HOW did Henry VII control the nobility?
1) He employed a spy network to report on magnate performance
2) He imposed bonds and recognisances
3) He attacked retaining
4) His use of attainders
5) Limits on patronage
WHAT did the Star Chamber do?
Prosecuted rioting, rebellion, retaining and the corruption of justice. It also heard petitions against the rulings of other courts.
WHEN was the Star Chamber established?
WHAT did the Court of Equity do?
Allowed the monarch to dispense justice if the law was unable to deal with a crime adequately (e.g. if someone was so powerful locally that juries were scared to convict)
WHAT did the Court of Chancery do?
Heard cases on feudal rights and complaints about mistakes the Crown made.
WHAT were three specific courts used under Henry VII?
1) The Star Chamber
2) The Court of Equity
3) The Court of Chancery
HOW MANY JPs were there per county during Henry VII’s reign?
About 18
WHAT were the new powers of JPs during Henry VII’s reign?
1487: they could grant bail to those awaiting trial
1495: they could vet (background check) juries and replace jury members who were thought to have been bribed.
WHAT general powers did JPs have?
Routine administration (e.g. tax assessments and the investigation of complaints against local officials)
HOW often did Henry VII appoint JPs?
WHAT type of people were commonly JPs under Henry VII?
They were mostly local gentry, hoping to gain the king’s favour by doing the unpaid work.
WHAT were bonds and recognisances?
Introduced by Henry VII, they bound an individual to behave a certain way (be loyal to Henry), or forfeit a sum of money
HOW did Edmund Dudley describe Henry VII in regards to bonds and recognisances?
As wishing ‘to have many persons in danger at his pleasure’
HOW MANY Acts of Attainder were passed during Henry VII’s reign?
WHY would Henry VII reverse an Act of Attainder?
1) If the attainder was too severe
2) If he believed it would secure gratitude and future loyalty by returning their lands and titles
By HOW MUCH did the number of nobility fall during Henry VII’s reign?
By about 1/4 through deaths and attainders
WHAT was retaining/’bastard feudalism’?
Where noblemen kept a large number of men as his personal staff. Intended for household staff, but mainly used as gangs of enforcers or like personal armies.
HOW MANY of the nobility were under bonds in Henry VII’s last decade as king?
NAME an example of a nobleman who was put under an extreme bond after being convicted for lawless retaining.
Lord Burgavenny - illegally retained almost 500 men and was fined £70,000
HOW did Henry VII try to limit retainers?
A 1504 Act required nobles to obtain a special license from the king before they could retain large numbers of men and would have to pay a fine if they did not.