HNS15 Pain Pathway And Mechanisms Of Pain Flashcards
Definition of pain
Unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual / potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage
Nociception vs Pain
Reception of signals in CNS evoked by activation of specialized sensory receptors (nociceptors) that provide information about tissue damage
***Subjective perception of an aversive / unpleasant sensation that originates from a specific region of the body
—> an individual can have distinct responses to the same nociceptive stimulus at different times
—> have Affective + Emotional components
Types of pain
Classified based on site of origin:
- Somatic pain
- Superficial pain: Skin
—> Initial pain (fast/sharp)
—> Delayed pain (slow/dull)
- Deep pain: Connective tissues, bones, joints, muscles - Visceral pain: Gall and kidney stones, ulcers, appendicitis etc.
- Non-specialised free nerve endings (NOT encapsulated)
- Widely distributed throughout body
- A few tissues lack pain endings (e.g. neural tissues of brain)
- Most are ***Non-adapting —> as long as pain stimulus present —> continue firing
- Majority: Multimodal (respond to multiple stimuli), some activated by specific stimuli
- 2 kinds of afferent nerve fibres:
—> Aδ (thinly myelinated, fast) and C (unmyelinated, slow) fibres
—> double pain sensation: sharp pain followed by dull pain
Sharp pain vs Dull pain
Sharp / First pain:
- larger amplitude
- lasts shorter
Dull / Second pain:
- lower amplitude
- lasts longer
Aδ fibres vs C fibres
Aδ fibres:
- Thinly myelinated, fast
- Stimuli (respond to ***single type of stimuli):
—> Mechanical
—> Thermal (extreme temperature: <5oC (TRPA1+TRPM8) / >45oC (TRPV3+TRPV1/M3)) (Transient receptor potential channels)
C fibres:
- Unmyelinated, slow
- Stimuli:
—> Polymodal (mechanical, temperature, chemicals e.g. pH, hypoxia, lactic acid, prostaglandins, bradykinin, histamine, electrolytes e.g. K leaking from damaged cells)
—> Silent nociceptors (in Viscera): normally not activated by noxious stimulus, but firing threshold largely ***reduced by inflammation
Pain transduction: Nociceptors to spinal cord
Enter spinal cord via dorsal horn (1st order neuron cell body in dorsal root ganglion)
—> synapse with 2nd order neuron in dorsal horn
—> cross the midline in spinal cord
—> ascend to brain on contralateral side
Dorsal horn grey matter:
- divided in 10 laminae (lamina I most lateral)
- Nociceptors: mainly connect to 2nd order neuron (projection neurons) in laminae I, V, VII (i.e. ***Lateral dorsal horn)
Neurotransmitter used by pain fibres: Aδ fibres + C fibres
- Aδ fibres: ***Glutamate
- C fibres: **Glutamate + **Substance P
—> Glutamate: small clear vesicles
—> Substance P: large dense vesicles (poor reuptake —> ***diffuse to other places to activate other 2nd order neurons —> more diffuse signaling than glutamate —> poor localisation of pain —> dull pain)
Pain sensitisation
Pain hypersensitivity after an injury —> helps healing by ensuring that contact with injured tissue is minimised until repair is complete
Allodynia: Normally innocuous (non-noxious) stimuli may be perceived as pain (e.g. sunburn —> skin touch becomes painful)
Hyperalgesia: Increased painful sensation to noxious stimuli
—> Areas not affected / damaged will also become sensitised
—> lower pain threshold
***Hyperalgesia due to peripheral sensitisation
- During inflammation
- Damaged cells —> **Prostaglandin + Bradykinin
- Activated mast cells —> **Histamine
—> Activate + Sensitise Nociceptors (by modulating ion channels) - Release of **Substance P + **CGRP (calcitonin gene-related peptide) from Nociceptor sensory endings
—> causes ***Neurogenic inflammation
—> plasma extravasation + dilation of blood vessels + swelling - Neurogenic inflammation further sensitises nociceptors (Vicious cycle)
—> making them far more sensitive to stimulation
—> Hyperalgesia - Hyperalgesia can be
- Primary (felt at site of stimulation)
- Secondary (cytokines / neuropeptides spread to a site remote from original injury)
***Hyperalgesia due to central sensitisation
Increased excitability of ***2nd order neuron in dorsal horn
Mast cells
—> release neurotrophic factors **NGF (nerve growth factor)
—> carried by nociceptor nerve endings
—> transported to cell body of 1st order neuron (retrograde transport)
—> increased transcription of **BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor)
—> central release of BDNF to 2nd order neuron
—> central sensitisation (reduced threshold)
***3 major Ascending pain pathways
Anterolateral system:
3 major ascending pain pathways:
- Spinothalamic tract —> **Localisation + Discrimination (intensity, quality) of pain
- 2nd order neuron
—> **VPL, VPM nucleus
—> 3rd order neuron
—> project to ***Somatosensory cortex S-I, S-II (with well somatotopic organisation) - Spinoreticular tract —> **Emotion (Limbic system), **Autonomic reflex, Arousal
- 2nd order neuron
—> **Reticular formation
—> **Medial nuclei of Thalamus (3rd order neuron)
—> **Insula cortex + **Anterior cingulate cortex + ***Hypothalamus (autonomic response e.g. ↑HR) + (Somatosensory cortex) - Spinomesencephalic tract —> **Affective and Aversive behaviour associated with pain + **Descending pain modulation
- 2nd order neuron
—> **Midbrain (Periaqueductal gray, Reticular formation, Superior colliculus) + **Amygdala
Neuropathic pain
- Different from central pain sensitisation
- Injuries to afferent nerves in peripheral (e.g. nociceptors nerve endings) / central pathways
- Pain without stimulus
- Burning / Electrical sensation
- e.g. shingles
Thalamic pain syndrome (Dejerine-Roussy syndrome)
- Lesion in VP nucleus of thalamus due to stroke
—> Analgesia followed weeks/months later by Paraesthesia (burning/pickling pain)
Pain modulatory pathways
- Descending pain modulatory pathway
2. Gate control theory
***Descending pain modulatory pathway
Structures involved:
- Periaqueductal gray: Serotonin, Glutamate, Opioid neuropeptides
- Nucleus raphe magus: Serotonin
- Locus ceruleus: Norepinephrine
- Dorsal horn **interneuron: **Enkephalin
2 pathways:
1. Periaqueductal gray (midbrain) —(synapse)—> Nucleus raphe magus (medulla) —> Dorsal horn (interneuron)
- Noradrenergic locus ceruleus neurons (upper pons) —(through medulla)—> Dorsal horn (interneuron)
1. Bind to **Opioid receptor on **presynaptic **afferent nociceptor —> **inhibit release of **Glutamate + **Substance P from presynaptic afferent nociceptor
- Bind to **Opioid receptor on **postsynaptic **2nd order neuron —> **hyperpolarisation —> less likely to fire action potential
—> Overall effect: reduce transduction of pain signals to brain
Gate control theory
Occur locally in spinal cord
E.g. Bump knee into table leg —> Skin rubbing
- Activates Aβ mechanoreceptor (non-nociceptive mechanoreceptor)
—> activate interneuron (inhibitory neuron) in dorsal horn
—> inhibits 2nd order pain projection neuron in dorsal horn
(Aβ mechanoreceptor as a gate to close transmission of pain signals from nociceptor to 2nd order neuron)
Pain perception
Subjective interpretation of characteristics of noxious stimuli
- in terms of:
1. What (submodalities)
2. Where (spatial localisation) - Body reactions to pain
Submodalities of pain
- Sharp, pricking, tearing, crushing, burning, dull, soreness etc.
Basis of submodalities:
- ***2 classes of nociceptive afferents (Aδ fibres: sharp pain; C fibres: dull pain)
- Contribution by ***non-nociceptive modalities (needle hit skin activate mechanoreceptor as well —> feeling combination of pain + touch —> give varieties of pain perception)
- ***Psychological factors
- ***Learning and experience
Spatial coding of pain
- Localisation of pain depends on Topographical organisation + Projection
**Pain is poorly localised compared to touch due to:
1. **Low innervation density
2. **Wide receptive field of nociceptors / neurons in medial thalamic nucleus / anterior cingulate cortex / insula cortex (compared to neurons in somatosensory cortex)
3. **Coarse topographical representation of brain areas receiving pain signals (e.g. anterior cingulate cortex / insula cortex)
4. ***Branching and convergent ascending fibres (e.g. converging on same 2nd order from different nociceptors) - However, localisation can still be aided by contribution from non-nociceptive modalities (e.g. mechanoreception which is sharper)
- Errors in localisation:
—> Phantom limb
—> Referred pain
Phantom limb and Phantom pain
Phantom limb:
Sensation from amputated limb
—> due to ***Reorganisation of somatosensory cortex
—> regions originally receive input from amputated limb also becomes activated when other areas are stimulated
Phantom pain:
Pain from amputated limb
—> possible cause: **Increase in excitability of 2nd order neuron in dorsal horn (due to inflammation of amputated area) —> fire **spontaneously
Referred pain
- Excitation of visceral nociceptors sensed as originating from superficial sites
- Visceral pain referred to cutaneous dermatomes that share ***same dorsal root (e.g. MI, angina, acute appendicitis, gallstone colic, renal and ureteric colic)
- Cause:
1. Convergence of nociceptive **cutaneous and **visceral receptors onto ***same pool of 2nd / higher order neurons
2. Projection according to “learned” experience (經常刺激皮膚, 到heart attack都以為係皮膚痛)
Pain control
- Oral analgesics
- inhibition of production of pain-inducing substances e.g. Prostaglandins (sensitise nociceptors, increase excitability of 2nd order neuron)
- by inhibition of COX e.g. paracetamol, NSAID - Local / regional anaesthesia
- LA: lignocaine, xylocaine —> blockage of Na channel —> prevent axons from conducting action potential - Opioids / morphine-like drugs
- activate opioid receptor (in spinal cord, midbrain etc.) —> activate descending modulatory pathway for pain
- adverse effects: addictive - General anaesthesia
- loss of consciousness in addition to loss of sensation - Surgical treatment (anterolateral cordotomy)
- Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
- stimulation of Aβ fibres (gate control theory) - Acupuncture (possible modulate pain pathway)