Human Geo 7.3 Questions Flashcards
What is an example of sorting out ethnicity and nationality (Sydney Rae Leroux)?
Her mother is white and Canadian nationality, but her father is African American and US nationality. She holds duel nationality and is able to play soccer for either countries. Dom Dwyer, her husband soccer player, was born from UK citizens who emigrated from Jamaica, and Dom has dual citizenship in the US and the UK.
How is nationality kept reasonably distinct from ethnicity and race in common usage in the US?
- Nationality identifies US citizens (including those born here, and those who have become citizens).
- Ethnicity identifies groups with distinct ancestry and cultural traditions (like African, Mexican, Chinese, or Polish Americans).
How is the distinction between ethnicity and nationality less clear and more controversial in Canada?
Québecois have a distinct culture (esp. language), but do they form a distinct ethnicity within the Canadian nationality OR a French-speaking nationality separate from English-speaking Canadians? If the latter, the Québec gov’t would have much stronger justification for breaking away from Canada.
What is one example of a place where sorting out the inhabitants into nationalities has become controversial?
British Isles: 133 inhabited Islands. 2 of them (Ireland & Great Britain) make up 96% of land area & 99% of population. The Isles are divided into 2 countries: the Republic of Ireland (84% of Ireland) and the UK (contains the northern 16% of Eire). The UK is divided into England, Scotland, Wales, & North Ireland.
There is controversy over whether the British Isles contains 1 (called British) or WHAT 4 nationalities?
- English: From Germanic tribes invading in the 5th.
- Welsh: Celtics conquered by England in 1282 and united with England through the Act of union of 1536. They then became a local government unit.
- Scots: Celtics with an independent country 700 years, until 1603, when Scotland’s King James VI became King James I of England, uniting the countries (1707), but Scotland was allowed to keep its own education systems and local laws.
- Irish: Celtics who England ruled until 20th, when most of the island became the independent Ireland.
Explain about sports organizations in the UK?
The 4 parts are allowed to field their own separate national soccer team in major tournaments, and the most important rugby tournament includes teams from all 4 parts. Given the history of English conquest, the other nationalities often root against England when it’s playing teams from other countries
How do the separate governments work in the UK?
The UK gov’t has established separate governments for Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. The government of Scotland exercises considerable authority, but the one in Wales has much less authority. Scots voted in 2014 to remain part of the United Kingdom, but political differences between Scotland and England may eventually result in an independent Scotland.
What are the ethnicities in Turkey?
Ethnic Turks comprise 3/4 of the population. Republic of Turkey was created in the 1920s to encompass territory inhabited by Turks, but other ethnicities live there. Kurds are the most populous minority (18%, and clustered in the eastern portion).
What are the ethnicities in Iraq?
Iraqi Arabs comprise 90% of population, but are divided by the branches of Islam. Shiites claim they’ve been discriminated against by Sunnis since the 1930s. The president, a Sunni, violently suppressed Shiite/Kurdish autonomy. The 2003 US attack on Iraq resulted in his death, and then the US became part of a complex/violent struggle among ethnicities.
What are the ethnicities in Syria?
Their gov’t has been controlled since 1963 by the minority Alawites, including the last 2 Presidents. They have suppressed Sunni (majority) rights, as well as other minority groups. Due to this, a civil war has raged since 2011, pitting the government against other groups. Islamic State territories (seizing control of portions) have further complicated it).
What are the ethnicities in Lebanon?
55% Muslims, 40% Christians, 5% Druze (sometimes called Muslims, but don’t follow the 5 pillars). They each live in different regions of the country. In a civil war between 1975 and 1990, several religious groups formed militias to guard their territory, which changed according to battles. The Christians regard themselves as descendants of the ancient Phoenicians who once occupied Lebanon, but the Muslims are regarded as ethnically Arab. Lebanon’s constitution recognized 18 religions which must be represented in the Chamber of Deputies according its % in the 1932 census.
What are 3 reasons why ethnicities SHOULD be encouraged to pursue national independence?
- In an independent country, a vulnerable ethnic group can protect itself from being dominated.
- The government is more likely to represent the group’s interests.
- People’s desire to associate and organize with others of the same ethnicity should be respected.
What are 3 reasons why ethnicities SHOULDN’T be encouraged to pursue national independence?
- Ethnic groups intermingle in space and can’t be realistically separated into distinct territories.
- Peace requires ethnic groups to interact and cooperate.
- An ethnic group espousing hatred and discrimination could use the power of a state to inflict harm on other ethnicities.
What are the ethnicities of Pakistan?
Punjabi make up 45% of pop & have always been the most numerous ethnicity. Pashtuns, the 2nd most populous ethnicity, make up 15%. The border between Pakistan & Afghanistan was imposed by the British in the 1890s before either was independent; “Durand (British diplomat) line” isn’t recognized by Afghanistan gov’t, and divides the Pashtun and Baluchi groups between countries (causing tension).
What are the ethnicities of Iran?
Ethnic Persians: 61%; most numerous. Other principle ethnicities: 16% Azerbaijanis, 10% Kurds, 6% Lurs, 2% Turkmen, 2% Shiite Arabs, 2% Baluchi. US and Iran relations have been poor since 1979, when a revolution gave power to fundamentalist Shiites, and some of their supporters held 52 Americans hostage for a year. Recently, other countries have struggled to keep Iran from creating nuclear weapons.
What are the ethnicities of Afghanistan?
Biggest ethnicities: 42% Pashtun, 27% Tajik, 9% Hazara, 9% Uzbek. It has ethnic diversity due to its position as a key trading route between Central, Southern, & Western Asia. Ethnic unrest dates from 1979, with a rebellion against the gov’t. In 1995, a Pashtun faction (the Taliban) gained control and imposed strict laws, according to how they interpreted Islamic values. The US invaded in 2001 and overthrew the Taliban, but its removal unleashed a new struggle for control. Due to the fighting, more than 4 million people are now refugees or IDPs.
What are the ethnicities of Armenia (and explain about the Caucasus region)?
(Part of the Caucasus region, which is about the size of Colorado; once part of the Soviet Union. Its breakup resulted in independence for small former Soviet republics of Armenia, Azerbaijan, & Georgia). Armenians have lived here since prehistoric times, & 98% of its population are ethnic Armenians, adhering to Orthodox branch.
What are the ethnicities of Georgia?
Ethnic Georgians comprise 82% of Georgia’s pop, which also includes 6% Azerbaijani, 5% Armenian, 3% Abkhazian, 2% Ossetian, and 1% Russian. The cultural diversity is a source of unrest (esp. among the Ossetians and Abkhazians, each of which Russia sent troops to and has recognized as independent countries). They operate independent from Georgia, but only a few others recognize their independence.
What are the ethnicities of Azerbaijan?
Azerbaijanis comprise more than 90% of Azerbaijan population, and trace their roots to Turkish invaders migrating from Central Asia during the 8th-9th, and merging with the existing Persian population. They are predominantly Shiite muslims and speak Azerbaijani, a Turkic language.
What are the ethnicities of central asian states?
5 Central Asian states carved out of former Soviet Union. Tajiks and Turkmens make up mor ethan 80% of their countries. Kyrgyz and Uzbeks more than 70% of their countries. and Kazakhs more than 60% of their country. Conflicts among these ethnicities have occurred primarily between Uzbeks & Kyrgyz.