Human causes of Climate Change Flashcards
Carbon Dioxide: How is it released/produced?
CO2 is released into the atmosphere when fossil fuels are burned
Methane: Rice, padi fields
One of the main sources of food in high populated countries is rice, which is grown in padi fields. When rice in these fields decomposes, it releases methane
Methane: Gross gross gross cattle farming point (dung and belching)
The increase in demand for beef has resulted in more methane
being released. Methane is released from the belching for cattle and animal dung.
Nitrous Oxide: Increased car ownership
Increased car ownership leads to an increase in petrol and diesel
to fuel cars. Increased car exhaust emissions leads to more N2O.
Carbon Dioxide: Cuttinng down trees (remember biology..photosynthesis..)
Trees store carbon and produce carbon as a bi-product of photosynthesis, so by cutting down and burning trees, lots of CO2 is released
Carbon Dioxide: What can coal be used for?
Coal, a fossil fuel, can be used to generate electricity in power stations and to heat our homes
Chlorofluorocarbons: Where are they found?
CFC’s are mainly found as a coolant in refrigerators and air conditioning units, but are also found in packing products like polystyrene.