Hypertension NICE Flashcards
High risk factors for pre-eclampsia? (should receive aspirin)
Previous HTN in pregnancy
T1/T2 DM
Moderate risk factors for pre-eclampsia. (2 or more = aspirin from 12w)
Pregnancy interval >10 years
BMI >35
Multiple pregnancy
What PCR level is indicative of PET?
> 30mg/mmol
What does PLGF-based testing assess?
Helps to diagnose pre-eclampsia, helpful in women with chronic hypertension.
Looks for reduced placental-growth factor levels which indicate placental dysfunction and increased risk of pre-term birth.
Used between 20-37 weeks
What is an abnormal PLGF level?
<100 abnormal
<12 highly abnormal
At what blood pressure should you offer pharmacological treatment?
> 140/90
1st line treatment gestational hypertension?
What prediction models can help guide decisions about care in PET?
Use platelets, AST, creatinine, symptoms
When should you admit to hospital for surveillance?
Systolic BP >160
Rise in Cr, Plt, ALT
Signs of severe pre-clampsia, fetal compromic, pulmonary oedema
In women with HTN in pregnancy, when should you dip urine as an inpatient?
Daily in gestational HTN
Only repeat if clinically indicated in PET
(I guess you’re looking to see if PET has developed in your gest HTN patients)
How should you monitor baby in PET?
USS at diagnosis and then 2 weekly
What might trigger early delivery in PET patients?
Unable to control BP despite using 3 classes of anti-hypertensives
spO2 <90%
Deteriorating LFT, U&E, FBC
Neurological features
Placental abruption
Abnormal dopplers
When should BP be measured in labour in women with HTN?
Hourly if HTN only
Every 15-30 mins if severe hypertension
How to manage severe pre-eclampsia or eclampsia?
IV magnesium sulfate - if severe symptoms or birth planned within 24 hours.
Refer to ICU
labetalol, nifedipine, IV hydralazine to control BP
Do not use diazepam
Post-natal antihypertensives?
Nifedipine or amlodipine in black women
Can add atenolol or labetalol if poor control