I/O Psy Flashcards
Question ID #362: Utility analysis is a technique that assesses the:
Select one:
A. practicality of implementing a training program.
B. influence of training on performance.
C. overall usefulness of a training program.
D. the return on investment of training
Question ID #331: Which of the following is not one of the three forms of job commitment? Select one: A. affective commitment B. continuance commitment C. instrumental commitment D. normative commitment
Question ID #327: The motivation theory that proposes a continuum of needs that is comparable to Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory but attempts to overcome shortcomings of Maslow's theory is Select one: A. Equity theory. B. ERG theory. C. Expectancy theory. D. Goal-Setting Theory.
Question ID #325: According to Hershey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership Theory, the element of the situation that is most relevant to the ideal leadership style is Select one: A. task type B. task difficulty C. leader personality D. follower developmental level
Question ID #391: A selection test that has a validity coefficient of .50 will have the greatest incremental validity when:
Select one:
A. the selection ratio is .95 and the base rate is .20
B. the selection ratio is .95 and the base rate is .50
C. the selection ratio is .05 and the base rate is .20
D. the selection ratio is .05 and the base rate is .50
Question ID #338: Which of the following techniques involves considering a range of exam scores equivalent for the purpose of employee selection? Select one: A. utility analysis B. banding C. ranking D. multiple hurdles
Question ID #377: Equity Theory focuses on: Select one: A. procedural justice. B. interactional justice. C. distributive justice. D. informational justice.
Question ID #455: \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ may result in a job performance measure having low validity, even though it is reliable. Select one: A. differential validity B. criterion contamination C. criterion deficiency D. researcher deficiency
Question ID #369: An important decision when utilizing the multiple hurdles approach in personnel selection is:
Select one:
A. how to weigh each predictor.
B. which order to administer the predictors.
C. if the same person should administer the criterion and evaluate predictor performance.
D. which statistical test to use to assess if the results are significant.
Question ID #319: The administrative model of decision making, as compared to the rational-economic model emphasizes
Select one:
A. obtaining all available information before making a decision.
B. ensuring that the decision-making process is not biased.
C. ensuring that decision-making process is not overly simplified.
D. a satisficing approach.
Question ID #456: From an organizational systems approach, positive feedback is most useful as an intervention in order to:
Select one:
A. provide information which helps plan for corrective actions.
B. reinforce adaptive responses.
C. extinguish maladaptive organizational interactions.
D. establish productive work groups.
Question ID #414: In any organized setting of more than a few people, paired-comparisons is the preferred rating system when the goal is to
Select one:
A. establish a standard performance criterion for the average productivity rate in that organization.
B. rank-order the people in the organization in the most cost-effective manner.
C. maximally differentiate among the people in the organization.
D. set the most attainable and acceptable production goals for each person in that organization
Question ID #403: The tendency to rate all using the low end of the rating scale is referred to as: Select one: A. floor effect B. contrast effect C. central tendency bias D. severity error
Question ID #430: Research has found that flexible work schedules have the greatest impact on: Select one: A. absenteeism B. job satisfaction C. productivity D. self-rated performance
Question ID #433: According to Holland’s personality typology, a person’s personality type indicates the:
Select one:
A. person’s unconscious occupational abilities
B. one occupation the person is capable of performing
C. occupational environment in which the person would be most satisfied and productive
D. person’s occupational interests, but does not predict job satisfaction
Question ID #359: A \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is performed during the development or delivery of an intervention to determine if it needs to be modified in order to meet its goals. Select one: A. summative evaluation B. formative evaluation C. utility analysis D. needs analysis
Question ID #345: The notion that a person would not mind losing money in a civil judgment following a trial as much as she would mind losing it to a thief is related to the concept of Select one: A. procedural justice. B. distributive justice. C. social exchange theory. D. cognitive dissonance.
Question ID #389: The three dimensions of situational control identified by Fiedler include all of the following except: Select one: A. leader-employee relations B. position or legitimate power C. role expectations D. task structure
Question ID #351: Lewin’s (1951) model of organizational change includes the following three stages:
Select one:
A. data collection, feedback and action planning.
B. planning, action, and evaluation.
C. unfreezing, changing and refreezing.
D. entry, planning and action.
Question ID #424: According to Fiedler’s contingency model, a task-oriented leader is most effective when
Select one:
A. the task is very structured or very unstructured.
B. the task is moderately structured.
C. the employees are either very high or very low in ability.
D. the employees are moderate in terms of ability level.
Question ID #364: Which aspect is not associated with organizational citizenship behavior? Select one: A. contextual performance B. responsibility C. altruism D. generalized compliance
Question ID #368: The Theory of Work Adjustment (TWA) is a person-environment fit theory of career development that indicates employment tenure is tied to: Select one: A. organizational culture B. organizational justice C. satisfaction and satisfactoriness D. satisfaction and ability
Question ID #427: When Total Quality Management (TQM) fails, it is often because
Select one:
A. there are too few managers.
B. there is too much attention to customer demands.
C. the employees are not given sufficient responsibility.
D. the rewards are not distributed fairly.
Question ID #375: According to a recent meta-analysis on the "big five" traits and job satisfaction, which trait has the strongest relation with overall job satisfaction? Select one: A. agreeableness B. extraversion C. conscientiousness D. neuroticism
Question ID #347: The intervention known as organizational transformation typically focuses on
Select one:
A. identifying and implementing specific target areas for change.
B. increasing cohesiveness of the organization’s members.
C. group processes and dynamics within the organization.
D. the entire organization’s vision.
Question ID #378: Which of the following is NOT one of the levels of Kirkpatrick's training evaluation model? Select one: A. learning B. reaction C. results D. return on investment
Question ID #386: In a meta-analysis of the relationship between self-efficacy beliefs and achievement outcomes, Stajkovic and Luthans (1998) found self-efficacy was positively and strongly related to work-related performance and:
Select one:
A. the relationship between self-efficacy and work-related performance is moderated by task complexity
B. the relationship between self-efficacy and work-related performance is moderated by locus of performance
C. the relationship between self-efficacy and work-related performance is moderated by task complexity and locus of performance
D. the relationship between self-efficacy and work-related performance is not influenced by task complexity or locus of performance
Question ID #439: Most well-controlled studies of the effect of cultural moderators on the validities of job selection tests indicate that there are
Select one:
A. no significant differences in validities between majority and minority groups.
B. significant differences in validities between majority and minority groups.
C. significant differences in validities between majority and minority groups on general aptitude tests but not on assessments of motor skills.
D. significant differences in validities between majority and minority groups on assessments of motor skills but not on tests of general aptitude.
Question ID #435: An employer is concerned about the high voluntary turnover rates in her company. Which of the following would be most useful for ensuring that she identifies job applicants who are at high-risk for quitting their jobs if they are hired? Select one: A. a biographical information form B. an interview C. a personality test D. a measure of "g"
Question ID #450: Studies examining the predictions of goal-setting theory for work groups suggests that
Select one:
A. having employees work as a team with team goals results in lower productivity than having employees work as individuals with individual goals.
B. having employees work as a team with team goals results in higher productivity than having employees work as individuals with individual goals.
C. having employees work as a team with team goals results in similar levels of productivity as having employees work as individuals with individual goals, as long as the goals have been consciously accepted by the employees.
D. having employees work as a team with team goals results in similar levels of productivity as having employees work as individuals with individual goals, as long as the goals have been determined by the employees.
Question ID #340: The fundamental principle underlying goal-setting theory is:
Select one:
A. self-efficacy beliefs are related to an individual’s commitment to organizational goals.
B. organizational goals are only achieved when they are consistent with a person’s self-concept.
C. behavior is regulated by a person’s conscious goals and intentions.
D. participation is necessary to ensure commitment to goals.
Question ID #431: The primary purpose of feedback in the context of organizational development is to:
Select one:
A. help clients understand the diagnostic information that has been collected
B. provide clients with information on the effectiveness of an OD intervention
C. provide employees with information about their individual performance
D. provide managers with information on the employee’s concerns
Question ID #393: The best initial strategy for teaching complex motor skills that require speed and accuracy to be successfully performed is to:
Select one:
A. emphasize accuracy over speed
B. emphasize speed over accuracy
C. emphasize accuracy and speed equally
D. emphasize an alternation between speed and accuracy
Question ID #452: Which of the following would be least useful as a method for management development? Select one: A. Outward Bound programs B. job rotation C. coaching or mentoring D. vestibule training
Question ID #372: An organization's employee agrees to a high-ranking executive's request for the employee to work overtime. The previous week, the same employee turned down a similar request from a peer. From the perspective of French and Raven's analysis of the bases of power, the employee accepted the executive's request due to the latter's \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ power. Select one: A. coercive B. reward C. legitimate D. referent
Question ID #346: Research on differential validity of predictor tests has suggested that it
Select one:
A. is rare.
B. when present, tends to favor minority groups over majority groups.
C. is a common cause of test bias and unfairness that negatively impact minority groups.
D. only affects the construct validity of tests.
Question ID #412: According to the Ohio State University studies from the 1950s, what are the two dimensions of leadership?
Select one:
A. consideration and initiating structure
B. employee-centered and production-centered
C. autocratic and democratic
D. authoritarian and laissez-faire
Question ID #337: An organization is updating its telecommunication and information technology systems and its employees will need to be retrained on the changes. The most likely initial step for establishing training needs would be to: Select one: A. perform a needs analysis. B. pinpoint training objectives. C. complete a personnel audit. D. execute a job evaluation.
Question ID #363: ____________________________ is a basic concept of the organizational development strategy of process consultation.
Select one:
A. Attitude change follows behavior change
B. Behavior change follows attitude change
C. Attitude and behavior change simultaneously
D. Changes in attitude and behavior follow insight
Question ID #324: Of the five personality dimensions listed below, the one most consistently associated with job success is Select one: A. extraversion. B. conscientiousness. C. openness to experience. D. agreeableness.
Question ID #410: Personal reality and common reality were defined by:
Select one:
A. Ginzberg’s Stages of Career Development
B. Super’s Career and Life Development
C. Miller-Tiedeman and Tiedeman’s Decision Making Model
D. Gottfredson’s Theory of Career Development
Question ID #374: Justification for the use of a selection procedure or battery in a new setting without conducting a local validation research study is referred to as: Select one: A. synthetic validity. B. validity generalization. C. transportability. D. meta-analysis.
Question ID #381: The terms "circumscription" and "compromise" are associated with: Select one: A. Gottfredson B. Super C. Krumboltz D. Meichenbaum
Question ID #451: Recent literature comparing leadership and management has identified several similarities and differences. Which of the following set of characteristics is more critical for today’s leaders than for managers?
Select one:
A. rational, persistent, and tough-minded
B. problem-solving, persistent, and independent
C. visionary, authoritative, and tough-minded
D. independent, innovative, and flexible
Question ID #318: The usefulness of a job selection test is increased to the degree that
Select one:
A. the base rate is low and the selection ratio is high.
B. the base rate is high and the selection ratio is low.
C. the base rate is moderate and the selection ratio is low.
D. the base rate is moderate and the selection ratio is high.
Question ID #409: An organization decides to implement changes based on a job characteristics assessment. Which of the following is least likely to be affected? Select one: A. work quality B. motivation C. satisfaction D. absenteeism
Question ID #355: Margaret is reluctant to give poor ratings to her subordinates for fear of "ruffling feathers." Consequently, she tends to be unusually easy in her ratings. Margaret is committing what type of error? Select one: A. central tendency B. halo C. leniency D. severity
Question ID #397: The predictor cut-off score of a selection test is lowered. How will this impact successful hiring?
Select one:
A. increase the probability of false negatives
B. decrease the probability of false positives
C. decrease the probability of true positives
D. increase the probability of true positives
Question ID #418: A needs assessment is usually conducted to: Select one: A. acertain a job applicant's skills B. describe the requirements of a job C. determine the relative worth of a job D. identify the needs of an organization
Question ID #421: In a job selection decision, age can be used as an exclusionary criterion
Select one:
A. never.
B. if there is a ruling from the appropriate federal agency allowing it.
C. if there is a significant difference in mean ages of incumbents and applicants.
D. if age is directly related to job performance.
Question ID #411: According to Edgar Schein, the concept of career anchor refers to:
Select one:
A. the tendency to stay in a financially secure position regardless of personal interest
B. the motivation of priorities that define how people see themselves and their work
C. the motivation of advancement opportunities to stay with an organization
D. the tendency to stay in a position regardless of advancement opportunities
Question ID #357: Organizational psychologists would most likely use which of the following when talking to business leaders about implementing the use of psychological tests in selecting employees? Select one: A. utility analysis B. utility evaluation C. job analysis D. job evaluation
Question ID #413: Which of the following is true of transformational leaders?
Select one:
A. the goals of the organization are redefined to reflect the self-interest of followers
B. believe that subordinates are persuaded when the organization’s goals are compatible with their self-interests
C. motivate by encouraging subordinates to transcend self-interest for the greater good of the organization
D. assent to the self-interest of their followers
Question ID #367: We create expectations about future events as we are constantly predicting likely futures. This statement is associated with Expectancy Theory. Which of the following is not?
Select one:
A. The belief that if I complete certain actions then I will achieve the outcome.
B. The belief that I am able to complete the necessary actions.
C. The need to explain the world, to myself and others, ascribing cause to the events around me.
D. The value of the perceived outcome or “What’s in it for me?”
Question ID #419: An engineering psychologist hired by a company to decrease accidents and improve safety in the organization would most likely focus on:
Select one:
A. working with employees to ensure that they understand and accept the company’s safety policies
B. ensuring that enough information about ways to increase safety is available to employees
C. working with managers to increase their commitment to safety
D. identifying aspects of the work environment that could be modified in order to improve safety
Question ID #438: When minimum cutoff procedures are used in selection tests of standard cognitive abilities, one would expect, according to recent research
Select one:
A. no adverse impact on either majority or minority applicants.
B. adverse impact on majority applicants.
C. adverse impact on minority applicants.
D. adverse impact on both majority and minority applicants.
Question ID #379: Holland's investigative type is least similar to which other one of his types? Select one: A. artistic B. conventional C. enterprising D. social
Question ID #339: A “mixed standard scale” helps reduce rater biases by:
Select one:
A. using a forced-choice format that matches items with a comparable level of social desirability.
B. using a specific description of work-related behavior to anchor each point on the rating scale.
C. comparing two or more employees on each job behavior.
D. obscuring order-of-merit when describing work-related behaviors.
Question ID #361: Patrick was elated, in a meeting with senior management, when he was told that the company president was impressed with his recent contributions. After he left the meeting and was alone in his office, however, Patrick started to experience feelings of anger. Which of the following best explains Patrick's circumstances? Select one: A. Model of Facet Satisfaction B. Opponent Process Theory C. The Vitamin Model D. Job Dissatisfaction Theory
Question ID #350: Eagly et al.’s (2003) meta-analysis of transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership styles comparing women and men found:
Select one:
A. female leaders engaged in more of the contingent reward behaviors than male leaders.
B. male leaders engaged in more of the contingent reward behaviors than female leaders.
C. female leaders were more likely to employ a laissez-faire leadership style
D. there were no significant differences in leadership styles.
Question ID #354: The terms "business necessity" and "job relatedness" are associated with: Select one: A. utility analysis B. comparable worth C. critical incidents D. adverse impact
Question ID #423: The difference between the multiple hurdle and the multiple cut-off selection technique is that, in multiple hurdle,
Select one:
A. examinees must succeed on all predictors.
B. not all predictors are administered to all examinees.
C. predictors are specially designed to be “culture-fair.”
D. predictive validity is empirically established.
Question ID #445: Which of the following is not true about members of self-directed work teams?
Select one:
A. Each member of a self-directed team has unique, specialized works skills to contribute to the group product.
B. Members plan the group’s work processes and set the group’s work goals.
C. Members may be authorized to hire their own replacements.
D. Members of self-directed work teams tend to be absent more than members of traditional work groups.
Question ID #390: According to recent research, the compressed workweek has the least impact on: Select one: A. absenteeism B. supervisor performance ratings C. overall job satisfaction D. satisfaction with work schedule
Question ID #429: Members of a cohesive group, as compared to members of a non-cohesive group, are more likely to have: Select one: A. lower absenteeism B. lower productivity C. better decision-making D. higher turnover
Question ID #373: According to the EEOC’s 80% rule for determining disparate impact of hiring practices on a minority group, disparate impact occurs when
Select one:
A. the hiring rate of a protected group is less that 80% of the hiring rate of another group.
B. 80% or more of applicants in a protected group are not hired.
C. less than 20% of applicants for the job are members of any protected group.
D. the number of people who would have been hired based on a random selection process is more than 80% greater than the number of protected group applicants hired.