FARS 3 Flashcards
influence of alcohol, or using drugs that affect the person’s faculties is ground for
Denial of application for an FAA certificate, rating or authorization
If the minimum safe speed for any particular operation is greater than the maximum speed prescribed in 14 CFR part 91, the
aircraft may be operated at that speed
You just received your commercial pilot certificate and plan to act as PIC for compensation.
You may do so provided you
are qualified in accordance with 14 CFR part 61 and the applicable parts.
Commercial pilot certificate qualifies to carry passengers for compensation or hire if that person
is qualified in 14 CFR part 61 and with the applicable parts that apply to the operation.
commercial certificate and have never flown a tailwheel aircraft
before. To act as PIC of a tailwind aircraft, you must must receive
receive ground and flight training from an instructor and receive and endorsement.
Pilots are required to have the anti-collision light system operating
during all types of operations, both day and night
What period of time must a person be hospitalized before an injury may be defined by the
NTSB as a “serious injury”?
48hours, commencing within 7 days after date of injury.
8 hours passed but still alcohol level is higher than 0.4.
Wait until below 0.4 or no under influence
A pilot-in-command may accept, ‘land and hold short’ (LAHSO) clearance provided he or she
determines that the aircraft can safety land and stop within the
available landing distance
You are taking a 173 nautical mile night VFR cross country flight. Which of the following actions must the pilot in command take?
Verify the airworthiness cenificate is legible to passengers.
A pilot in command has the fioal authority to accept or decline ‘land and hold
short’ (LAHSO)clearance
As part of their preflight planning, pilots should determine if their destination airport has
You are doing a post-flight inspection fly from your home base and come across a
discrepancy. Who is responsible for maintaining the airworthiness of the aircraft by having the
defect corrected?
The owner or operator.
Once a pilot-in-command accepts a ‘land and hold short’ (LAHSO) clearance, the clearance most be adhered to, just as any other ATC clearance, unless
an amended clearance is obtained or an emergency occurs
LAHSO operations, pilots should have,
chart supplement
A pilot convicted of a motor vehicle offense involving alcohol or drugs is required to provide a
written report to the
FAA Civil Aviation Security Division (AMC-700) within 60 days of the conviction
Who has the final authority to accept or decline any “land and hold short” (LAHSO) clearance?
What are the minimum weather conditions in which you can expect to receive a
lAHSO clearance?
3 statute miles visibility and 1,000 ft ceiling.
What type of operation, not regulated by 14 CFR part 119, may a commercial pilot act as pilot in commend and receive compensation for a service?
nonstop flights within a 25 SM radius of an airport to carry person for intentional parachute jump
What regulations are in the Terms and Conditions of a standard airworthiness certificate?
Parts 21, 43, and 91
Can an aircraft be operated after it is sold with an aircraft dealer’s registration?
No, the new owner must register the aircraft before flying it
To conduct ‘Land and hold short’ (LAHSO) operations, pilots should have, readi ly available,
the runway slope and LAHSO information for each airport of intended landing,
You are on a VFR flight arid your route takes you through an active restrk:ted area. You must
obtain prior approval from the controlling agency.
dealer’s aircraft registration certificate is another form of aircraft registration, but it is only for
flight test so, by the manufacturers and light necessary for the sale of the aircraft.
in your preflight planning , you must identify an alternate airport for
any flight not in the vicinity of an airport.
New certified commercial pilot has decided to create a small business flying Christmas light tours during the season. The tours will fly over the city at night. what certification are required?
Apply for a certificate from a FSDO
transponder intermittent and portion of the flight is in Class bravo, can you continue?
No, transponder is considered inoperative
PIC carrying passenger at night,
complete 3 takeotfs and 3 landings to a full stop in tlhe same category and class aircraft at night
PIC in an airplane with more than 200 horsepower. what do you need?
training and a logbook
endorsement from an appropriately rated instructor pilot to acting as PIC?
LAHSO, but don’t know the landing distance. Quickly determine it?
Ask controller
According to 14 CFR part 61, what is required for a person to serve as PIC in a turbojet-powered airplane?
A PIC proficiency check within the past 12 months.