HR Competencies: Relationship Management Competency Flashcards
Concept that proposes that any organization operates within a complex environment in which it affects and is affected by a variety of forces or stakeholders who all share in the value of the organization and its activities.
Stakeholder concept
Process in which negotiators aim for mutual gain, emphasizing the need to focus on the problem instead of personal differences and on mutually beneficial outcomes.
Principled negotiation
Process of developing mutually beneficial contacts through the exchange of information.
Process by which two or more parties work together to reach agreement on a matter.
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This conflict resolution tactic entails the leader emphasizing agreement and downplaying disagreement.
Useful when time is of the essence, but does not address the root of the conflict. (pg 111)
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Accommodate (or smooth) Conflict Resolution
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This conflict resolution tactic entails the leader imposing a solution. One side wins and the other loses. “Win/lose” conflict resolution.
Useful in a crises because it revolves the issue quickly, but does not permanently address the problem. (pg 111)
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Assert (or force) Conflict Resolution
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This conflict resolution tactic entails the leader withdrawing from the situation or accepting it, leaving the conflict to be resolved by others or remain unsolved.
Useful when the conflict will resolve soon without any direct intervention or when the conflict or relationship is not worth the time investment.
+ Avoiding conflict can weaken the leader’s role. (pg 111)
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Avoid(ance) Conflict Resolution
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This conflict resolution tactic entails the leader and those in conflict accepting the fact that they disagree and look for a “third way”, a new solution to the problem of the conflict. Since both sides contribute to the solution, this may be seen as “win/win” conflict resolution.
Useful when the stakes are high, relationships are important and time allows. (pg 111)
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Collaborate (or confront) Conflict Resolution
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This conflict resolution tactic entails the leader asking those in conflict to bargain - altering positions on different issues until a mutually acceptable solution is defined. The solution relies on concessions. For this reason, it is often referred to as “lose/lose” conflict resolution.
Useful for complex issues, when both sides are determined to win and when time doesn’t allow for true problem solving. (pg 111)
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Compromise Conflict Resolution
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This negotiating style entails the negotiator valuing the relationship more than the outcome and backing down on issues in the interest of reaching agreement. (pg 115)
hint: Lowell
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Soft negotiating
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This negotiating style entails negotiators committed to winning, even at the cost of the relationship. (pg 115)
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Hard negotiating
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This is phase 1 of 6 of the Negotiating Process in which the negotiator should identify critical needs, wants that could be concessions and possible demands from the other side.
At this stage, your BATNA is defined and effective negotiators also try to perform a BATNA analysis for the other side so they can anticipate reactions. (pg 116)
hint: P.R.I.P.C.A
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This is phase 2 of 6 of the Negotiating Process in which trust is built with the exchange of personal information that reveals character. (pg 117)
hint: P.R.I.P.C.A
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Relationship building
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This is phase 3 of 6 of the Negotiating Process in which positions and needs are explained by both sides. A more thorough understanding of positions in which the issue is seen from the other side (i.e. perspective taking) occurs. (pg 117)
hint: P.R.I.P.C.A
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Information exchange
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This is phase 4 of 6 of the Negotiating Process in which negotiators seek mutually beneficial options rather than trying to win the other side to their own position. (pg 117)
hint: P.R.I.P.C.A
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This is phase 5 of 6 of the Negotiating Process in which both sides find wants that are not essential to the agreement. (pg 117)
hint: P.R.I.P.C.A
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This is phase 6 of 6 of the Negotiating Process in which legal instruments or verbally expressed understandings are established.
hint: P.R.I.P.C.A
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This is part of phase 1 of 6 of the Negotiating Process in which you define your possible alternatives if negotiation fails; it helps to establish a more accurate value and create proposals you can live with. (pg 116)
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Best Alternative To A Negotiated Agreement
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This negotiation tactic relies on a “take it or leave it” demand. (pg 116)
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