be exceeded by not more than 10 hours if necessary to reach a
place at which the inspection can be done.
Which is true concerning required maintenance inspections?
An annual inspection maybe substituted for a 100-hour inspection
An ATC transponder maintenance
24 Calendar months
Aircraft maintenance records must include the current status of the
life-limited parts of each airframe, angina, propaller, rotor, and applianca
Airworthiness Directives
require compliance or the aircraft is unairworthy.
A new maintenance record being used for an aircraft engine rebuilt by the manufacturer must
include previous
changes as required by Airworthiness Directives.
If an ATC t ransponder installed in an aircraft has not been tested, inspected, and found to
comply with regulations within a specified period, what is the limitation on its use?
lts use is not permitted.
To act n pilot-in-command for an airplane with more than 200 horsepower, a person is
required to
receive and log ground and flight training from an authorized instructor in such an airplane
To serve as pilot in command of an airplane that is certified for more than one pilot
crew-member, and operated under part 91, a per.son must
complete a pilot-in-command proficiency check within the preceding 12 calendar months in an
airplane that is type certified for more than one pilot
To serve as second in command of an airplane that is certificated for more than one pilot
crew member, and operated under part 91, a person must
within the last 12 months become familiar with the required information, and perform and log
pilot time in the type of airplane for which privileges are requested.
What person is directly responsible for the final authority as to the operation of the airplane?
Pilot in command.
NO person may operate an aircraft in simulated instrument flight conditions unless the
other control seat is occupied by a safety pilot who holds at least a private pilot certificate and is appropriately rated