Hyper-emesis gravidum Flashcards
What is hyper-emesis gravidarum
Inability to keep down fluids or solids -> dehydration, electrolytes and nutrients deficiency
Features of hyper-emesis gravidarum
Leading to weight loss (2-5kg)
Electrolyte imbalance
Vit B deficiecny (B6-polyneuropahty, thiamine deficiency - Wernickes encephalopathy)
Rarely - liver failure, renal failure, foetal and maternal mortality
Mallory-Weiss tears of oesophagus and haematemesis
Risk factors for hypermesis gravidarum
Higher levels of HCG
Multiple pregnancy
Molar pregnancy
Maternal conditions leading to excessive vomitting
Anorexia nervosa and bulimia
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Infections - UTI, GI problems, cholecystisis
Investgiations for hyperemsisi gravidum
FBC + clotting + U+Es, haemotocrit, LFTs, thyroid function tests if prolonged
Urine for ketones, culture and sensitivity
USS - multiple pregnancues, molar pregnancies
Social aspects
What is PUQE score
For hyperemesis gravidum
Pregnancy unique quantification of emesis
Treatment hyperemesis graciaruam
Pregnancy assessment unit if mild
IV fluids
Small frequent meals
Vitamin B supplementes - thaimain
Social and mental health support
Rarely par-enteral feeding and steroids
Usually termination fo pregnancy is not required and multidisciplinary care with invilvement of psychiatry, gastroenterology, dietician and obs team
Symptoms and signs of hyperemsis gravidarum
Why does hCG cause hyperemesis graviarum
HCG similarities to TSH as well as receptors –biochemical thyrotoxicosis like condition.
Presentation of osmotic demyelination syndrome
Pyramidal tract sighs, spastic quadriparesis
Pseudobulbar palsy and impaired consciousness
Wheer is bHCG produced
The chorion
What is the chorion
Outside layer of amnitoic sac
When do nausea and vomitting noramlly effect pregnancy?
first trimester, peals around 8-12 weeks gestation
When is nausea and vomitting normal in pregnancy
normal during early pregnancy. Symptoms usually start from 4 – 7 weeks, are worst around 10 – 12 weeks and resolve by 16 – 20 weeks. Symptoms can persist throughout pregnancy.
What causes nausea in pregnancy
hCG released from placenta
Which pregnancies is nausea worse in
hCG is higher
When is hCG higher?
Molar, multple
When is hCG higher?
Molar, multple
Diagnosis for hyperemesis gravidarum
> 5% weigth loss vs before pregnancy
Electrolyte imbalance
Severity of PUQE
- < 7: Mild
- 7 – 12: Moderate
- > 12: Severe
Antiemetics in order of prefernece and known safety in pregnancy
rcog HOW TO manage morning xickness initially
Ranitidine or omeprazole used if acid reflux a problem
Acupressure on wrist at PC6
Admission for mild hyperemesis gravidarum whne
- Unable to tolerate oral antiemetics or keep down any fluids
- More than 5 % weight loss compared with pre-pregnancy
- Ketones are present in the urine on a urine dipstick (2 + ketones on the urine dipstick is significant)
- Other medical conditions need treating that required admission
Moderate-severe cases of hyperemesis gravidarum requriing ambulatory care or admission for:
- IV or IM antiemetics
- IV fluids (normal saline with added potassium chloride)
- Daily monitoring of U&Es while having IV therapy
- Thiamine supplementation to prevent deficiency (prevents Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome)
- Thromboprophylaxis (TED stocking and low molecular weight heparin) during admission