HNS08 Cranial Nerves Flashcards
***12 pairs of cranial nerve
Sensory function only:
- Olfactory (CN1)
- Optic (CN2)
- Vestibulocochlear (CN8)
Motor function only:
- Oculomotor (CN3)
- Trochlear (CN4)
- Abducens (CN6)
- Accessory (CN11)
- Hypoglossal (CN12)
Both sensory and motor function:
- Trigeminal (CN5)
- Facial (CN7)
- Glossopharyngeal (CN9)
- Vagus (CN10)
Functional components of cranial nerves
- General somatic sensory
- touch, pain, temperature, pressure, vibration, proprioception - General visceral sensory
- sensory input from the viscera (except pain) - Special sensory
- smell, vision, taste, hearing, balance
- General somatic motor
- innervates muscles that develop from somites - Branchial motor
- innervates muscles that develop from branchial (pharyngeal) arches (CN5,7,9,10,11) - General visceral motor
- innervates viscera (including glands and all smooth muscles)
Cranial nerve locations
See slide
Cranial nerve nuclei
Sensory nuclei:
- developed from Alar plate —> as 4th ventricle and brainstem expands —> more lateral
Motor nuclei:
- developed from Basal plate —> as 4th ventricle and brainstem expands —> more medial
CN1 Olfactory nerve
Olfactory system consist of:
- Olfactory epithelium
- Bulbs (belong to CNS)
- Tracts (belong to CNS)
- Olfactory areas of brain (collectively known as Rhinencephalon)
Peripheral processes of receptor cells —> small bundles
—> pass through Cribriform plate of ethmoid bone
—> synapse on secondary sensory neurons in Olfactory bulb (lie on Cribriform plate)
—> Olfactory bulb
—> Olfactory tract
—> Medial stria (terminates in anterior commissure to project to contralateral olfactory structure)
—> Lateral stria (terminates in primary olfactory (piriform) cortex of the temporal lobe (ipsilateral))
Cells of origin:
***Bipolar cells in olfactory epithelium (special sensory)
Central connections (where cranial nerve neurons synapse in CNS): Olfactory bulb (location of secondary olfactory neurons)
Peripheral distribution:
Cilia at surface of olfactory epithelium in superior nasal concha + upper third of nasal septum
Signs of damage:
Anosmia (loss of smell sensation)
Primary olfactory receptor cells
- Bipolar nerve cells with a dendrite
—> terminates in a knob and project numerous cilia - Axons of olfactory neurons contact dendrites of secondary olfactory cells (Mitral cell + Tufted cell) in olfactory bulb
- Bipolar cells undergo continuous replacement throughout life
CN2 Optic nerve (part of CNS)
Arise from retina of eye
Image of visual field projected onto retina upside-down and reversed
—> **Photoreceptors (Cone, Rod cells) —> electrical signals
—> **Bipolar cells
—> **Retinal ganglion cells
—> Optic nerve (pass through optic canals —> converge at optic chiasm)
—> Optic chiasm
—> Optic tract (fibres continue posteriorly around midbrain with most synapsing in **lateral geniculate nucleus of their respective thalamus / small portion enter **pretectal region of midbrain and participate in pupillary light reflex)
—> **Lateral geniculate nuclei of Thalamus —> secondary neuron / optic radiation fibres
—> Visual cortex
Cells of origin:
Retinal ganglion cells (special sensory)
Central connections:
- Lateral geniculate nuclei (in Thalamus)
- Superior colliculus + pretectal nuclei (afferent pathway of pupillary light reflex)
Peripheral distribution:
Retinal bipolar cells
- Vision
- Pupillary light reflexes
Signs of damage:
- Blindness
- Absent of pupillary constriction bilaterally on testing blind eye
Projection of visual field to thalamus
Image on medial side of retina: Contralateral side of thalamus (cross at Optic chiasm)
Image on lateral side of retina: Ipsilateral side of thalamus at Lateral geniculate nuclei
- Left side image perceived on Right side brain (vice versa)
Pupillary light reflex
Optic nerve
—> Pretectal nuclei
—> Project bilaterally to both side of Edinger-Westphal nuclei
—> through Oculomotor nerve
—> Ciliary ganglion
—> short ciliary nerves
—> direct + consensual pupillary constriction
CN3 Oculomotor nerve
- Emerges from medial side of midbrain, superior to pons
- Innervates all ***extraocular muscles except Superior oblique (CN4) and Lateral rectus (CN6) for precise movement of eyes, for visual tracking / fixation on object
- also supplies ***elevator of upper eyelid (Levator palpebrae superioris)
Cells of origin:
- Oculomotor nucleus (Somatic motor)
- Edinger-Westphal nucleus (Visceral motor)
Central connections:
NA (∵ nucleus already in CNS)
Peripheral distribution:
- Superior, Inferior, Medial rectus muscle; Inferior oblique; Levator palpebrae superioris (5 of 7 eye muscles)
- **Ciliary ganglion: postganglionic via short ciliary nerves to **sphincter of pupil + ***ciliary muscle
- Eye movement + elevates upper eyelid
- Contraction of pupil + Accommodation of lens
Signs of damage:
- Ophthalmoplegia with eye deviated down and out, severe ptosis (drooping eyelid)
- Mydriasis; loss of pupillary light and accommodation reflexes in ipsilateral eye
Accommodation reflex
Adaptation of visual apparatus to facilitate NEAR vision which involves:
- ↑ Curvature of lens by ciliary muscle contraction (↑ refractive power)
- Pupillary constriction to help sharpen image on retina
- Convergence of the eyes to fixate on target object
CN4 Trochlear nerve
Emerges from dorsal brainstem (already crossed)
Cells of origin:
- Trochlear nucleus (Somatic motor)
Central connections:
NA (∵ nucleus already in CNS)
Peripheral distribution:
- Superior oblique muscle (***Contralateral, but already crossed in midbrain)
- Intorsion (向內擰); Depression of adducted eye
Signs of damage:
- Diplopia (double vision), head tilt to unaffected side (∵眼向外擰,頭唯有向相反方向擺), weakness in depression of ipsilateral (∵ already crossed) adducted eye
CN6 Abducens nerve
Emerges from ventral medial brainstem, between pons and medulla oblongata
Cells of origin:
- Abducens nucleus (Somatic motor)
Central connections:
NA (∵ nucleus already in CNS)
Peripheral distribution:
- Lateral rectus muscle
- Abduction of eye (向外望)
Signs of damage:
- Diplopia, medial deviation, inability to abduct affected eye
CN5 Trigeminal nerve
Emerges from lateral pons
3 divisions for ***general sensation towards Trigeminal ganglion (innervates different parts of face / forehead):
- Ophthalmic division (V1) —> sensory ONLY
- Maxillary division (V2) —> sensory ONLY
- Mandibular division (V3) —> sensory + motor
4 nuclei:
- Pontine trigeminal nucleus (sensory)
- Spinal trigeminal nucleus (sensory)
- Mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus (sensory)
- Trigeminal motor nucleus (motor)
Cells of origin:
- Trigeminal ganglion (General sensory) —> Somatosensations
- Mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus (General sensory) —> Proprioceptive reflexes
- Trigeminal motor nucleus (Branchial motor) —> Mastication
Central connections:
- Spinal trigeminal nucleus (caudal part) + Pontine trigeminal nucleus
- NA
- NA
Peripheral distribution:
- Ophthalmic (V1), Maxillary (V2), Mandibular (V3) divisions to mucous membranes and skin of face and head
- Muscles of mastication, peridontal membrane, temporomandibular joint, external ocular muscle
- Temporalis, masseter, lateral and medial pterygoids + tensor veli palatini and tensor tympani, anterior belly of digastric, mylohyoid
- Somatosensations
- Proprioceptive reflexes
- Mastication (chewing)
Signs of damage:
- Loss of facial sensations and corneal reflex on stimulation ipsilaterally
- Insignificant
- Deviation of opened jaw to ipsilateral side
CN7 Facial nerve
Facial nerve arises at junction between pons and medulla, cerebellopontine angle
6 major branches:
- Temporal branch
- Zygomatic branch
- Buccal branch (=/ Buccal nerve (V3))
- Marginal Mandibular branch
- Cervical branch
- Posterior auricular nerve
2 divisions:
- Motor root
- Intermediate nerve (smaller)
Cells of origin:
- Facial nucleus (Branchial motor) —> Facial expression
- Superior salivatory nucleus (Visceral motor) —> Nasal, Lacrimal, Salivary secretions
- Geniculate ganglion (Special sensory) —> Taste
- Geniculate ganglion (General sensory) —> Somatosensation
Central connections:
- NA
- NA
- Solitary nucleus (rostral part)
- Spinal trigeminal nucleus (caudal part)
Peripheral distribution:
- Facial muscles, buccinator, stapedius, stylohyoid, posterior belly of digastric, platysma, occipitalis
- Greater petrosal nerve —> Nerve of pterygoid canal —> **Pterygopalatine ganglion —> postganglionic via Zygomaticotemporal nerve (CNV2) —> **Lacrimal gland + ***Mucosal glands of nasal cavity and palate
- Chorda tympani —> Lingual nerve (CNV3) —> **Submandibular ganglion —> postganglionic to **Submandibular + ***Sublingual glands (記: CLS)
- Taste buds in anterior 2/3 of tongue
- Posterior auricular region, external auditory meatus, tympanic membrane
- Facial expression, articulation, winking, ingestion
- Nasal and lacrimal secretions
- Salivary secretion
- Taste
- Somatosensations
Signs of damage:
- Paralysis of ipsilateral upper and lower facial muscle
- Loss of lacrimation (tears)
- Decreased salivation; dry mouth
- Loss of taste in anterior 2/3 of tongue ipsilaterally
- Insignificant