Human Geo 4.4 Questions Flashcards
Elements of folk and popular culture face what challenges in maintaining identities that are sustainable into the future?
- Folk: The challenges are to maintain unique local landscapes in an age of globalization.
- Popular: the challenges derive from the lack of sustainability of practices designed to promote uniform landscapes.
How are the Amish identifiable?
By their distinctive clothing and farming practices. They sun mechanical and electrical power and still travel by horse/buggy and use hand tools for farming. They have managed to maintain their religious and language customs.
How have Amish migrated throughout the US?
There only about 1/4 million, but Amish folk culture is visible on the landscape in at least 19 US states. Several hundred migrated in 2 waves:
1. Mostly from Bern, Switzerland, and the Palatinate region of southwest Germany, settled in PA in the early 1700s, enticed by William Penn’s low-priced land. 37,000 Amish currently live in Lancaster County, PA.
2. From Alsace, northeastern France, settled in Ontario, OH, IL, and IA in the early 1800s. From these areas, Amish migrated to other locations.
What problem do Amish people run into living in Lancaster county? Where are they going?
In Amish tradition, every son is given a farm when he’s an adult, but land suitable for farming is expensive and hard to find in Lancaster county (due to its proximity to growing metropolitan areas). Many families are migrating to southwestern KY (less than 1/5 the price of farmland in PA). They’re also leaving Lancaster to escape the tourists to gawk at their folk culture. This geographic diffusion has increased the difficulty of maintaining distinctive cultural identities.
How can rapid changes in long-established cultural values lead to instability/violence and threaten the sustainability of a society and its institutions of folk culture?
The global diffusion of popular culture has challenged the subservience of women to men that is embedded in some folk customs. Traditionally, women have been relegated to performing household chores and bearing children. Those women who worked outside the home were likely to perform agricultural work or trade handicrafts.
What negative impact of the diffusion of popular social customs had for women in India?
An increased demand for dowries (traditionally, a “gift” from one family to another, as a sign of respect, either cash or expensive goods–like cars, electronics, and household appliances). In the past, tradition was for the groom to give a small dowry to the bride’s family. In the 20th century, the custom reversed, & the bride’s family was expected to provide a substantial dowry.
What has the government of India done about their dowry problem? What have its effects been?
The Indian government enacted anti-dowry laws in 1961, but the ban is widely ignored, and in fact, dowries have become much larger in modern India and a main source of income for groom’s family. The groom’s family may cast her out if she can’t pay the dowry, and her family may refuse to take her back. 7,364 female deaths and 90,000 cases of cruelty/torture towards women over dowry disputes in 2015. The Angry Brides video game captured resentment felt by Indian women.
Folk cultural traditions are subject to influences from the outside world as people migrate for economic opportunities. What are 3 examples?
Examples of people opting for less expensive and more appealing alternatives that are available as a result of international trade are:
1. Western films are attractive because of their flashiness and high production quality.
2. Bamboo housing structures are costlier and less reliable than concrete blocks.
3. Jeans and t-shirts can be less expensive and sometimes more durable than traditional clothing.
How can popular customs adversely impact or modify environmental quality and cultural diversity?
To enjoy some popular customs, and participate in a leisure activity, the environment must be modified.
1. Pollution of the landscape
2. Depletion of scarce natural resources.
3. Crowding-out of locally owned businesses.
What does the success of fast-food restaurants depend on?
Large-scale mobility: People who travel or move to another city immediately recognize a familiar place.
Visitors are confident the restaurant will reflect familiar values of international popular culture instead of strange/uncomfortable local customs.
Uniformity in pop culture has diffused from North America as American motels and fast food chains have opened in other countries, which appeal to North American travelers and attract local residents looking to sample American customs.
What are examples of how golf courses harm the environment?
- Non-native grass species are planted
- Fertilizers and pesticides are laid on the grass to ensure a suitable appearance for the game
- Create or flatten hills
- Cutting grass or letting it grow tall
- Carting in or diffing up sand for traps
- Expanding bodies of water to create hazards and maintain the course
When and why did golf popularity surge?
- During the late 20th century, a surge in golf popularity spawned construction of several hundred courses. This was because of increased income and leisure time (especially among recent retirees and young people with flexible hours).
- The number of golk courses per person is greatest in North-central states. People here have a long tradition of playing golf, and social clubs with courses are important institutions in pop customs.
How might golf courses be designed partially in response to local physical conditions?
- Grass species are selected to thrive in the local climate and still be suitable for the needs of green, fairways, and roughs.
- Existing trees and native vegetation are retained if possible (few fairways in Michigan have palm trees).
What are urban preferences for TV shows? Rural?
- Urban spaces are characterized by concentrations of wealth, migration, and diverse ethnic groups, and they value more progressive forms of pop culture. Shows: satirical comedies challenging accepted norms (like Modern Family, The Simpsons, The Tonight Show, Family Guy).
- Rural spaces focus more heavily on agriculture and manufacturing, and they value more traditional forms of pop culture. Shows: crime shows depicting values of law and order (like AFV, Bones, Duck Dynasty, NCIS, The Walking Dead).
What are some cultural differences in the US?
- Vernacular regions with distinctive histories/cultural traditions in the US include the South and the Midwest.
- Twitter users in the South tweet the word “church” more than “beer,” with the opposite case in the Northeast.
What distinctive patterns can be observed in how Americans spend their day?
Time spend on leisure activities on a typical weekday varies depending on age, gender, ethnicity, and place of residence. Age 65-74 watches 3.94 hours of TV per day, compared to ages 20-24 watching 1.98 hours per day.