IBD Flashcards
When would it be hard to differentiate between Crohns and UC?
If Crohns is only in the colon/rectum, it can look like UC.
Differences between location of UC and Crohns.
UC- only in large intestine.
Crohns- anywhere from mouth to anus can have a skipping pattern.
Characteristics of UC.
Rectum and colon only. Ulcers common but not perforation. Mucosa and submucosa Higher risk of colon CA Can be "cured"
Characteristics of Crohn’s disease.
Any Part of GI tract. All layers of the mucosa. No cure High risk of CA Cobbling?
What is the #1 and other s/s of IBD?
PEM, FTT, malnutrition anemia, food intolerances, high infection risk, less wound healing
How are UC and Crohns assessed?
UC- True Love and Witts Criteria
Crohn’s Dis Activity Index (CDAI) : shows current disease severity
What are CDAI scores and stages?
Mild-moderate (150-200):can eat without severe problems
Moderate-severe (220-450): major s/s or fail to tx
Severe-fulminant (>450): biologics or steroids do not work
Remission: no s/s
Bodily signs of UC
Rectal bleeding (starts in recrum)
15-30 yo but peak 50-60 yo
Malabsorption, blood stool, abd pain, urgency to poo, bacterial translocation
Colon usually removed
Bodily signs of Crohns
Usually colon and distal ileum affected
Inflamed areas are separated
Cramping, steatorrhea, wt loss, abd pain
Need multiple surgeries b/c they do not cure disease
What is the specific pathogenesis r/t cytokines?
The gut barrier is altered so pathogens invade gut mucosa. Immune response of CD4 TH1 and TH2 altered.
More TNF alpha (pro-inflame) than TNF beta (anti-inflame)
Drugs target TNF alpha
What are risks with ileum resection in Crohns?
Bile salt deficiency- fat sol Vit deficiency and steatorrhea
B12 deficiency b/c absorbed in ileum
What is soap formation?
Unabsorbed ffa bind with divalent cations (minerals)
Ca, Mg, Zn
These minerals will be deficient with steatorrhea b/c fat malabsorption.
Define IBD.
Chronic, autoimmune, idiopathic, inflammatory condition of GI.
Caused by environment, genetics, Microflora, and abnormal immune response.
Problems with fat Vit deficiencies
A- night blind, hyperkeratosis
D- hypocalcemia, rickets, hypophosphatemia, osteoporosis
E- neuropathy, hemolytic anemia
K- long PTT, easy bruise, osteopenia
What is a fissure?
What is a fistula?
Anus lining tear
Abnormal passage between 2 organs. Can have drainage from it. Common in Crohns. Enterocutaneous= gut to skin