Appraisal Flashcards
Raymond Catell
fluid and crystallized intelligence memory: Catell crystalized
John Ertl
electronic machine analyze perception speed which is intelligence memory- erlectronic
Arthur Jensen
1969 Black vs White controversy of IQ test
jetson was white with a black maid? but call it Jenson?
any form of mental testing memeory d- pscho- mental metric - testing
Likert Scale
test relies on summated or linear rating scale like - agree response gets a 5 etc..
an ink blot is what kind of test?
Projective test
Association (ink blot), completion (finish sentence) and construction (what make of it) are aspects of this type of test….
Projective test
A projective test will give
a. something highly reinforcing
b. something emotionally charged
c. neutral stimuli
Neutral stimuli
The 16 PF means what?
16 personality factors questionnaire
16 PF is suitable for what ages?
16 and above
16 PF can be used for marital counseling. T/F
True- individual and joint
coined the term mental test - researched mental assessment and relation to reaction time. worked with Wundt and Galton
James Cattell
16 PF is
a. theory based test
b. factor analytic test
c. an inventory
d. both b and c
D both factor and analytic test/inventory-
even though it is called a personality factor it is not personality theory
Which person is responsible for the Meyers Briggs?
Carl Jung
Mental Measurements yearbook
created by Buros, reviews available tests
Counselor who favors projective measures would most likely be operating with what theoretical stance?
A test which measures unconscious behaviors
inkblot, random pictures
T/F these go together: Projective measures,
psychodynamic, unconscious behaviors
aptitude measures what?
achievement measures what?
what has been learned
The Rorschach test uses 10 inkblot cards while the TAT uses:
pictures- consists of 30 cards plus one blank but uses only up to 20 selected for age and sex
Projective tests: The TAT uses pictures while the Rorschach uses
If I were to evaluate someone’s unconscious thoughts I would use what kind of test?
Projective- Rorschach or TAT-
The RISB- Rotter Incomplete sentence blank is what kind of test?
Projective- as it involves completion
As a Psychodynamic counselor what test might I use:
What ages is the TAT for?
4 and up- up to 20 cards…
an expressive projective measure known for its ability to check for brain damage is…
Bender Gestalt memory D- BenderBrain
Interest Inventory- works best with what age group?
high school age or above- because interests are not stable - and generally become very stable at 25
Interest Inventories get criticized for …
too much emphasis on professional jobs and not enough on blue collar
T/F Interest Inventories are reliable .
AMECD stands for
Association for Measurements and Evaluations in Counseling and Development
the GATB, MCAT, O*NET Ability Profiler are examples of what kind of test?
the GATB stands for
General Aptitude test Battery
Medical College admissions test- an aptitude test
School selection tests assess ….
a. aptitude
b. achievement
The GRE tests for
a. aptitude
b. achievement
c. brain waves
d. a and c
D aptitude and knowledge
Standard error of measurement tells you :
How accurate or inaccurate a test score
is. A LOW standard error means HIGH reliability.
68% confidence interval with a standard error of measurement being about 3 means equation is …
plus and minus 3 from the actual score of the test- and the two numbers creates the interval
shortening an achievement test will
a. raise reliability
b. lower reliability
c. keep the same reliability
B- it will lower the reliability to shorten a test just as it raises reliability to lengthen a test.
Examples of Informal assessment techniques are:
outpatient with a journal, self reports, case notes, checklists, sociograms of groups, interviews, professional staffings
T/F More public education is needed in the area of testing
In infant IQ tests are:
a. unreliable than those given later in life
b. more reliable than what is given later in life.
c. never used
A. more unreliable than given later
Lewis Terman did what?
Americanized the Binet and then it became the Stanford Binet- memory D: Termanbinet