HNS44 Week 8 To 10 Interactive Forum Flashcards
Case 1: A 30 years old male sustained a vehicle accident with head trauma. Unconscious but with stable sign
- Deviated nose —> Nasal bone fracture
- Ethmoid fracture —> ∵ just behind nasal bone —> affect orbit
- Hazy maxillary sinus on X-ray —> blood inside maxillary sinus due to Maxillary fracture
- Zygomatic bone fracture on X-ray
- Right lateral orbit fracture
Type II + III Le Fort classification of fracture of Maxilla
Orbit: Lateral: Zygomatic Medial: Ethmoid + Lacrimal Superior: Frontal Inferior: Maxilla Deep: Sphenoid
Symptom manifestation
Orbital fracture / Periorbital edema / haemorrhage
—> Diplopia
—> ∵ suspensory ligament of right eye will drop
—> 2 eyes not in same plane
Flattened nasal bridge
—> ∵ Nasal bone fracture
Malocclusion of teeth
—> ∵ Maxillary fracture
—> Maxilla move forward
—> Kiesselbach area (anterior 1/3 of nose)
—> Maxillary artery, Facial artery, Ophthalmic artery
CSF Rhinorrhea
—> Fracture of Cribriform plate of ethmoid bone (part of Anterior cranial fossa)
—> Tear meninges (Dura)
—> CSF leak
—> Intracranial infection (e.g. Meninges)
Loss of sensation in cheek / infraorbital
—> injury to Infraorbital nerve (Maxillary nerve)
—> Cribriform plate fracture
—> damage Olfactory nerve
Reduced nasal secretion —> fractured pterygoid plate —> transected pterygopalatine fossa —> damaged pterygopalatine ganglion —> damaged parasympathetic input
Difficulty of mastication
—> Maxillary bone fracture extend posteriorly
—> involve pterygoid plate
—> unstable attachment of pterygoid muscle
Speech difficulty
—> unstable upper jaw
—> difficulty to talk
Upper airway obstructions
—> dislocation of upper jaw anteriorly
—> tongue pushed posteriorly