Performance appraisals that are _____, _____ and _____ are crucial to achieving the purpose and objective of the performance appraisal system
- Consistent
- Timely
- Unbiased
How many critical tasks are there in a performance appraisal?
7 critical tasks
8 if you’re special duty
What form is the CHP’s Leadership Development Plan?
CHP 14
It was developed as a tool to assist departmental employees with the identification and development of recognized leadership competencies.
The CHP 118 (performance appraisal) shall be COMPLETED and SUBMITTED to Human Resources Section (HRS) and to Personnel Files Services (PFS) within ______ days of officer’s anniversary date
Within 60 days
Two rating categories exist for substandard performance:
- Needs Improvement (CHP 100)
- Deficient (CHP 118)
Rating system used for CHP 118 consists of 3-point rating scale:
- Excellent (requires documented evidence of outstanding performance)
- Proficient
- Deficient (requires documented need for improvement)
Is a CHP 100 due for officers off duty the entire calendar month (like on military leave)
Is a CHP 100 required for a trainee in the FTEP program?
Each officer’s CHP 100 should be reviewed by their immediate supervisor promptly after the ___ of the month and again after the ___ of the month.
After the 15th
End of the month
3 things that a supervisor shall complete on the CHP 100
- The critical task ratings
- Supervisor’s comments
- Occ Safety Tip section
On CHP 100, if a rating can’t be substantiated for a critical task (community engagement, special duty), what should be written in as a rating?
“No Rating”
Comments by the Supervisor on the CHP 100 form are MANDATORY for any ratings of _____________ or _____________.
Excellent or Needs Improvement
Supervisors comments on the CHP 100 form shall be ___________ and clearly ____________.
Specific and Clearly Documented
Generalized statements shall not be used
The completed CHP 100 forms for previous annual eval periods shall be maintained for ____ years.
5 years
Will completed CHP 100 forms be forwarded upon an officer getting promoted?
Will completed CHP 100 forms get forwarded to the new command when an officer voluntarily or admin transfers?
A transfer CHP 118 is not required.
Probationary officers shall receive written performance appraisals within 10 days of the end of ___ months, ___ months and ___ months.
At end of 4 months, 8 months and 12 months
Can a probationary officer complete the probationary period with a DEFICIENT rating for any critical task?
No - A rejection during probation shall be initiated - if necessary
Hours required for an officers probationary period?
1,680 hours
Probation period can be extended to meet this requirement
A single low rating on a CHP 100 in a 12 month period does not mean an officer should be placed on interim reporting.
However, a single _______ rating on the CHP 118 would be cause for such action.
When an officer fails to respond to interim reporting, ___________ shall be initiated.
Adverse action
The whole point of performance appraisal is to rate, assess and encourage an officer’s ______, _______ and _________.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
Form - Field Personnel Folder Annual Review
CHP 137C
Helps supervisor know which forms to look at while completing an officers 118 / annual review
Retention for CHP 118’s
How many years worth shall be retained in the field personnel folder?
Current CHP 118 along with 4 other years
So 5 total years
How many critical tasks exist for Sergeant?
A Sergeants 100 form is the _______
CHP 112 - Management Sumary