FARS 4 Flashcards
25 takeoffs and landings int he last 45 days in a multi engine airplane. what is your currency to carry passengers?
Multi engine only
narcotic conviction. ground for
grounds to revoke an airman certificate
You are giving sight seeing flights for a charitable organization at an airshow. What
authorization is required
No authorization is required but you nee to notify local FSDO
Flight Standards District Office
shoulder harness is broken
no passengers or crew occupy the seat
you are PIC, a passenger shows up drunk or intoxicated. Next step.
don’t allow the passenger to board the aircraft.
Public event, and drop candy. Can you?
Yes, It you determine it does not pose hazard to persons or property.
You are flying a VFR cross-country to an airport in Class C airspace, and ATC informs you that your transponder appears to be inoperative. Can you continue your flight and land at your
Yes you may proceed to your destination airport.
What information is required to be entered Into an aircraft maintenance record after the aircraft
is returned to service following annual inspection?
The maintainer’s certification number and signature.
X country and passenger wants to use electronic device. Can he?
Yes, if you determine it will not interfere with the communication and navigation systems
You are planning an lFR flight, and one of your passengers has a heart pacemaker. Is this
passenger allowed to fly in the aircraft?
Yes, heart pacemakers are allowed.
encounter in-flight a flight control malfunction. You should
report immediately to the NTSB.
he pilot acting as SIC becomes incapacitated due to chest pains.
You should
imminediately notify the NTSB.
According to 14 CFR Part 91, what may you find in the maintenance records?
Total tine on the airframe, each engine, each propeller and rotors
What is the f light visibility requirement in Class E airspace above 10 MSL
5 SM
you are the PIC carryirig passengers back from a football game. One appears to be intoxicated.
Can you carry that passenger?
No, you may not carry an intoxicated passenger.
Aircraft engine has been rebuilt by the manufacturer. Can you find operating history?
No, you cannot
Aircraft flight characteristics were altered. TO carry passengers, what do you need to do?
An operational check by an appropriately rated pilot.
Questions 11 —-1309
When flying during night VFR conditions, your aircraft must have approved ______ lightings e
position lights.
What flight time must a commercial pilot record when exercising the privilege of their pilot certificate?
Only the flight time and experience that shows the pilot meets the aeronautical experience to act as a pilot
Can ii pilot who holds a corrrnerciill p~ot certificate with airplane multlengine land category and class serve as second-ii-comrrnmd of ii multiengine turbojet airplane operated under 14 CFR part91?
No, a type ra1ilg for !he specific Airplane is required.
You are PIC of an aircraft that experiences an electrical fire in-flight. You are required to do
which of the following?
Notify the NTSB immediately.
Where can you find LAHSO information?
Chart Supplement