Human growth and develpment Flashcards
Freud is to psychosexual as E. Erikson is
to ….
Freudian theory instincts are emphasized while Erik Erikson- who is a ego psychologist
belief in man’s powers of reasoning to control behavior
Two maturationists were…
freud and erikson
Freud’s last stage begins at what age?
12 and doesn’t seem to encompass a life span
“the ego is dependent upon the Id”
The pleasure principle- and houses the animalistic instincts
pioneer in behavior therapy movement
Arnold Lazarus- MD: pioneered behavior therapy as first to rise again-
use of systematic desensitization
arnold lazarus and J Wolpe- MD: L. had to desensitize himself as goes to grave and Wolf
multimodal therapy
Arnold Lazarus- MD: Lazarus lived in multiple modes
termed- behavioral therapy and psychotherapy
what is a technique which helps clients cope with phobias?
systematic desensitization
Perry stresses what kind of thinking?
dualistic/ black and white MD: dualistic- Perry platapus and dufenshmirtz has a dual
relativistic thinking is
perceive that not everything is wrong or right
Jean Piaget’s theory has 4 stages-?
sensorimotor, preoperations, concrete, formal operations
MD: operate concretelely and formally on the senses
His findings were often derived from studying his own children.
Jean Piaget
cognitive development: constructive model of development
conservation refers to
mass, weight and volume remain even if it changes shape
A child masters concept of reversibility in which Piagetian stage?
3rd stage - CONCRETE operations
concept of reversibility means
one can undo an action - an object can return to initial shape
“the rain is following me” is an example of
child can’t view the world through another vantage point…
For Kohlberg, The Heinz story represents…
a test to see what stage of moral development
Identity crisis- comes from who’s work?
E. Erikson
Abraham Maslow coined which term?
positive psychology
Learned helplessness - who?
Martin Segelman
Who founded individual psychology?
Alfred Adler- Also known as Adlerian psychology- MD:
individual- which needed a community- paradox
inferiority complex- who’s term?
Adler- remember he had a difficult childhood and had an inferiority complex
Erikson’s stages
trust vs mistrust autonomy verses shame initiative vs guilt industry vs inferiority identity vs role confusion intimacy vs isolation generativity vs stagnation integrity vs despair
Harry stack sullivan’s theory
psychiatry of interpersonal relations- biological determination is less important than interpersonal issues and sociocultural demands
Sullivan’s stages
infancy, childhood, juvenile era, pre ad, early ad, and late adolescence
term- describes the difference between a child’s performance without a teacher versus that which he or she is capable of with an instructor
Zone of proximal development
both are maturationists
Freud and Erikson
Bowlby’s name is most closely associated with -
bonding and attachment MD: Bonding Bowlby
Attachment is not learned. It is innate.
Maccoby and Jacklin discovered this in research
males are better at math than females
In psychoanalysis term manifest content describes what?
the dream as it is presented to the dreamer
In psychoanalysis Latent content refers to
hidden meaning of the dream
Which is true in adolescence:
a. females commit suicide more than males
b. males commit more than girls but girls attempt more often
B- males commit more than girls but girls attempt more often
overall suicide rate in US
Only stage that is not psychosexual in nature
stanley coopersmith discovered that
child rearing practices have major impact on self esteem
T/F stage theorists assume qualitative changes between stages occur
Development is cephalocaudal- which means-
head to foot
What are the 6 stages of Kohlberg’s 3 levels?
1- punishment/obedience- orientation stage
- Naive hedonism
- good boy/good girl
- authority and law and order
- democratically accepted law or social contract
- principles of self conscience and universal ethics
a family of holistic psychological theories which tend to stress the organization, unity, and integration of human beings expressed through each individual’s inherent growth or developmental tendency.
Organismic theories in psychology are
Empiricist view of development would be
behavioristic and quantitative
developmental strides are qualitative- what is the name given to these:
schema of permanency and constancy of objects occurs in which of Piaget’s stages?
1st stage- sensorimotor
Konrad Lorenz: imprinting means
an instinctual behavior in goslings - infant follows the first moving object it encounters which is usually the mother
Child follows the clowns red nose but nothing else
Which of Piaget’s stages includes the acquisition of a symbolic schema?
a milk carton can easily become a spaceship or pie plate can become the steering wheel of an auto- this is an example of…..
symbolic schema
T/F all reinforcers- positive and negative increase the probability that the behavior will occur.
T- remember it IS a reinforcer- however punishment only works at the moment.
a child witnesses his parents having sex- this is called
Primal scene
BASIC ID was developed by
A. Lazarus
BASIC ID stands for
behavior, affective responses, sensations, imagery, cognitions, interpersonal relationships, drugs
ego identity is associated with which of Erkison’s stages
identity vs. role confusion