HNS55 Behavioural Neuroscience Flashcards
Brain, Cognition, Behaviour
Behaviourism: Study of observable behaviour (e.g. feeding)
Cognitive science: Study of mental processes (e.g. perception, thinking)
Neuroscience: Study of nervous system
—> different levels of explanations that are complementary
—> integration: Cognitive and Behavioural neuroscience
Initiate, Maintain, Direct behaviour
Motivating factors (can be instincts):
—> Internal states (e.g. thirst, hunger, pain)
—> External stimuli (e.g. water, food, predator)
Inborn (not learned) patterns of behaviour common to a biological species
e. g.
1. Infants’ attachment to parents (vice versa)
2. Fight, flight, freeze in response to danger
3. Feeding in response to food and hunger
Instinctive behaviour can be elicited by both Internal state + External stimuli —> Hypothalamus
Drive theory
Drive: mechanism of maintaining homeostasis —> internal state required for proper functioning
Need: deviation of internal state from normal range requiring correction (e.g. low blood glucose)
—> Drive: induce state of tension in the nervous system (e.g. hunger)
—> Behaviour: action that reduces drive (eating) and returns body to normal range
***Need —> Drive —> Behaviour —> Need
Maintains constant internal environment (Homeostasis)
- Receives multiple ***chemical signals through median eminence which lacks effective BBB
—> Chemical signals provide information about metabolic state of body
—> Hypothalamus respond to energy-deficient state
—> Activate Orexin neurons
—> ↑ Arousal and food seeking
GI tract: Episodic appetite signals
—> Appetite stimulating hormones: ***Ghrelin
—> Appetite inhibiting hormones: CKK, PYY, GLP-1
Body composition: Tonic appetite signals
—> Fat mass (inhibit appetite): ***Leptin
—> Fat-free mass (stimulate appetite): Resting metabolic rate, energy demand and drive to eat
Eating disorder
- Hypothalamic lesions
- Ventromedial hypothalamic lesions
- Raised Ghrelin (Prader-Willi Syndrome - chromosome 15 micro-deletion)
- Leptin deficiency
Anorexia nervosa:
- suppressed eating despite ↑ Ghrelin and ↓ Leptin
—> indicate ↓ influence from Hypothalamus + ***↑ top-down control by cortical regions (e.g. Insula, Anterior cingulate, Prefrontal cortex)
—> due to distorted self-image
- Drive theory cannot explain all behaviours
- Some people eat even not hungry
- Tend to eat more when greater variety of food available (e.g. Buffet)
—> Certain stimuli (food) have incentive (rewarding) properties that can motivate behaviour even in absence of internal drive
Incentives / Rewards: Powerful stimuli that can **alter behaviour / **induce learning
Associative learning - Beyond instincts
- Hard-wired instincts have evolved because they help animals survive and reproduce —> however it is rigid
- Ability to learn from past experiences —> further improve evolutionary “fitness”
- Behaviourism considers all animal behaviours: result of **Instincts + **Associative learning
- Classical conditioning
- Instrumental / Operant conditioning: Ventral striatum, Lateral hypothalamus
- Aversive stimuli: Amygdala
- Classical conditioning - Associative learning
- Associate 2 different stimuli —> Same response
- Dogs repeated exposed to pairing of sound with food —> develop salivating response to sound alone
Food: Unconditioned stimulus (US)
Food-induced salivation: Unconditioned response (UR) —> Instinctive
Sound: Conditioned stimuli (CS)
Sound-induced salivation: Conditioned response (CR) —> Learned
- Response is automatic (not under conscious control)
- when CS is dissociated with US —> eventually cease to elicit CR —> ***Extinction
- Instrumental conditioning - Associative learning
Positive reinforcement:
- Action consistently followed by a reward tends to ↑ in frequency
- Action: “Goal-directed”
- If reward cease to pair with action —> action ↓ in frequency —> ***Extinction
- Positive reinforcement slowed in Parkinson’s disease —> suggest involvement of ***Dopamine
Incentive salience and Dopamine
Stimuli with Positive incentive value (Reward)
—> elicit internal state of focused attention + eagerness for action (Incentive salience)
Incentive salience is mediated by Dopamine
—> via **Mesolimbic (Ventral Striatum: Nucleus Accumbens + Olfactory tubercle) + **Mesocortical pathway
(Dorsal striatum: Caudate nucleus + Putamen)
Food increases Dopamine
Reduction of Raclopride binding (used in assessment of D2 receptor binding capacity) following feeding in PET scan
—> Dopamine release induced by feeding
—> Food: example of natural reward
Intracranial self-stimulation
- Direct stimulations of some brain regions electrically / chemically can be a potent reward for positive reinforcement
- Regions: **Ventral striatum (Nucleus Accumbens) + **Lateral hypothalamus
—> normally activated by natural rewards (e.g. food) -
**Ventral striatum + **Lateral hypothalamus
—> Important for reinforcement learning
—> form a “reward circuit”
—> Dopamine play crucial role in circuit - Self-stimulation eventually become intensive —> “Compulsive” quality (at the expense of other behaviours e.g. feeding)
Drug abuse
1. Drug use Amphetamine (and others): ↑ dopaminergic neurotransmission —> activate ***Ventral striatum —> activates reward circuit —> reinforce further drug use
- Drug cues
When drug use become more frequent
—> external stimuli (e.g. needles, syringes) associated with drug use
—> elicit **craving for drug
—> drug use becomes less pleasurable, more compulsive
—> behaviour driven more by **Dorsal striatum (dopamine in Caudate nucleus + Putamen) than Ventral striatum
- Aversive stimuli - Associative learning
Aversive stimuli: Pain / other distressing sensations / situations
Behaviours that ↑ aversive stimuli —> become less frequent (Punishment)
Behaviours that ↓ aversive stimuli —> more frequent (Negative reinforcement)
***Amygdala: Important for associative learning of aversive stimuli
—> closely related to Hippocampus + Striatum
—> involved in emotion disorder (anxiety, phobias, depression)
- Associative learning can still only generate rather rigid behavioural responses
- Whole range of emotions —> evolved to drive more rapid, flexible and effective behavioural responses
- Anticipation of aversive stimuli —> Anxiety
- Evolved mechanism —> prepare animal for danger
- Excessively severe / prolonged anxiety —> Anxiety disorders —> disabling
Somatic features:
- ↑ HR
- hyperventilation
- tingling sensations
- dizziness
- nausea
- muscle tension
- tremor
Psychological features:
- worry
- apprehension
- agitation
- Extreme, Irrational response to an object / situation e.g. spider, agoraphobia
- Avoidance of feared objection / situation
- Exposure therapy attempts to dissociate feared object from usual response it elicits
—> To be effective, exposure to feared object / situation must be maintained until subject begins to calm down
Repeated exposed to aversive stimuli which cannot influence / avoid
—> animal eventually becomes inactive
—> “Learned helplessness”
- Depressed mood may be an evolved adaptation to hopeless situation —> accept defeat, conserve resources, reflect and plan
- Excessively intense / prolonged mood states —> Mood disorders (e.g. Major depressive disorder) —> Disabling
- Our brains may not have fully adapted to modern life due to slow biological evolution —> very high prevalence of mood disorders
Measures of depressed mood
- Questionnaires
- Self-report (Beck Depression Inventory, BDI)
- Expert-administered rating scales (Hamilton Depression Scale, HAM-D) - Cognitive tests
- ***Stroop task —> measure depressed mood by assessing whether reaction time (name colour of a word) is affected by emotional content of the word
—> e.g. SAD have a slower reaction time in depressed individual compared to neutral words
—> patients in Manic state (elation, grandiosity, over-activity) —> show changes suggestive of depression in emotional Stroop task
Arousal and Monoamines
- Noradrenergic pathways (Alerting / Orienting)
- **widespread in brain —> generalised activating influence
- **rapid, transient - Dopaminergic pathways (Prioritising / Acting)
- concentrated in **forebrain —> focused on initiation of **reward-seeking behaviour - Serotonergic pathways (Sustaining)
- **widespread in brain —> generalised activating influence
- **sustained action
- Brain monoamine systems control different aspects of arousal (activation)
- Drugs that boost serotonin / NA —> treat depression (e.g. MAOI, SSRI, TCA)
***Brain centres for emotions
Emotions / Moods
- controlled by complex interactions between:
1. Prefrontal cortex (Ventromedial prefrontal + **Anterior cingulate)
2. Subcortical nuclei (Amygdala + **Ventral striatum)
—> Regulated by input from ***Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex —> mediating interaction between cognitions (perceptions and thoughts) and emotions
Amygdala, Ventral striatum: Emotion + Reward processing
VLPFC, DLPFC: Voluntary regulation of emotion
mPFC, ACC, OFC: Automatic regulation of emotion
Negative cognitive bias in depression
Patients with depression exhibit ***biased thoughts and beliefs:
- Selective attention to negative events
- Negative appraisal of trivial social cues
- Selective activation of negative memories
- Internal (self) rather than external (situational) attribution of failures
Cognitive bias dominate patients’ thoughts
—> Negative rumination
—> prolong depressive symptoms
—> Cognitive therapy: address and ***reduce negative cognitive bias
Synergism between Cognitive therapy (aiming to alter conscious thought process) + Drug treatment (targeting subcortical monoamine system)
Cognitive function
Higher cognitive function:
- evolved to allow much greater degree of flexibility and sophistication in behaviour —> as compared to behaviours directed by Instincts + Associative learning (classical and operant conditioning)
Key structures:
- Prefrontal cortex
- Basal ganglia
- Thalamus
- Working memory
- Verbal fluency
- Abstract reasoning and planning (Executive function)
- Social perception (Empathy / theory of mind)
- Inhibition of primitive (instinctive) impulses
Tests of executive function
Abstract planning: Tower tests
Wisconsin card sorting test: ability to shift from one criteria to another when changes occur
***Cognitive-emotional interface
**Prefrontal cortex with Working memory (enable executive function)
—> interact with **Basal ganglia
—> formulate, initiate ***goal-directed behaviours
Proper functioning of PFC requires Working memory (limited capacity) to focus on specific task at hand —> shutting out irreverent sensory input
However, **Salient rewards / Threats present
—> **Dopaminergic input reports these stimuli
—> open gate for incoming information to PFC
—> ***reset working memory to new tasks
Psychotic symptoms:
- Delusions
- Hallucinations
- Thought disorder
Disorders characterised by psychotic symptoms:
- Schizophrenia (cognitive deficits)
- Affective psychosis (mood symptoms)
Result from Over-active Dopamine system (e.g. amphetamine abuse):
- Inappropriate inventive salience to neutral stimuli —> Delusions
- Impaired sensory gating —> rapid switches in working memory and thought disorder (無端端轉attention)
Current antipsychotic drugs: Block Dopamine D2 receptors
—> only partially effective
—> suggest involvement of other mechanisms in psychotic disorder
- Theories of motivation (instincts, drives, incentives)
- Dopamine as NT for incentive salience
—> relevant for understanding eating disorder - Classical and Operant conditioning
—> explain simple learned behaviours + model for drug addiction
—> Basis of behavioural therapy for fears and phobias (exposure) - Anxiety and depression
- abnormal mood states caused by dysfunction of NT system (Serotonin, NA) + Brain centres (Amygdala, Anterior Cingulate cortex) - Dopamine hyper-reactivity
—> psychotic symptoms through **inappropriate incentive salience (Delusion) + **impaired sensory gating (Thought disorder)