Chapter 6 review Western civ Flashcards
A form of Roman government where wealthy romans elected leaders to make all government decisions; power belongs to people;
Latin term “res publica”, translates to “the affairs of the people”
noble class; “fathers of the state”, or officials who advised the king; controlled the most valuable land and held key military and religious offices; established the republic
common, lower class people; were mostly laborers, peasants, artisans, and shopkeepers; had to pay taxes and serve in Roman army Plebeians & Patricians were the 2 main social classes
The elected official of the Plebeians assembly that was set up when they were outside of Rome.
The chief official elected by the Roman assembly each year who led the armies, served as judges, and acted for citizens of Rome. Each year 2 consuls are elected
body of 300 men which ran the country; served for life and and were expected to make laws, appoint officials, and serve as judges
A ruler with complete authority and with absolute Roman power.
Roman army unit of about 5,000 men
Punic Wars
series of three wars that Rome fought with Carthage
Carthaginian General who invades Italy during the second Punic War
What do you consider to be the most important event in the chronological timeline for the development of Rome?Why?
I think the most important event is when Rome went from being a Republic to an Empire “The beginning of Roman Empire”
It happens when Julius Ceasar conquers Gaul
Then wins the Civil War and declares himself dictator, and then in 27 BCE adopted son Augustus declared Emperor
What limits were there on the power of the Roman consuls?
They could only serve for one year, the same person could not be elected for ten years, and one consul could always overrule the others decision.
What was the significance of the Twelve Tables?
To ensure that all free citizens had protection under the law, all laws were carved on twelve tablets and hung in a forum.
How was Hannibal’s attack on Rome daring and different?
Instead of a head on attack, he used a surprise attack.
1.) Rome is founded, according to legend (753 B.C). How did geography affect the development of Rome
Was built near the midpoint of the Mediterranean Sea (trade opportunities), soil allowed crop production
2.) Etruscan becomes king of Rome (600 B.C). How did the Etruscans influence the development of Rome?
Boasted a system of writing, Romans adopted their alphabet and influenced Rome’s architecture: arch
3.) Roman aristocrats overthrow monarchy and establish a republic (509 B.C).
Which were the main groups that competed for power in the early Roman republic?
Patricians (held power) and Plebeians (vote)
4.) Officials begin writing the Twelve Tables (451 B.C.). What is the significance of the Twelve Tables in Roman law?
Established the idea that all free citizens had a right to the protection of the law. Allowed fairness
5.) Rome and Carthage go to war, and Punic Wars begin (264 B.C). What were the causes of the first Punic War?
Fighting for control over Sicily and the Mediterranean Sea
Second Punic War Begins (218 B.C) | Romans defeat Hannibal’s army (202 B.C). What tactic did Scipio use to defeat Hannibal?.
Destroyed Carthage
7.) Third Punic War begins when Rome lays siege to Carthage (149 B.C.) | Rome destroys Carthage (146 B.C).
What was the significance of the Punic Wars for Rome?
Empire grew
Civil War
a conflict between groups within the same country
Julius Caesar
Military leader who joined forces with Crassus and Pompey. He was elected consul in 59 BC
in 60 bc he joined forces with crassus and pompey. in 59 bc caesar was elected for consul of rome. He ruled for 10 years. Caesar came from a noble family, was educated, and he built his power in Gaul where his troops loved him. Caesar wrote a diary of his military story for his campaign. In 46 bc caesar was appointed “dictator” of rome by senate and in 44 bc he named himself dictator for life because of his popularity with the army and with common people. Some of Caesars key reforms include; he granted roman citizenship to people of rome provinces (gaul, spain, africa, etc.), he increased the senate to 900 people which angered the patriciah who started losing power, he forced landowners to employ free men, instead of slaves, he created public work projects to beautify the city and create jobs, and he created the 12 month, july. Caesar’s popularity began to alarm the senate because they felt the republic weaken. On march 15 44 bc he was ambushed in the senate building by his “friends” and was stabbed many times by senators. This created a civil war and struggle for power.
Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey joined forces and dominated Rome as a triumvirate (group of three rulers)
Julius Cesar
Crassus: Wealthy Roman
Pompey: Popular General
“Octavian” was the unchallenged ruler of Rome. “Exalted one”
Octavian formed the second triumvirate with Caesar chief military commanders, Marc Antony and Marcus Aurelius in 43 bc and ruled for 10 years together. Octavian feared that Anthony Would try rule Rome from Egypt. Octavian sent a naval force to battle Antony at sea. Marc Antony fled and Octavian won battle of actium. When returned home, Octavian didn’t claim absolute power, he promised to share power with senate. In 27 bc the senate asked him to take the name Augustus, meaning exalted one. The people were frustrated with war and political instability so they welcomed his leadership. The senate gave him the name of imperator( emperor) and he ruled from 27 bc to 14 ad. Augustus had many accomplishments including creating a paid civil service which administered the empires: tax collections, law enforcement, postal delivery, and food distributions.
Pax Romana
A period of peace and prosperity throughout the Roman Empire, lasting from 27 BC to AD 180(longest peace period)
Which category of the Roman Empire do you feel was most significant? Why?
Its strong military and tactics. Roman military policies helped to expand the empire. The soldiers were trained in the latest tactics of war and were well equipped with the weapons of war.
.What factors contributed to the fall of the Roman Republic?
The Empire was far too vast
The Catholic religion split, causing conflict
Constant hammering of Germans and nomads
Losing money because of raids
What were the main reasons for the Romans’ success in controlling such a large empire?
Augustus was a very capable ruler and he set up an efficient government with paid civil servants
What measures did the government take to distract and control the masses of Rome?
The government provided free games, races, mock battles, and gladiator contest
Very large gap between rich and poor; thousands of slaves worked on huge estates owned by rich landowners; 1/3 of the Roman population was enslaved by 100 BCE
Form of Government
Republican; efficient government, able rulers; Augustus glorified Rome, stabilized the frontier, set up civil service by paying workers to manage the affairs of the government
Discipline, strength, loyalty; gravitas; strength > beauty; power > grace; usefulness > elegance
Social Structure: Lots of slaves, who were vital in the economy; large gap between rich and poor; few rich, many poor
Polytheistic; worshipped powerful spirits / divine forces (numina); honored powerful gods and goddesses through various rituals
Government provided free games, races, mock battles, and gladiator contests in the Colosseum. Both rich and poor attended
Son of God; Born in Bethlehem and ministered in Israel for 3 years. He was crucified by the Romans and resurrected. He is the founder of Christianity.
Meaning “one who is sent”; The first 12 Apostles helped to build the new church.
Originally named Saul. He once persecuted the followers of Christ, but was converted on the road to Damascus and became one of the greatest teachers in the New Testament, writing most of its letters.
The dispersal of Jews from their homeland and into exile during the Roman Empire.
Roman Emperor who in 312 A.D. converted to Christianity. The following year he ended the Roman persecution of Christians and made it an official religion in the empire through the Edict of Milan.
A priest who supervised several home churches at a time
An apostle of Christ. Jesus referred to his faith as the “rock” upon which the Christian Church would be built. Catholic priests trace their authority back to him.
The head of the Catholic Church. They trace this leadership style back to Peter. Tradition had it that the bishop of Rome was the leader of the Church.
Which event do you feel was most significant in the spread of Christianity? Why?
—30 A.D.: Birth, life, death, and believed resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is perhaps the most important event in religion’s history as it is the one on which Christianity is based and around which it revolves
What did Jesus emphasize in his early teachings?
Personal relationships with God, importance of people’s love to God, neighbors and enemies. Also, offered eternal life if you repented for your sins
Why did the early Christians face persecution from the Romans?
Because they refused to worship the Roman gods, and because the Romans feared that it would lead to rebellion
What was the importance of the Nicene Creed?
It defined the Church basic beliefs
How did each of the following people influence the development of Christianity as a new religion
Jesus of Nazareth
He taught people about Christianity and showed then how welcoming it was and forgiving
How did each of the following people influence the development of Christianity as a new religion
The Jews
they helped convince others to follow Jesus
How did each of the following people influence the development of Christianity as a new religion
Pontinus Pilate
He had Jesus crucified
How did each of the following people influence the development of Christianity as a new religion
He ran the development after the death of Jesus
How did each of the following people influence the development of Christianity as a new religionPax Romana:
made travel and the exchange of ideas fairly safe providing ideal conditions for it
How did each of the following people influence the development of Christianity as a new religion
He spent almost half his life traveling around the world teaching people about Jesus based on a vision
How did each of the following people influence the development of Christianity as a new religion
after winning a war he made Christianity legal in Rome and ended the prosecution of Christians
How did each of the following people influence the development of Christianity as a new religion
made Christianity official religion of Rome
Economic term indicating
Drop in value of money
Rise in prices
Result of poor economic management by government:
Government raised taxes
Created money using less and less silver - worth less.
Poor harvests because soil lost fertility and warfare depleted farmland.
Led to food shortages, population decline and spread of disease.
Foreign soldier who fights for money
Willing to accept lower pay than Roman soldiers
PROBLEM: Felt no loyalty towards Roman empire.
This person ordered last great persecution of the Christians
Strong-willed army leader.
Became emperor in A.D. 284; claimed he was descended from gods.
Ruled with iron fist:
Limited personal freedoms.
Restored order in army.
Doubled size of army.
Set fixed prices to curb inflation.
Most significant reform was to split empire into two:
Greek-speaking East
Latin-speaking West (wealthier)
Constantine gained control of western part of empire A.D. 312
Secured control of East in A.D. 324
Moved control of empire from Rome to Greek city in East - Byzantium
Eventually became known as Constantinople (city of Constantine)
Moved control of empire from Rome to Greek city in East - Byzantium
Eventually became known as Constantinople (city of Constantine)
Powerful group of Germanic invaders (known as Huns) became threat
Under leader named Attila Huns attacked Roman empire
What were the main internal causes of the empire’s decline? (use the chart in the readings to detail the causes).
Inflation, decline of agriculture economy, growing population, loss of patriotism, mercenaries, economy fall, reached limit of expansion, taxes were raise. The economy was the most important because it affected everything else.
How did Diocletian succeed in preserving the empire?
He ruled with an iron fist and fixed previous problems, split the empire in half and ruled the Eastern part, doubled the size of the Roman army
Why did so many Germanic tribes begin invading the Roman Empire?
They were fleeing the Huns, who had moved into their lands and began destroying everything. When they were running away from the Huns, the Germanic people moved through the Roman provinces of Gaul, Spain and North Africa.
What were the causes of each condition that led to the fall of the Roman Empire?
Disruption of Trade
Gold and Silver Drain
Decline in loyalty and discipline in the military
Citizen Indifference and loss of Patriotism
Disruption of Trade
Hostile tribes outside of the boundaries of the empire interfered with the trade.
Gold and Silver Drain
Expansion fo the empire exceeded the amount of gold and silver available to be found
Disappearance of money.
Decline in loyalty and discipline in the military
Roman soldiers became less disciplines and loyal because they gave their loyalty to christianity, and non-violence.
Citizen Indifference and loss of Patriotism
Rome relied on foreign men to fight in the army. With no skill defeat was common therefore resulting to lose of patriotism.
What steps did Diocletian take to restore order and reform the empire?
When Diocletian realized that the empire was too big to run, he split the empire into four regions.
What did Constantine do to reform the empire?
Constantine made Christianity the official religion in Rome
What caused the final collapse of the western Roman Empire?
German tribes and barbarians moved into Rome