HOSA Handbook Section B: Competitive Events Flashcards
Dental Terminology
Orientation and 100 item multiple choice test about dental terms
Medical Spelling
Round One: Orientation and 50 item multiple choice test. Top 50% go to Round Two “spell down”
Medical Terminology
Orientation and 100 item multiple choice test about medical terms
Medical Math
Orientation, 50 grid-in math problems, and tiebreaker questions
Medical Reading
Competitors read assigned books before the event. Orientation then test, which consists of 50 multiple choice questions and one tiebreaker essay.
Knowledge Test Guidelines
Orientation and 100 item multiple choice test with tiebreaker essay
Knowledge Test List
Human Growth and Development; Pathophysiology; Medical Law and Ethics; Pharmacology; Nutrition; Transcultural Health Care (New for 2013-14)
Biotechnology Clinical Nursing Dental Science Home Health Aide Medical Assisting Nurse Assisting Physical Therapy Sports Medicine Veterinary Science
Round One: Orientation and 50 item multiple choice test. Top competitors advance to Round Two and perform skills. Those earning at least 70% of skill points will have their scores from both rounds combined for the final tally.
Clinical Specialty
Orientation and interview. Competitor presents a career portfolio for a chosen health profession and demonstrates a skill related to that profession in a 7 minute interview.
Personal Care
Special needs competitors perform skills, with those earning at least 70% of skill points being eligible to have their scores ranked.
Biotechnology Clinical Nursing Dental Science Home Health Aide Medical Assisting Nurse Assisting Physical Therapy Sports Medicine Veterinary Science
Round One: Orientation and 50 item multiple choice test. Top competitors advance to Round Two and perform skills. Those earning at least 70% of skill points will have their scores from both rounds combined for the final tally.
Clinical Specialty
Orientation and interview. Competitor presents a career portfolio for a chosen health profession and demonstrates a skill related to that profession in a 7 minute interview.
Personal Care
Special needs competitors perform skills, with those earning at least 70% of skill points being eligible to have their scores ranked.
CERT Skills
Deals with community emergency response team skills. Teams of 2. Round One: Orientation and 50 item multiple choice test. Top competitors advance to Round Two and perform skills. Those earning at least 70% of skill points will have their scores from both rounds combined for the final tally.
CPR/First Aid Emergency Medical Technician
Teams of 2. Round One: Orientation and 50 item multiple choice test. Top competitors advance to Round Two and perform skills. Those earning at least 70% of skill points will have their scores from both rounds combined for the final tally.
50 multiple choice questions and case study consisting of 5-20 short answer questions that make up 50% of score.
Life Support Skills
Special needs competitors perform skills, with those earning at least 70% of skill points being eligible to have their scores ranked.
MRC Partnership
Encourages chapters to maintain a partnership with Medical Reserve Corps. Teams of 2-6 create a portfolio of partnership activities that they will present to judges in a 6 minute interview.
Public Health
Teams of 2-6. Round One: 4 minute preliminary public health presentation. Those that qualify for Round Two give full 13 minute presentation. 2013-2014 Topic: Open Pandora’s Box: Start the Conversation about Community Mental Health
Extemporaneous Health Poster
3 hours to create a poster about current health or HOSA-related issues
Extemporaneous Writing
1 hour to write essay about given topic
Healthy Lifestyle
Round One: Orientation and 50 item multiple choice test. Qualifier for Round Two will participate in a 6 minute interview in which they will be judged on their lifestyle achievements through the year, which they have recorded in their notebook.
Interviewing Skills
Special needs competitors choose a healthcare job to apply for. 30 minutes to complete application during the orientation. Submit a prepared resumé and cover letter. 6 minute interview with judge.
Job Seeking Skills
Choose a healthcare job to apply for. 30 minutes to complete application during the orientation. Submit a prepared resumé and cover letter. 6 minute interview with judge.
Medical Photography
Photograph three health professions (one photo per profession) and give 3 minute presentation of photos to judging panel.
Prepared Speaking
5 minute speech about topic. 2013-2014 Topic: The Future Starts Now
Researched Persuasive Speaking
Prepare a research paper and a 4 minute speech using one the given topics. 2013-2014 Topics: Vitamin Supplements: Hype or Help? / Obesity: Disease or Choice?
Speaking Skills
Special needs competitors give 5 minute speech about the national topic. 2013-2014 Topic: The Future Starts Now
Biomedical Debate
Teams of 3-4. Topic is announced annually. Round One: 50 item multiple choice test. Qualifiers for Round Two are paired into 23 minute debates of a modified Lincoln-Douglas format. Judges scores determine ranking. 2013-2014 Topic: The U.S. Government is failing war injured service members.
Community Awareness
Chapters choose a service project designed to raise community awareness of a health-related issue. Teams of 2-4 present a portfolio of their chapters’ project to a panel of judges.
Creative Problem Solving
Teams of 3-4. Round One: Orientation and 50 item multiple choice test. Qualifiers for Round Two are presented with a problem and given 30 minutes to analyze it and 10 minutes to present a solution to a panel of judges. Judges’ rating determine ranking.
Forensic Medicine
Round One: Orientation and 50 item multiple choice test. Qualifiers for Round Two are given 6 minutes to analyze a case study and 30 minutes to write a conclusion.
Health Career Display
Teams of 2 develop a visual display of a career or group of careers in healthcare. 15 minutes to assemble the display and 5 minutes to present it to judges.
Health Education
Teams of 2-4. Competitors outline a lesson about a health-related topic in an official HOSA notebook and have 6 minutes to discuss the lesson with judges at the event.
Parliamentary Procedure
Teams of 5-8 with identified officers or representation thereof. Round One: 100 item multiple choice test. Qualifier for Round Two are given 10 minutes to work out a secret problem with motions to perform and 10 minutes to perform the meeting.
Public Service Announcment
Teams of 3-6. Produce 30-second PSA about a topic and give a 4 minute presentation of it to judges. 2013-14 Topic: Child Hunger Ends Here - Educating You Community on how to Prevent Child Hunger
Barbara James Service Award
Students input their community service hours into noblehour.com and await approval from chapter advisors. Certificates awarded to all individual HOSA members who complete a minimum of fifty hours of community service between 6/1/13 and 5/31/14. Chapter advisors may also award the President’s Volunteer Service Award for students who exceed 100 hours.
Health Care Issues Exam
50 multiple choice question and a tiebreaker essay question about current healthcare issues. Each state is allowed to enter up to 25% of the number of that state’s previous year’s NLC student delegates. At NLC, competitors who score in top 10% will be recognized with a certificate.
HOSA Happenings
Chapters will tell the story of their chapter through the year using a newsletter or website. All submissions that earn 80 points or higher are recognized with a Certificate of Excellence and are eligible for recognition at NLC.
National Service Project
Local chapters plan service projects to support the selected organization. Chapters submit documentation of their involvement to state advisor to be eligible for national recognition. Certificates of Recognition for $100 and/or 100 hours contributed. Certificates of Merit for $500 and/or 500 hours. 2012-2014 Service Organization: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Outstanding HOSA Chapter
HOSA chapter members create a 100 page scrapbook to record and preserve their chapter’s achievements during the school year. Judges score scrapbooks. Scrapbooks earning a score of at least 25 are recognized at the state level and those earning a score of at least 30 are recognized at the national level.
Outstanding State Leader
Honors one state leader from each HOSA state association. Each state selects the recipient of this award, who is then recognized at NLC
MRC Volunteer Recognition
New for 2013-14. Individual version of MRC Partnership event. Recognizes individuals who log at least 30 MRC volunteer hours with noblehour.com between 6/1/13 and state registration deadline for SLC and between 6/1/13 and 5/31/14 for NLC.