3/20 Flashcards
Q: Object permanence takes place in which of Piaget’s stage of cognitive development?
Concrete operations
Formal operations
Q: There are two types of glandular systems in the body. What are they? Thyroid and adrenal Exocrine and adrenal Endocrine and exocrine Parathyroid and endocrine
Q: What is Karen Horney known for? Behavioral psychology Psychoanalytic theory Cognitive/behavioral theory Cultural psychology
Q: Which is one of Karen Horney’s three coping strategies? Rationalization Sublimation Moving against people Moving around people
Q: Which of the following is not considered a side effect of propranolol? Bradycardia Migraine headache Shortness of breath Raynaud’s phenomenon
Q:\_\_\_ suggests that people are more prone to aggression and anti-social behavior when they believe they care act anonymously. Milgram Sherif Havland Zimbardo
Q:\_\_\_\_ proposed a social learning theory of career development in which career path is influence by our major factors: genetic endowment; environmental conditions and events’ learning experiences; and task approach skills. Zimbardo Roe Tiedeman Krumboltz
Q:\_\_\_ created a theory of cognitive development based on the idea that people increase their cognitive skill based on information taken form both the environment and biological maturation. Krumboltz Skinner Piaget Tiedeman
Q: what three components make up all attitudes? Cognitive, Affective, Behavioral Emotional, Habitual, Disposition Health, Physical, Mental Nurture, Environment, Luck
Q:Sweeny had three other actions, besides intrinsic or extrinsic motivation, to form a therapeutic relationship.
Focus on the client instead of outside people
Focus on the present instead of the past or the future
Focus on the humane traits instead of the inhumane
None of the above
Q: In multimodal therapy, people seem to respond best to interventions that target their \_\_\_? Preferred modalities Personality style Strengths Areas of concern
Q: One aspect of program management involves ___ and ___.
Applying theories and techniques with personnel
Integrating teaching and counseling skills
Facilitating and planning events
None of the above
Question ID #1057: Research on cigarette smoking has found that:
Select one:
A. only 50% of self-quitters remain abstinent for two or more days following an attempt to quit.
B. the nicotine patch and other forms of nicotine replacement therapy are beneficial only for smokers who are highly nicotine dependent.
C. on the average, men and women gain about 6 and 8 pounds, respectively, after they stop smoking.
D. the risks for coronary and lung disease fall to about the same as those for people who never smoked three to five years after a smoker quits smoking.
Question ID #1731: The intense "sleep attack" associated with Narcolepsy is often accompanied by: Select one: A. cataplexy. B. dyskinesia. C. ataxia. D. muscular rigidity.
Question ID #17395: Research by Geller and associates (2004) found that five symptoms are useful for distinguishing prepubertal and early adolescent Bipolar Disorder from ADHD. Which of the following is NOT one of these five symptoms? Select one: A. elation B. decreased need for sleep C. accelerated speech D. flight of ideas
Question ID #10329: Sue and Sue (2003) describe worldview - or the way that people perceive, evaluate, and react to the situations they encounter - in terms of locus of control and locus of responsibility. According to these investigators, the worldview of Caucasian middle-class therapists is characterized by an: Select one: A. internal locus of control and external locus of responsibility. B. internal locus of control and internal locus of responsibility. C. external locus of control and external locus of responsibility. D. external locus of control and internal locus of responsibility.
Question ID #119471: Which of the following is an essential component of training in supervision?
Select one:
A. Knowledge of competency-based supervision models and practices
B. Understanding of the nature of the supervisory relationship
C. Ability to increase supervisees’ clinical capacity and skill
D. All of the above
Question ID #17706: For practitioners of Minuchin’s structural family therapy, a symptom is:
Select one:
A. both the result and cause of dysfunctional communication patterns.
B. the result of a family projection process.
C. a reflection of an “impasse.”
D. a maladaptive reaction to stress.
Question ID #1100: An examinee whose highest score on Holland's occupational themes is on the realistic scale would probably be least interested in pursuing a career as a: Select one: A. farmer. B. bookkeeper. C. technical writer. D. social worker.
Question ID #1248: A personnel director conducts a study to evaluate the criterion-related validity of a new selection test. She finds that the slope of the regression line differs for males and females. This suggests that the test may: Select one: A. be "unfair." B. have differential validity. C. be lacking in incremental validity. D. have inadequate convergent validity.
Question ID #17812: The major advantage of using a forced-choice method as an employee performance appraisal technique is that:
Select one:
A. it is easy to develop and use.
B. it provides specific information for employee feedback.
C. it helps alleviate leniency and other biases.
D. it provides an objective measure of job performance.
Question ID #17814: In a study designed to evaluate the effects of rewards on productivity, employees in the experimental department receive their regular salary plus small bonuses that are contingent on their productivity, while employees in the control department receive their regular salary but no special incentives. The productivity levels of each department and the bonuses received by the experimental department are posted on a bulletin board in the company"s cafeteria. As expected, employees in the experimental department display an increase in productivity. However, an unexpected result is that employees in the control department do not maintain their performance at usual levels but, instead, exhibit a decrease in productivity. This latter result confirms the predictions of which of the following? Select one: A. ERG theory B. equity theory C. the John Henry effect D. social comparison theory
Question ID #17821: Which of the following performance appraisal techniques would be most useful when a primary goal of appraisal is to provide employees with specific feedback that will help them improve their job performance? Select one: A. forced-choice B. forced-distribution C. BARS D. BIB
Question ID #18052: In a study on learning and memory, participants in the experimental group learned two lists of nonsense syllables (first List A, then List B) and were then asked to recall List A. Participants in the control group also learned List A but, instead of learning List B, were asked to count backward from 10 numerous times before being asked to recall List A. Results of the study indicated that participants in the control group recalled more words from List A than did participants in the experimental group. These results are best explained by which of the following? Select one: A. proactive interference B. retroactive interference C. trace decay D. serial position effect
Question ID #17911: Ron attends a rally organized to oppose gun control. When asked why he is against gun control, Ron states, "Well, the law says people have the right to own a gun, and everybody in my hometown has a gun." Kohlberg would say that Ron is at which level of moral development? Select one: A. preconventional B. conventional C. postconventional D. autonomous
Question ID #17929: According to Piaget, when making moral judgments about a behavior, children in the autonomous stage:
Select one:
A. focus on the consequences of the behavior only.
B. focus on rules that are relevant to the behavior.
C. consider their own emotional reactions to the behavior.
D. consider the intentions of the actor.
Question ID #17958: In terms of total sleep time, the proportion of Stage 4 sleep in adulthood:
Select one:
A. increases from early to late adulthood.
B. decreases until middle age (about age 45) and thereafter stabilizes.
C. remains stable until late adulthood (age 70) and thereafter increases.
D. decreases from early to late adulthood.
Question ID #17966: As the result of a head injury sustained in a car accident, a young woman exhibits retrograde amnesia. Once her memories begin to return, which of the following is likely to be recovered first?
Select one:
A. memory for events that occurred several weeks before the accident
B. memory for events that occurred during the hour before the accident
C. memory for events related to the accident
D. memory for events that occurred after the accident
Question ID #15059: For her dissertation research project, a graduate student administered a measure of state anxiety to a group of college students on five consecutive days before and after the students participated in a stress reduction workshop. The graduate student used which of the following research designs? Select one: A. time-series B. Latin square C. static-group comparison D. multiple-baseline
Question ID #18144: When using protocol analysis, an individual is asked to:
Select one:
A. brainstorm with other problem-solvers.
B. think aloud while solving a complex problem.
C. identify alternative strategies for solving the problem.
D. construct a cognitive map of a problem.
Question ID #19269: The base rate fallacy refers to the tendency to:
Select one:
A. believe that a particular chance event is affected by the occurrence of previous events.
B. overestimate the link between two events that are unrelated or only slightly related.
C. focus on a specific case rather than general information when reaching a conclusion or making a judgment.
D. overestimate the number of people who share one’s beliefs, opinions, and attitudes
Question ID #17809: Carl Jung’s archetypes are best conceptualized as:
Select one:
A. repressed emotion-laden material.
B. universal primordial images or patterns.
C. the primary components of the ego.
D. acquired tendencies that contribute to the personal unconscious.
Question ID #18628: Miracle, exception, and scaling questions are strategies used by practitioners of: Select one: A. solution-focused therapy. B. interpersonal psychotherapy. C. motivational interviewing. D. reality therapy.
Question ID #656: In terms of item response theory, the slope (steepness) of the item characteristic curve indicates the item’s:
Select one:
A. level of difficulty.
B. ability to discriminate between examinees.
C. internal consistency reliability.
D. criterion-related validity.
Question ID #18634: The James-Lange theory of emotions emphasizes which of the following?
Select one:
A. cognitive appraisal of the situation.
B. perceptions of bodily reactions to stimuli.
C. social comparisons.
D. the activity of the endocrine system.
Question ID #1974: When the heterotrait-monomethod coefficient is large, this indicates: Select one: A. a lack of differential validity. B. a lack of discriminant validity. C. adequate convergent validity. D. adequate concurrent validity.
Question ID #18647: The "tip-of-the-tongue" phenomenon is believed to be due to which of the following? Select one: A. trace decay B. inadequate retrieval cues C. retroactive interference D. attention deficits
Question ID #18562: Dr. Melba Morrison, a licensed psychologist, conducts research and teaches several classes at a large university. In her social psychology classes, she usually covers only material that is consistent with the results of her own research. In terms of the ethical guidelines, this practice is:
Select one:
A. ethical since it is up to Dr. Morrison to decide what to cover in her classes.
B. ethical as long as Dr. Morrison provides information about her policy in the class syllabus.
C. ethically questionable but not addressed by ethical guidelines.
D. clearly unethical.
Question ID #18626: Longitudinal studies of children who attended Head Start programs have found that:
Select one:
A. early IQ gains and improvements in academic achievement persist into adolescence and early adulthood.
B. early IQ gains decline but improvements in academic achievement persist into adolescence.
C. early improvements in academic achievement decline by adolescence but initial IQ gains persist into adulthood.
D. attendees are indistinguishable from nonattendees on measures of IQ and academic achievement by adolescence.
Question ID #18629: Which of the following therapeutic approaches is based on the assumption that people have five basic needs (survival, love and belonging, power, freedom, and fun) that act as the primary source of motivation? Select one: A. Adler's Individual Psychology B. Glasser's Reality Therapy C. Roger's Person-Centered Therapy D. Kelly's Personal Construct Therapy
Question ID #18151: The keyword method is most useful for:
Select one:
A. remembering word pairs.
B. remembering a long list of unrelated words.
C. recalling the order of mathematical operations.
D. mastering spatial relationships.
Question ID #18564: Which of the following techniques would be most useful for evaluating the impact of an intervention on patients' quality of life? Select one: A. cost-feasibility analysis B. cost-minimization analysis C. cost-utility analysis D. cost-benefit analysis
Question ID #19128: To assess the reading, spelling, and arithmetic skills of an elementary-school child who may have a learning disability, you would use which of the following? Select one: A. WRAT B. DAT C. PPVT D. CAS
Question ID #603: An \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ intervention focuses on changing environmental conditions so that they better accommodate the characteristics of the individual. Select one: A. emic B. etic C. alloplastic D. autoplastic
Question ID #19127: A "general representative sample" was used to develop which of the following Strong Interest Inventory scales? Select one: A. General Occupational Themes B. Basic Interest Scales C. Occupational Scales D. College Major Scales
Question ID #8961: A researcher would use which of the following techniques when her goal is to evaluate the cause-and-effect or predictive relationships between measured variables and latent factors? Select one: A. meta-analysis B. multitrait-multimethod matrix C. discriminant function analysis D. structural equation modeling Feedback
Question ID #8961: A researcher would use which of the following techniques when her goal is to evaluate the cause-and-effect or predictive relationships between measured variables and latent factors? Select one: A. meta-analysis B. multitrait-multimethod matrix C. discriminant function analysis D. structural equation modeling Feedback
Question ID #17908: Which of the following selection techniques is the most accurate predictor of job performance across different jobs and job settings? Select one: A. situational interviews B. general mental ability tests C. interest tests D. work sample tests