Developmental Psychology Flashcards
Question ID #6899: Non-consensual childhood sexual abuse generally has a:
Select one:
A. more negative impact for females than males
B. more negative impact for males than females
C. similar impact for males and females
D. similar impact for males and females but a very different pattern of symptoms
Question ID #6881: According to Piaget, when a child accommodates new information by forming a new schema or modifying an existing one, this results in Select one: A. decentration. B. equilibration. C. assimilation. D. symbolic representation.
Question ID #6866: The cortex is the least developed part of the brain at birth. Subsequent development is due primarily to:
Select one:
A. the growth of new neurons.
B. the growth of new neurons and glial cells.
C. increases in the size of existing neurons.
D. myelination of existing neurons.
Question ID #6848: You pour water from a short, fat glass into a tall, thin glass. You ask a child if there is more water in the thin glass than there was in the fat glass. The child says, "No. The amount of water has not changed." The child has attained at least the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ stage of cognitive development. Select one: A. sensorimotor B. preoperational C. formal operational D. concrete operational
Question ID #6812: An infant is least likely to experience emotional distress due to being separated from his or her parents if the infant is between the ages of: Select one: A. 0-8 months. B. 8-12 months. C. 12-16 months. D. 16-24 months
Question ID #6849: Which of the following is the most valid predictor of post-divorce adjustment in children two years after the divorce?
Select one:
A. whether children got to live with the parent they wanted
B. the degree to which parents fought before the divorce
C. whether or not parents are engaged in ongoing conflict after the divorce
D. how the children felt during the divorce process.
Question ID #6791: The most resilient children are raised by parents who are:
Select one:
A. low in control and high in warmth
B. high in control and high in warmth
C. high in demandingness and low in responsiveness
D. low in demandingness and low in responsiveness
Question ID #6903: Patterson's research on delinquency has shown that the parents of antisocial adolescents are most often Select one: A. hostile and rejecting. B. overindulgent. C. lax and uninvolved. D. overcontrolling
Question ID #6785: Older adults are likely to have more problems than young adults on tasks involving which type of memory? Select one: A. remote B. primary C. explicit D. semantic
Question ID #6790: In assessing perceptual abilities in a 3 or 4-month old infant you could use all of the following indicators except: Select one: A. head turning B. sucking C. reaching D. heart rate
Question ID #6911: An adolescent is unhappy with her recent haircut and feels that everyone is looking at her and laughing about her "bad hair." This is an example of Select one: A. a social trap. B. social referencing. C. personal fable. D. imaginary audience.
Question ID #6850: Stranger anxiety is typically found in children aged: Select one: A. 3 to 6 months B. 12 to 24 months C. 24 to 36 months D. 36 to 48 months
Question ID #6809: According to Vygotsky, what has the greatest impact on the development of language? Select one: A. social relationships B. internal cognitive structures C. schemas D. scaffoldings
Question ID #6882: Kohlberg's theory of moral development is based on the assumption that progress through his hypothesized stages is related to Select one: A. changes in social perspective. B. changes in self-concept. C. socioemotional development. D. identity development.
Question ID #6800: The parents of two children, Jimmy, 4, and Janie, 11, divorce without exposing their children to overt conflict. Based on the results on research investigating the effects of divorce on children, you would expect that:
Select one:
A. Janie will experience more negative effects than Jimmy initially, but Jimmy will experience a more negative delayed reaction. Incorrect
B. Janie will experience more negative effects initially as well as a more negative delayed reaction.
C. Jimmy will experience more negative effects initially as well as a more negative delayed reaction.
D. Jimmy will experience more negative effects than Janie initially, but Janie will experience a more negative delayed reaction.
Question ID #6857: Symptoms of separation anxiety usually begin to appear at approximately: Select one: A. 5 months B. 9 months C. 12 months D. 18 months
Question ID #6832: An infant born prematurely is most likely to eventually develop: Select one: A. Poor social skills B. Poor academic performance C. Low adult body weight D. None of the above
Question ID #6912: In terms of self-concept and social relationships, early physical maturity has been found to have which of the following effects for adolescents?
Select one:
A. positive effects for both males and females
B. positive effects for males but not for females
C. positive effects for females but not for males
D. negative effects for both males and females
Question ID #6855: Children with a history of bilateral otitis media score lowest on which of the following WISC subtests? Select one: A. freedom from distractibility B. perceptual organization C. processing speed D. verbal comprehension
Question ID #6884: Children raised by parents who are very demanding but warm are likely to be highly: Select one: A. neurotic B. oppositional C. insecure D. resilient
Question ID #6773: When a mother leaves her 12-month old child with a stranger, the child becomes very upset, yet, ignores her when she returns. What type of attachment pattern does this indicate? Select one: A. secure B. avoidant C. resistant D. disoriented
Question ID #6892: Severe maternal malnutrition during the third trimester is correlated with a number of intellectual, social, and motor deficits in children. Which of the following statements regarding the physiological correlates of these deficits is most true?
Select one:
A. Maternal malnutrition in the third trimester is most likely to result in incomplete development of the autonomic nervous system.
B. Maternal malnutrition in the third trimester seems to have its most severe negative impact on the developing brain.
C. Maternal malnutrition in the third trimester is most likely to cause physical disabilities that prevent the child from developing at a normal rate.
D. Maternal malnutrition in the third trimester is not likely to have a significant physiological effect on the developing fetus; observed deficits in these children are probably due to social and environmental causes.
Question ID #6876: Erik Erikson is known for all of the following except: Select one: A. eight developmental stages B. ecological model C. identity Crisis D. psychosocial moratorium
Question ID #6851: A child is left alone in a classroom and sees a small toy that he would really like to have. The child doesn't take the toy because he doesn't want his teacher to think he's "bad." According to Kohlberg, this child is in which stage of moral development? Select one: A. conventional B. preconventional C. heteronomous D. autonomous
Question ID #6860: Children generally begin to recognize racial differences based on physical traits between: Select one: A. 1 and 2 years B. 3 and 4 years C. 5 and 9 years D. 7 and 12 years
Question ID #6843: Relationships between pre-adolescent siblings are most commonly characterized by Select one: A. rivalry and discord. B. conflict and closeness. C. closeness and reciprocity. D. detachment and disinterest.
Question ID #6781: During the third week of prenatal development, which of the following is most vulnerable to the effects of a teratogen? Select one: A. eyes B. arms and legs C. heart D. central nervous system
Question ID #6798: Research has found all of the following to be true regarding aggressiveness in children and adolescents except:
Select one:
A. aggressive youth are more likely than their peers to believe that aggressive behavior will have positive outcomes.
B. aggressive youth have fewer behavioral responses to social situations than their peers.
C. aggressive youth are more likely than their peers to base their interpretation of social interactions on cues that occurred at the beginning of the social interactions.
D. aggressive youth are more likely than their peers to misinterpret other’s behaviors as intentionally hostile.
Question ID #6837: Piaget believed that children are "spontaneous liars" and considered their false statements to be natural and harmless until about: Select one: A. Age 3 or 4 B. Age 4 or 5 C. Age 5 or 6 D. Age 7 or 8
Question ID #6814: The research suggests that, to control excessive aggression in children, the best approach is:
Select one:
A. time-out and similar behavioral techniques.
B. opportunities for catharsis.
C. explaining the consequences of aggressive acts.
D. social-skills training.
Question ID #6821: What did Vygotsky stress over Piaget?
Select one:
A. developmental levels of specific children
B. Cognitive development of children
C. Their relationship with others in the family
D. The importance of the accommodation stage
Question ID #6868: According to research on parenting styles, which of the following describes the parents who are most likely to raise very aggressive children?
Select one:
A. attentive parents who are very controlling of their children’s behavior
B. parents who use frequent and intermittent violence and are very controlling of their children’s behavior
C. loving parents with a laissez-faire attitude toward their children’s behavior
D. parents who use frequent and intermittent violence and have a laissez-faire attitude toward their children’s behavior
Question ID #6856: In regards to learning, children generally have an advantage over adults due to their greater: Select one: A. brain plasticity B. explicit memory C. implicit memory D. metamemory
Question ID #6835: In Piaget's concrete operational stage the child is able to conserve due to the development of reversibility and decentration. Other achievements of this stage are: Select one: A. Deferred imitation B. Object permanence C. Propositional thought D. Transitivity
Question ID #6861: According to Erik Erikson, an adolescent who is unsuccessful in resolving the identity vs. identity confusion psychosocial conflict will exhibit: Select one: A. fidelity B. repudiation C. mainstream behaviors D. hopelessness
Question ID #6839: A distinguishing characteristic of the Montessori teaching method is
Select one:
A. children are grouped by developmental level rather than by age.
B. children are free to select their own learning activities.
C. it emphasizes emotional development and academic achievement.
D. its focus on group activities and learning experiences.
Question ID #6770: A high school student, interested in an acting career, is afraid of disappointing his father who always wanted his son to follow in his footsteps by becoming a doctor. After little deliberation, the young man announces to his family that he will become a doctor. According to Marcia, his decision is an example of: Select one: A. identity diffusion B. identity foreclosure C. identity moratorium D. identity placation
Question ID #6845: A 16-year old girl is sexually promiscuous and does not practice safe sex. When confronted with information about sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy, she states “that could never happen to me.” The girl’s behavior is characteristic of
Select one:
A. adolescent egocentrism.
B. concrete operational thought.
C. teenagers who have been sexually abused.
D. an immature system of defense mechanisms.
Question ID #6869: Research in the 1960s and 1970s found that, in school settings, teachers tend to pay more attention to boys than to girls. More recent research has suggested that this finding was due to:
Select one:
A. a bias against girls on the part of many teachers.
B. methodological errors in the research.
C. the fact that girls tend to be more shy and unassuming than boys.
D. the fact that boys display a higher proportion of learning and behavior difficulties.
Question ID #6847: Prenatal alcohol exposure is most likely to adversely affect the fetus during the: Select one: A. first trimester B. second trimester C. third trimester D. the first or third trimester
Question ID #6820: A one-year-old has no vocabulary but can understand what you are saying. The parent should:
Select one:
A. Do nothing; this reflects normal development
B. Consult with a speech pathologist
C. Refer to a pediatrician
D. Screen for the possibility of autism
Question ID #6813: According to both Kohlberg’s and Piaget’s theory of moral development, which of the following statements is not true?
Select one:
A. Moral development is rooted in cognitive development.
B. Appropriate peer interaction promotes moral development.
C. Moral development occurs in an invariant sequence of stages.
D. There may be differences across cultures in the development of moral reasoning, especially in the early stages.
Question ID #6772: In his theory of attachment, Bowlby referred to the structures which hold cognitive representations of self and others as:
Select one:
A. schemas
B. internal working models
C. representations of interactions that have been generalized (RIGs)
D. internalized objects
Question ID #6853: Among bilinguals, code-switching:
Select one:
A. is associated with low academic achievement.
B. is evidence of a critical period in language development.
C. is a way for the speaker to better express his or her attitude toward the listener.
D. should be encouraged early in language development to ensure greater reliance on the dominant language.
Question ID #6775: According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development, individuals who reach Stage 5 base their moral judgements on: Select one: A. empathy B. autonomous morality C. democratic laws D. universal ethical principles
Question ID #6779: At the end of the first year:
Select one:
A. children’s babbling begins to narrow to the sounds of their native language.
B. children begin to commit errors of overextension and underextension.
C. children begin to realize that certain sounds can get their parent’s attention and help.
D. children start putting two words together to make a sentence.
Question ID #6811: Kohlberg would agree with all of the following except:
Select one:
A. moral development is an outgrowth of cognitive development.
B. each stage of development represents an organized whole.
C. stage 5 and 6 are not reached by most people.
D. moral development stages have an inherent male bias.
Question ID #6901: Symptoms of anxiety in response to the presence of unfamiliar adults usually begins at: Select one: A. 9 months B. 12 months C. 18 months D. 24 months
Question ID #6902: Research on infants who were raised by multiple changing caregivers until at least two years old were found to:
Select one:
A. never be able to develop attachments
B. attach to adopted parents only if they were adopted by 36 months of age
C. attach more strongly if restored to a biological parent than if adopted by a non-biological parent
D. attach to adopted parents even if not adopted until 6 years of age
Question ID #6875: The authoritative style of parenting typically results in better school performance among: Select one: A. Asians B. Hispanics C. African-Americans D. Whites
Question ID #6871: To reduce a child’s aggressive behavior, the best approach is to:
Select one:
A. punish the aggression consistently and harshly.
B. use differential reinforcement of alternative behaviors.
C. identify the consequences of the behavior and alternatives to it.
D. have the child vent his or her aggressive feelings by hitting a pillow.
Question ID #6784: Studies investigating the effects of maternal employment and child academic achievement suggest that:
Select one:
A. maternal employment is generally associated with improved achievement for all children.
B. maternal employment is generally associated with lower achievement for all children.
C. children whose mothers want to be employed but stay at home have the lowest levels of achievement.
D. children whose mothers are employed but would rather stay at home have the lowest levels of achievement.
Question ID #6863: People with red-green color blindness usually:
Select one:
A. inherit the condition from their mothers
B. inherit the condition from their fathers
C. develop the condition during adolescence
D. produce daughters who are always color blind
Question ID #6846: A child who is not putting together two-word phrases, by which of the following ages, should be taken in for an evaluation? Select one: A. 12 months B. 18 months C. 24 months D. 30 months
Question ID #6907: Jerome and Jamal have significant problems with their peers. However, while Jerome is rejected by his classmates, Jamal is neglected. If Jerome and Jamal change schools, which of the following is most likely to happen?
Select one:
A. Jerome may be better accepted by his new classmates but Jamal will continue to be neglected.
B. Jamal may be better accepted by his new classmates but Jerome will continue to be rejected.
C. Jerome and Jamal will both be better accepted by their new classmates.
D. Jerome and Jamal will both continue to have the same peer problems they had in their old school.
Question ID #6893: All of the following are true regarding the relationship between aging and memory, except
Select one:
A. observed age-related cognitive and memory declines are believed to be due to artifacts of intelligence tests and experience, rather than physiological changes.
B. the main locus of observed age-related decline in memory is in long-term memory rather than short-term or sensory memory.
C. on tests such as the WAIS-III, the least age-related decline is observed on subtests measuring stored knowledge.
D. age-related declines on complex psychomotor tasks are greater than they are on simple psychomotor tasks.
Question ID #6836: If a child can understand that A is greater than B and B is greater than C, and then understand that as a result, A is greater than C, this is an example of: Select one: A. Inductive reasoning B. Symbolic thought C. Deductive reasoning D. Pre-operational thought.
Question ID #6823: An older brother helps his younger brother to build a fort by giving his brother verbal explanations and suggestions as they go. The researcher who would use this as an illustration of his theory is: Select one: A. Piaget B. Patterson C. Vygotsky D. Erikson.
Question ID #6896: In children with chronic illness, all of the following have been found to be correlated with the child’s level of adjustment, except
Select one:
A. the child age.
B. parental support.
C. parental marital distress.
D. brain involvement in the child’s illness.
Question ID #6858: According to Piaget, the concrete operations stage occurs during: Select one: A. 2 to 5 years B. 5 to 7 years C. 7 to 11 years D. 11 to 16 years
Question ID #6810: Hostile pre-schoolers who are aggressive toward their schoolmates exhibited which of the following attachment patterns in infancy? Select one: A. secure attachment B. anxious/resistant attachment C. disorganized/disoriented attachment D. anxious/avoidant attachment
Question ID #6895: According to the concept of “homeostasis,” if a married woman’s depressive symptoms improve, we can expect that which of the following will be most likely to occur?
Select one:
A. increased support from her husband
B. depressive symptoms in her husband
C. rejection by all family members
D. overall improvement in the family’s symptoms
Question ID #6889: When a pregnant woman drinks moderate amounts of alcohol during pregnancy, the child may exhibit “fetal alcohol effects.” In comparison to the full-scale fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), fetal alcohol effects
Select one:
A. are less severe than those associated with FAS and, for the most part, are reversible.
B. are less severe than those associated with FAS and are largely reversible following birth as long as the child is provided with adequate nutrition and an enriched environment.
C. are less severe than those associated with FAS but are also largely irreversible.
D. involve minor physical defects and behavioral problems without the cognitive impairments and more severe physical problems associated with FAS.
Question ID #6771: In the Adult Attachment Interview a 30-year old woman reports having had a very good childhood, yet, when asked, fails to provide any specific examples of what made it very good. When she is reunited with her 14-month-old child, who was placed in a strange situation, the child will most likely show which of the following behaviors?
Select one:
A. he’ll ignore his mother
B. he’ll be ambivalent towards his mother
C. he’ll run to her and hug her
D. he’ll appear dazed and confused
Question ID #6783: Delayed recall of specific events is usually first evident when children are \_\_\_\_\_ months of age. Select one: A. 10 B. 13 C. 16 D. 19
Question ID #6887: Studies on the effectiveness of training for improving the cognitive skills of older people who have already experienced normal age-related declines have found that training
Select one:
A. is useful for verbal but not for nonverbal skills.
B. is useful for nonverbal but not for verbal skills.
C. can improve verbal and nonverbal skills to levels comparable to pre-decline levels.
D. can improve verbal and nonverbal skills but to a level significantly below pre-decline levels.
Question ID #6796: Research suggests that minority adolescents score higher than white adolescents in which stage of ethnic identity development? Select one: A. identity achievement B. moratorium C. foreclosure D. identity diffusion
Question ID #6842: Play in children, as opposed to play in adolescents and adults
Select one:
A. is solely a form of imitation.
B. contributes to mastery of the environment.
C. is basically a form of entertainment.
D. is for the purpose of competition and attaining power.
Question ID #6827: You are holding your friend's one year old. Your friend leaves the room and her child continues to smile at you happily, and shows no interest in her mother when she returns. Most likely, your friend as a parent has been Select one: A. neglectful. B. smothering. C. impatient. D. either b or c.
Question ID #6778: Research comparing beliefs about the cause of memory problems among older and younger adults suggests that:
Select one:
A. younger adults are much more likely than older adults to attribute memory impairments in the elderly to a lack of effort or other controllable factor.
B. older adults are more likely to attribute memory impairments in the elderly to the effects of aging, while younger adults are more likely to attribute memory impairments in the elderly to a lack of effort or other controllable factor.
C. younger and older adults are both much more likely to attribute memory impairments in the elderly to the effects of aging than to controllable factors.
D. younger and older adults are both more likely to attribute memory impairments in young people and the elderly to controllable factors than to aging or other uncontrollable factors.
Question ID #6905: Research by Laurence Steinberg, Sanford Dornbusch and their colleagues on the relationship between parenting style and academic achievement has revealed that
Select one:
A. the positive impact of authoritative parenting applies to children but not adolescents.
B. the positive impact of authoritative parenting applies to adolescents regardless of gender, socioeconomic status, or race.
C. the positive impact of authoritative parenting may apply less to African-American adolescents than to European, Asian, and Hispanic adolescents.
D. the positive impact of authoritative parenting applies to adolescents and seems to be due primarily to parents’ encouragement of academic excellence.