Human Geography Ch.2 Quiz Flashcards
How Do Geographers Describe Where Things Are?
Human geographers therefore ask two simple questions…
Where are people and activities found on Earth?(Where do they live?)
Why are they found there?(what makes them want to live there?)
Time Zones
A region of the globe that observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial, and social purposes
Coordinated Universal Time
Greenwich Mean Time
Daylight Savings
adjusting local clock time by an hour
Many land time zones are skewed toward the west of the corresponding nautical time zones. This also creates a permanent daylight saving time effect
Standard Deviations
The standard deviation is the average distance between each value and the mean.
For every 15º= 1 hour
Describe how geographers calculate standard deviation off of time at UTC
The International Date Line is…
Located at 180º longitude.
Position deviates from 180º longitude at times to accommodate various nearby nation-states.
Point you move the clock back 24 hours (one day), if you are heading eastward toward America.
Point you move the clock ahead 24 hours (one day), if you are heading westward toward Asia.
A framework of spaced bars that are parallel to or cross each other; a grating
Lines on maps that run East &West
Lines on maps that run North &South
Side by side and having the same distance continuously between them
A circle of constant longitude passing through a given place on the earth’s surface and the terrestrial poles
Significant lines of Latitude
- Equator(0,0’)
- Tropic of Cancer(23,26’N)
- Tropic of Capricorn(23,26’S)
- Arctic Circle(66,34’N)
- Antarctic Circle(66,34’S)
- Significant lines of Longitude
Significant lines of Longitude
- Prime Meridian(0,0’)
Map Scale
Level of detail and the amount of area covered on the map depend on its map scale. Relationship of a feature’s size on a map to its actual size on Earth
A line drawn on maps that go from the North Pole to the South Pole (runs north & south)
Side by side and having the same distance continuously between them
Prime Meridian
An imaginary line drawn on a map that divides the earth into eastern and western hemispheres(runs North & South)
Understand and describe the role of map scale and map projection in reading maps (3 ways)
Map scale is presented in three ways…
1. Ratio or Fraction Scale: Ex. 1:24,000 or 1/24,000
Number on left is one unit of distance, while number on right represents same unit of distance on Earth’s surface.
2.Written Scale: Ex. 1 inch equals 1 mile
Number on left is one unit of distance, while number on right represents a different unit of distance on Earth’s surface.
3.Graphic Scale: Usually consists of a bar line marked to show distance on Earth’s surface The map scale needs to be correct, because if not some continents might be too big or too small
mental maps
A mental map is a personal visualization of spatial information. In other words, it’s a map inside our own minds.
People use mental maps all the time and don’t even realize it. For instance when you know your way around school, you use a mental map of the school.
Describe the three was you use mental maps
- Finding our way from point A to point B
- Organizing and storing information for future reference
- A way to make meaning (more on this below)
How are mental maps used in Human Geography?
Mental maps provide people with essential means of making sense of the world and of storing and recalling information about the patterns of Earth’s physical and human features
Cartography is the science of mapmaking.
Geography’s most important tool for thinking spatially and the distribution of the features across the Earth is a map. A map is a two-dimensional or flat-scale model of Earth’s surface, or a portion of it.
A map is a two-dimensional or flat-scale model of Earth’s surface, or a portion of it
Absolute Location
An absolute location is the exact site
Relative Location
A relative location is the position of something relative to another landmark.
Describe the two ways that geographers use maps.
- As a reference tool to identify an object’s absolute and relative location.
- As a communications tool to convey the distribution of human activities or physical features. (i.e. The Thematic Maps)
Identify the progression of early mapmaking
Earliest maps were reference tools—simple navigation devices to show a traveler how to get from Point A to Point B.
At first maps were just about Europe, as their technology developed. That made it possible to explore the rest of the world (evolving maps)
Human Geography
The branch of geography that deals with the study of people and their communities, cultures, economies, and interactions with the environment by studying their relations with and across space and place.
The study a field of science devoted to the study of the lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena of the earth and planets
Physical Geography
The branch of natural science which deals with the study of processes and patterns in the natural environment like the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and geosphere, as opposed to the cultural or built environment which is the domain of human geography
Map Scale
Level of detail and the amount of area covered on the map depend on its map scale.
Relationship of a feature’s size on a map to its actual size on Earth
What are the three ways Map Scale is presented
- Ratio or Fraction Scale: Ex. 1:24,000 or 1/24,000
Number on left is one unit of distance, while number on right represents same unit of distance on Earth’s surface.
2.Written Scale: Ex. 1 inch equals 1 mile
Number on left is one unit of distance, while number on right represents a different unit of distance on Earth’s surface.
3.Graphic Scale: Usually consists of a bar line marked to show distance on Earth’s surface
Distance between two points can be overlaid on the scale bar to determine the distance on Earth’s surface.