GTG breech / GTG assisted vaginal birth Flashcards
In breech presentation, does planned CS reduce perinatal mortality?
Small reduction
0.5/1000 with CS
1.0/1000 planned cephalic birth
2.0/1000 planned breech birth
Proportion of women planning vaginal breech del that require EMCS
Factors which make a vaginal breech delivery high risk
Hyperextended neck on USS
<10th centile EFC
Footling presentation
AN compromise
Is induction appropriate in breech presentation?
Not recommended
BUT if spontaneous labour with epidural and inadequate contractions, can give oxytocin augmentation
Contraindications to assisted vaginal birth?
Fetal bleeding disorders or predisposition to fractures
Vacuum extraction <32 weeks due to risk of subgaleal haemorrhage (use with caution 32-36w)
When is fetal scalp electrode contraindicated?
HIV hepatitis
Maternal bleeding disorders e.g ITP
Fetal bleeding disorders e.g. haemophilia
Prematurity <34w
In what cases should you reassess during vacuum assisted delivery?
2 pop offs
2 pulls - no descent
If less experienced, should seek help after 1 pop off/1 pull no descent
What is the use of sequential instruments associated with?
Increased risk of injury to fetus
Increased risk of OASI
When should you consider a trial in theatre?
Head is 1/5th palpable
Head is in mid-pelvis
Rotation required
Concern re: cephalo-pelvic disproportion