Ielts-9 Flashcards
v. untangle, free, release
ex·tri·cate /ˈekstrɪkeɪt/ v [T]
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: Latin; Origin: , past participle of extricare, from tricae ‘small difficulties’]
to escape from a difficult or embarrassing situation, or to help someone escape
extricate yourself/sb from sth
How was he going to extricate himself from this situation?
to remove someone from a place in which they are trapped
extricate sb/yourself from sth
Firemen had to extricate the driver from the wreckage.
رها کردن ، خلاصی بخشیدن ، آزاد کردن .
v. serbest bırakmak, salıvermek, çıkarmak, kurtarmak, zor durumdan çıkarmak, açığa çıkarmak [kim.], ayrıştırmak
v. dégager, délivrer
e: he saw the self and the social world as inextricably bound together
n. pat, tap; little bit, drop; expert (Slang); type of fish
v. touch lightly; spread lightly; apply small amounts
dab1 /dæb/ n [C]
[Date: 1200-1300; Origin: From the sound of hitting something]
a small amount of something that you put onto a surface
dab of
a dab of butter
a light touch with your hand, a cloth etc
She wiped her tears away with a dab of her handkerchief.
be a dab hand at/with sth
BrE informal to be very good at a particular activity
a small flat fish
dabs [plural] BrE old-fashioned your fingerprints dab 2
dab2 v past tense and past participle dabbed present participle dabbing
[I and T]
to touch something lightly several times, usually with something such as a cloth
She dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief.
dab at
He dabbed at his bleeding lip.
to put a substance onto something with quick light movements of your hand
dab sth on/onto etc sth
She hastily dabbed some cream on her face.
تر کردن ، کهنه را نم زدن ، با چیزنرمی کسی رازدن یا نوازش کردن ، اندکی، قطعه ، تکه ، آهسته زدن .
n. hafif vuruş, hafif kompres; usta, uzman, erbap; pisibalığı türünden bir balık; parmak izi
v. hafif hafif vurmak, hafifçe dokunmak, hafifçe sürmek; parmak izi bırakmak; kurulamak, klişe yapmak
n. coup léger, tape; touche, petit morceau, un peu; “spécialiste” (argot); limande (poisson)
v. donner un petit coup, une tape; tapoter; tamponner; étaler
e: they dabbed some red power on the nose of infant to see his reaction
level with
say honestly, speak frankly
level with
Your eyes should be level with the top of the screen.
The curtains aren’t quite level.
b) BrE two sports teams, competitors etc that are level have the same number of points
level with
Before the weekend, Madrid was level with Barcelona.
They finished level , with ten points each.
→ level-pegging
c) having the same value or position as something or someone else
level with
Borrowing rates rose to over 8%, roughly level with those in America.
He cycled along beside her, keeping level.
dire franchement
e: I’m gonna level with you this issue
n. remnant, item that remains from a past era; bones of the dead (especially of a religious martyr); souvenir, memento
rel·ic /ˈrelɪk/ n [C]
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French; Origin: relique, from Latin reliquiae ‘things left behind’, from relinquere; RELINQUISH]
an old object or custom that reminds people of the past or that has lived on from a past time
Roman relics found in a field
relic of
the books and photos, relics of Rob’s university days
Everything in the house seemed old and untouched, like relics of an ancient time.
a part of the body or clothing of a holy person which is kept after their death because it is thought to be holy
اثر، آثار مقدس، عتیقه ، یادگار، باستانی.
n. kalıntı, eski eser, yadigâr, hatıra, kutsal emanet
n. débris, reste; relique (ce qui reste d’un corps saint); vestige; souvenir
e: the conviction that historical relics provide infallible testimony about the past …
adj. liable to fail, liable to err or make a mistake, not foolproof
fal·li·ble /ˈfælɪbəl/ adj formal
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Medieval Latin; Origin: fallibilis, from Latin fallere ‘to deceive’]
able to make mistakes or be wrong
≠ infallible
Humans are fallible.
These surveys are often a rather fallible guide to public opinion.
>fallibility /ˌfælɪˈbɪlɪti/ n [U]
جایز الخطا، اشتباه کننده .
adj. yanılabilir, hatalı olabilir
adj. faillible
v. record, write down (historical or other events); narrate
n. narrative; written down record of events
chron·i·cle1 /ˈkrɔnɪkəl US ˈkrɑː-/ n [C]
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Anglo-French; Origin: cronicle, from Latin chronica, from Greek, from chronikos; CHRONIC]
a written record of a series of events, especially historical events, written in the order in which they happened
chronicle of
He has produced a chronicle of his life during the war years. chronicle 2
chronicle2 v [T]
to describe events in the order in which they happened
His life is chronicled in a new biography published last week.
The book chronicles the events leading up to the war.
شرح وقایع بترتیب تاریخ، تاریخچه .
v. kaydetmek (sırasıyla)
n. kronik, kronolojik yazılmış tarih, günün olayları
v. tenir une chronique
n. chronique, histoire; narration
e; it is now evident that artefacts are as easily altered as chronicles
v. baffle; confuse; complicate
per·plex /pəˈpleks US pər-/ v [T]
[Date: 1500-1600; Origin: perplex ‘perplexed’ (14-17 centuries), from Latin perplexus, from plexus ‘twisted together’]
if something perplexes you, it makes you feel confused and worried because it is difficult to understand
= puzzle
Shea’s symptoms perplexed the doctors.
>perplexing adj
a perplexing problem
بهت زده کردن ، گیج کردن ، سردرگم کردن ، سرگشته کردن .
v. kafa karıştırmak, şaşırtmak, çapraşıklaştırmak
v. compliquer; confondre; embrouiller, troubler
e: The issue of whether long hours of labouring would interfere with children’s growing bodies began to perplex social reformers
drop out
quit school; quit any organized endeavor (race, course, contest, etc.); leave, depart
drop out phr v
to no longer do an activity or belong to a group
The group gets smaller as members move away or drop out.
to leave a school or university before your course has finished
→dropout drop out of
Bill dropped out of college after his first year.
to refuse to take part in ordinary society because you do not agree with its principles
In the 60s, Timothy Leary famously urged kids to ‘Turn on, tune in and drop out.’
ayrılmak, çıkmak, bırakmak, okulu bırakmak
abandonner; partir, dégager, déguerpir
e: children dropped out by the age of 10 or 11
v. reproduce, bear children; create, generate; multiply, proliferate, propagate, breed
pro·cre·ate /ˈprəukrieɪt US ˈprou-/ v [I and T]
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Latin; Origin: , past participle of procreare, from creare; CREATE]
formal to produce children or baby animals
= reproduce
>procreation /ˌprəukriˈeɪʃən US ˌprou-/ n [U]
تولید کردن ، زادن .
v. doğurmak, yaratmak, üretmek
v. procréer, engendrer
e: Early marriage and procreation are no longer discouraged there.
adj. polite, well-mannered, civil, gentlemanly, respectful
cour·te·ous /ˈkəːtiəs US ˈkəːr-/ adj
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French; Origin: corteis, from court; COURT1]
polite and showing respect for other people
≠ discourteous
The staff are always courteous and helpful.
a courteous reply
با ادب، مودب، فروتن ، مودبانه .
adj. kibar, nazik, ince, saygılı
adj. courtois, poli, aimable
e: they may come off as more thoughtful and courteous
n. simpleton; idiot; fool
oaf /əuf US ouf/ n [C]
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: Old Norse; Origin: alfr ‘elf’]
someone who is stupid or awkward, especially a man
>oafish adj
بچه ای که پریان بجای بچه حقیقی بگذارند، بچه ناقص الخلقه ، ساده لوح.
n. sakar, beceriksiz, sersem, hödük
n. rustre, idiot; lourdaud, simplet
e: function more like considerate colleagues instead of egocentric oafs
n. relative highness or lowness of a sound; tar, asphalt; throw, toss; slant, inclination; place of business; number of characters in an inch (Computers)
v. establish, erect; throw, toss; cover with tar, spread with tar
pitch1 W3 /pɪtʃ/ n
1【sports field】
2【strong feelings/activity】
6【black substance】
[Sense: 1-5, 7-9; Date: 1400-1500; Origin: PITCH2]
[Sense: 6; Origin: Old English pic, from Latin pix]
a marked out area of ground on which a sport is played
= field
football/cricket/rugby etc pitch
the world-famous Wembley football pitch
He ran the length of the pitch and scored.
on the pitch
(=playing a sport)
Jack was on the pitch for his school in the Senior Cup Final.
a strong level of feeling about something or a high level of an activity or a quality
The controversy reached such a pitch (=become so strong) that the paper devoted a whole page to it.
a pitch of excitement/excellence/perfection etc
(=a high level of excitement etc)
He screamed at her in a pitch of fury.
The goal roused the crowd to fever pitch (=a very excited level) .
a) [singular, U]
how high or low a note or other sound is
Ultrasonic waves are at a higher pitch than the human ear can hear.
b) [U]
the ability of a musician to play or sing a note at exactly the correct level
She’s got perfect pitch .
【PERSUADING】 [C] informal
the things someone says to persuade people to buy something, do something, or accept an idea
an aggressive salesman with a fast-talking sales pitch
make a/sb’s pitch (for sth)
(=try to persuade people to do something)
He made his strongest pitch yet for standardized testing in schools.
a throw of the ball, or a way in which it can be thrown
His first pitch was high and wide.
a black, sticky substance that is used on roofs, the bottoms of ships etc to stop water coming through
The night was as black as pitch (=very dark) .
→ pitch-black, pitch-dark
an up and down movement of a ship or an aircraft
the pitch and roll of the ship
【SLOPE】 [singular, U]
the degree to which a roof slopes or the sloping part of a roof
the steep pitch of the roof
a place in a public area where someone who sells things to people goes to sell things or where an entertainer goes to sell things or perform
We found the boy at his usual pitch at the bottom of the Acropolis.
→queer sb’s pitch/queer the pitch for sb at queer 3 pitch 2
pitch2 v
2【ball games】
5【set a level】
6【aim product】
7【business deals】
9 pitch a tent/pitch camp
11 pitch somebody a line
Phrasal verbs
pitch in
pitch into somebody/something
pitch up
[Date: 1100-1200; Origin: Origin unknown]
【THROW】 [T always + adverb/preposition]
to throw something with a lot of force, often aiming carefully
She crumpled up the page and pitched it into the fire.
a) [I and T]
to aim and throw a ball in baseball
pitch to
Stanton pitched to two batters in the ninth inning.
b) [I]
if a ball pitches in cricket or golf, it hits the ground
c) [T]
to hit the ball in a high curve in golf
d) [T]
to make the ball hit the ground when you are bowling in cricket
【FALL】 [I,T always + adverb/preposition]
to fall or be moved suddenly in a particular direction, or to make someone or something do this
pitch (sb/sth) forward/backward/over etc
She slipped and pitched forward onto the ground.
pitch sb/sth into/onto/through etc sth
Without a seatbelt, you can easily be pitched right through the windscreen.
if a ship or an aircraft pitches, it moves up and down in an uncontrolled way with the movement of the water or air
→ roll 2 (4), yaw
【SET A LEVEL】 [T usually passive]
a) to set a speech, examination, explanation etc at a particular level of difficulty
pitch sth at a high level/the right level etc
The projects were pitched at a number of different levels.
Some questions were pitched too high for intermediate students.
b) BrE to set prices at a particular level
pitch sth at sth
Room rates are pitched at £69 for a single.
【AIM PRODUCT】 [T usually passive]
to aim a product at a particular type of organization, group of people etc, or to describe it in a particular way, in order to sell it
pitch sth at sb/sth
The new machine will be pitched at users in the hotel and air reservation business.
pitch sth as sth
It is pitched as a cheaper alternative to other workstations.
【BUSINESS DEALS】 [I and T] informal
to try to persuade someone to do business with you, buy something etc
pitch for business/contracts/custom etc
Booksellers are keen to pitch for school business.
pitch to
For many companies, pitching to investors has become almost a full-time job.
sales reps pitching new gadgets
【VOICE/MUSIC】 [T always + adverb/preposition]
if you pitch your voice or another sound at a particular level, the sound is produced at that level
pitch sth high/low etc
Her voice is pitched a little too high.
→ high-pitched, low-pitched
pitch a tent/pitch camp
to set up a tent or a camp for a short time
Try and pitch your tent on level ground.
【SLOPE】 [I always + adverb/preposition]
to slope down
pitch gently/steeply etc
The roof pitches sharply to the rear of the house.
→ pitched
pitch sb a line
AmE informal to tell someone a story or give them an excuse that is difficult to believe
She pitched me some line about a bomb scare on the metro.
pitch in phr v
to join others and help with an activity
If we all pitch in, we’ll have it finished in no time.
pitch in with
Everyone pitched in with efforts to entertain the children.
to join others and pay part of the money towards something
They all pitched in and the money was collected within a few days.
BrE to start to eat hungrily
Pitch in - there’s plenty.
pitch into / [pitch into sb/sth] phr v
to suddenly start criticizing someone or hitting them
She pitched into me as soon as I started to speak.
to start doing something, especially quickly and eagerly
Rick pitched into decorating the house at once.
pitch up phr v
to arrive somewhere
= turn up
Wait a bit longer - Bill hasn’t pitched up yet.
قیر، پرتاب، ضربت باچوگان ، نصب، استقرار، اوجپرواز، اوج، سرازیری، جای شیب، پلکان ، دانگ صدا، زیروبمی صدا، استوارکردن ، خیمه زدن ، برپاکردن ، نصب کردن ، (دربیسبال)توپ رابه طرف چوگان زن پرتاب کردن ، توپ را زدن .گام، درجه ، پرتاب کردن .
n. zift, derece, aşama, basamak, perde (ses), vida adımı, eğim, yokuş (uçak), testere dişi, alan, saha, tezgâh, işportacı tezgâhı, göz boyama
v. ziftlemek, zift kaplamak, atmak, çakmak, kurmak, yerleştirmek, yüklemek, akort etmek, perdesini ayarlamak (ses), taş döşemek (yol), sunmak (mal), düşmek, yalpalamak, sendelemek, eğimli olmak, kur yapmak, sokaklarda satmak
n. hauteur de son, ton, comble; degré, degré de pente ; lieu d’affaires; pas (navigation, aviation); lancement; écartement; espacement, nombre de caractères par pouce (informatique)
v. lancer; dresser; paver, empierrer une chaussée
e: Louise really pitched in when we were eating dinner
n. difference, inconsistency; disagreement, lack of accord
di·screp·an·cy /dɪˈskrepənsi/ n plural discrepancies [U and C]
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Latin; Origin: discrepare ‘to make unpleasant sounds that do not go together’]
a difference between two amounts, details, reports etc that should be the same
discrepancy in
Police found discrepancies in the two men’s reports.
discrepancy between
There is a large discrepancy between the ideal image of motherhood and the reality.
اختلاف.اختلاف، تفاوت، مورداختلاف. مغایرت
n. çelişki, uyuşmazlık, farklılık, aykırılık, tutarsızlık
n. désaccord, écart
e: discrepancy in bank accounts
n. equipment, tools; miscellaneous objects
par·a·pher·na·li·a /ˌpærəfəˈneɪliə US -fər-/ n [U]
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: Medieval Latin; Origin: Greek parapherna ‘things brought to a marriage by a woman apart from the agreed amount of money’, from pherne ‘dowry’]
a lot of small things that belong to someone, or are needed for a particular activity
an electric kettle and all the paraphernalia for making tea and coffee
travelling paraphernalia
the things and events that are connected with a particular activity, especially those which you think are unnecessary
all the usual paraphernalia of bureaucracy
حق. - مدنی) اموال شخصی زن ، اثاثالبیت، اثاث، اسباب، لوازم، متعلقات، ضمائم، لفافه .
n. özel eşyalar, öteberi, araç gereç
n. effets; affaires
e: explains why we can often stand interruptions from our inconsiderate electronic paraphernalia
n. dowery, money or estate that a woman brings to her groom; bride-price; natural gift, endowment
dow·ry /ˈdauəri US ˈdauri/ n plural dowries [C]
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Anglo-French; Origin: dowarie, from Medieval Latin dotarium, from Latin dos ‘(marriage) gift’]
property and money that a woman gives to her husband when they marry in some societies
جهیز، جهاز، جهیزیه ، (م. م. ) کابین ، مهریه .
n. çeyiz, drahoma; yetenek, allah vergisi
n. dot
v. make turbid, make muddy; annoy, irritate
syn.: boil churn moil rile
آشفته کردن ، مخلوط کردن ، سرگردان شدن ، دنبال هم دویدن ، با جیغ و داد و بازیکردن .
f. bulandırmak; sinirlendirmek, öfkelendirmek. roil’y s bulanık, çamurlu.
v. souiller, ternir; irriter, ennuyer; fâcher
e; When these roiling tempests strike densely inhabited territories
adj. excellent, well made; sharp, intense; delicate, dainty
ex·qui·site /ɪkˈskwɪzɪt, ˈekskwɪ-/ adj
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Latin; Origin: exquisitus, past participle of exquirere ‘to search out’, from quaerere ‘to look for’]
extremely beautiful and very delicately made
the most exquisite craftsmanship
very sensitive and delicate in the way you behave or do things
She has exquisite taste in art.
literary exquisite pain or pleasure is felt very strongly
>exquisitely adv
>exquisiteness n [U]
نفیس، بدیع، عالی، دلپسند، مطبوع، حساس، دقیق، شدید، سخت.
adj. nazik, kibar, nefis, hassas, keskin, şiddetli, aşırı
adj. exquis, excellent; piquant, vif; sensible, délicat, subtil
e; I was admiring the exquisite workmanship in the mosaic
adj. pedantic, cautious concerning minute details; scrupulous
me·tic·u·lous /mɪˈtɪkjʊləs/ adj
[Date: 1800-1900; Language: Latin; Origin: meticulosus ‘afraid’, from metus ‘fear’]
very careful about small details, and always making sure that everything is done correctly
He kept meticulous accounts.
Their planning and preparation were meticulous.
He cleaned the tools with meticulous care.
The book describes his journey in meticulous detail.
meticulous in
He was meticulous in his use of words.
meticulous about
He has always been so meticulous about his appearance.
>meticulously adv
The attack was meticulously planned and executed.
باریک بین ، خیلی دقیق، وسواسی، ترسو، کمرو.
adj. titiz, çok dikkatli, kılı kırk yaran
adj. méticuleux; sévère, pédant, strict
e; that was just my meticulousness
n. insect; bacteria, virus; programming error which causes a malfunction (Computers); secret listening device
v. plant a microphone; annoy, bother, irritate
bug1 /bʌg/ n [C]
[Date: 1600-1700; Origin: Perhaps from bug ‘evil spirit, scarecrow’ (14-18 centuries)]
informal an illness that people catch very easily from each other but is not very serious
catch/pick up/get a bug
I picked up a bug last weekend.
There’s a nasty bug going round (=which a lot of people have caught) .
tummy/stomach bug
(=illness affecting your stomach)
He’s off work with a stomach bug.
a 24-hour flu bug
especially AmE a small insect
a fault in the system of instructions that operates a computer
a bug in the software
→ debug
a small piece of electronic equipment for listening secretly to other people’s conversations
informal a sudden strong interest in doing something
the travel/sailing etc bug
She’s got the travel bug.
I had one flying lesson and immediately caught the bug (=became very interested in flying) . bug 2
bug2 past tense and past participle bugged present participle bugging
v [T]
informal to annoy someone
It just bugs me that I have to work so many extra hours for no extra money.
The baby’s crying is really bugging him.
to put a bug (=small piece of electronic equipment) somewhere secretly in order to listen to conversations
Do you think the room is bugged?
AmE informal
a Beetle (=type of small Volkswagen car)
اشکال، گیر.حشره ، ساس، جوجو، بطور پنهانی درمحلی میکروفون نصب کردن .
n. tahtakurusu, böcek; tutku, merak, meraklı, tutkun, delilik; gizli mikrofon, dinleme cihazı
v. dinleme cihazı yerleştirmek; can sıkmak, kızdırmak
n. punaise; insecte; bactérie, virus, microbe; erreur, anomalie, mauvais fonctionnement; bogue, erreur de programmation, erreur dans la rédaction d’un logiciel entraînant des pannes de fonctionnement (Informatique); micro clandestin
v. placer des micros d’écoute; camoufler des micros cachés dans une pièce; brancher un téléphone sur table d’écoute; intercepter une conversation; ennuyer, énerver, emmerder, casser les pieds, irriter
e: did u bug my house?
n. calmness, seriousness; temperance, abstention or moderation in the consumption of alcoholic beverages
so·bri·e·ty /səˈbraɪəti/ n [U] formal
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Old French; Origin: sobrieté, from Latin sobrietas, from sobrius; SOBER1]
when someone is not drunk
John had periods of sobriety, but always went back to drinking.
behaviour that shows a serious attitude to life
هشیاری ( در برابر مستی )، متانت، اعتدال، دوران ترک اعتیاد.
n. ağırbaşlık, itidal
n. sobriété; lucidité de l’esprit
e: John had periods of sobriety, but always went back to drinking.
n. cheap cloth made from recycled wool; clothing of inferior quality; phony item, something that is cheap
adj. cheap, inferior, of poor quality; phony, imitative, fake
shod·dy /ˈʃɔdi US ˈʃɑːdi/ adj
[Date: 1800-1900; Origin: shoddy ‘cloth made from reused wool’ (19-20 centuries)]
made or done cheaply or carelessly
shoddy goods/service/workmanship etc
We’re not paying good money for shoddy goods.
unfair and dishonest
shoddy journalism
>shoddily adv
>shoddiness n [U]
پارچه پست، پست، بدساخت، جازده ، جنس بنجل، کالای تقلبی.
n. sökülerek yeniden örülmüş yün, ip söküğü, çaput, artık, kumaş artığı, değersiz şey, züppelik, bayağılık
adj. artık iplerle örülmüş, çaputlardan yapılmış, artık kumaşlardan yapılmış, bayağı, adi, sahte, kalitesiz, değersiz, kibarlık taslayan
n. drap de laine d’effilochage, tissu de récupération; médiocrité; de pacotille
adj. de mauvaise qualité, pas chers, imité
e: this very shoddy work , I don’t pay for it
n. agricultural tool comprised of a long curved blade attached to a long handle (used for cutting and harvesting)
v. cut or harvest with a scythe
scythe1 /saɪð/ n [C]
[Language: Old English; Origin: sithe]
a farming tool that has a long curved blade attached to a long wooden handle, and is used to cut grain or long grass scythe 2
scythe2 v
[I and T]
to move through or destroy something quickly and violently
Bullets scythed through the crowd.
to cut with a scythe
داس، با داس بردن ، درو کردن .
n. tırpan
v. tırpanla biçmek, tırpanlamak, biçmek
n. faux
v. faucher
e; they drew a scythe outside his house for threatening
n. rod; latch, bolt; partition; barrier; pub, tavern; counter; restriction; examination to enter the organization which authorizes lawyers and oversees the law profession; lawyers collectively
v. lock, barricade
prep. with the exception of
bar1 W1S1 /bɑː US bɑːr/ n [C]
1【place to drink in】
2【place to buy drink】
3 a wine/coffee/snack etc bar
4 a breakfast bar
5【block shape】
6【piece of metal/wood】
7 behind bars
9 bar to (doing) something
10 the bar
11 be called to the bar
14【pile of sand/stones】
[Date: 1100-1200; Language: Old French; Origin: barre]
a) a place where alcoholic drinks are served
The hotel has a licensed bar .
a cocktail bar
b) BrE one of the rooms inside a pub
The public bar was crowded.
a counter where alcoholic drinks are served
They stood at the bar.
a wine/coffee/snack etc bar
a place where a particular kind of food or drink is served
a breakfast bar
BrE a place in your kitchen at home where you eat breakfast or a quick meal
a small block of solid material that is longer than it is wide
a chocolate bar
a candy bar
bar of
a bar of soap
a length of metal or wood put across a door, window etc to keep it shut or to prevent people going in or out
houses with bars across the windows
behind bars informal
in prison
Her killer was finally put behind bars .
a group of notes and rests, separated from other groups by vertical lines, into which a line of written music is divided
a few bars of the song
bar to (doing) sth
written something that prevents you from achieving something that you want
I could see no bar to our happiness.
the bar
a) BrE the group of people who are barristers
b) AmE an organization consisting of lawyers
be called to the bar
a) BrE to become a barrister
b) AmE to become a lawyer
a long narrow shape along the sides or at the top of a computer screen, usually containing signs that you can click on
the main menu bar at the top of the screen
the toolbar
→ scroll bar
the long piece of wood or metal across the top of the goal in sports such as football
The ball sailed over the goalkeeper’s head, only to hit the bar.
a long pile of sand or stones under the water at the entrance to a harbour
a narrow band of colour or light
a narrow band of metal or cloth worn on a military uniform to show rank
BrE the part of an electric heater that provides heat and has a red light bar 2
bar2 past tense and past participle barred present participle barring
v [T]
to officially prevent someone from entering a place or from doing something
bar sb from (doing) sth
They seized his passport and barred him from leaving the country.
to prevent people from going somewhere by placing something in their way
She ran back, but Francis barred her way .
A locked gate barred my entrance to the wood.
also bar up
to shut a door or window using a bar or piece of wood so that people cannot get in or out bar 3
bar3 prep
We had recorded the whole album, bar one track.
bar none
used to emphasize that someone is the best of a particular group
He’s the most talented actor in the country, bar none.
→ barring
میله ، شمش، مانع شدن .میل، میله ، شمش، تیر، نرده حائل، ( مج. ) مانع، جای ویژه زندانی در محکمه ، (باthe)وکالت، دادگاه ، هیئت وکلائ، میکده ، بارمشروب فروشی، ازبین رفتن (ادعا) رد کردن دادخواست، بستن ، مسدودکردن ، بازداشتن ، ممنوع کردن ، بجز، باستنثائ، بنداب.
n. demir çubuk, parmaklık; avukatlar, avukatlık; sürgü, bariyer, engel; kalıp; ışın, bar, meyhane, baro; yargı, levrek, çizgi
v. sürgülemek, hapsetmek, parmaklıkla çevirmek, parmaklık takmak; önünü kesmek, engellemek, menetmek, yasaklamak; katmamak, saymamak, hoşlanmamak; çizgi yapmak
prep. hariç, den başka, saymazsak
n. barre (fer, bois, chocolat); tablette (chocolat); barre (savon; lingot (or); raie (couleur); barrette (médaille); empêchement, obstacle; barre (des jurés); barreau (avocat); bar, café, bistro; mesure (Musique); bar (Météorologie); division, partition
v. fermer, verrouiller; barricader; barrer (une route); défendre, interdire
prep. excepté; sans; à l’exception de
e: he will stay alive, barring acts of God and murders
n. deviant, one who has abnormal qualities, one who has aberrant qualities or behaviors
v. make incorrect, falsify; distort, deliberately misinterpret
syn.: abuse convolute corrupt debase debauch degenerate demoralise demoralize deprave deviant deviate misdirect misuse profane sophisticate subvert twist twist around vitiate /
/per·vert1 /pəˈvəːt US pərˈvəːrt/ v [T]
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French; Origin: pervertir, from Latin pervertere, from vertere ‘to turn’]
to change something in an unnatural and often harmful way
Genetic scientists are often accused of perverting nature.
to influence someone so that they begin to think or behave in an immoral way
= corrupt
TV violence perverts the minds of young children.
pervert the course of justice
law to deliberately prevent a fair examination of the facts about a crime pervert 2
per·vert2 /ˈpəːvəːt US ˈpəːrvəːrt/ n [C]
someone whose sexual behaviour is considered unnatural and unacceptable
منحرف کردن ، از راه راست بدرکردن ، گمراه شدن ، مرتد، بدراه ، منحرف.
n. sapık, din değiştirmiş kimse
v. ayartmak, bozmak, baştan çıkarmak, çarpıtmak
n. perverti
v. pervertir, dépraver; détourner; dénaturer
e: what the hell are you doing there, are you some kind of pervert ?!
n. maneuver, tactic; trick, plot, scheme
syn.: gambit stratagemploy /plɔɪ/ n [C]
[Date: 1600-1700; Origin: Probably from employ]
a clever and dishonest way of tricking someone so that you can get an advantage
His usual ploy is to pretend he’s ill.
ploy to do sth
a smart ploy to win votes
تمحید، عمل، اقدام، کار، امر، ورزش، خوشی، وجد.
n. sefer, girişim, iş, dalavere, hile
n. stratagème
e: This is a ploy to get me cook meth again?
adj. of medium quality, regular, ordinary, neither good nor bad; low-grade, poor
syn.: acceptable adequate average fair medium moderate ordinary passable so-so
ant.: extreme
me·di·o·cre /ˌmiːdiˈəukə US -ˈoukər/ adj
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: French; Origin: Latin mediocris ‘halfway up a mountain’, from medius ‘middle’ + ocris ‘stony mountain’]
not very good
= second rate
I thought the book was pretty mediocre.
a mediocre student
>mediocrity /ˌmiːdiˈɔkrɪti US -ˈɑːk-/ n [U]
حد وسط، متوسط، میانحال، وسط.
adj. sıradan, alelâde, olağan, vasat, orta
adj. médiocre; moyen; ordinaire; de peu de valeur; de qualité secondaire
e; mediocre product
n. owner, proprietor; ownership; property, possession
adj. of a proprietor, of an owner; of property, of a possession; protected by a patent or trade mark
pro·pri·e·ta·ry /prəˈpraɪətəri US -teri/ adj formal
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Late Latin; Origin: proprietarius, from Latin proprietas; PROPERTY]
especially BrE a proprietary product is one that is sold under a trade name
≠ generic
a proprietary brand of insecticide
proprietary software products
relating to who owns something
They have proprietary rights to the data.
He has no proprietary interest in the farm (=he does not own any part of it) .
proprietary behaviour makes it seem that you think you own something or someone
اختصاصی، متعلق به ملاک ، وابسته به مالک .
n. mal sahibi, mal sahipleri, hissedarlar, tescilli ilaç, tescilli mümessil
adj. mal sahipliğine ait, mülkiyet ile ilgili, şahsi, özel, kişiye özel, tescilli, müseccel
n. droit de propriété, propriété; propriétaire
adj. relatif à la propriété industrielle, selon un brevet; relatif aux droits d’auteur; relatif à une marque déposée; relatif à un propriétaire
e; I have some kind of proprietary on this formula for this product
n. hump; protuberance; thick piece; protrusion; push, thrust; feeling, premonition, intuition, gut feeling
v. push out or up to create a hump, arch in a convex manner; bend down, crouch, stoop down; shove, push
hunch1 /hʌntʃ/ n [C]
if you have a hunch that something is true or will happen, you feel that it is true or will happen
→suspicion have a hunch (that)
I had a hunch that something like this would happen.
sb’s hunch
My hunch is that she’s his mother. hunch 2
hunch2 v
[I always + adverb/preposition]
to bend down and forwards so that your back forms a curve
hunch over
He had to hunch over the steering wheel to see anything.
hunch your shoulders
to raise your shoulders into a rounded shape because you are cold, anxious etc
>hunched adj
a hunched figure sitting by the fire
خم کردن ، بشکل قوز درآوردن ، ( باup یاout) قوز کردن ، تنه زدن ، قوز، گوژ، قلنبه ، فشار با آرنج، کوهان ، ظن ، احساس وقوع امری در آینده .
n. kambur, hörgüç, topak, önsezi, eğilme
v. kamburlaştırmak, çömelmek
n. bosse; crainte; bloc; sensation
v. voûter; arrondir
e: your hunch was right
n. bump; rounded projection (especially on the back of humans or animals); small raised area of land, small hillock
v. bend the back, arch the back upward; ball, engage in sexual intercourse (Vulgar Slang)
hump1 /hʌmp/ n
[Date: 1600-1700; Origin: Perhaps from Dutch homp or Low German humpe]
a large round shape that rises above the surface of something
the hump of a hill
speed/traffic humps
BrE a series of humps in the road, designed to make traffic slow down
a raised part on the back of a camel
a raised part on someone’s back that is caused by an unusually curved spine
be over the hump
to have finished the most difficult part of something
give sb the hump/get the hump
BrE spoken to make someone feel angry or upset, or to feel angry or upset hump 2
hump2 v informal
[T] BrE
to carry something heavy from one place to another with difficulty
= heave, lug lug
→drag hump sth down/along/across etc
I managed to hump the suitcases upstairs.
[I and T] not polite to have sex with someone
قوز، گوژ، کوهان ، برآمدگی گرد، پیاده روی، قوز کردن ، تروشروئی کردن ، رویکول انداختن .
n. kambur, hörgüç, tümsek, tepe, huzursuzluk
v. kamburlaştırmak, sırtında taşımak, sırtına almak, gayret etmek, huzursuz etmek, rahatsız etmek, ilişki kurmak, cinsel ilişkiye girmek
n. bosse
v. courber le dos, arrondir; voûter; baiser (Argot vulgaire), avoir des rapports sexuels
n. tactic in which a piece is sacrificed to gain an advantage (Chess); maneuver by which one seeks to gain an advantage
gam·bit /ˈgæmbɪt/ n [C]
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: Italian; Origin: gambetto ‘act of making someone fall over’, from gamba ‘leg’]
something that you do or say which is intended to give you an advantage in an argument
a clever debating gambit
These questions are often an opening gambit (=the thing you say first) for a negotiation.
a planned series of moves at the beginning of a game of chess
شروع بازی شطرنج، از دست دادن یکی دو پیاده در برابر تحصیل امتیازاتی، بذله ، موضوع بحث.
n. gambit (satranç), ilk söz, hesaplı hareket, hile
n. gambit, manoeuvre (échecs)
e: - that is really a brilliant gambit on my part
adj. guilty, punishable, condemnable, worthy of blame
syn.: blamable faulty guilty
cul·pa·ble /ˈkʌlpəbəl/ adj
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French; Origin: coupable, from Latin culpabilis, from culpare ‘to blame’, from culpa ‘guilt’]
formal deserving blame
Both parties were held to be to some extent culpable.
law a culpable action is one that is considered criminal
culpable homicide/negligence etc
He pleaded guilty to culpable homicide.
>culpably adv
>culpability /ˌkʌlpəˈbɪlɪti/ n [U]
مقصر، مجرم، سزاوار سرزنش، قابل مجازات
adj. suçlu, kabahatli, kusurlu
n. small bed for a baby; feed rack for animals; stall; plagiarism; translation
v. steal; imprison; place in a crib; copy, plagiarize; practice crib-biting (of a horse)
crib1 /krɪb/ n
[Language: Old English; Origin: cribb]
[C] AmE
a bed for a baby or young child, with bars on the side to stop the baby from falling out
British Equivalent: cot
[C] BrE
a bed with high sides for a very young baby, which you can move gently from side to side
= cradle
a wooden frame in which you put food for animals such as cows and horses
[C] BrE
a model of the scene of Jesus’ birth, often placed in churches and homes at Christmas
[C] BrE informal a book or piece of paper with information or answers to questions, which students sometimes use dishonestly in examinations
[C] AmE spoken the place where someone lives
sb’s crib
I’m not at my crib, I’m at Jed’s house.
the card game of cribbage crib 2
crib2 past tense and past participle cribbed present participle cribbing
v [I and T] especially BrE
[Date: 1700-1800; Origin: crib ‘to steal from a basket’ (18-19 centuries), from CRIB1]
to copy school or college work dishonestly from someone else
crib sth off/from sb
He didn’t want anyone to crib the answers from him.
آخور، تختخواب بچه ، دله دزدی، دزدی ادبی، کش رفتن یا دزدیدن .
n. beşik, bebek yatağı, çocuk yatağı; yemlik; ahır, kulübe, ev; kopya; aşırma
v. ahıra tıkmak, ahırı yemlikle donatmak; kopya çekmek; aşırmak; çalmak
n. lit d’enfant; mangeoire, râtelier, huche, armoire; plagiat; vol; traduction
v. copier; voler
e: Mary deposited the baby in the crib
n. authorization, sanction; justification; authority; license to search (a house, etc.); authorization to make an arrest; guarantee; license; voucher; empowerment
v. authorize; justify, entitle; empower; permit; sanction; vouch for, guarantee; pledge
war·rant1 /ˈwɔrənt US ˈwɔː-, ˈwɑː-/ n
[Date: 1100-1200; Language: Old North French; Origin: warant]
a legal document that is signed by a judge, allowing the police to take a particular action
warrant for
The magistrate issued a warrant for his arrest.
→ death warrant, search warrant
an official document giving someone the right to do something, for example buy shares in a company
The company issued warrants for 300,000 shares of Common Stock.
formal no warrant for (doing) sth
no good reason for doing something
There is no warrant for copying other people’s work.
→ unwarranted warrant 2
warrant2 v [T]
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old North French; Origin: warantir, from warant; WARRANT1]
to need or deserve
This tiny crowd does not warrant such a large police presence.
warrant attention/consideration etc
Another area that warrants attention is that of funding for universities.
to promise that something is true
warrant that
The Author hereby warrants that the Publisher is the owner of the copyright.
I’ll warrant (you)
old-fashioned used to tell someone that you are sure about something
warrant (that)
I’ll warrant we won’t see him again.
سند عندالمطالبه ، گواهی کردن ، تضمین کردن ، گواهی، حکم.
n. garanti, teminât, vekâletname, yetki belgesi, hak, yetki, ruhsat, izin belgesi, tayin emri, haklı neden
v. yetki vermek, mazur göstermek, izin vermek, ruhsat vermek, garanti etmek, temin etmek, kefil olmak
n. garantie; autorisation; justification; mandat de perquisition; mandat d’arrêt; autorité, pouvoir; certificat; ordonnance, paiement; garantie, gage; procuration
v. garantir, certifier; répondre de quelque chose; confirmer; justifier; promettre
e; ok u want a warrant to enter this parking lot?
n. animal foot
v. touch, feel; scratch, strike; fondle, caress (Slang)
PAW (parents are watching) [pɔː]
be careful about what you type because my parents are looking at the computer screen (Internet Slang)
paw1 /pɔː US pɔː/ n [C]
fur, paw, claw
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French; Origin: poue]
an animal’s foot that has nails or claws
a lion’s paw
informal someone’s hand - used when you are annoyed or angry
Keep your filthy paws off me! paw 2
paw2 v [I and T]
if an animal paws a surface, it touches or rubs one place several times with its paw
paw at
The dog’s pawing at the door again - let him out.
His horse pawed the ground.
informal to feel or touch someone in a rough or sexual way that is offensive
He’d had too much to drink and started pawing me.
پنجه ، پا، چنگال، دست، پنجه زدن .
n. pati, pençe, çirkin el yazısı
v. yeri eşelemek (at), pençe atmak, ellemek (kabaca)
n. main; patte; plante du pied (d’un animal)
v. tripoter (argot), griffer; donner un coup de patte
e: snatching the fish with their mighty paws
n. offspring, descendants; future generations
pos·ter·i·ty /pɔˈsterɪti US pɑː-/ n [U] formal
all the people in the future who will be alive after you are dead
preserve/record/keep etc sth for posterity
a priceless work of art that must be kept for posterity
اولاد، اعقاب، زادگان ، اخلاف، آیندگان .
n. gelecek kuşaklar, soy, nesil
n. descendants; la prochaine génération
e: it is our resposibility to presrve them for posterity
adj. faultless, perfect; free from sin, pure
im·pec·ca·ble /ɪmˈpekəbəl/ adj
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Latin; Origin: impeccabilis, from peccare ‘to do bad things’]
without any faults and impossible to criticize
= perfect
She has taught her children impeccable manners .
a bar with impeccable service
>impeccably adv
impeccably dressed
بی عیب و نقص.
adj. kusursuz, hatasız, günahsız, şüphe edilmeyen
adj. impeccable, sans défaut; pur; parfait
e: the quality of the product maybe impeccable
v. seize quickly and stealthily; arrest; grab; steal (Informal)
nab /næb/ v past tense and past participle nabbed present participle nabbing [T] informal
[Date: 1600-1700; Origin: Perhaps from nap ‘to seize’ (17-19 centuries), from a Scandinavian language]
to catch or arrest someone who is doing something wrong
The police nabbed him for speeding.
to get something or someone quickly, especially before anyone else can get them
See if you can nab a seat.
قاپیدن ، دستگیر کردن ، توقیف.
v. kapmak, yakalamak
v. épingler (un malfaiteur), arrêter; chiper subitement, voler
e: Police will nab me if I do this
n. journey, difficult journey; hike with knapsacks that lasts a few days
v. journey, make a difficult or long journey, migrate
trek1 /trek/ n [C]
a long and difficult journey, made especially on foot as an adventure
= hike
a lonely trek through the forest
informal a distance that seems long when you walk it
I’m afraid it’s a bit of a trek to the station. trek 2
trek2 past tense and past participle trekked present participle trekking
v [I always + adverb/preposition]
[Date: 1800-1900; Language: Afrikaans; Origin: Middle Dutch trecken ‘to pull, haul, move to new land’]
informal to make a long and difficult journey, especially on foot
= hike trek up/down etc
The elevator was broken, so we had to trek up six flights of stairs.
to walk a long way, especially in the mountains, as an adventure
= hike trek in/across etc
For five days he trekked across the mountains of central China.
سفر، کوچ مسافرت باگاری، بازحمت حرکت کردن ، باسختی وآهستگی مسافرت کردن .
n. kağnı ile gitme, göç (zorlu)
v. kağnı ile gitmek, öküz arabası ile göç etmek, göçmek
n. voyage, expédition, long voyage, randonnée; excursion de plusieurs jours
v. faire une randonnée; faire un voyage long et pénible
e; lawyer who joked that his annual treks to the mountain had earned him the right to have it named after him, mount Rushmond
n. argument, reasoning; grounds for an action
ra·tio·nale /ˌræʃəˈnɑːl US -ˈnæl/ n [C usually singular]
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: Modern Latin; Origin: Latin rationalis; RATIONAL]
formal the reasons for a decision, belief etc
rationale behind/for/of
The rationale behind the changes is not at all evident.
The rationale for using this teaching method is to encourage student confidence.
توضیح اصول عقاید، اس اساس، بنیاد و پایه .
n. mantık, mantıklı açıklama, gerekçe
n. argument, raison, motif
e; the rationale being to make significant financial savings on lower international labour rates
n. (Anthropology) characteristic nature of a people or community or era; natural disposition of a people or community
e·thos /ˈiːθɔs US ˈiːθɑːs/ n [singular]
[Date: 1800-1900; Language: Greek; Origin: ‘custom, character’]
the set of ideas and moral attitudes that are typical of a particular group
a community in which people lived according to an ethos of sharing and caring
عادات ورسوم قومی، صفات وشخصیت انسان
n. kültürel yapı, ahlâki yapı, kültür, ahlâki değer
n. systèmes de valeurs
e: a grading system has been developed that encourages an ethos of hard work and recognises accomplishment
n. daring feat, exploit, act requiring great strength or skill; something that is done to attract attention
v. perform a stunt; impede the growth or development of, dwarf, retard
stunt1 /stʌnt/ n [C]
[Date: 1800-1900; Origin: Perhaps from stump ‘something risky which someone has persuaded you to do’]
a dangerous action that is done to entertain people, especially in a film
Not many actors do their own stunts .
a stunt flying show
something that is done to attract people’s attention, especially in advertising or politics
Todd flew over the city in a hot air balloon as a publicity stunt .
pull a stunt
to do something that is silly or that is slightly dangerous
Next time you pull a stunt like that don’t expect me to get you out of trouble. stunt 2
stunt2 v [T]
[Date: 1600-1700; Origin: stunt ‘rude, stunted’ (16-19 centuries), probably from a Scandinavian language]
to stop something or someone from growing to their full size or developing properly
Lack of sunlight will stunt the plant’s growth.
از رشد بازماندن ، کوتاه نگاه داشتن ، کوتاه ، زور، شاهکار، شیرین ، بدل کاری کردن، کاری، شیرین کاری کردن . آکروباسی کرن
n. hüner, numara, marifet, akrobatik uçuş, gösteri uçuşu
v. büyümesine engel olmak, bodur bırakmak, dikkat çekici reklam yapmak, akrobatik uçuş yapmak
n. coup d’épate, affaire de publicité; tour de force; acrobatie
v. arrêter dans sa croissance; rabougrir; retarder, restreindre, réduire
e; This improvement alone has solved many problems that had before stunted the growth of the company
adj. nameless, of an unknown person
a·non·y·mous /əˈnɔnɪməs US əˈnɑː-/ adj
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: Late Latin; Origin: anonymus, from Greek, from an- ‘without’ + onyma ‘name’]
unknown by name
the anonymous author of a collection of poems
anonymous donor/benefactor
the anonymous donor of a large sum of money
According to one employee, who wishes to remain anonymous , the company engaged in illegal activities.
done, sent, or given by someone who does not want their name to be known
an anonymous donation of $5,000
anonymous phone call/letter etc
(=one that is often unpleasant or contains threats)
written uninteresting in features or qualities - used to show disapproval
grey, anonymous housing estates
>anonymously adv
بی نام، دارای نام مستعار، تخلصی، لاادری.
adj. anonim, imzasız, isimsiz, yaratıcısı bilinmeyen
adj. anonyme, incognito
e; In the past, anonymous complaints had been at the root of much confusion
n. will; covenant between God and man
tes·ta·ment /ˈtestəmənt/ n [C] formal
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Latin; Origin: testamentum ‘last will’, from testari ‘to be a witness, make a will’, from testis; TESTIFY]
be a testament to sth
proving or showing very clearly that something exists or is true
The aircraft’s safety record is a testament to its designers’ skill.
a will 2(2)
>testamentary /ˌtestəˈmentəri/ adj
→ New Testament, Old Testament
وصیت نامه ، پیمان ، تدوین وصیت نامه ، عهد. شاهد
n. vasiyetname, vasiyet, ahit, inançların açıklanması
n. testament
e: These figures are truly admirable and serve as a testament to the measures that Khanna has introduced
n. act of hiding in order to make a surprise attack
v. hide in order to make a surprise attack
am·bush /ˈæmbuʃ/ n [U and C]
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French; Origin: embuschier, from en ‘in’ + busche ‘wood’]
a sudden attack on someone by people who have been hiding and waiting for them, or the place where this happens
The soldiers were killed in an ambush.
In winter the danger of ambush is much reduced.
lie/wait in ambush
Armed police lay in ambush behind the hedge.
>ambush v [T]
Everybody thought our train would be ambushed, but we got out safely.
کمین ، کینگاه ، دام، سربازانی که درکمین نشسته اند، پناه گاه ، مخفی گاه سربازان برای حمله ، کمین کردن ، در کمین نشستن .
n. tuzak, pusu, pusuya yatmış askerler
v. pusuya yatmak, tuzak kurmak, pusuya düşürmek, pusuya yerleştirmek
n. embuscade
v. tendre une embuscade
e: all we know two men ambushed him
adj. offensive, disgusting; contradictory, inconsistent; averse, opposed
re·pug·nant /rɪˈpʌgnənt/ adj formal
[Date: 1700-1800; Language: French; Origin: Latin, present participle of repugnare ‘to fight against’]
very unpleasant and offensive
= repellent
v. repugn= contend, contest, resist, fight against, oppose; refute
deeply/utterly/wholly etc repugnant
I find his political ideas totally repugnant.
repugnant to
Animal experiments are morally repugnant to many people.
متناقض، مخالف، تنفرانگیز، زننده .
adj. iğrenç, itici, aykırı, karşı, muhalif, isteksiz, gönülsüz
adj. répugnant, dégoûtant; contradictoire; opposé; incompatible
e: Australia demands China apology for repugnant post
n. danger, risk, hazard
v. put at risk, endanger, jeopardize
per·il /ˈperɪl/ n
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French; Origin: Latin periculum]
[U] literary or formal great danger, especially of being harmed or killed
in peril
They put their own lives in peril to rescue their friends.
great/grave/serious peril
The economy is now in grave peril.
a voyage that was fraught with peril (=full of danger)
[C usually plural] literary or formal a danger or problem in a particular activity or situation
the perils posed by mountaineering
peril of
the perils of the sea
do sth at your peril
used to say that what someone is intending to do is dangerous or could cause them problems
Politicians ignore this issue at their peril.
خطر، مخاطره ، بیم زیان ، مسئولیت، درخطر انداختن ، در خطر بودن .
n. tehlike
v. tehlikeye atmak
n. péril, danger
v. mettre en péril
e: UK reportedly draw up secret assessment of Corona
perils as new tiering system looms large
n. one of a series of rows, layer, level, rank
tier /tɪə US tɪr/ n [C]
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Old French; Origin: tire ‘order, rank’; ATTIRE]
one of several levels or layers that rise up one above the other
The lower tier has 10,000 seats.
in tiers
Terraces of olive trees rose in tiers.
two-tiered/three-tiered etc
(=having two, three etc levels or layers)
a three-tiered wedding cake
one of several levels in an organization or system
tier of
the most senior tier of management
the first/second etc tier
The second tier of the programme is in-house training.
a two-tier system of government
ردیف صندلی، ردیف، رده ، صف، ردیف کردن ، ردیف شدن .
n. sıra, dizi, aşama, rütbe
n. gradin, étage, niveau, rang, degré
v. approve, authorize, confirm, sanction
rat·i·fy /ˈrætɪfaɪ/ v past tense and past participle ratified present participle ratifying third person singular ratifies [T]
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: French; Origin: ratifier, from Medieval Latin ratificare, from Latin ratus; RATE1]
to make a written agreement official by signing it
ratify a treaty/an agreement/a decision etc
We hope that the republics will be willing to ratify the treaty.
>ratification /ˌrætɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ n [U]
an attempt to delay ratification of the treaty
بتصویب رساندن ، تصویب کردن .
v. onaylamak, tasdik etmek, onamak
v. ratifier, confirmer, approuver, attester, autoriser, homologuer
e: Iranian parliament ratifies general outlines for nuclear revival plan after top scientist killed
n. hammer, sledge-hammer; brawl
v. wound, crush, mutilate; behave crudely; handle roughly or carelessly
maul /mɔːl US mɔːl/ v [T]
[Date: 1300-1400; Origin: maul ‘hammer’ (13-20 centuries), from Old French mail, from Latin malleus]
if an animal mauls someone, it injures them badly by tearing their flesh
A mentally ill man was mauled after climbing into the lions’ enclosure at London Zoo.
to strongly criticize something, especially a new book, play etc
Her latest book was absolutely mauled by the critics.
to touch someone in a rough sexual way which they think is unpleasant
What makes you think you’ve got the right to maul me like that?
informal to defeat someone very easily - used especially in sports reports
Stanford have looked quite good lately. They absolutely mauled Notre Dame last weekend.
>mauling n [singular]
Juppe got a mauling over the government’s failure to fulfil its promises.
چکش چوبی، تخماق، چماق، گرز، توپوز، ضربت سنگین ، باچکش زدن یاکوبیدن ، خردکردن ، له کردن ، صدمه زدن .
n. tokmak
v. dövmek, hırpalamak, yaralamak, yarmak
n. marteau, maillet; dispute, querelle
v. maul (rugby); blesser, mutiler; éreinter, tailler en pièces (sens figuré)
e; Big cat mauls volunteer at Tiger king sanctuary
n. place between heaven and hell (Catholicism); state of oblivion; transitional state; dance in which the dancer bends backward and moves under a horizontal bar (originated in the West Indies)
lim·bo /ˈlɪmbəu US -bou/ n
[Sense: 1; Date: 1300-1400; Language: Medieval Latin; Origin: Latin limbus ‘border’]
[Sense: 2; Date: 1900-2000; Origin: LIMBER2]
[singular, U]
a situation in which nothing happens or changes for a long period of time, and it is difficult to make decisions or know what to do, often because you are waiting for something else to happen first
be in limbo
I’m in limbo now until I know whether I’ve got the job.
limbo of
the limbo of his eight years in jail
the limbo
a West Indian dance in which the dancer leans backwards and goes under a stick that is lowered gradually
کنار دوزخ، برزخ.
n. cehennemin sınırındaki yer, zindan, belirsizlik, muallak
n. limbes, lieu entre l’enfer et le paradis (Catholicisme); état vague; état transitionnel; incertitude; limbo, danse où le danseur doit se courber et essayer de passer sous une barre horizontale
e: Brexit talks in limbo as UK claims EU comes up with new demands at last moment
syn.: allay alleviate calm moderate pacify quiet restrain soothe
ant.: alienate estrange
con·cil·i·ate /kənˈsɪlieɪt/ v [I and T] formal
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Latin; Origin: , past participle of conciliare ‘to bring together, unite’, from concilium; COUNCIL]
to do something to make people more likely to stop arguing, especially by giving them something they want
proposals designed to conciliate the unions
>conciliator n [C]
ساکت کردن ، آرام کردن ، مطالعه کردن ، آشتی دادن .
v. gönlünü almak, dostluğunu kazanmak, yatıştırmak, uzlaştırmak, barıştırmak
v. concilier, calmer
e: Merkel, Macron reportedly make Johnson conciliatory final offer on Brexit talks to avoid No-Deal
v. pin down, fix in place with a sharp or pointed object; pierce through with a sharp object, stab; make helpless, immobilize with a word or look
im·pale /ɪmˈpeɪl/ v [T often passive]
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: French; Origin: empaler, from Medieval Latin impalare, from Latin palus ‘pointed stick’]
if someone or something is impaled, a sharp pointed object goes through them
be impaled on sth
Their heads were impaled on Charles Bridge as a warning to others.
>impalement n [U and C]
چهار میل کردن ، بر چوب آویختن ، سوراخ کردن ، احاطه کردن ، محدود کردن ، میله کشیدن .
v. kazığa oturtmak, kazık sokmak
v. empaler; embrocher, enfoncer un objet tranchant; percer, fendre
e: man guilty of shooting and impaling rowdy rooster
n. noisy or disorderly person, hooligan, ruffian
adj. rough, noisy, disorderly, wild, unruly
row·dy1 /ˈraudi/ adj
[Date: 1800-1900; Origin: Perhaps from row ‘unpleasant noise’ (18-21 centuries)]
behaving in a noisy rough way that is likely to cause arguments and fighting
gangs of rowdy youths
>rowdily adv
>rowdiness n [U]
>rowdyism n [U] rowdy 2
rowdy2 plural rowdies
n [C usually plural]
old-fashioned someone who behaves in a rough noisy way
پر سر و صدا، خشن ، داد و بیداد کن ، سرکش، سر و صدا و آشوب کردن .
n. kabadayı, külhanbeyi, dayı, bıçkın delikanlı
adj. baldırı çıplak, kabadayı, zorba
n. chahuteur, tapageur; querelleur, personne bruyante
adj. turbulent, voyou; bruyant; désordonné; sauvage
n. male deer; male rabbit; dollar (Slang)
v. move rapidly and with violence; jump vertically legs stiff and back arched ; bet, gamble (Slang)
buck1 S1 /bʌk/ n [C]
2 the buck stops here
3 pass the buck
5 feel/look like a million bucks
[Sense: 1,4; Date: 1800-1900; Origin: Perhaps from buckskin; because it was used as a unit of exchange in trade with Native Americans.]
[Sense: 2; Date: 1900-2000; Origin: buck ‘object used in the card game of poker to mark the next person to play’ (19-20 centuries), from buckhorn knife ‘knife with a handle made from a buck’s horn’ (19-20 centuries).]
[Sense: 3, 5; Origin: Old English bucca ‘male deer or goat’]
【DOLLAR】 informal
a US, Canadian, or Australian dollar
He owes me ten bucks.
The movie is about a group of men trying to make a buck (=earn some money) as male strippers.
big/mega bucks
(=a lot of money)
Using celebrities in advertising is guaranteed to pull in big bucks.
make a fast/quick buck
(=make some money quickly, often dishonestly)
the buck stops here also the buck stops with sb
used to say that a particular person is responsible for something
The buck stops firmly with the boss.
pass the buck
to make someone else them responsible for something that you should deal with
plural buck
or bucks
a male rabbit, deer, and some other male animals
feel/look like a million bucks
informal especially AmE to feel or look very healthy, happy, and beautiful
old-fashioned a young man
→(get) a bigger/better etc bang for your buck at bang 1 (5) buck 2
buck2 v
2【move suddenly】
4【make somebody happier】
Phrasal verbs
buck for something
buck up
if a horse bucks, it kicks its back feet into the air, or jumps with all four feet off the ground
to suddenly move up and down or backwards and forwards in an uncontrolled way
The plane bucked sharply.
to oppose something in a direct way
He was a rebel who continually bucked the system (=opposed rules or authority) .
Unemployment in the area has bucked the national trend by falling over the last month.
buck against
Initially he had bucked against her restraints.
to make someone feel more happy, confident, or healthy
He was bucked by the success he’d had.
She gave me a tonic which bucked me a little.
buck for [buck for sth] phr v
to try very hard to get something, especially a good position at work
He’s bucking for promotion.
buck up phr v
to become happier or to make someone happier
Come on, buck up, things aren’t that bad!
buck sb⇔up
You need something to buck you up.
buck up!
BrE old-fashioned used to tell someone to hurry up
Buck up, John! We’ll be late.
informal to improve, or to make something improve
It’ll be a long time before the situation starts to buck up.
buck sth⇔up
a company that is looking to buck up its networking capabilities
buck your ideas up
BrE informal used to tell someone to improve their behaviour or attitude buck 3
buck3 adv AmE
buck naked
not wearing any clothes
جنس نر آهو وحیوانات دیگر، ( آمر ) قوچ، دلار، بالا پریدن وقوز کردن ( چون اسب )، ازروی خرک پریدن ، مخالفت کردن با ( دربازی فوتبال وغیره )، جفتک ، جفتک انداختن .
n. sorumluluk; antilop; dolar, papel; sıçrayan hayvan, erkek geyik; züppe; erkek kızılderili; zenci; pokerde kâğıt dağıtma sırası
v. sıçramak, sıçrayıp binicisini düşürmek; karşı gelmek, itaatsizlik etmek, itiraz etmek buck 2
adj. erkeklerle ilgili, erkeklere özel
n. daim, chevreuil (mâle); male (renne, chamois, lapin); dollar (Argot)
v. parier, miser (Argot)
e: The mask-wearing city that bucked the trend
n. dissenter, protester
adj. opposing, dissenting, disagreeing
dis·si·dent /ˈdɪsɪdənt/ n [C]
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Latin; Origin: dissidere ‘to sit apart, disagree’, from sedere ‘to sit’]
someone who publicly criticizes the government in a country where this is punished
a prominent political dissident
>dissident adj [only before noun]
dissident writers
>dissent V
>dissidence n [U]
مخالف (عقیده عموم)، معاند، ناموافق.
n. muhalif, karşıt görüşlü kimse, karşı gelen kimse; kiliseye karşı olan kimse
adj. karşıt görüşlü, muhalif
n. dissident
adj. dissident, opposant
e: dissident journalist, Zam, executed in Iran
n. quarrel, minor fight, altercation
v. quarrel, engage in a minor fight
scuf·fle1 /ˈskʌfəl/ n [C]
[Date: 1500-1600; Origin: Probably from a Scandinavian language]
a short fight that is not very violent
Scuffles broke out between rival supporters during the match.
scuffle with/between
scuffles with police scuffle 2
scuffle2 v [I]
to have a short fight with someone, in a way that is not very serious or violent
scuffle with
Some of the demonstrators scuffled with the police.
[always + adverb/preposition]
to walk quickly and make a noise as your feet rub on the ground
نزاع، غوغا، کشمکش، جنجال، مشاجره ، کشمکش کردن ، دست بیقه شدن با.
n. itiş kakış, boğuşma, kavga
v. itişip kakışmak, boğuşmak, saç saça başbaşa kavga etmek, ayaklarını sürümek
n. bagarre, dispute, querelle
v. se disputer; se battre; se bagarrer
e: Pro-Trump rallies see scuffles in US cities
v. show off, boast, display showily
flaunt /flɔːnt US flɔːnt, flɑːnt/ v [T]
[Date: 1500-1600; Origin: Probably from a Scandinavian language]
to show your money, success, beauty etc so that other people notice it - used to show disapproval
The rich flaunted their wealth while the poor starved on the streets.
if you’ve got it, flaunt it
spoken used humorously to tell someone not to hide their beauty, wealth, or abilities
به رخ کشیدن ، بالیدن ، خرامیدن ، جولان دادن ، خودنمائی، جلوه .
v. hava atmak, gösteriş yapmak, övünerek göstermek, azametle dalgalanmak, açıkça karşı gelmek
v. faire étalage de; afficher
e: ‘Are u a porn star?!’ fans frown as Emily posts steamy naked pics flaunting baby bump
n. branch; position, standing; safe place; type of spiny fish found in European and North American waters
v. sit on a rod; sit on a branch; alight, land (Slang); seat, sit; position, make stand
perch1 /pəːtʃ US pəːrtʃ/ n [C]
[Sense: 1-2; Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French; Origin: perche, from Latin pertica ‘pole’]
[Sense: 3; Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French; Origin: perche, from Latin perca, from Greek perke]
a branch or stick where a bird sits
informal a high place or position, especially one where you can sit and watch something
She watched the parade from her perch on her father’s shoulders.
a type of fish that lives in lakes and rivers perch 2
perch2 v
be perched on/above etc sth
to be in a position on top of something or on the edge of something
a house perched on a cliff above the town
perch (yourself) on sth
to sit on top of something or on the edge of something
Bobby had perched himself on a tall wooden stool.
[I + on]
if a bird perches on something, it flies down and sits on it
نشیمن گاه پرنده ، چوب زیر پائی، تیر، میل، جایگاه بلند، جای امن ، نشستن ، قرار گرفتن ، فرود آمدن ، درجای بلند قرار دادن .
n. levrek (tatlısu) [zool.], tatlısu levreği, tünek, yüksekteki konum, ölçü sırığı, beş metrelik uzunluk ölçüsü (yaklaşık)
v. tünemek, konmak, oturmak, yerleştirmek
n. perche; branche; position; lieu sûr
v. être perché; être assis sur une branche; atterrir (familier); faire asseoir; mettre debout
e: Bird of pray rescued from Christmas tree perch
adj. rebellious, disobedient, given to mutiny
mu·ti·nous /ˈmjuːtɪnəs US -tn-əs/ adj
written showing by your behaviour or appearance that you do not want to obey someone
= rebellious
There was a mutinous look in Rosie’s eyes.
involved in a mutiny
>mutinously adv
adj. asi, isyancı, isyankâr
adj. rebelle; révolté
e: Biden reportedly considers mutinous republicans’ for his economic team
n. long ornamental pillow for a bed or sofa, cushion
v. support, strengthen, reinforce
bol·ster1 /ˈbəulstə US ˈboulstər/ v also bolster up [T]
to help someone to feel better and more positive
He is making a bold attempt to bolster the territory’s confidence.
to improve something
his efforts to bolster his career bolster 2
bolster2 n [C]
[Language: Old English;]
a long firm pillow, usually shaped like a tube
بالش، متکا، تیری که بطور عمودی زیرپایه گذارده شود، بابالش نگهداشتن ، پشتی کردن ، تکیه دادن ، تقویت کردن .
n. uzun yastık, yastık, destek
v. yastıklamak, desteklemek
n. traversin (lit); coussinet; contre-poinçon; lisoir, traverse; sommier
v. soutenir, relever la tête; appuyer; étayer (théorie); rembourrer
e: Rwanda bolsters force in car as rebels held back
n. mass departure or emigration
ex·o·dus /ˈeksədəs/ n [singular]
[Date: 1600-1700; Origin: Exodus, which describes how the Israelites left Egypt]
a situation in which a lot of people leave a particular place at the same time
exodus of
A massive exodus of doctors is forcing the government to recruit from abroad.
exodus from/to
the exodus from the countryside to the towns in the 19th century
I joined the mass exodus for drinks during the interval.
مهاجرت بنی اسرائیل از مصر به کنعان ، خروج، مهاجرت، مهاجرت دسته جمعی.
n. göç, toplu göç, akın
n. exode, sortie en masse, sortie d’Egypte
e; UK police ordered to stop mass exodus from tier4 London amid x-mass chaos over new covid strain
n. singing group, chorus
choir /kwaɪə US kwaɪr/ n [C]
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French; Origin: cuer, from Latin chorus; CHORUS1]
a group of people who sing together for other people to listen to
He joined a church choir at the age of eight.
[usually singular]
the part of a church in which a choir sits during religious ceremonies
دسته سرایندگان ، کر، بصورت دسته جمعی سرود خواندن ، هم سرایان .
n. koro, kilise korosu, koro yeri choir 2
v. koroda şarkı söylemek
n. choeur
e: intensive care choir aim for Christmas number one
. dispute, bickering; obtainment (e.g. through persuasive argument); act of persuading someone to give something
v. persuade; argue; bicker
wran·gle1 /ˈræŋgəl/ n [C]
a long and complicated argument
wrangle over
a bitter wrangle over copyright
wrangle with
He was involved in a long legal wrangle with his employers. wrangle 2
wrangle2 v
[Date: 1300-1400; Origin: Perhaps from Low German wrangeln ‘to fight, make a disturbance’] [I]
to argue with someone angrily for a long time
wrangle over/about
They are still wrangling over ownership of the house.
wrangle with
The various government departments are wrangling with each other.
داد و بیداد کردن ، مشاجره کردن ، نزاع کردن ، داد و بیداد، مشاجره ، نزاع، گرد آوری وراندن احشام.
n. kavga, tartışma
v. kavga etmek, dalaşmak, tartışmak, birbirini yemek
n. dispute; altercation; dispute avec des cris; séparation
v. se disputer en criant; se faire battre, se battre
e: The two countries fell out in a bitter wrangle over imports
n. light prickling sensation
v. vibrate; feel a light prickling sensation
tin·gle /ˈtɪŋgəl/ v [I]
[Date: 1300-1400; Origin: tinkle]
if a part of your body tingles, you feel a slight stinging feeling, especially on your skin
My body tingled all over and I had a terrible headache.
tingling feeling/sensation
Graham felt a tingling sensation in his hand.
tingle with excitement/fear/anticipation etc
to feel excitement, fear etc very strongly
She tingled with excitement. Soon she would be able to tell Martha everything.
>tingle n [C]
صدا (کردن )، طنین (انداختن )، حس خارش، سوزش کردن ، حس خارش یاسوزش داشتن ، صدا.
n. sızlama, karıncalanma, telaş, heyecan
v. sızlamak, çınlamak, karıncalanmak
n. picotement, fourmillement; légère sensation de picotement
v. tinter, frémir, vibrer; sentir une légère sensation de picotement
e: i feel a tingle
v. remove in layers, peel off in thin sections; shed in layers; flake off (such as dead skin)
ex·fo·li·ate /eksˈfəulieɪt US -ˈfou-/ v [I and T]
to remove dead cells from your skin in order to make it smoother
>exfoliation /eksˌfəuliˈeɪʃən US -ˌfou-/ n [U]
ورقه ورقه شدن ، پوسته پوسته شدن ، تراشیدن .
v. pul pul dökülmek, pul pul dökmek
v. exfolier; chuter (perte de cheveux); renouveler la peau
e: take ur shoes off and exfoliate
v. fail (a test, course, etc.); give up; drop out of school; give a student a failing grade student
flunk /flʌŋk/ v informal especially AmE
[Date: 1800-1900; Origin: Perhaps from flinch + funk ‘to be afraid (of)’ (18-21 centuries); FUNK2]
[I and T]
to fail a test
Tony flunked chemistry last semester.
to give someone low marks on a test so that they fail it
= fail
She hadn’t done the work so I flunked her.
flunk out phr v
to be forced to leave a school or college because your work is not good enough
flunk out of
Ben messed around and flunked out of college.
شکست، ( ز. ع. - آمر. ) شکست خوردن ( در امتحانات )، چیدن ، موجب شکست شدن .
v. başarısız olmak, kalmak, çakmak, sınıfta bırakmak, okuldan almak (başarısızlıktan) flunk 2
n. kalma, başarısız olma, sınıfta kalma
v. échouer (à un examen etc.); se soumettre; abandonner (ses études); faire trébucher (en examen etc.)
e: he couldnt flunk me
e: tell them to get some flunkies in here for this job
n. sign, mark, trace; remnant; undeveloped remains of a body part or an organ that was healthy and functional in a previous stage of development (Biology)
ves·tige /ˈvestɪdʒ/ n [C] formal
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: French; Origin: Latin vestigium ‘footprint, track’]
a small part or amount of something that remains when most of it no longer exists
= trace vestige of
The new law removed the last vestiges of royal power.
the smallest possible amount of a quality or feeling
vestige of
There’s not a vestige of truth in the story.
(vestigial) نشان ، اثر، جای پا، ردیا، ذره ، خرده ، بقایا.
n. iz, eser, zerre, dumura uğrayan organın kalıntısı
n. vestige; signe, trace, marque; reste
v. distinguish, perceive, recognize, discriminate
di·scern /dɪˈsəːn US -əːrn/ v [T not in progressive] formal
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Latin; Origin: discernere ‘to separate’, from cernere ‘to sift’]
to notice or understand something by thinking about it carefully
discern what/where/why etc
Officials were keen to discern how much public support there was.
to be able to see something by looking carefully
= perceive
We could just discern a town in the distance.
>discernible adj
>discernibly adv
تشخیص دادن ، تمیز دادن .
v. farketmek, farkına varmak, ayırdetmek, sezmek, anlamak, kavramak
v. distinguer, discerner, voir
e: is there a discernible point to this story?
n. progress; continuing process
adj. continuous; existing; in progress
on·go·ing /ˈɔnˌgəuɪŋ US ˈɑːnˌgouɪŋ, ˈɔːn-/ adj
continuing, or continuing to develop
their ongoing search for a new director
ongoing negotiations
The discussions are still ongoing.
→go on at go 1
درحال پیشرفت، مداوم.
n. avancée; imminence
adj. continu, se produisant, se maintenant
e: my involvement in this is ongoing
n. partner in crime
ac·com·plice /əˈkʌmplɪs US əˈkɑːm-, əˈkʌm-/ n [C]
[Date: 1500-1600; Origin: Probably from a complice, mistaken for acomplice; complice ‘accomplice’ (15-19 centuries) from Old French, from Late Latin complex, from Latin complicare ( COMPLICATE)]
a person who helps someone such as a criminal to do something wrong
همدست، (حق. ) شریک یا معاون جرم.
n. suç ortağı
n. complice
e: Danny is an accomplice
adj. exalted, noble, lofty; wonderful, splendid; inspiring wonder or awe
n. something exalted, noble; inspiring wonder or awe
v. cause to be sublime, raise, lift up; sublimate, transform a solid directly into a gas or a gas directly into a solid (Chemistry)
syn.: distinguished eloquent exalted grand great lofty majestic noble prominent
sub·lime1 /səˈblaɪm/ adj
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Latin; Origin: sublimis ‘raised above the ordinary’, from limen ‘doorstep, threshold’]
something that is sublime is so good or beautiful that it affects you deeply
The view was sublime.
Her songs are a sublime fusion of pop and Brazilian music.
used to describe feelings or behaviour that are very great or extreme, especially when someone seems not to notice what is happening around them
an air of sublime contentment
>sublimely adv
>sublimeness n [U]
>sublimity /səˈblɪmɪti/ n [U] sublime 2
sublime2 n
the sublime
something that is so good or beautiful that you are deeply affected by it
The works on display range from the mainstream to the sublime.
from the sublime to the ridiculous
used to say that a serious and important thing or event is being followed by something very silly, unimportant, or bad
برین ، والا، رفیع، بلند پایه ، عرشی.
adj. yüce, ulu, asil, görkemli, büyük, olağanüstü, son derece
v. süblimleştirmek, yüceltmek, bilinçaltındaki güdülerini iyiye yöneltmek, süblimleşmek, yücelmek, yükselmek, ulvileşmek
adj. sublime, exalté, splendide, extraordinaire
n. sublimation
v. sublimer, élever; affiner; transformer un solide en gaz
e: You were sublime
n. portion, allotment, allocated quantity; single serving of food, individual portion
v. allot, allocate, distribute in fixed quantities
ra·tion1 /ˈræʃən US ˈræ-, ˈreɪ-/ n
[Date: 1700-1800; Language: French; Origin: Latin ratio; RATIO]
[U and C]
a fixed amount of something that people are allowed to have when there is not enough, for example during a war
food/clothes/meat etc ration
the weekly meat ration
a coal ration of 4 kg a month
on ration
Even wool was on ration in the war.
rations [plural]
a fixed amount of food given to a soldier or member of a group
emergency food rations
The prisoners were queuing for their meagre rations (=small rations) .
We were on short rations (=given a smaller amount than usual) .
an amount of something that you think is reasonable or normal
ration of
holidaymakers who like a generous ration of open-air activity ration 2
ration2 v [T]
[usually passive]
to control the supply of something because there is not enough
Fuel was rationed during the war.
to allow someone only a small amount of something
the need to ration health care resources
diets which ration fat
ration sb/sth to sth
He rationed himself to 4 cigarettes a day.
I try to ration the children’s television viewing to an hour a day.
نظ. ) جیره ، مقدار جیره روزانه ، سهم، خارج قسمت، سهمیه ، سهم دادن ، جیره بندی کردن .
n. istihkak, yiyecek payı, tayın
v. karne ile vermek, tayına bağlamak
n. ration (ration alimentaire ), part
v. rationner
e: because of Corona some shops began rationing the sales of certain products to avoid them selling out completely.
thwart /θwɔːt US θwɔːrt/ v [T] formal
[Date: 1300-1400; Origin: thwart ‘across’ (13-19 centuries), from Old Norse thvert]
to prevent someone from doing what they are trying to do
Fierce opposition thwarted the government’s plans.
thwarted ambition
بی نتیجه گذاردن ، خنثی کردن ، حائل کردن ، عقیم گذاردن ، مخالفت کردن با، انسداداریب، کج، در سرتاسر ( چیزی ) ادامه دادن یا کشیدن .
n. sandalın oturak tahtası
v. yaptırmamak, bozmak, engel olmak, önlemek
adj. aykırı, çapraz
n. frustration, prévention; siège de commande d’un bateau
v. contrarier, déjouer
adj. oblique; diagonal
e: Iraqi prime minister: Soleimani was killed after he thwarted US plans to change regions identity
n. intention, purpose; meaning, significance
v. intend, plan; claim, profess; claim falsely, pretend
pur·port1 /pəːˈpɔːt US pəːrˈpɔːrt/ v [I and T]
formal to claim to be or do something, even if this is not true
purport to do sth
Two undercover officers purporting to be dealers infiltrated the gang.
be purported to be sth
The document is purported to be 300 years old.
>purportedly adv
a portrait purportedly of Shakespeare purport 2
pur·port2 /ˈpəːpɔːt, -pət US ˈpəːrpɔːrt/ n [U]
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Anglo-French; Origin: purporter ‘to contain’, from Old French, from porter ‘to carry’]
formal the general meaning of what someone says
معنی : ادعا، قصد، مفهوم، مفاد، مفهوم شدن معانی دیگر: (معنی) رساندن، (معمولا دروغی) ادعا کردن، مدعی شدن، به خود بستن، (ظاهرا) بودن
i., f. mana, kavram, mefhum, meal; f. manasında olmak, göstermek, bildirmek.
n. intention, portée, force, signification
v. avoir l’intention; prétendre, clamer
e; Pentagon recalls USS Nimitz amid high tensions in Mideast over purported Iranian” threat of revenge”
n. storeroom, warehouse; plentiful source, wellspring; archive, museum, location where valuable documents or artwork is stored; sepulcher, tomb
re·pos·i·to·ry /rɪˈpɔzɪtəri US rɪˈpɑːzɪtɔːri/ n plural repositories [C] formal
a place or container in which large quantities of something are stored
= store repository of/for
a fire-proof repository for government papers
a person or book that has a lot of information
repository of/for
Bob is a repository of football statistics.
انبار، مخزن ، صندوق تابوت، ظرف، رازدار.
n. depo, ambar, mahzen, zengin kaynak, dolap, kutu, muhafaza, sırdaş
n. dépôt; entrepôt; hangar; archives; musée; salle des archives, tombeau, sépulture
e; repositories of unique historical objects
n. high piercing cry, shriek, scream; (Slang) strong rum from the bottom of a barrel (term originated in Newfoundland, Canada)
v. emit a high piercing cry, shriek, scream
screech /skriːtʃ/ v
[Date: 1500-1600; Origin: scritch ‘to screech’ (13-20 centuries), from the sound]
[I and T]
to shout loudly in an unpleasant high voice because you are angry, afraid, or excited
= shriek, scream scream
’Look out!’ she screeched.
They screeched with laughter .
screech at
She screeched at me to take off my muddy shoes.
if a vehicle screeches, its wheels make a high unpleasant noise as it moves along or stops
A van screeched onto the road in front of me.
The car screeched to a halt .
>screech n [C]
a screech of laughter
a screech of tyres
صدای بلند، جیغ، فریاد شبیه جیغ، صدای گوشخراش، فریاد کردن ، جیغ کشیدن ، صدایناهنجار( مثل صدای ترمز ماشین ) ایجاد کردن .
n. keskin çığlık, acı feryat
v. cırlamak, tiz sesle bağırmak, çığlık atmak, acı acı bağırmak, gıcırdatmak
n. cri strident; cri aigu; hurlement; crissement (pneu); clameur; grincement
v. hurler; crisser, grincer
n. person whose intelligence will never surpass that of an 8-12 year old child; idiot, half-wit, simpleton (Informal)
syn.: changeling cretin half-wit idiot imbecile retard
mo·ron /ˈmɔːrɔn US -rɑːn/ n [C]
[Date: 1900-2000; Language: Greek; Origin: moros ‘of low intelligence’]
informal not polite a very offensive word for someone who you think is very stupid
= idiot
Don’t leave it there, you moron!
technical old-fashioned someone whose intelligence has not developed to the normal level
>moronic /məˈrɔnɪk US -ˈrɑː-/ adj
a moronic grin
آدم سبک مغز وکم عقل، آدم احمق وابله .
n. moron, geri zekâlı
n. faible d’esprit; personne simple d’esprit, idiot, imbécile
discretion [dis·cre·tion || dɪ’skreʃn]
n. caution, wisdom, careful judgment
di·scre·tion /dɪˈskreʃən/ n [U]
the ability and right to decide exactly what should be done in a particular situation
at sb’s discretion
(=according to someone’s decision)
The awards are made at the discretion of the committee.
Promotions are left to the discretion of the supervisor.
discretion over/as to
People want to have more discretion over their working hours.
use/exercise your discretion
The judge exercised his discretion rightly to admit the evidence.
discretion to do sth
The committee has the absolute discretion to refuse applications.
the ability to deal with situations in a way that does not offend, upset, or embarrass people or tell any of their secrets
British newspapers no longer feel they must treat the royal family with discretion.
discretion is the better part of valour
used to say that it is better to be careful than to take unnecessary risks
بصیرت، احتیاط، حزم، نظر، رای، صلاحدید.
n. ihtiyat, tedbir, aklıselimlik, takdir, erginlik, sağduyulu olma, temyiz gücü, incelik, naziklik, ağzı sıkılık, hoşgörü
n. discrétion, prudence, réserve
n. highly meticulous or strict person; finicky or fussy person; affectedly neat or prim person
adj. (Slang) precise, exacting; strict, meticulous; dandified, overly concerned with one’s own appearance
pris·sy /ˈprɪsi/ adj informal
[Date: 1800-1900; Origin: Probably from prim + sissy]
behaving very correctly and easily shocked by anything rude - used to show disapproval
>prissily adv
>prissiness n [U]
آراسته ، مرتب، تروتمیز، مردیا جوان زن صفت.
adj. aşırı titiz, kılı kırk yaran, iffetli geçinen, faziletli geçinen
n. pédant (populaire); dandy (populaire)
adj. pointilleux; méticuleux
e: threatening that little prissy guy
adj. hard to please, critical; choosy; overly refined; painstaking, paying immense attention to minute details
fas·tid·i·ous /fæˈstɪdiəs/ adj
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Latin; Origin: fastidiosus, from fastidium ‘strong dislike’]
very careful about small details in your appearance, work etc
= meticulous
people who are fastidious about personal hygiene and appearance
>fastidiously adv
>fastidiousness n [U]
سخت گیر، باریک بین ، مشکل پسند، بیزار.
adj. titiz, zor beğenen, müşkülpesent
adj. exigeant, pointilleux; délicat; gourmet; difficile
e: the onnly thing saves me is Gale’s fastidiousness
adj. fruitless, unproductive; unsuccessful; worthless
fu·tile /ˈfjuːtaɪl US -tl/ adj
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Latin; Origin: futilis ‘that pours out easily, useless’]
actions that are futile are useless because they have no chance of being successful
= pointless
a futile attempt/effort
a futile attempt to save the paintings from the flames
My efforts to go back to sleep proved futile.
it is futile to do sth
It was futile to continue the negotiations.
>futility /fjuːˈtɪlɪti/ n [U]
This sums up Owen’s thoughts on the futility of war.
بیهوده ، پوچ، بی فایده ، باطل، عبث، بی اثر.
adj. boş, nafile, beyhude
adj. futile, inutile; défaillant, se terminant par un échec; sans valeur
e:Attempts to get supplies to the region are futile
n. passageway covered with an arched roof; video game room, location containing coin-operated games
ar·cade /ɑːˈkeɪd US ɑːr-/ n [C]
[Date: 1700-1800; Language: French; Origin: Italian arcata, from arca ‘arch’]
a covered passage at the side of a row of buildings with pillars and arches supporting it on one side
a covered passage between two streets with shops on each side of it
BrE also shopping arcade
a large building or part of a building where there are many shops
an amusement arcade
arcade games
گذرگاه طاقدار، طاقهای پشت سرهم.
n. sıra kemerler; çarşı, pasaj; kemeraltı
n. arcade; de façon convexe, passage en arc
e; i might go to different shopping arcades to buy some souvenirs
adj. pretentious, arrogant; conceited, overly proud, haughty
pom·pous /ˈpɔmpəs US ˈpɑːm-/ adj
someone who is pompous thinks that they are important, and shows this by being very formal and using long words - used to show disapproval
He seems rather pompous.
the book’s pompous style
>pomp=n. luxury, magnificence; splendor, majesty
>pompously adv
>pomposity /pɔmˈpɔsɪti US pɑːmˈpɑː-, / also pompousness /ˈpɔmpəsnɪs ˈpɑːm-/ n [U]
پرشکوه .
adj. kendini beğenmiş, azametli, cafcaflı, görkemli, şatafatlı, tantanalı, şişirilmiş (dil)
adj. pompeux, fastueux; suffisant; prétentieux, arrogant
n. conventional and oversimplified concept or image; old process for making metal printing plates; metal printing plate made by the stereotype process
v. make a stereotype of; categorize as a stereotype; give a fixed form to
ster·e·o·type1 /ˈsteriətaɪp, ˈstɪər- US ˈster-, ˈstɪr-/ n [C]
[Date: 1700-1800; Language: French; Origin: stéréotype, from Greek stereos ( STEREO2) + French type]
a belief or idea of what a particular type of person or thing is like. Stereotypes are often unfair or untrue
racial/sexual/cultural etc stereotype
racist stereotypes in the media
stereotype of
women who don’t fit the stereotype of the good mother
stereotype about
stereotypes about the elderly
>stereotypical /ˌsteriəˈtɪpɪkəl, ˌstɪər- US ˌster-, ˌstɪr-/ adj
the stereotypical Californian - tall, fit, and tanned
>stereotypically /-kli/ adv stereotype 2
stereotype2 v [T usually passive]
to decide unfairly that a type of person has particular qualities or abilities because they belong to a particular race, sex, or social class
stereotype sb as sth
Homeless people are stereotyped as alcoholics or addicts.
>stereotyping n [U]
>stereotyped adj
کلیشه ، کلیشه کردن ، با کلیشه چاپ کردن ، یک نواخت کردن ، رفتار قالبی داشتن .
n. stereotip, klişe, kalıpla basılmış eser, basmakalıp söz
v. stereotipi basmak, tutturmak, klişeleşmiş lâflar etmek
n. stéréotype (analogie général; une conception générale et superficielle de n’importe quel groupe de gens)
v. stéréotyper
e: wrong stereotypes and untrue images
n. untruth, falsehood; misconception; mistake; illusion, delusion
fal·la·cy /ˈfæləsi/ n plural fallacies
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Latin; Origin: fallacia, from fallere ‘to deceive’]
a false idea or belief, especially one that a lot of people believe is true
= misconception
It’s a common fallacy that a neutered dog will become fat and lazy.
[U and C] formal
a weakness in someone’s argument or ideas which is caused by a mistake in their thinking
→ pathetic fallacy
سفسطه ، دلیل سفسطه آمیز، استدلال غلط.
n. yanlış inanış, safsata, mantıksızlık, yanlış
n. erreur, fausse supposition, illusion
e: mythes and fallacies should be dispelled and shattered
n. one who purposefully destroys or damages something that is beautiful or something that belongs to someone else
van·dal /ˈvændl/ n [C]
[Date: 1600-1700; Origin: Vandal]
someone who deliberately damages things, especially public property
خرابگر (کسیکه از روی حماقت یابدجنسی چیزهای هنری یاهمگانی را خراب میکند).
i., s. vandal; s. vahşi, yıkıcı. vandalism i. vandalizm
n. vandale, rustre, malappris, barbare, inhumain, corrompu
e: another mysterious monolith appears in Toronto on new year’s eve, immediately vandalized.
n. exile, ejection, banishment; act of sending away (as punishment)
ex·pul·sion /ɪkˈspʌlʃən/ n [U and C]
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Latin; Origin: expulsio, from expulsus, past participle of expellere; EXPEL]
the act of forcing someone to leave a place
→expel expulsion of
the expulsion of the protesters
expulsion from
his expulsion from the Soviet Union in 1964
the act of stopping someone from going to the school where they were studying or from being part of the organization where they worked
The headmaster threatened the boys with expulsion.
expulsion of
the expulsion from the Communist Party of its former leader
the act of forcing air, water, gas etc out of something
اخراج، دفع، راندگی، بیرون شدگی، تبعید.
n. kovma, çıkarma, kovulma, çıkma, akma
n. expulsion, écartement, éloignement (punition)
e: Iran’s ultimate revenge for Soleimani’s murder would be US military expulsion from Mideast
n. small inflamed spot on skin; pustule, small infection of the skin
pim·ple /ˈpɪmpəl/ n [C]
a small raised red spot on your skin, especially on your face
>pimply adj
a pimply eighteen-year-old
→ goose pimples
جوش، کورک ، عرق گز، جوش درآوردن .
i., tıb. sivilce pimpled, pimply s sivilceli.
n. bouton; pustule
e: blackhead, pimple, acne, mole
v. postpone, put off until a later time; delay, hold back, defer
pro·cras·ti·nate /prəˈkræstɪneɪt/ v [I]
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Latin; Origin: , past participle of procrastinare, from cras ‘tomorrow’]
formal to delay doing something that you ought to do, usually because you do not want to do it
= put off
People often procrastinate when it comes to paperwork.
>procrastination /prəˌkræstɪˈneɪʃən/ n [U]
بدفع الوقت گذراندن ، معوق گذاردن .
v. ertelemek, geciktirmek, ağırdan almak, oyalanmak
v. temporiser, repousser à plus tard, remettre au lendemain
e: four keys to unlock procrastination
adj. resolved, determined; firm, steadfast
res·o·lute /ˈrezəluːt/ adj
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Latin; Origin: , past participle of resolvere; RESOLVE1]
doing something in a very determined way because you have very strong beliefs, aims etc
≠ irresolute
resolute opposition
resolute leadership
She remained resolute in her belief that the situation would improve.
>resolutely adv
Mia resolutely refused to talk about her illness.
صاحب عزم، ثابت قدم، پا بر جا، مصمم، ثابت، تصویب کردن .
adj. azimli, kararlı, metin, dayanıklı, cesur, iradeli
adj. résolu, déterminé, ferme, décidé
e: Fingers on triggers, Tehran warns criminal US military it is ready for resolute response
n. strike breaker (Slang); industrial spy; informer, tale-bearer; failure
v. break a strike (Slang); act as an industrial spy; inform; fail
fink1 /fɪŋk/ n [C] AmE informal old-fashioned
[Date: 1800-1900; Origin: Perhaps from German, ‘finch, student not belonging to a student association’]
someone who tells the police, a teacher, or a parent when someone else breaks a rule or a law
a person who you do not like or respect fink 2
fink2 v [I +on] AmE informal old-fashioned
to tell the police, a teacher, or a parent that someone has broken a rule or a law
= squeal on somebody
خبرچین ، اعتصاب شکن ، جاسوسی کردن .
n. grev kırıcı işçi, ispiyoncu, sevilmeyen kimse, alçak kimse
n. briseur de grève (argot), espion industriel; indic; mouchard, rapporteur; vendu, salaud
v. briser une grève (argot); moucharder; faire l’indic
e: Kelly’s such a fink - she told Mom I was smoking again.
v. requests help or protection (from a deity); summon a spirit through witchcraft; request, make an appeal; pray; activate a command, cause a certain action (Computers)
in·voke /ɪnˈvəuk US -ˈvouk/ v [T] formal
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: French; Origin: invoquer, from Latin invocare, from vocare ‘to call’]
if you invoke a law, rule etc, you say that you are doing something because the law allows or forces you to
The UN threatened to invoke economic sanctions if the talks were broken off.
to make a particular idea, image, or feeling appear in people’s minds by describing an event or situation, or by talking about a person
a painting that invokes images of the Rocky Mountains
During his speech, he invoked the memory of Harry Truman.
to use a law, principle, or theory to support your views
to operate a computer program
to ask for help from someone more powerful than you, especially a god
St. Genevieve is often invoked against plagues.
to make spirits appear by using magic
invoking the spirits of their ancestors
دعا کردن به ، طلب کردن ، بالتماس خواستن .احضار کردن .
v. yalvarmak, yakarmak, dua etmek, yardım istemek, çağırmak, hatırlatmak
v. appeler, invoquer (politique), demander l’aide; s’adresser à; prier; évoquer (esprits); provoquer, mettre en application une commande spécifique (informatique)
e; US house urges Pence to invoke 25th amendment
to oust Trump as VP rules out political games
v. show off, boast, display showily
flaunt /flɔːnt US flɔːnt, flɑːnt/ v [T]
[Date: 1500-1600; Origin: Probably from a Scandinavian language]
to show your money, success, beauty etc so that other people notice it - used to show disapproval
The rich flaunted their wealth while the poor starved on the streets.
* if you’ve got it, flaunt it
spoken used humorously to tell someone not to hide their beauty, wealth, or abilities
به رخ کشیدن ، بالیدن ، خرامیدن ، جولان دادن ، خودنمائی، جلوه .
v. hava atmak, gösteriş yapmak, övünerek göstermek, azametle dalgalanmak, açıkça karşı gelmek
v. faire étalage de; affiche
adj. crude, vulgar, obscene; sloppy, slovenly
raunch·y /ˈrɔːntʃi US ˈrɔː-/ adj informal
intended to be sexually exciting, in a way that seems immoral or shocking
a raunchy magazine
The show was quite raunchy.
پست تر از استاندارد یا میزان متداول، نامرغوب.
n. şapşal, şom ağızlı, boşboğaz, dobra
adj. grossier, bruyant, délaissé
e: This time she crossed the line: netzines want to cancel Belle Delphine over new raunchy photos
v. contend, compete
vie /vaɪ/ v past tense and past participle vied present participle vying third person singular vies [I]
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Old French; Origin: envier ‘to invite, challenge’, from Latin invitare; INVITE1]
to compete very hard with someone in order to get something
vie for
Simon and Julian were vying for her attention all through dinner.
vie with
There are at least twenty restaurants vying with each other for custom.
vie to do sth
All the photographers vied to get the best pictures.
رقابت کردن ، هم چشمی کردن ، رقیب شدن .
v. yarışmak, rekabet etmek, boy ölçüşmek
v. lutter, rivaliser
e: The men vying to take Merkel’s top job in Germany
n. bustle, commotion, excitement; brief snowfall; gust of wind
v. confuse, upset, irritate
flur·ry /ˈflʌri US ˈfləːri/ n plural flurries
[Date: 1600-1700; Origin: Probably from flurr ‘to scatter’ (17-19 centuries) + hurry]
a time when there is suddenly a lot of activity and people are very busy
flurry of
After a quiet spell there was a sudden flurry of phone calls.
The day started with a flurry of activity .
a small amount of snow or rain that is blown by the wind
flurry of
He opens the door and a flurry of snow blows in.
Snow flurries are expected overnight.
سراسیمگی، تپش، بادناگهانی، سراسیمه کردن ، آشفتن ، طوفان ناگهانی، باریدن ناگهانی.
n. ani rüzgâr, kısa ve şiddetli yağış, sağanak, telaş, bora, balinaların ölüm mücadelesi, heyecan, herkesi saran ani his
v. telaşlandırmak, iki ayağını bir pabuca sokmak
n. agitation, affolement, rafale, bourrasque
v. mélanger, agiter, énerver
e: it is a flurry of deliveries
n. act or sound of splattering; amount splattered, spatter, splash
v. splash, spatter, scatter in drops; mark with scattered drops of a liquid; cause to spatter; make a spattering sound
splat·ter /ˈsplætə US -ər/ v [I always + adverb/preposition, T]
[Date: 1700-1800; Origin: Probably from splash + spatter]
if liquid splatters somewhere, or if someone splatters it, it falls or is thrown onto a surface
= spatter splatter sth with sth
The room was splattered with blood.
splatter over/across
Paint splattered all over the carpet.
ترشح کردن ، چلپ چلوپ کردن ، کفگیر.
v. sıçratmak, sıçramak, serpmek, serpiştirmek, yağmak, su sıçratarak yıkanmak, şapır şupur yıkanmak
n. éclaboussure
v. éclabousser, asperger, gicler; faire entendre une projection de liquide
e: blood splattered all over
n. fine, penalty; loss; something given up
v. lose; give up, surrender
for·feit1 /ˈfɔːfɪt US ˈfɔːr-/ v [T]
to lose a right, position, possession etc or have it taken away from you because you have broken a law or rule
By being absent from the trial, he forfeited the right to appeal.
She was fined £3,000 and ordered to forfeit her car. forfeit 2
forfeit2 n [C]
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French; Origin: forfet, past participle of forfaire ‘to do a crime’]
something that is taken away from you or something that you have to pay, because you have broken a rule or made a mistake forfeit 3
forfeit3 adj
be forfeit
formal to be legally or officially taken away from you as a punishment
The company’s property may even be forfeit.
جریمه ، فقدان ، زیان ، ضبط شده ، خطا کردن ، جریمه دادن ، هدر کردن .
n. bedel, ceza olarak kaybetme, ihmalden dolayı kaybedilen şey, kayıp, zarar, ceza
v. kaybetmek, ceza olarak kaybetmek
n. forfait, amende, punition, perte; rachat; gage
v. renoncer; perdre; payer de
e; he wont forfeit the entire batch
v. surround, enclose, hem in, circumscribe
en·com·pass /ɪnˈkʌmpəs/ v [T] formal
to include a wide range of ideas, subjects, etc
The study encompasses the social, political, and economic aspects of the situation.
to completely cover or surround something
The houses encompassed about 100 square metres.
دورگرفتن ، احاطه کردن ، حلقه زدن ، دارا بودن ، شامل بودن ، دربرگرفتن ، محاصره کردن .
v. etrafını çevirmek, kuşatmak, sarmak, kapsamak, neden olmak, kumpas kurmak
v. entourer, contenir
e: The term ‘graphic symbol’ encompasses anything from the logographs
n. threat; danger; bother
v. threaten, endanger
men·ace1 /ˈmenɪs/ n
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: French; Origin: Latin minacia, from minari ‘to threaten’]
something or someone that is dangerous
= threat menace of
It’s the only way to deal with the menace of drug dealing.
menace to
That man’s a menace to society . He should be locked away.
the growing menace of oil pollution at sea
a threatening quality, feeling, or way of behaving
There was menace in his voice.
air/sense of menace
There was a sense of menace as the sky grew darker.
a person, especially a child that is annoying or causes trouble
= nuisance
My little brother’s a real menace.
with menaces
BrE law if someone asks another person for something with menaces, they use threats of violence to get what they want
He was charged with demanding money with menaces. menace 2
menace2 v [T]
formal to threaten
The elephants are still menaced by poachers.
تهدید، چیزی که تهدید کننده است، مخاطره ، تهدیدکردن ، ارعاب کردن ، چشم زهره رفتن .
n. tehdit
v. tehdit etmek, gözdağı vermek
n. menace; danger; peste
v. menacer, mettre en danger; risquer
e: wildfires are becoming increasing menace
n. act of stinging; sharp pain or wound caused a stinger; sharp organ or part (Botany, Zoology); covert operation executed by undercover agents to collect evidence or apprehend criminals (Slang)
v. prick with a stinger; cause pain; cause to suffer; stimulate, urge; deceive, cheat
sting1 /stɪŋ/ v past tense and past participle stung /stʌŋ/
[Language: Old English; Origin: stingan]
[I and T]
if an insect or a plant stings you, it makes a very small hole in your skin and you feel a sharp pain because of a poisonous substance
He was stung by a bee.
[I and T]
to make something hurt with a sudden sharp pain, or to hurt like this
Antiseptic stings a little.
Chopping onions makes my eyes sting.
[I,T usually passive]
if you are stung by a remark, it makes you feel upset
She had been stung by criticism.
sting sb into (doing) sth
Her harsh words stung him into action.
sting for [sting sb for sth]
to charge someone too much for something
The garage stung him for £300.
to borrow money from someone
Can I sting you for a fiver?
HINT sense 1
A bee, wasp, scorpion, or plant can sting you. For a mosquito, ant, or snake, use bite.
sting 2
sting2 n
4 a sting in the tail
a wound or mark made when an insect or plant stings you
a bee sting
the sharp needle-shaped part of an insect’s or animal’s body, with which it stings you
American Equivalent: stinger
【PAIN】 [singular]
a sharp pain in your eyes or skin, caused by being hit, by smoke etc
She felt the sting of tears in her eyes.
a sting in the tail
if a story, event, or announcement has a sting in its tail, there is an unpleasant part at the end of it
the upsetting or bad effect of a situation
the sting of rejection
take the sting out of sth
(=make something less unpleasant or painful)
She smiled to take the sting out of her words.
a clever way of catching criminals in which the police secretly pretend to be criminals themselves
(1951- ) a British songwriter, singer, and actor who sang with the group The Policeuntil they separated, and has worked successfully on his own since then. He is also well known for his work to protect the environment.
نیش، زخم نیش، خلش، سوزش، گزیدن ، تیر کشیدن ، نیش زدن .
n. iğne (arı vs.), acı söz, ısırgan otu tüyü, batma, yakma, acı, azap, sızı, ızdırap, ısırma, zehir dişi, sokma yarası, şiddet, güç, iğne
v. sokmak (arı vs.), ısırmak, sızlatmak, acıtmak, canını yakmak, incitmek, kırmak, sokmak, kışkırtmak, tahrik etmek, kazıklamak, içine oturmak, koymak, sızlamak, acımak, yanmak, acı olmak, acı çekmek
n. dard (abeille); piqûre (guêpe); crochet vénimeux (serpent); pointe; mordant; vigueur
v. piquer; sentir des élancements; picoter, estamper; stimuler; décevoir; causer des douleurs
v. bring to a ruinous condition through misuse or neglect, squander; fall into ruin or decay
خراب کردن ، بحال ویرانی در آوردن .
v. harap etmek, harap olmak, kırıp dökmek; bakımsız bırakmak
v. délabrer, détruire, se détériorer
e: unions that in the past complained of dilapitated equipment
syn.: design draft draught pattern
blue·print /ˈbluːˌprɪnt/ n [C]
a plan for achieving something
blueprint for
a blueprint for health-care reform
a photographic print of a plan for a building, machine etc on special blue paper
blueprint for
a blueprint for the new shopping mall
technical a pattern that all living cells contain, which decides how a person, animal, or plant develops and what it looks like
By changing the tomato’s genetic blueprint , scientists can alter the rate at which it ripens.
نوعی چاپ عکاسی که زمینه آن آبی ونقش آن سفید است، چاپ اوزالیدکه برای کپیه نقشه ورسم های فنی بکار میرود، برنامه کار.
i, f. mavi kopya; proje, plan; f. mavi kopya çekmek; tasarlamak.
n. croquis; plan, brouillon, esquisse
v. faire une ébauche, préparer un plan selon les grandes lignes, planifier, élaborer; établir un avant projet
e: insufficient blueprints for fire safety
serpentine road
راه کوهستانی، گردنه
e: serpentine canyon roads
n. tendency to remain silent, tendency to keep quiet; quality of having self-restraint, quality of being reserved
ret·i·cent /ˈretɪsənt/ adj
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: Latin; Origin: , present participle of reticere ‘to keep silent’, from tacere; TACIT]
unwilling to talk about what you feel or what you know
= reserved reticent about
She’s strangely reticent about her son.
>reticence n [U]
reticency)خاموشی، سکوت، کم گوئی.
n. az konuşma, suskunluk, ağzı sıkılık, sır tutma, ağzını açmama
n. réticence; se retenir; se taire
e: his reticence would prove disastrous
n. part of boot or shoe which covers the instep; musical improvisation; reworking of an already existing piece (i.e. book or article); seductive woman who uses her sex appeal in a manipulative way (especially to exploit men) ; vampire
v. improvise in playing music; make a vamp for a shoe; use sex appeal to manipulate and exploit
vamp /væmp/ n [C] old-fashioned
[Date: 1900-2000; Origin: vampire]
a woman who uses her sexual attractiveness to make men do what she wants
جوراب کوتاه ، رویه ، وصله ، تعمیر کردن ، وصله کردن ، سرهم بندی کردن ، تمهید کردن ، گام زدن بر روی، قدم زدن ، ساز تنهازدن (همراه باآواز یا رقص)، بالبداهه گفتن و یا ساختن ، وسوسه و از راه بدرکردن .
n. vamp kadın, şuh kadın, saya, yama (ayakkabı), basit ve notasız eşlik, yeniden ortaya çıkarma
v. müziğe eşlik etmek, doğaçlamadan çalmak, baştan çıkartmak (erkeği)
n. accompagnement improvisé; femme fatale, vamp
v. improviser au piano; vamper
e; after a commission examined and revamped communcations
n. bombardment, swift massive offensive, onslaught
n. bombardment, swift massive offensive, onslaught
v. attack swiftly and suddenly, violently attack, rapidly bombard
blitz /blɪts/ n [C usually singular]
[Date: 1900-2000; Origin: blitzkrieg]
a sudden military attack, especially from the air
the Blitz
(=the bombing of British cities by German aircraft in 1940 and 1941)
informal a period of great effort in order to deal with something quickly and completely
blitz on
We’ll have to have a blitz on the house before your parents arrive.
a big effort to make people notice something or buy something
a media/marketing/advertising etc blitz
The campaign was launched with a nationwide publicity blitz.
>blitz v [T]
News came that Rotterdam had been blitzed.
حمله رعد آسا، حمله رعد آسا کردن .
n. hava saldırısı, hava baskını
v. hava saldırısıyla yıkmak
n. bombardement aérien, attaque éclair, blitz
n. bombardement aérien, attaque éclair, blitz
v. faire une attaque éclair; assaillir soudainement, bombarder rapidement
e: Biden plans decree blitz to dump Trump policies.
n. one who chooses to die or be put to death rather than renounce his faith; one who suffers greatly
v. make into a martyr; execute on religious grounds; torture; persecute
mar·tyr1 /ˈmɑːtə US ˈmɑːrtər/ n [C]
[Date: 800-900; Language: Late Latin; Origin: Greek martys ‘witness’]
someone who dies for their religious or political beliefs and is admired by people for this
St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr
martyr to
He was a martyr to the cause of racial harmony.
The army has been held back because the government is reluctant to make martyrs of the protesters.
someone who tries hard to get other people’s sympathy by complaining about how hard their life is - used to show disapproval
I think she rather relishes the role of martyr.
be a martyr to sth
BrE spoken to suffer a lot because of an illness, problem, or bad situation
She’s a martyr to her arthritis. martyr 2
martyr2 v [T usually passive]
if someone is martyred, they are killed because of their religious beliefs
Becket was martyred in 1170.
be martyred for sth
Catherine was martyred for her faith.
شهید، فدائی، شهید راه خدا کردن .
n. şehit, işkence çekerek ölen kimse, kurban, mağdur
v. şehit etmek, işkence etmek
n. martyre, supplicié, personne qui choisit de mourir plutôt que de renoncer à sa foi
v. martyriser; torturer, persécuter; faire souffrir
v. behead, cut off the head de·cap·i·tate /dɪˈkæpɪteɪt/ v [T] [Date: 1600-1700; Language: Late Latin; Origin: decapitatus, from Latin caput 'head'] to cut off someone's head a decapitated body >decapitation /dɪˌkæpɪˈteɪʃən/ n [U and C] سراز تن جدا کردن ، گردن زدن . v. başını kesmek; işten çıkarmak v. décapiter
v. boast, exaggerate about oneself
brag /bræg/ v past tense and past participle bragged present participle bragging [I and T]
to talk too proudly about what you have done, what you own etc - used to show disapproval
= boast
’I came out top in the test,’ he bragged.
brag about
Ben’s always bragging about his success with women.
brag that
Julia used to brag that her family had a villa in Spain.
لاف زدن ، بالیدن ، فخرکردن ، باتکبر راه رفتن ، بادکردن ، لاف، مباهات، رجز خواندن
n. övünme, yüksekten atma, atıcı, övünen kimse brag 2 [bræg]
v. övünmek, böbürlenmek; yüksekten atmak
v. se vanter, s’enorgueillir
e: I dont really like Sara. she is always brags about her social status and looks down on other people. she is a snob
n. sexual relations between individuals who are closely related
in·cest /ˈɪnsest/ n [U]
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Latin; Origin: incestum, from castus ‘pure’; CHASTE]
sex between people who are closely related in a family
Abortions would only be allowed in cases of rape or incest.
زنای با محارم و نزدیکان .
n. ensest, yakın akraba ile cinsel ilişki
n. inceste
e: French incest allegations prompt victims to speak out
n. rebellion, uprising, insurrection; act of protest
v. rebel, rise up against authority; shock, cause disgust; be shocked, feel disgusted
re·volt1 /rɪˈvəult US -ˈvoult/ n [U and C]
a refusal to accept someone’s authority or obey rules or laws
= rebellion
The prime minister is now facing a revolt by members of his own party.
revolt against
a revolt against authority
revolt over
a revolt over the proposed spending cuts
in revolt
French farmers are in revolt over cheap imports.
strong and often violent action by a lot of people against their ruler or government
= rebellion
the Polish revolt of 1863
revolt against
a revolt against the central government
revolt of
the successful revolt of the American colonies
put down/crush a revolt
(=use military force to stop it)
Troops loyal to the President crushed the revolt. revolt 2
revolt2 v
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: French; Origin: révolter, from Old Italian rivoltare ‘to defeat and remove from power’, from Latin revolvere; REVOLVE]
if people revolt, they take strong and often violent action against the government, usually with the aim of taking power away from them
= rebel
→revolution revolt against
It was feared that the army would revolt against the government.
to refuse to accept someone’s authority or obey rules or laws
= rebel revolt against
Some members of the government may revolt against this proposed legislation.
[T usually passive]
if something revolts you, it is so unpleasant that it makes you feel sick and shocked
He was revolted by the smell.
شورش یا طغیان کردن ، اظهار تنفر کردن ، طغیان ، شورش، بهم خوردگی، انقلاب، شوریدن .
n. başkaldırma, ayaklanma, isyan
v. başkaldırmak, isyan etmek, ayaklanmak, ayrılmak, iğrenmek, tiksinmek, nefret etmek, dehşete düşmek, iğrendirmek, nefret ettirmek
n. révolte
v. se révolter, troubler, bouleverser; faire troubler
e: Tory MPs reportedly revolt against further remote learning amid warning of lost generation of kids
v. take, seize; cause to stop; delay, hinder, obstruct; interrupt; intersect (Mathematics); take possession of a ball or puck (Sports)
in·ter·cept /ˌɪntəˈsept US -ər-/ v [T]
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Latin; Origin: , past participle of intercipere, from capere ‘to take’]
to stop something or someone that is going from one place to another before they get there
an attempt to intercept drugs being smuggled over the border
Harker’s phone calls had been intercepted.
>interception /-ˈsepʃən/ n [U and C]
بریدن ، قطع کردن ، جدا کردن ، حائل شدن ، جلو کسی را گرفتن ، جلو گیری کردن .دربین راه بودن .
(f.) durdurmak, yolunu kesmek; yolda iken tutmak, tevkif etmek. interception (i.) tevkif, durdurma. interceptor (i.) yol kesen kimse; avcı uçağı.
v. intercepter; arrêter; freiner; retarder; déranger le cours de; capter
e: reports claim explosion heard in Riyadh as Saudi Arabia intercepts Ballistic missiles
adj. behaving wildly, moving about furiously; prevailing, abundant
ram·pant /ˈræmpənt/ adj
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: French; Origin: , present participle of ramper ‘to climb, crawl’]
if something bad, such as crime or disease, is rampant, there is a lot of it and it is very difficult to control
→rife, widespread widespread
Pickpocketing is rampant in the downtown area.
The country has high unemployment and rampant inflation .
a plant that is rampant grows and spreads quickly, in a way that is difficult to control
>rampantly adv
شایع، منتشرشده ، فراوان ، حکمفرما.
adj. şahlanmış, coşmuş, azgın, öfkeli, her tarafa yayılan (bitki), arka ayakları üzerine kalkmış
adj. furieux; déchaîné; répandu, fréquent, abondant
e: Their cheating was even more rampant than last year, sir!
Don’t pick on me!
به من گیر نده، سر به سرم نذار
count your blessings and stop complaining
به داشته هات شکر کن
adj. big, powerful; heavy, weighty
hef·ty /ˈhefti/ adj [usually before noun]
big and heavy
a tall, hefty man
a hefty tome (=large thick book)
hefty camera equipment
a hefty amount of something, especially money, is very large
a hefty fine
BrE a hefty blow, kick etc is done using a lot of force
He aimed a hefty kick at the door.
a hefty shove
قوی، سنگین .
adj. bol, iri yarı, çam yarması gibi, ağır, etkili
adj. grand, puissant, fort; lourd, costaud, gros; influent, important
e: France’s government in hot water as UK inks hefty deal to supply French-Australian Covid vaccine Valneva
n. maximum quantity, upper limit; limited quantity, restricted amount
quo·ta /ˈkwəutə US ˈkwou-/ n [C]
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: Medieval Latin; Origin: Latin quota pars ‘how large a part’]
an official limit on the number or amount of something that is allowed in a particular period
quota on
The government has imposed quotas on the export of timber.
The government has decided to scrap quotas on car imports.
quota for
Several countries have now set quotas for cod fishing.
There are plans to introduce strict immigration quotas .
an amount of something that someone is expected to do or achieve
quota of
Each person was given a quota of tickets to sell.
quota for
In the 1990s the Navy couldn’t fill its quota for new recruits.
meet/make/achieve a quota
Workers only get paid if they make their quota.
sales/production quota
They’re worried that they won’t achieve this year’s sales quota.
an amount of something that you think is fair, right, or normal
= fair share quota of
The committee has had more than its quota of problems.
I think I’ve had my quota of coffee for the day.
BrE a particular number of votes that someone needs to get to be elected in an election
COLLOCATES for sense 1
impose/introduce a quota (=officially start a quota)
set a quota (=say what the quota for something will be)
lift/end/scrap a quota
import/export quota
strict quota
سهمیه ، سهم، بنیچه .
i. hisse, pay; belirli sayı veya miktar, kontenjan, kota.
n. quota, quantité limitée, nombre restreint: contingent; cotisation
e: UK reaches agreement on fishing quotas with Norway
adj. timid; humble; lowly; overly patient or submissive
meek /miːk/ adj
[Date: 1100-1200; Language: Old Norse; Origin: mjukr ‘soft’]
very quiet and gentle and unwilling to argue with people
He was always so meek and mild .
>meekly adv
’All right,’ said Neil meekly.
>meekness n [U]
فروتن ، افتاده ، بردبار، حلیم، باحوصله ، ملایم، بیروح، خونسرد، مهربان ، نجیب، رام.
adj. yumuşak başlı, uysal, alçakgönüllü, mütevazi, ezik, silik
adj. humble; doux; obéissant; modeste
e: as meek as lamb
v. extract from, bring out, draw out
e·li·cit /ɪˈlɪsɪt/ v [T]
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: Latin; Origin: elicitus, past participle of elicere ‘to draw out’]
to succeed in getting information or a reaction from someone, especially when this is difficult
When her knock elicited no response , she opened the door and peeped in.
elicit sth from sb
The test uses pictures to elicit words from the child.
>elicitation /ɪˌlɪsɪˈteɪʃən/ n [U]
بیرون کشیدن ، استخراج کردن ، استنباط کردن .
v. çıkarmak, öğrenmek, meydana çıkarmak, aydınlatmak, tepki göstermek, tepkiye neden olmak
v. tirer (les faits) au clair, découvrir, obtenir, provoque; arracher
e: elicitation technique for a reporter
n. rapid handwriting method that uses abbreviations and symbols to represent letters words and phrases
adj. pertaining to shorthand; written in shorthand (rapid handwriting method)
short·hand /ˈʃɔːthænd US ˈʃɔːrt-/ n [U]
a fast method of writing using special signs or shorter forms to represent letters, words, and phrases
in shorthand
The reporter took notes in shorthand.
a secretary who takes shorthand (=writes in shorthand)
→ longhand
a shorter but less clear way of saying something
shorthand for
He’s been ‘relocated’, which is shorthand for ‘given a worse job a long way away’.
تند نویسی، مختصر نویسی.
n. steno, stenografi
adj. steno bilen, steno, stenografi
n. sténographie
adj. sténographié
e: shorthand skill
adj. speaking fluently, eloquent; expressed using clear and distinct syllables; able to speak; composed of several distinct parts or segments; arranged into a unified whole; made distinct, clearly marked
n. member of the Articulata, animal belonging to a subdivision of animals whose bodies and limbs are composed of segments jointed together (Zoology)
v. express in an articulate manner
ar·tic·u·late1 /ɑːˈtɪkjʊleɪt US ɑːr-/ v
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Latin; Origin: , past participle of articulare ‘to divide into joints, speak clearly’, from articulus; ARTICLE]
[T] formal
to express your ideas or feelings in words
Many people are unable to articulate the unhappiness they feel.
[I and T]
to pronounce what you are saying in a clear and careful way
He was so drunk that he could barely articulate his words.
[I and T] technical
if something such as a bone in your body is articulated to another thing, it is joined to it in a way that allows movement
articulate sth with sth
formal if one idea, system etc articulates with another idea, system etc, the two things are related and exist together
a new course that is designed to articulate with the current degree course articulate 2
ar·tic·u·late2 /ɑːˈtɪkjʊlɪt US ɑːr-/ adj
able to talk easily and effectively about things, especially difficult subjects
≠ inarticulate
bright, articulate 17-year-olds
a highly articulate speaker
writing or speech that is articulate is very clear and easy to understand even if the subject is difficult
>articulately adv
شمرده سخن گفتن ، مفصل دار کردن ، ماهر در صحبت، بندبند.
adj. açık, açıkça belirtilmiş, tane tane söylenmiş, kolay anlaşılan, düşüncelerini kolay ifade edebilen, konuşkan, eklemli
v. açıkça söylemek, hecelemek, açık seçik belirtmek, telaffuz etmek, tane tane söylemek, eklemlerle birleştirmek
adj. articulé, net, distinct, éloquent; exprimé de façon clair; composé de plusieurs segments
n. articulé, animal à articulations
v. articuler; s’articuler
e: reporter should articulate
n. cubes with different numbers of spots on each side (used in games of chance)
v. chop into small cubes; play games with dice
dice1 /daɪs/ n
[Date: 1300-1400; Origin: Plural of DIE1]
[plural] singular die
one or more small blocks of wood, plastic etc that have six sides with a different number of spots on each side, used in games
throw/roll the dice
It’s your turn to roll the dice.
any game of chance that is played with dice
the dice are loaded
the situation is arranged so that a particular person will win or gain an advantage
no dice
especially AmE old-fashioned spoken used to refuse to do something or to say that something is not possible
’Can I borrow some cash?’ ‘Sorry, no dice.’
a throw of the dice
something you do that you hope will have an effect on a situation, but is not certain to do so
a last desperate throw of the dice to try and win his wife back
HINT sense 1
Die is singular and dice is plural, but many people use dice when they are talking about a single die.
dice 2
dice2 v
also dice sth⇔up [T]
to cut food into small square pieces
diced carrots
dice with death
to put yourself in a very dangerous situation
طاس تخته نرد، بریدن به قطعات کوچک ، نرد بازی کردن .طاس، تاس.
n. zar oyunu, zarlar
v. zar atmak; küp küp kesmek
n. dé, dés (jeu)
v. découper en dés; jouer aux dés
e: one more roll of a dice
n. tramp, unemployed worker, beggar
ho·bo /ˈhəubəu US ˈhoubou/ n plural hobos [C] AmE
[Date: 1800-1900; Origin: Perhaps from the greeting ho, boy!]
someone who travels around and has no home or regular job
British Equivalent: tramp
کمارگر دوره گرد، دوره گردی کردن .
n. serseri, boş gezenin boş kalfası, gezici rençber, amele
n. vagabond, chômeur
v. annul, cancel; recant; withdraw, take back; retreat, draw back, pull back; pull inward; use a surgical device to keep open the edges of an organ or wound
re·tract /rɪˈtrækt/ v formal
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Latin; Origin: , past participle of retrahere ‘to pull back’, from trahere ‘to pull’]
if you retract something that you said or agreed, you say that you did not mean it
= withdraw
He confessed to the murder but later retracted his statement.
[I and T]
if part of a machine or an animal’s body retracts or is retracted, it moves back into the main part
The sea otter can retract the claws on its front feet.
منقبض کردن ، تو رفتن ، جمع شدن .
v. geri çekmek, geri almak, vazgeçmek, içeri çekmek, geri çekilmek, sözünü geri almak, caymak, çekilmek, dili çekerek telaffuz etmek
v. se rétracter, supprimer, annuler; s’écarter, se détourner
e: glass roof on the swimming pool is partly retractable
tram·po·line /ˈtræmpəliːn/ n [C]
[Date: 1700-1800; Language: Spanish; Origin: trampolín, from Italian trampolino]
a piece of equipment that you jump up and down on as a sport. It consists of a metal frame with a piece of strong cloth stretched tightly over it.
n. trambolin, sıçrama bezi
n. trampoline
n. award; gift, present; contribution, donation
v. bestow; give; agree; answer to -; donate
grant1 W2S2 /grɑːnt US grænt/ v [T]
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French; Origin: creanter, graanter, from Latin credere ‘to believe’]
formal to give someone something or allow them to have something that they have asked for
Britain could grant Spain’s request .
I would love to be able to grant her wish.
grant sb sth
The council have granted him permission to build on the site.
grant sth to sb
A licence to sell alcohol was granted to the club.
grant that
(=used in prayers)
Grant that we may know your presence and love.
to admit that something is true although it does not make much difference to your opinion
He’s got talent, I grant you , but he doesn’t work hard enough.
take it for granted (that)
to believe that something is true without making sure
He just took it for granted that he would pass the exam.
take sb/sth for granted
to expect that someone or something will always be there when you need them and never think how important or useful they are
Bridget was careful not to take him for granted. grant 2
grant2 W2S1 n [C]
an amount of money given to someone, especially by the government, for a particular purpose
The university gets a government grant.
Anyone wishing to apply for a grant should write to the Treasurer.
grant of
a grant of £50,000
grant from
These studios are funded by a grant from the Kress Foundation.
اهدائ، بخشش، عطا، امتیاز، اجازه واگذاری رسمی، کمک هزینه تحصیلی، دادن ، بخشیدن ، اعطا کردن ، تصدیق کردن ، مسلم گرفتن ، موافقت کردن .
n. bağış, nasip, hibe, imtiyaz, burs, ödenek, devir, feragatname
v. vermek, nasip etmek, onaylamak, kabul etmek, bağışlamak, burs vermek
n. prix, prime; cadeau, présent; donation, contribution, bourse d’études; allocation; pension; offrande
v. accorder, attribuer, donner; concéder, accepter, être d’accord avec; faire un don, subventionner
e: apply for a grant for ur project
run through
go over briefly
run through phr v
run through sth
to repeat something in order to practise it or make sure it is correct
Let’s run through the first scene again.
run through sth
to read, look at, or explain something quickly
Briefly, she ran through details of the morning’s events.
run through sth
if a quality, feature etc runs through something, it is present in all of that thing
This theme runs through the whole book.
run sb through
literary to push a sword completely through someone
passer rapidement sur
e: i run through some basic info
n. person or thing which returns to a previous condition or belief; reversion, return of property to its owner after the occurrence of a particular event (Law)
v. return to previous condition or belief; (about property) be returned to a former owner or his heirs (Law); return to an earlier form or type (Biology); return to a particular topic
re·vert /rɪˈvəːt US -əːrt/ v
revert to / [revert to sb/sth] phr v
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French; Origin: revertir, from Latin revertere ‘to turn back’, from vertere ‘to turn’]
to change back to a situation that existed in the past
= go back to
The city reverted to its former name of St Petersburg.
After a few weeks, everything reverted to normal .
formal to return to an earlier subject of conversation
= go back to
To revert to the question of exams, I’d like to explain further.
law if land or a building reverts to its former owner, it becomes their property again
برگشتن ، رجوع کردن ، اعاده دادن ، برگشت.
v. eski haline dönmek, ilkel haline dönmek, yeniden dönmek, dönmek, tekrar değinmek, çevirmek (bakış)
n. retour, revireur
v. retourner (à la situation précédente)
e: then liquid reverts to a gas in the machine
n. drunkard; alcoholic beverage, liquor
v. drink alcoholic beverages; supply with alcoholic beverages
adj. luxuriant, growing in abundance (of plants, etc.); full of plant growth, overgrown; rich, ornate, luxurious
lush1 /lʌʃ/ adj
[Date: 1400-1500; Origin: Perhaps from Old French lache ‘soft, loose’]
plants that are lush grow many leaves and look healthy and strong
a lush green mountainous island
The fields were lush with grass and flowers.
very beautiful, comfortable, and expensive
= luxurious
lush carpets lush 2
lush2 n [C]
[Date: 1700-1800; Origin: Perhaps from LUSH1]
informal an alcoholic
پر آب، آبدار، شاداب، پرپشت، با شکوه ، مست کردن ، مشروبخوار، الکلی.
n. içkici tip, ayyaş
v. çok içmek, çok içirmek
adj. sulu, özlü, bereketli, bol, içkici
n. ivrogne; boisson alcoolisée; liqueur
v. boire de l’alcool; s’adonner à la boisson
adj. abondant; riche; plein de sève; juteux
e: these produce lush vegetation
n. repentance, penitence, regret, remorse
con·trite /ˈkɔntraɪt US ˈkɑːn-/ adj formal
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French; Origin: contrit, from Latin, past participle of conterere ‘to rub together, bruise’, from com- ( COM-) + terere ‘to rub’]
feeling guilty and sorry for something bad that you have done
a contrite apology
>contritely adv
>contrition /kənˈtrɪʃən/ n [U]
پشیمانی، توبه ، ندامت.
n. pişmanlık
n. contrition
e: there is mountains of contrition
n. greenhouse, structure in which plants are raised out of season
hot·house /ˈhɔthaus US ˈhɑːt-/ n [C]
a heated building, usually made of glass, where delicate plants can grow
→ greenhouse
hothouse atmosphere/environment etc
a situation or place where there is a lot of activity and ideas
زندان ، گلخانه ، گرمخانه ، عشرتکده .
n. sera, limonluk
n. serre chaude
adj. green; covered with vegetation; inexperienced
ver·dant /ˈvəːdənt US ˈvəːr-/ adj literary
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Old French; Origin: verdeant, present participle of verdoier ‘to be green’, from verd, vert ‘green’]
verdant land is thickly covered with fresh green plants
verdant fields
سبز رنگ ، پوشیده از سبزه ، بیتجربه
adj. yeşil, toy, tecrübesiz
adj. bleu, sans expérience
e: turning verdant ecozones into semi-arid deserts
adj. dry, parched
ar·id /ˈærɪd/ adj
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: French; Origin: aride, from Latin aridus]
arid land or an arid climate is very dry because it has very little rain
Water from the Great Lakes is pumped to arid regions .
not having any new, interesting, or exciting features or qualities
My mind was arid, all inspiration gone.
>aridity /əˈrɪdɪti/ n [U]
خشک ، بایر، لم یزرع، خالی، بیمزه ، بیروح، بی لطافت.
adj. kuru, kurak, çorak, yavan, sıkıcı, tatsız
adj. aride, dépourvu d’humidité, sec, stérile
n. hardness, stiffness, rigidity, strictness (alternate spelling for rigor)
BrE rigor AmE /ˈrɪgə US -ər/ n
the rigours of sth
the problems and difficulties of a situation
all the rigors of a Canadian winter
the stresses and rigours of modern life
great care and thoroughness in making sure that something is correct
Their research seems to me to be lacking in rigour.
( rigor) سختی، سختگیری، خشونت، تندی، دقت زیاد.
n. sıkıntı, cefa, zorluk, kötü koşullar, sertlik, katılık, kesinlik, dakiklik, titreme, titizlik, şiddet, ürperme, kasılma, katılaşma
n. rigueur, sévérité, rigidité
e: subject our food bearing plants to the rigours of outdoors
n. act of striding; one long step; distance covered in one step; progress
v. walk with long easy steps; go over in one long step; straddle
stride1 /straɪd/ n
3 take something in your stride
4 get into your stride
5【way of walking】
6 break (your) stride
7 put somebody off their stride
8 (match somebody) stride for stride
【STEP】 [C]
a long step you make while you are walking
Paco reached the door in only three strides.
an improvement in a situation or in the development of something
make great/major/giant etc strides
The government has made great strides in reducing poverty.
take sth in your stride
BrE take something in stride AmE
to not allow something to annoy, embarrass, or upset you
When the boss asked Judy to stay late, she took it in stride.
get into your stride
BrE hit your stride AmE
to start doing something confidently and well
Once I get into my stride I can finish an essay in a few hours.
【WAY OF WALKING】 [singular]
the way you walk or run
the runner’s long, loping stride
break (your) stride
especially AmE a) to begin moving more slowly or to stop when you are running or walking
b) if you break your stride, or if someone or something breaks it, you are prevented from continuing in what you are doing
Collins dealt with the reporters’ questions without breaking stride .
put sb off their stride
especially BrE knock/throw/keep somebody off stride AmE
to make someone unable to do something effectively, by not allowing them to give all their attention to it
Shea’s testimony threw the defense off stride.
(match sb) stride for stride
to manage to be just as fast, strong, skilled etc as someone else, even if they keep making it harder for you stride 2
stride2 past tense strode /strəud US stroud/ past participle stridden /ˈstrɪdn/
v [I always + adverb/preposition] written
[Language: Old English; Origin: stridan]
to walk quickly with long steps
→march stride across/into/down etc
He strode toward her.
گام های بلند برداشتن ، با قدم پیمودن ، گشادگشاد راه رفتن ، قدم زدن ، قدم، گام، شلنگ زدن .
n. uzun adım, uzun adımlarla yürüme, bir adımlık mesafe
v. ata biner gibi oturmak, yürüyerek geçmek, geçip gitmek, uzun adımlarla yürümek, atlayarak geçmek, aşmak
n. grand pas, enjambée
v. marcher, franchir
e: countries are making major strides
n. excuse; defense
v. offer an excuse; make an alibi; find a pretext
al·i·bi /ˈælɪbaɪ/ n [C]
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: Latin; Origin: ‘somewhere else’]
something that proves that someone was not where a crime happened and therefore could not have done it
a perfect/cast-iron/unshakeable etc alibi
He had a perfect alibi and the police let him go.
an excuse for something you have failed to do or have done wrong
حق. ) غیبت هنگام وقوع جرم، جای دیگر، بهانه ، عذر، بهانه آوردن ، عذر خواستن .
n. suç anında başka yerde olduğu iddiası, suç mahallinden başka yerde, mazeret, gerekçe
n. alibi; prétexte, excuse
v. avoir un alibi, présenter un alibi, trouver un prétexte
e: he has got alibi for Gale’s murder
Allies vs axis forces
نیروهای متفقین مقابل متحدین
adj. lawful, legal; allowed, permitted Pronunciation: 'li-sət Function: adjective Etymology: Middle French licite, from Latin licitus, from past participle of licēre to be permitted ― more at LICENSE Date: 15th century
: conforming to the requirements of the law : not forbidden by law : PERMISSIBLE
synonyms see LAWFUL
–lic·it·ly adverb
مشروع، حلال، قانونی، روا، مجاز، حراج، فروش از طریق مزایده .
adj. yasal, meşru, mübâh
adj. licite, autorisé
e: space to hide illicit activity
v. control; arrange, put in order
dis·pose /dɪˈspəuz US -ˈspouz/ v [T always + adverb/preposition]
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: French; Origin: disposer, from Latin disponere ‘to arrange’]
formal to arrange things or put them in their places
Chinese vases are disposed around the gallery.
dispose of [dispose of sth] phr v
to get rid of something, especially something that is difficult to get rid of
an incinerator built to dispose of toxic waste
to sell something, especially part of a business
I am still not sure how best to dispose of the shares.
formal to deal with something such as a problem or question successfully
Your idea at least disposes of the immediate problem.
to defeat an opponent
Two goals by Raul disposed of Barcelona.
dispose to/towards [dispose sb to/towards sth] phr v
to make someone more likely to have particular feelings or thoughts
The body releases a chemical that disposes you towards sleep.
(=disposal) مرتب کردن ، مستعد کردن ، ترتیب کارها را معین کردن .
v. düzenlemek, kullanmak, ikna etmek, isteklendirmek, kontrolünde tutmak
v. disposer, arranger
e: u caught me somewhat indisposed
n. one who came before (in a job, etc.); ancestor, forefather
pre·de·ces·sor /ˈpriːdɪsesə US ˈpredɪsesər/ n [C]
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: French; Origin: prédécesseur, from Late Latin, from Latin decedere ‘to go away, leave your job’]
someone who had your job before you started doing it
≠ successor
Kennedy’s predecessor as president was the war hero Dwight Eisenhower.
a machine, system etc that existed before another one in a process of development
≠ successor
The new BMW has a more powerful engine than its predecessor.
ماقبل، سلف.اسبق، سابق، قبلی، جد، اجداد، ( درجمع ) پیشنیان .
n. öncel, selef, önceki kimse, önceki kuşaklar, öncelikli, cet, ata
n. prédécesseur
e: the game features several improvements to the gameplay from its predecessor
adj. suggestive, evocative, serving to remind; tending to remember past events and experiences
rem·i·nis·cent /ˌremɪˈnɪsənt/ adj
[Date: 1700-1800; Language: Latin; Origin: , present participle of reminisci ‘to remember’]
reminiscent of sth
reminding you of something
a style strongly reminiscent of Virginia Woolf’s novels
literary thinking about the past
Her face wore a reminiscent smile.
یاد بود، خاطره ، یادآور.
adj. hatırlayan, anan, hatırlatan, andıran, geçmişi hatırlatan, geçmişten konuşmaya istekli, eskilerden söz eden
adj. réminiscent, mentionnant, rappelant; évocatif, suggestif
e: they are reminiscent of good days
n. type of grain
bar·ley /ˈbɑːli US ˈbɑːrli/ n [U]
[Date: 1100-1200; Language: Old English; Origin: bArlic ‘of barley’, from bAre, bere ‘barley’]
a plant that produces a grain used for making food or alcohol
جو، شعیر.
n. arpa
n. orge, céréale des régions à climat tempéré
n. large stuffed figure in the form of a man which is used to frighten birds away from crops
مترسک ، لولو، آدمک سرخرمن ، موجب ترس.
i. bostan korkuluğu; hırpani kılıklı kimse.
n. épouvantail
n. favoring of one over others, preferring of one over others (also favoritism)
BrE favoritism AmE /ˈfeɪvərɪtɪzəm/ n
when you treat one person or group better than others, in an unfair way
their favouritism towards their first son
طرفداری ، تبعیض قائل شدن
n. adam kayırma, taraf tutma, iltimas
n. favoritisme, privilège
n. large room (used for lectures, performances, etc.)
concert hall
au·di·to·ri·um /ˌɔːdɪˈtɔːriəm US ˌɔː-/ n plural auditoriums or auditoria /-rəa/ [C]
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: Latin; Origin: ‘place for hearing’, from audire; AUDIO]
the part of a theatre where people sit when watching a play, concert etc
AmE a large building used for concerts or public meetings
تالار کنفرانس، تالار شنوندگان ، شنودگاه .
n. oditoryum, konser salonu, toplantı salonu, konferans salonu
n. auditorium, salle spécialement aménagée pour les auditions musicales et théâtrales
n. system of principles; system of religious laws
dog·ma /ˈdɔgmə US ˈdɔːgmə, ˈdɑːgmə/ n [U and C]
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Latin; Origin: Greek dokein ‘to seem’]
a set of firm beliefs held by a group of people who expect other people to accept these beliefs without thinking about them
religious/political/ideological etc dogma
the rejection of political dogma
عقیده دینی، اصول عقاید، عقاید تعصب آمیز.
n. dogma, inak, inanç, dini sistem; kesin fikir
n. dogme, système de principes; jurisprudence, foi
e: dark dogma
sea water, salt water, fresh water
آب دریا
آب شیرین
n. juice of a plant, fluid which circulates through a plant; essential body fluid (such as blood); vigor, health, vitality; fool, gullible person (Slang); deep tunnel or trench leading to an enemy’s fort (Military)
v. remove sap, drain sap; tire, weaken, exhaust; subvert, undermine; dig a deep trench leading to an enemy’s fort (Military)
sap1 /sæp/ n
[Language: Old English; Origin: sAp]
the watery substance that carries food through a plant
[C] informal
a stupid person who is easy to deceive or treat badly sap 2
sap2 past tense and past participle sapped present participle sapping
v [T]
to make something weaker or destroy it, especially someone’s strength or their determination to do something
= weaken
sap sb’s strength/courage/energy
Her long illness was gradually sapping Charlotte’s strength.
شیره ، شیره گیاهی، عصاره ، خون ، شیره کشیده از، ضعیف کردن .
n. özsu, usare, bitki özü, hayat kaynağı, ahmak, avanak, cop, duvar yıkma çukuru, lâğım kanalı
v. altını kazarak yıkmak, temelini bozmak, baltalamak, cop ile yere sermek, ağaçtan yalancı odun çıkarmak
n. sève, jus d’une plante; substance essentiel au corps (comme le sang); énergie, force, santé, vitalité; andouille, personne naïve, simple d’esprit (Argot), sape, profond tunnel ou tranchée qui conduit au camp ennemi (Militaire)
v. saper, détruire les fondements d’un mur en creusant une tranchée; miner, chercher à détruire
e: it may sap u down
n. one who inherits the property or position of another, inheritor, successor, beneficiary
heir /eə US er/ n [C]
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French; Origin: Latin heres]
the person who has the legal right to receive the property or title of another person when they die
heir to
John was the sole heir to a vast estate.
heir to the throne
(=the person who will become king or queen)
the person who will take over a position or job after you, or who does things or thinks in a similar way to you
Jonson was his political heir as leader of the Nationalist Party.
وارث، میراث بر، ارث بر، حاصل، ارث بردن ، جانشین شدن .
n. varis, mirasçı
n. héritier, légataire; successeur; bénéficiaire
v. brag; bully, dominate; harass, torment
hec·tor /ˈhektə US -ər/ v [I and T]
[Date: 1600-1700; Origin: Hector a brave soldier in the ancient Greek story of Troy]
to speak to someone in an angry threatening way
a hectoring tone of voice
باحرف بزرگ ) اسم خاص مذکر، آدم گردن فراز، خودنما، لاف زدن ، قلدری کردن ، (افسانه یونان وباحرف بزرگ ) یکی از فرزندان پریام (priam).
v. kabadayılık etmek, gözünü korkutmak, sindirmek, yüksekten atmak
n. kabadayı
v. fanfaronner, se vanter; intimider, brutaliser, rudoyer; harasser, tourmenter, dominer
e: - i dont understand why u hectoring me about this
مدرسه مختلط
v. hold back, restrain; crush, quell; smother, suffocate, asphyxiate; be suffocated
sti·fle /ˈstaɪfəl/ v
[Date: 1300-1400; Origin: Probably from Old French estouffer ‘to stifle’]
to stop something from happening or developing
≠ encourage
rules and regulations that stifle innovation
How can this party stifle debate on such a crucial issue?
to stop a feeling from being expressed
He stifled an urge to hit her.
stifle a yawn/smile/grin etc
I tried to stifle my laughter.
[I,T usually passive]
if you are stifled by something, it stops you breathing comfortably
He was almost stifled by the fumes.
خفه کردن ، خاموش کردن ، فرونشاندن .
1. f. boğmak; bastırmak, son dürmek; boğulmak, nefesi tıkanmak.
2. i., stifle joint at veya köpeğin incik kemiği ile but kemiği arasındaki mafsal.
v. étouffer, suffoquer, asphyxier; réprimer
n. stand, booth; pen, compartment in a stable for an animal; pretext to delay; protective covering for a finger; (Airplanes) loss of control, loss of lift; (British) orchestra seats
v. put into a stable; delay, check the progress of; cause to stop, cause to turn off (of a motor)
stall1 S2 /stɔːl US stɔːl/ n
[Sense: 1-2, 4-6; Origin: Old English steall]
[Sense: 3; Date: 1900-2000; Origin: STALL2]
a table or a small shop with an open front, especially outdoors, where goods are sold
a market stall
an enclosed area in a building for an animal such as a horse or cow
[C usually singular]
if a plane goes into a stall, its engine stops working
[C usually plural]
a seat in a row of fixed seats for priests and singers in some larger churches
choir stalls
bathroom/toilet/shower stall
a small enclosed private area for washing or using the toilet
the stalls
BrE the seats on the main level of a theatre or cinema
a good seat in the front row of the stalls stall 2
stall2 v
[Sense: 1,4; Date: 1900-2000; Origin: stall ‘to put in a stall’ (14-20 centuries), from STALL1]
[Sense: 2-3; Date: 1800-1900; Origin: stale ‘something that leads people from the correct way’ (15-19 centuries), from Anglo-French estale ‘something set up’]
[I and T]
if an engine or vehicle stalls, or if you stall it, it stops because there is not enough power or speed to keep it going
The car kept stalling.
An inexperienced pilot may easily stall a plane.
[I] informal
to deliberately delay because you are not ready to do something, answer questions etc
Quit stalling and answer my question!
He was just stalling for time .
[T] informal
to make someone wait or stop something from happening until you are ready
Maybe we can stall the sale until the prices go up.
We’ve got to stall him somehow.
to stop making progress or developing
The peace process remained stalled.
While his career has stalled, hers has taken off.
جای ایستادن اسب در طویله ، آخور، غرفه ، دکه چوبی کوچک ، بساط، صندلی، لژ، جایگاه ویژه ، به آخور بستن ، از حرکت بازداشتن ، ماندن ، ممانعت کردن ، قصور ورزیدن ، دور سرگرداندن ، طفره ، طفره زدن .
n. ahır, koltuk, stand, tezgâh, koltuk [tiy.], sargı (parmak), hız kaybedip düşme (uçak), park yeri, oyalama, bahanelerle aldatma, vakit kazanmaya çalışma
v. oyalamak, hızı kesilerek düşmek, zaman kazanmak, geciktirmek, saplanmak, durmak (motor), stop etmek, hızı kesilmek
n. case; éventaire, étalage, stand; emplacement (du marché); stalle de départ (chevaux); (médecine) doigtier: fauteuils (orchestre); (engin) calage; perte de contrôle; (aviation) perte de la force ascensionnelle, perte d’altitude
v. faire entrer à l’étalage; retenir; s’éteindre; décliner une offre; se dérober
e: I have stalled him as possibly i can
v. look over; affording a view over; inspect, supervise; miss, omit, ignore; excuse
مسلط یا مشرف بودن بر، چشم پوشی کردن ، چشم انداز.
1. f. gözden kaçırmak, dikkate almamak; önem vermemek; yüksek bir yerden bakmak; muayene veya teftiş etmek.
2. i. bakış, yukarıdan seyretme; yüksek yer; gözden kaçırma.
v. avoir vue sur; dominer, commander, inspecter; donner sur; surveiller, superviser; fermer les yeux sur; oublier; négliger; laisser échapper
e: we shouldn’t overlook the issue
n. scrap, torn piece of material; bit, small amount
v. tear into small pieces; destroy documents with a shredding machine; be torn into small pieces
shred1 /ʃred/ n
[Language: Old English; Origin: screade]
a small thin piece that is torn or cut roughly from something
shred of
a shred of paper
tear/rip sth to shreds
The clothes were ripped to shreds and covered in blood.
tear/rip sth to shreds
to criticize someone very severely
Within a year, other researchers had torn the theory to shreds.
in shreds
a) torn in many places
Uncle Earl was exhausted and his shirt hung in shreds.
b) completely ruined
His ambitious plan was in shreds.
If Myra gossips about this, my reputation will be in shreds.
shred of sth
a very small amount of something
There’s not a shred of doubt (=no doubt at all) in my mind that we will win.
He does not have a shred of evidence (=none at all) to prove his claim.
the last shred of hope
HINT sense 4
Usually used with negative words such as not, without, and hardly .
shred 2
shred2 past tense and past participle shredded present participle shredding
v [T]
to cut or tear something into small thin pieces
Coleslaw is made with shredded cabbage.
to put a document into a shredder
Carlson was collecting messages, reading them, then shredding them.
پاره ، تکه ، ریز، خرده ، ذره ، سرتکه پارچه ، پاره کردن ، باریک بریدن
n. parça, dilim, paçavra, en küçük parça
v. parçalamak, dilimlemek, lime lime etmek, doğramak, küçük küçük kesmek, parçalanmak
n. lambeau, déchirure, fragment, bout de papier déchiré; reste, parcelle, peu
v. mettre en lambeau, déchirer, détruire, déchiqueter; râper; couper en lanières
e: if we had a shred of proof
n. short trip to accomplish a task; task, business which needs to be accomplished
er·rand /ˈerənd/ n [C]
[Language: Old English; Origin: Arend]
a short journey in order to do something for someone, for example delivering or collecting something for them
I seemed to spend my life running errands for people.
She was always sending me on errands .
on an errand
I couldn’t stop because I was on an errand.
He quickly set out on his errand of mercy (=journey to help someone in danger) .
→(send sb on) a fool’s errand at fool 1 (11)
پیغام، ماموریت، فرمان ، پیغام بری، پیغام رسانی.
n. bir iş için gönderme, ayak işleri, getir götür işi
n. commission, course
e: errand boy
v. wander off, leave the correct course; roam, meander; deviate from the norm, err; digress
adj. lost, wandering, out of place; scattered, random, incidental
n. one that has strayed; domestic animal that is lost or wandering far from its home
stray1 /streɪ/ v [I]
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French; Origin: estraier, from Vulgar Latin extragare, from Latin extra- ‘outside’ + vagari ‘to wander’]
to move away from the place you should be
stray into/onto/from
Three of the soldiers strayed into enemy territory.
to begin to deal with or think about a different subject from the main one, without intending to
stray into/onto/from
We’re straying into ethnic issues here.
This meeting is beginning to stray from the point .
if your eyes stray, you begin to look at something else, usually without intending to
stray to/back/over etc
Her eyes strayed to the clock.
to start doing something that is wrong or immoral, when usually you do not do this stray 2
stray2 adj [only before noun]
a stray animal, such as a dog or cat, is lost or has no home
accidentally separated from other things of the same kind
One man was hit by a stray bullet and taken to hospital. stray 3
stray3 n [C]
an animal that is lost or has no home
informal someone or something that has become separated from others of the same kind
→waifs and strays at waif
سرگردان ، ولگردی، ولگرد، راه گذر، جانور بی صاحب، آواره کردن ، سرگردان شدن ، منحرف شدن ، گمراه شدن .
v. dolaşmak, gezinmek, başıboş dolaşmak, yolunu kaybetmek, sapmak, yoldan sapmak, ayrılmak, parazit yapmak, cızırtı yapmak
adj. başıboş, yolunu kaybetmiş, serseri, tek tük, rasgele, parazitli, cızırtılı
n. başıboş hayvan, sürüden ayrılan hayvan, kaybolmuş kimse, başıboş kimse
v. s’égarer; errer; s’écarter; dévier de la norme, quitter le bon chemin; vagabonder; rôder;
adj. errant, égaré, perdu; accidentel, contingent, fortuit
n. bête perdue, animal domestique égaré; (chien) errant
adj. very skinny, gaunt, lean, thin scraw·ny /ˈskrɔːni US ˈskrɔː-/ adj [Date: 1800-1900; Origin: scranny 'thin' (1800-1900), probably from a Scandinavian language] a scrawny person or animal looks very thin and weak a scrawny kid in jeans and a T-shirt a few scrawny hens لاغر واستخوانی. adj. cılız, sıska adj. décharné, maigre
sledge1 /sledʒ/ n BrE also sled /sled/ [C]
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Dutch dialect; Origin: sleedse]
a small vehicle used for sliding over snow, often used by children or in some sports
→sleigh sledge 2
sledge2 BrE sled AmE v [I]
to travel on a sledge
سورتمه ، غلتک ، چکش آهنگری، پتک ، پتک زدن ، سورتمه راندن .
n. kızak, balyoz, dövme çekici
v. kızakla taşımak, kızağa binmek, kızakla gitmek
n. luge, traîneau
v. frapper au marteau; rouler en traîneau, faire de la luge, mener dans une luge
e: wooden sledge hauled over log rails
v. destroy a large part of
dec·i·mate /ˈdesɪmeɪt/ v [T]
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Latin; Origin: decimatus, past participle of decimare ‘to remove one tenth, kill one in ten’, from decem ‘ten’]
to destroy a large part of something
The population has been decimated by disease.
>decimation /ˌdesɪˈmeɪʃən/ n [U]
از هرده نفر یکی را کشتن ، تلفات زیاد وارد کردن .
v. her onuncu adamı öldürmek; çoğunu öldürmek; kırıp geçirmek; önemli ölçüde azaltmak
v. décimer; détruire, exterminer un grand nombre de quelque chose
e: slave traders decimated the population
v. shrink and dry up, wither; cause to wither, cause to dry out; dwindle, decline, decrease in strength or intensity
shriv·el /ˈʃrɪvəl/ v also shrivel up past tense and past participle shrivelled present participle shrivelling BrE past tense and past participle shriveled present participle shriveling AmE
[I and T]
[Date: 1500-1600; Origin: Perhaps from a Scandinavian language]
if something shrivels, or if it is shrivelled, it becomes smaller and its surface becomes covered in lines because it is very dry or old
The leaves change colour, then shrivel.
>shrivelled BrE shriveled AmE adj
a shrivelled apple
چروک شدن ، چین خوردن ، خشک شدن .
v. kırıştırmak, buruşturmak, büzmek, kurutmak, kırış kırış yapmak, kırışmak, buruşmak, içi geçmek, aciz duruma düşmek
v. se ratatiner; se dessécher, se flétrir, se faner; dessécher
e: population shrivelled
adj. random, irregular; lacking order or direction
hap·haz·ard /ˌhæpˈhæzəd US -ərd/ adj
[Date: 1500-1600; Origin: hap ( HAPPY) + hazard]
happening or done in a way that is not planned or organized
a haphazard way/manner/fashion
I continued my studies in a rather haphazard way.
Educational provision in the country is haphazard.
>haphazardly adv
bushes growing haphazardly here and there
اتفاقی، برحسب تصادف، اتفاقا.
adj. gelişigüzel, rasgele, şans eseri haphazard 2
adv. gelişigüzel, rasgele, şans eseri
adj. par hasard, au petit bonheur
e: haphazard arrangments of splashed paint on canvas
adj. soft, cottony, fluffy; lint-covered; cloudy, hazy, blurry; confused
fuzz·y /ˈfʌzi/ adj
[Date: 1600-1700; Origin: Perhaps from Low German fussig ‘loose’]
if a sound or picture is fuzzy, it is unclear
Some of the photos were so fuzzy it was hard to tell who was who.
unclear or confused
≠ clear
There’s a fuzzy line between parents’ and schools’ responsibilities.
covered with soft short hair or fur
I stroked the kitten’s fuzzy back.
fuzzy hair is very curly and sticks straight up
>fuzzily adv
>fuzziness n [U]
کرکی، ریش ریش، پرزدار، خوابدار، تیره .
adj. kabarık saçlı, ince tüylü, tüy gibi, uçuşan, hayal meyal, belirsiz
adj. doux, moutonné; couvert de duvet; brouillé, flou; éméché
e: fuzzy concept
n. lame person, person who is unable to use one of their limbs; lame animal
v. make lame, maim, disable; damage
crip·ple1 /ˈkrɪpəl/ n [C]
[Language: Old English; Origin: crypel]
old-fashioned someone who is unable to walk properly because their legs are damaged or injured - now considered offensive
emotional cripple informal
someone who cannot express their feelings to other people - used to show disapproval cripple 2
cripple2 v [T]
old-fashioned to hurt someone badly so that they cannot walk properly
= disable
She was crippled in a car accident.
to damage something badly so that it no longer works or is no longer effective
The industry is being crippled by high interest rates.
>crippled adj
The pilot guided the crippled helicopter to the ground.
لنگ ، چلاق، زمین گیر، عاجز، لنگ کردن ، فلج کردن .
n. sakat, kötürüm, topal
v. sakatlamak, kötürüm bırakmak, felce uğratmak; zayıflatmak
n. estropié, infirme, invalide
v. estropier; disloquer; détériorer, endommager
e: the old cripple guy with the bell
v. impose, mete out (punishment, etc.); cause something unpleasant (suffering, etc.)
in·flict /ɪnˈflɪkt/ v
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Latin; Origin: , past participle of infligere, from fligere ‘to hit’]
to make someone suffer something unpleasant
inflict sth on/upon sb
The strikes inflicted serious damage on the economy.
Detectives warned that the men could inflict serious injury.
inflict yourself/sb on sb
to visit or be with someone when they do not want you - used humorously
Was it really fair to her friends to inflict her nephew on them?
>infliction /ɪnˈflɪkʃən/ n [U]
the deliberate infliction of pain
ضربت وارد آوردن ، ضربت زدن ، تحمیل کردن .
v. vurmak, atmak, çarptırmak, vermek, yüklemek, yamamak
v. infliger, imposer, punir; causer (souffrance, perte etc.)
e: impose or inflict a/receive punishment
n. cargo or goods that are shipped for a fee; shipping cost; transportation, conveyance, shipment
v. load with goods; load, weigh down; send as cargo
freight1 /freɪt/ n
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Middle Dutch; Origin: vracht, vrecht]
goods that are carried by ship, train, or aircraft, and the system of moving these goods
freight services
We’ll send your personal belongings by air freight and your furniture by sea freight.
[C] AmE
a freight train freight 2
freight2 v [T]
to send goods by air, sea, or train
کرایه ، کرایه کشتی، بار، بار کشتی، باربری، گرانبار کردن ، حمل کردن ، غنیساختن .
n. taşıma, nakliye, yük, navlun, taşıma ücreti
v. yüklemek, nakletmek, göndermek
n. cargaison; charge ;envoi; transport; fret
v. affréter (marchandises); fréter, charger; expédier un cargo
e: freight elevator
n. strength, act of holding; period; permanence (especially as referring to one’s status as an employee)
ten·ure /ˈtenjə, -juə US -jər/ n [U]
[Date: 1400-1500; Language: Old French; Origin: Medieval Latin tenitura, from Latin tenere; TENOR]
the right to stay permanently in a teaching job
It’s becoming increasingly difficult to acquire academic tenure .
formal the period of time when someone has an important job
The company has doubled in value during his tenure.
law the legal right to live in a house or use a piece of land for a period of time
>tenured adj
a tenured professor
a tenured position
حق تصدی، تصرف، نگهداری، اشغال، اجاره داری، تصدی.
n. kullanım hakkı, tasarruf hakkı, kira süresi, görev süresi, kullanma
n. tenure, droit acquis, prise; époque; titularisation
e: ur tenure as police officer
v. look curiously, peep, peer; meddle, interfere; force open, wrest open with a crowbar or similar tool
pry /praɪ/ v past tense and past participle pried present participle prying third person singular pries
[Sense: 1,3; Date: 1300-1400; Origin: Origin unknown]
[Sense: 2,4; Date: 1800-1900; Origin: prize ‘to force up’ (17-21 centuries), from prize ‘lever’ (14-20 centuries), from Old French prise ‘act of seizing’]
to try to find out details about someone else’s private life in an impolite way
I don’t want to pry , but I need to ask you one or two questions.
pry into
reporters prying into the affairs of celebrities
[T always + adverb/preposition] especially AmE to force something open, or force it away from something else
British Equivalent: prizepry sth open/away/off etc
We finally managed to pry the door open with a screwdriver.
away from prying eyes
in private, where people cannot see what you are doing
pry out of / [pry sth out of sb/sth] phr v
to get money or information from someone with a lot of difficulty
If you want to know his name, you have to pry it out of her.
بادقت نگاه کردن ، کاوش کردن ، فضولانه نگاه کردن ، با دیلم یا اهرم بلند کردن ، اهرم، دیلم، کنجکاوی، فضولی، فضول.
n. kaldıraç, manivela, kaldıraç ile kaldırma pry 2 [praɪ]
v. merakla bakmak, dikizlemek, gözetlemek, burnunu sokmak, zorla elde etmek, koparmak, zorla söyletmek
v. chercher; fureter, fouiller; fourrer son nez partout; chercher à voir
e: prying eyes
v. overrun in large numbers, swarm in or about in a troublesome manner; invade, harass
in·fest /ɪnˈfest/ v [T usually passive]
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: French; Origin: infester, from Latin, from infestus ‘angry and unfriendly’]
if insects, rats etc infest a place, there are a lot of them and they usually cause damage
be infested with sth
The kitchen was infested with cockroaches.
shark-infested/rat-infested etc
shark-infested waters
if things or people you do not want infest a place, there are too many of them
an area infested with holiday homes
>infestation /ˌɪnfeˈsteɪʃən/ n [U and C]
هجوم کردن در، فراوان بودن در، ول نکردن .
v. bürümek, kaplamak, istila etmek, doldurmak, zarar vermek
v. infester; infester de vermine; fourmiller, grouiller
e: house is infested
n. stick, rod; sugar cane; reed
v. beat, hit with a stick
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French; Origin: Old Provençal cana, from Latin canna, from Greek kanna, from a Semitic language]
thin pieces of the stems of plants, used for making furniture and baskets
a cane chair
cane furniture
a long, thin stick made from the stem of a plant, used for supporting other plants in a garden
a long thin stick with a curved handle that you can use to help you walk
a stick that was used in the past by teachers to hit children with as a punishment
Children knew that if they misbehaved they would get the cane (=be punished with a cane) . cane 2
cane2 v [T]
to punish someone, especially a child, by hitting them with a stick
نی، نیشکر، چوب دستی، عصا، باعصازدن ، باچوب زدن .
n. bambu, kamış, sopa, değnek
v. sopalamak, dövmek, hasırla kaplamak
n. canne, jonc; (canne de) bambou, rotin; bâton, baguette; perche; canne à sucre; rotin; roseau
v. battre, frapper à coups de canne; donner des coups de canne
e: he is hardly using his cane
sugar cane
v. shut up, enclose, confine; seize, confiscate; dam up water, confine water in a reservoir
im·pound /ɪmˈpaund/ v [T] law
[Date: 1400-1500; Origin: POUND12]
if the police or law courts impound something you have or own, they keep it until it has been decided that you can have it back
= confiscate
He sued the police after they impounded his car.
توقیف کردن ، ضبط کردن ، نگه داشتن .
v. başıboş hayvanları kapamak, toplamak, kapatmak, el koymak, haczetmek
v. enfermer, emprisonner, cloîtrer, mettre en fourrière; endiguer; confisquer, saisir; consigner; capter; verser de l’eau dans le réservoir
e; government impounded his car
n. unexpected effort; burden of something; main force of something bad (such as a blow); violence of any contention
brunt /brʌnt/ n
bear/take/suffer etc the brunt of sth
to receive the worst part of an attack, criticism, bad situation etc
an industry that bore the brunt of the recession
The car took the full brunt of the explosion.
ضربه ، لطمه ، بار، فشار.
n. darbe, çarpma
n. stress, tension, détresse; choc, poids
e: rear wheel assembly took the brunt of the impact
n. flat-bottomed freight boat
v. transport freight in a barge
barge1 /bɑːdʒ US bɑːrdʒ/ n
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French; Origin: Late Latin barca; BARQUE] [C]
a large low boat with a flat bottom, used for carrying goods on a canal or river barge 2
barge2 v [I always + adverb/preposition]
to move somewhere in a rough careless way, often hitting against things
= push
She ran outside, barging past bushes and shrubs.
barge your way through/to etc sth
She barged her way through the shopping crowds.
barge in phr v
to enter somewhere rudely, or to rudely interrupt someone
At that moment, George barged into my office without knocking.
barge in on
’Sorry to barge in on your cosy evening,’ James said.
دوبه ، کرجی، با قایق حمل کردن ، سرزده وارد شدن .
n. mavna, duba, salapurya; yüzen ev; saltanat kayığı
v. dalmak; çarpmak; toslamak
n. chaland, péniche; gabare, barge; deuxième canot (navire de guerre)
v. transporter une cargaison; se cogner contre; se heurter à
e: they barged into my office
n. old man; eccentric gee·zer /ˈgiːzə US -ər/ n [C] informal [Date: 1800-1900; Origin: Probably from Scottish English guiser 'person dressed in something that hides who they are', from English guise] BrE a man I know this geezer. AmE an old man آدم عجیب و منزوی. n. ilginç ihtiyar, moruk n. vieux schnok, type bizarre e: u drive like geezer
n. armed robbery (Slang)
v. commit armed robbery (Slang)
heist /haɪst/ n [C]
[Date: 1800-1900; Origin: hoist]
AmE informal an act of stealing something very valuable from a shop, bank etc
= robbery
a jewelry heist
>heist v [T]
بلند کردن ، دزدی کردن ، دزدی، سرقت، مسلحانه .
n. soygun, hırsızlık
v. soymak, soygun yapmak, çalmak, hırsızlık yapmak
n. vol, cambriolage, pillage
v. cambrioler, voler
e: there are two kinds of heists
v. collect, gather, accumulate
n. a secret store of valuables or money
v. save up as for future use
syn.: cache hive up hoard lay away squirrel away
stash1 /stæʃ/ v [T always + adverb/preposition]
informal to store something secretly or safely somewhere
stash sth away
He has money stashed away in the Bahamas.
stash in/under
You can stash your gear in here. stash 2
stash2 n [C]
an amount of something that is kept in a secret place, especially money, weapons, or drugs
= horde
Mike went into the bedroom to check on his stash.
stash of
a stash of drugs
انبار کردن ، ذخیره کردن ( درمحل مخفی برای آینده )، انباشتن ، محبوس کردن ، پنهانگاه .
v. saklamak, iyi bir yere saklamak, güvenli bir yere gizlemek, son vermek
v. cacher; planquer; collectionner, accumuler, rassembler; amasser, entasser
e: he just stashed sth underneath that trashcan
v. choke to death, throttle by compressing the windpipe and preventing the intake of air, asphyxiate; stifle, suppress
stran·gle /ˈstræŋgəl/ v [T]
[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French; Origin: estrangler, from Latin strangulare; STRANGULATION]
to kill someone by pressing their throat with your hands, a rope etc
→choke strangle with
The victim had been strangled with a belt.
to limit or prevent the growth or development of something
Mills argues that high taxation strangles the economy.
>strangler n [C]
گلوی کسی را فشردن ، خفه کردن .
v. boğmak, boğarak öldürmek, gelişimini engellemek, bastırmak, boğazlamak, tutmak
v. étrangler
e: sometimes u want to strangle them
adj. warm, lukewarm tep·id /ˈtepɪd/ adj [Date: 1300-1400; Language: Latin; Origin: tepidus, from tepere 'to be warm'] a feeling, reaction etc that is tepid shows a lack of excitement or interest = lukewarm a tepid response from the audience tepid liquid is slightly warm, especially in a way that seems unpleasant = lukewarm tepid coffee نیمگرم، ولرم، سست. adj. ılık, hareketsiz adj. tiède, presque chaud
n. wasteful spending of money or other resources
v. waste money or other resources, fritter away, misuse
squan·der /ˈskwɔndə US ˈskwɑːndər/ v [T]
to carelessly waste money, time, opportunities etc
The home team squandered a number of chances in the first half.
squander sth on sth
They squandered the profits on expensive cars.
برباد دادن ، تلف کردن ، ولخرجی، اسراف.
n. boşa harcama, israf, müsriflik
v. boşa harcamak, israf etmek, saçıp savurmak, çarçur etmek, har vurup harman savurmak, heba etmek
n. gaspillage, prodigalité
v. gaspiller, dilapider
e: u wana squander that potential
n. push, jostle, thrust from behind
v. push, thrust from behind
shove1 S3 /ʃʌv/ v
[Language: Old English; Origin: scufan ‘to push away’]
[I and T]
to push someone or something in a rough or careless way, using your hands or shoulders
He shoved her towards the car.
Everyone was pushing and shoving to see the prince.
[T always + adverb/preposition]
to put something somewhere carelessly or without thinking much
Tidying the room seems to mean shoving everything under the bed!
He shoved his hands into his pockets.
[T] spoken
used to tell someone in a very impolite way that you do not want something
They can take their three cents an hour raise and shove it .
→when/if push comes to shove at push 2 (6)
shove off phr v
BrE spoken used to tell someone rudely or angrily to go away
Shove off! I’m busy.
to push a boat away from the land, usually with a pole
shove up/over phr v
BrE to move along on a seat to make space for someone else
Shove up mate, there’s no room to sit down here. shove 2
shove2 n [C]
a strong push
Give the door a good shove.
هل، پرتاب، تنه ، هل دادن ، تنه زدن ، با زور پیش بردن ، پرتاب کردن ، کشیدن ( شمشیر)، پرتاب شدن .
n. itme, itiş, dürtme
v. itmek, dürtmek, itip kakmak, tıkmak, tıkıştırmak, sokuşturmak, itilip kakılmak, itişip kakışmak, kıpırdamak
n. poussée, lancement de poids
v. pousser, bousculer; faire avancer; écarter
e: I need to shove off
n. push, jostle, thrust from behind
v. push, thrust from behind
shove1 S3 /ʃʌv/ v
[Language: Old English; Origin: scufan ‘to push away’]
[I and T]
to push someone or something in a rough or careless way, using your hands or shoulders
He shoved her towards the car.
Everyone was pushing and shoving to see the prince.
[T always + adverb/preposition]
to put something somewhere carelessly or without thinking much
Tidying the room seems to mean shoving everything under the bed!
He shoved his hands into his pockets.
[T] spoken
used to tell someone in a very impolite way that you do not want something
They can take their three cents an hour raise and shove it .
→when/if push comes to shove at push 2 (6)
shove off phr v
BrE spoken used to tell someone rudely or angrily to go away
Shove off! I’m busy.
to push a boat away from the land, usually with a pole
shove up/over phr v
BrE to move along on a seat to make space for someone else
Shove up mate, there’s no room to sit down here. shove 2
shove2 n [C]
a strong push
Give the door a good shove.
هل، پرتاب، تنه ، هل دادن ، تنه زدن ، با زور پیش بردن ، پرتاب کردن ، کشیدن ( شمشیر)، پرتاب شدن .
n. itme, itiş, dürtme
v. itmek, dürtmek, itip kakmak, tıkmak, tıkıştırmak, sokuşturmak, itilip kakılmak, itişip kakışmak, kıpırdamak
n. poussée, lancement de poids
v. pousser, bousculer; faire avancer; écarter
e: - I need to shove off
n. act of pinching or pulling with a jerk; sharp pluck; action of administering fine adjustments (to a mechanism, etc.); teasing joke, teasing action
v. pinch or pull with a jerk; pluck sharply; administer fine adjustments (to a mechanism, etc.); tease
tweak /twiːk/ v [T]
[Language: Old English; Origin: twiccian ‘to pull out’]
to suddenly pull or twist something
She leant forward and tweaked both ends of his moustache.
to make small changes to a machine, vehicle, or system in order to improve the way it works
Maybe you should tweak a few sentences before you send in the report.
>tweak n [C usually singular]
نیشگون گرفتن وکشیدن ، پیچ دادن ، پیچیدن ، پیچاندن ( بینی )، نیشگون تیز.
f., i. çimdikleyip çekmek; i. çimdik.
n. coup sec; peaufinage, affinement, ajustement((mécanisme, procédé); coup, blague
v. tordre; tirer; ajuster (mécanisme); taquiner
e: what is the slowest thing in the world, a tweaker in a hurry
adj. infected with rabies; extreme, fanatical
rab·id /ˈræbɪd, ˈreɪ-/ adj
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: Latin; Origin: rabidus, from rabere; RAGE1]
having very extreme and unreasonable opinions
a group of rabid right-wing fanatics
a rabid animal is suffering from rabies
بد اخلاق، متعصب، خشمگین ، هار، وابسته به هاری.
adj. öfkeli, fanatik, bağnaz, kudurmuş, kuduruk, kuduz
adj. enragé, extrémiste, jaloux
e: one day dog showed up rabid
n. substitution of a milder or socially acceptable word or phrase for one that is harsher or more unpleasant
eu·phe·mis·m /ˈjuːfɪmɪzəm/ n [C]
[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Greek; Origin: euphemismos, from euphemos ‘sounding good’, from pheme ‘speech’]
a polite word or expression that you use instead of a more direct one to avoid shocking or upsetting someone
’Pass away’ is a euphemism for ‘die’.
حسن تعبیر، استعمال کلمه ئ نیکو و مطلوبی برای موضوع یا کلمه ئ نامطلوبی.
n. edebikelâm, örtmece
n. euphémisme
e: these r euphemisms u r using here
adj. gruesome, terrible; repulsive, disgusting, exceptionally ugly; appalling, shocking
hid·e·ous /ˈhɪdiəs/ adj
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French; Origin: hidous, from hide ‘terror’]
extremely unpleasant or ugly
a hideous dress
hideous crimes
Dinnertime that day was hideous.
>hideously adv
Her face was hideously scarred.
>hideousness n [U]
زشت، زننده ، شنیع، وقیح، سهمگین ، ترسناک ، مهیب، مخوف.
adj. çirkin, iğrenç, korkunç
adj. affreux, odieux, méprisable,horrible, terrible; dégoûtant, répugnant
e: - i sold ur hideous clown
n. process of being cooked at a temperature just below the boiling point; state of being cooked at a temperature just below the boiling point
v. cook steadily at a temperature just below the boiling point; be steadily cooked at a near-boiling temperature; seethe, be in a state of suppressed anger or excitement
sim·mer1 /ˈsɪmə US -ər/ v
[Date: 1600-1700; Origin: simper ‘to simmer’ (15-19 centuries), perhaps from the sound]
[I and T]
to boil gently, or to cook something slowly by boiling it gently
Bring the soup to the boil and allow it to simmer gently for about half an hour.
if you are simmering with anger, or if anger is simmering in you, you feel very angry but do not show your feelings
simmer with
He was left simmering with rage.
if an argument is simmering, people feel angry with each other but only show it slightly
The row has been simmering for some time.
Violent revolt was simmering in the country.
simmer down phr v
to become calm again after you have been very angry
We decided she needed some time to simmer down. simmer 2
simmer2 n [singular]
when something is boiling gently
Bring the vegetables to a simmer.
آهسته جوشیدن ، بجوش وخروش آمدن ، نیم جوش کردن ، بجوش آمدن ، جوش.
n. kaynama, kaynatma, patlama, patlayacak hale gelme, galeyan
v. içten içe kaynamak, yavaş yavaş kaynamak, patlamak üzere olmak, içten içe kaynatmak, galeyana getirmek
n. cuire à feu doux , mijoter
v. bouillonner; bouillir; au seuil du point d’ébullition; être furieux
e: whoa, simmer down sparky!
v. burden, weigh down, hamper, hinder, impede (also incumber)
en·cum·ber /ɪnˈkʌmbə US -ər/ v [T usually passive]
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French; Origin: encombrer, from combre ‘something that prevents movement’]
formal to make it difficult for you to do something or for something to happen
= burden
He died in 1874, heavily encumbered by debt.
encumber with
The whole process was encumbered with bureaucracy.
>encumbrance n [C]
سنگین کردن ، اسباب زحمت شدن ، دست و پای( کسی را) گرفتن ، باز داشتن .
v. yüklemek, sorumluluk yüklemek, engellemek, tıka basa doldurmak, engel olmak
v. encombrer
n. derision, ridicule, mockery; target of mockery, object of ridicule
v. ridicule, mock, deride; reject with contempt; treat with derision, treat with contempt
scorn1 /skɔːn US skɔːrn/ n [U]
[Date: 1100-1200; Language: Old French; Origin: escarn]
the feeling that someone or something is stupid or does not deserve respect
= contempt scorn for
He felt scorn for his working-class parents.
with scorn
Rachel looked at me with scorn.
pour scorn on sb/sth also heap scorn on sb/sth AmE
to strongly criticize someone or something because you think they do not deserve respect
Labour poured scorn on the Tory claim to be the party of law and order. scorn 2
scorn2 v [T]
to show that you think that something is stupid, unreasonable, or not worth accepting
Many women scorn the use of make-up.
to criticize someone or something because you think they do not deserve respect
He scorned the government’s record in dealing with crime.
تمسخر، تحقیر، بی اعتنائی، حقارت، خوار شمردن ، اهانت کردن ، استهزائ کردن ، خردانگاری، خردانگاشتن .
n. küçümseme, hor görme, küçümsenen şey
v. hor görmek, küçümsemek, kuçük görmek, aşağılamak
n. mépris, dédain, indignation; moquerie; but de raillerie, dérisoire
v. mépriser, dédaigner; rejeter avec mépris; se référer avec indignation
e: Her fellow teachers greeted her proposal with scorn