By HOW MANY did the nobility increase during Henry VIII’s reign?
9 more at the end compared to the beginning
In WHICH ways did the nobility lose power/influence during Henry VIII’s reign?
1) Henry VIII executed many nobles (e.g. Henry Pole, for treason)
2) They were gradually being brought more under the control of the monarch
WHAT are some examples of groups of people in the gentry?
- Knights
- Esquires
- Gentlemen
In WHICH ways did the gentry gain power/wealth during Henry VIII’s reign?
1) Number of gentry increased
2) Many bought up monastics land after the dissolution of the monasteries 1536
3) Increase in JPs
4) The Crown’s local administrators were now more likely to be laymen than clergymen
HOW MANY gentry families were in England and Wales by 1540?
The number rose to about 5000.
HOW MUCH of the monastic estates were sold?
Almost 2/3 by the end of Henry’s reign. This was about 2 million acres (16% of England and Wales).
By HOW MUCH did the population increase under Henry VIII?
The population of England and Wales rose from just over 2 million to just under 3 million.
HOW MUCH did life change for the commoners during Henry VIII’s reign?
Not much. The social structure remained unchanged and the standard of living didn’t change too much. In the 2nd half of his reign saw a rise in the rate of inflation and drop in real incomes.
WHEN was Cromwell’s Wales Act passed?
WHAT did Cromwell’s Wales Act do?
1) Divided Wales into 3 shire counties, all represented in the House of Commons
2) There were 24 Welsh MPs
3) Brought into same legal and government systems as England
WHEN was the Act Resuming Liberties to the Crown passed?
WHAT was the Act Resuming Liberties to the Crown?
Reduced the level of independence for the bishop in the English palatinates (mostly just Durham at this point), but didn’t completely destroy it. For example, the Court of Chancery continued to operate.
WHAT was the Council of Wales and the Marches and WHAT did it do?
A council that controlled the Anglo-Welsh border that Henry VIII kept in place. It implemented some English rule and gave locals easier access to the law.
WHAT did Henry VIII do to try and control the Anglo-Scottish border?
It was split into 3 marches, under the jurisdiction of a warden
WHAT types of people could Henry VIII appoint to control the Anglo-Scottish border? (pros/cons)
1) Local magnates - would have had influence over the locals, but could misuse their power at Henry VIII’s expense
2) Gentry/complete outsiders - more likely to be loyal to Henry, but less likely to have influence over the locals
Henry mostly chose from the second group of people.
WHEN was the Council of the North re-established during Henry VIII’s reign?
After the 1536 Pilgrimage of Grace
HOW successful was the re-establishment of the Council of the North during Henry VIII’s reign?
Quite successful - it gave power back to the northerners but not to any one specific person and still established royal authority.
WHAT and WHERE was the Council of the North responsible for?
Law and order north of the River Trent (e.g. the appointing and overseeing of JPs and serious crimes like treason)
Through WHICH region were there rebellions in response to the Amicable Grant?
East Anglia
WHEN was the Pilgrimage of Grace?
October - November 1536
WHAT were the causes of the Pilgrimage of Grace?
1) Religious: dissolution of the monasteries (and all their charitable/educational functions) and the attacking of traditional religious practices (e.g. celebration of saints, pilgrimages, etc.)
2) Economic: taxation, loss of the services provided by monasteries (education, charity, work, etc.)
3) Political: a courtly conspiracy by former supporters of Catherine of Aragon, wanting to exploit the northerner’s grievances to pressurise the king.
HOW MANY people rebelled during the Pilgrimage of Grace?
Estimated 40,000, making it the largest rebellion in the history of Tudor England
WHAT were the demands of the Pilgrimage of Grace?
Many things including:
- Restoration of the Catholic Church
- Restoration of the dissolved monasteries
- Princess Mary to be restored to the succession
- Stopping of enclosure
WHAT were the consequences of the Pilgrimage of Grace?
At first Henry VIII promised pardons and that parliament would look at their demands, but renewed rebellion in February 1537 gave him the excuse to go back on his word and punish the rebels. The leaders were executed, but most other rebels were treated leniently.
WHERE was the Pilgrimage of Grace during Henry VIII’s reign?
Lincolnshire and the north of England