Human Geo 6.1 Questions Flashcards
What are important geographic differences between language and religion?
- Although most migrants learn the language of the new location, they typically retain their religion.
- People can learn a globally important language (like English) and at the same time still speak the language of their local culture, but most (though not all) religions require exclusive adherence, so adopting a new religion could require turning away from the former one.
How can the world’s religions be grouped (4 groups)?
- 4 largest religions: claim adherence of 78% of people. Christianity (2.4 billion), Islam (1.9 billlion), Hinduism (1.2 billion), & Buddhism (507 million).
- Folk religions: makes up 6% of world & # is hard to measure. 3 largest groups: Chinese traditional, primal-indigenous, & African traditional.
- Other religions: 1% of world. 4 most numerous: Juchte, Judaism, Sikhism, Spiritism (14-23 mill each).
- Unaffiliated: 16% of world. Affirm neither belief nor lack of belief in God or some other Higher Power. In the US, many unaffiliated believe in God and attend some religious services, but don’t have an association with an institution.
Why is the distinction between universalizing and ethnic religions significant?
Because the 2 types of religions tend to display different spatial characteristics, including origin, diffusion, and distribution. In reality, the distinction between the 2 types of religions isn’t absolute because most religions display both universalizing and ethnic elements.
What is the global distribution of religions at first glance? When viewed deeper?
- In all but a handful of countries, the religion with the largest number of adherents is either Christianity or Islam.
- Asia also has countries where the most widely practiced religion is Buddhism or Hinduism. In several countries, including China, the largest number of people are unaffiliated with any religion. Judaism is the most widely practiced religion in the State of Israel.
What are the 4 regions with more diverse religious composition?
- East Asia: More than 1/2 are unaffiliated. Most of the other 1/2 are divided equally between Buddhism and folk religions.
- South Asia: 2/3 are Hindus, 1/3 Muslims; but divided by country: India is 80% Hindu, and Bangladesh/Pakistan are more than 90% Muslim.
- Southeast Asia: 40% Muslims and 23% each Buddhists & Christians. Indonesia (most populous country in the region) is 87% Muslim, Cambodia & Thailand are 90% Buddhist, and Philippines is 90% Christian.
- Sub-Saharan Africa: 2/3 are Christians (south), 1/3 is Muslim (north).
What is the distribution of Christian branches in Europe and conflicts between them?
Roman Catholic (47%) and Protestant (18%) regions have sharp boundaries. Examples: Germany, the Netherlands, & Switzerland have equal parts of RC (clustered in south and Protestant (mostly in north). With Belfast, Ireland, its equal parts RC (west side) and Protestants are highly segregated. In Northern Ireland, RC were discriminated against (exclusion from good jobs/schools), which led to 3 decades of violence (“The Troubles”) starting in the 1960s, but a 1988 peace agreement has reduced violence.
What is the distribution of Christian branches in the Western Hemisphere?
Christians make up 86% of Western Hemisphere pop (including 90% of Latin Americans, mostly RC, and 75% of North Americans, mostly Protestants).
With the US, RC are more numerous in the Northeast/Southwest, and Evangelical Protestants are largest in the Southeast. 23% of Americans are unaffiliated. After slavery was abolished, black and white churches were still there due to segregation. They had culturally distinct practices that combined Christian and African spiritual traditions (unique).
Mormons regard their church as separate from the 3 branches. 2% of Americans are Mormons, and most are clustered around Utah.
What is the distribution of Buddhists?
-Clustered in East Asia & Southeast Asia. It split into branches as followers disagreed on interpreting statements by the founder. A precise count is difficult because few actually participate in Buddhist institutions. Religious functions are performed mostly by monks. Buddhism differs from the Western concept of a formal religious system because it doesn’t require exclusive adherence (Chinese/Japanese Buddhists in particular believe in an ethnic religion at the same time as Buddhism).
What is the distribution of Muslims?
Islam means “submission to the will of God,” and comes from “peace.” Muslim = “one who surrenders to God.” Islam predominates in Central Asia, Southwest Asia, & North Africa. On a cartogram, most of the world’s Muslims live further east (South/ Southeast Asia). Countries with the most Muslims: Indonesia, Pakistan, India, & Bangladesh (together make 40%).
What are Islam’s branches?
- Sunni: Following the tradition of Muhammad. 88% of muslims, most numerous branch in most Muslim countries. They follow various schools of thought and religious law (with distinctive distributions).
- Shiite: “party”, “support group.” Nearly 40% of them live in Iran (followed by Pakistan, India, & Iraq). three principal schools of thought, based on disputes over Prophet Muhammad’s successor.
- Ibadi: Predominant form adhered to in Oman.
What is the distribution of Islam in Europe & North America?
-Recently, their muslim populations have increased. Muslims make up 7% of Europe, Germany having most of them due to immigration from Turkey. France has many due to immigration from former French colonies in North Africa. In America, Muslims come from a variety of backgrounds (1/3 from Pakistan & other South Asian countries, 1/4 to Arab countries). Many migrated to the US during the 1990s. 1/4 are also African Americans.
What is the distribution of Hindus?
- The average Hindu has allegiance to a certain god or concept within a broad range of possibilities. Vaishnavism (Vishnu) = manifestation of God with the most adherents. 2nd largest is Shaivism (Shiva).
- 97% of Hindus are concentrated in India. Others in Nepal & Bangladesh. Hindus make up 49% of the Mauritius population (1.3 million inhabitants).
What are Primal-Indigenous Ethnic Relgions?
- Most live in Southeast Asia or on South Pacific islands (Vietnam/Laos). They believe that everything in nature is spiritual because God dwells in all things - Included: Shamanism (invisible forces/spirits affect the living) and Paganism (“pagan”) used to refer to the Greeks/Romans with multiple gods with human forms, but it now includes other beliefs originating with religions predating Christianity and Islam).
What is Confucianism (a chinese traditional ethnic religion)?
Confucius (551-479 BCE) was a Chinese philosopher & teacher. His sayings, recorded by students, emphasized the ancient Chinese tradition of “li”(“correct behavior”). Confucianism prescribed a series of ethical principles for the orderly conduct of daily life (following traditions, fulfilling obligations, and treating others with sympathy and respect).
What is Taoism (a chinese traditional ethnic religion)?
Laozi (604-531 BCE). His writings emphasized the mystical & magical aspects of life. “The way” or “the path” can’t be understood by reason or knowledge. Emphasizing the importance of studying nature to find one’s place in world, not changing the world.
What are African Traditional Folk Religions?
-Today, Africa is 51% Christian and 43% Muslim. In the past, 70% of Africans were folk religionists. In 1980, nearly 50% of them were still folk religionists. Remaining folk religionists cluster in a belt that separated Muslim North Africa from Christian sub-Saharan Africa. KEY: Fundamental geographic differences between ethnic & universalizing religions
What is Sikhism (14-23 million adherents)?
-Most are clustered in India. Founded by Guru Nanak (1500) in present-day Pakistan. God was revealed to him as the Creator who rules the universe. Nanak traveled through South Asia, preaching his new faith, and his followers were Sikhs ()”Disciples”). 9 other gurus succeeded him, and the 5th (Arjan) compiled/edited the book of Sikh holy scriptures in 1604.
What is Juche (14-23 million adherents)?
Juche means”Self-reliance.” Most North Koreans follow it. Organized by ruler of North Korea between 1948-1944. Argument over wehtehr it is a government ideology or philosophy, not a religion? People who think that classify most North Koreans as unaffiliated.
What is Spiritism (14-23 million adherents)?
-The belief that the human personality continues to exist after death and can communicate with the living through a medium or psychic. Mostly in Brazil.
What is Judaism (14-23 million adherents)?
Comes from Judah. The Tanakh/Torah recounts the ancient history of the Jewish people and the laws of the Jewish faith. It plays a substantial role in Western civilization. Fundamental: belief in one all-powerful God (monotheism). Islam and Christianity find some roots in Judaism. 2/5 live in US and 2/5 live in Israel.
What is Bahá’í (2-10 million adherents)?
- Equal amounts in India, other parts of Asia, Africa, & Western Hemisphere. A Universalizing religion established in Iran, 1844. The Shiites executed the Báb (leader) and many of his followers in 1850.
- They believe that one of Báb’s disciples was the prophet of God. He was to establish a universal faith (abolition of racial, class, religious prejudices). He was arrested & exiled. In 1863, his claim of messenger was accepted.
What is Tenrikyo (2-10 million adherents)?
- Originally a branch of Shinto, but became separate in 1854. Followers believe that God expressed the divine will through its organizer (female, Nakayama Miki)’s role as the Shrine of God. There are 2 million adherents worldwide, 95% of which in Japan.
What is Jainism (2-10 million adherents)?
-Originated in South Asia 2,5000 years ago. Declining importance with the spread of Buddhism/Hinduism, especially since the 8th century Jains believe that nonviolence/self-control will achieve liberation. 95% live in India, but Jain centers are located in 25 of the 50 US states.
What is Shinto (2-10 million adherents)?
-Japan’s ethnic religion, & strongly rooted in Japan’s cultural history. Government stats say 78% of the country’s population. But opinion polls only 3% of the population. This difference results in part from the 17th century Japanese law that assigned Shinto organizations to maintain records AND the perception by some that Shinto is a cultural feature.
What is Cao Dai (2-10 million adherents)?
-Founded in Vietnam in 1920s. Belief in God as Supreme Being & Creator. The religion was in opposition to a succession of rulers of Vietnam (including the French & Communists). Since Vietnam’s Communist gov’t granted Cao Dai legal status in 1997, adherents have increased to 4 million
What is Zoroastrianism (2-10 million adherents)?
-Founded by the Prophet Zoroaster 3,500 years ago. It was more formally organized 1,500 years ago in Persian Empire (Iran) and was the state religion for a few places in Central Asia. Adherents declined after Islam came, and currently, there are many in India, some in Iran, & some in US.