HNS20 General Anaesthetics Flashcards
Modern general anaesthetics
Only IV / Inhalation
—> NO oral preparation
Anaesthesia vs Analgesia
Anaesthesia: Absence of ALL sensations
—> general anaesthesia (GA): ALL sensations including consciousness
—> regional anaesthesia (RA) (e.g. nerve block): consciousness preserved
Analgesia: Absence of pain
Multiple ways of stopping pain
- Local anaesthetic
- block pain signal transduction (block Na channel) - Opioid
- modify pain signals - General anaesthetic
- shut off brain
- even though pain signals generated, conducted, but NOT interpreted
Modern balanced anaesthesia
3 targets:
- Unconsciousness (by GA)
- Analgesic (by opioid / LA)
- Muscle relaxation (by neuromuscular blocker)
Action of inhaled anaesthetics
MOA still not fully understood
—> till today NO antidote to GA
—> patient only wake up after body metabolise and excrete GA
Only thing known (part of mechanism):
- bind to GABA receptor (ligand-gated Cl channel) —> Cl channel open —> hyperpolarisation
Pharmacokinetics of GA
Narrow therapeutic window
- ED95 = LD05
- ED50 close to LD50
Potential danger of unconsciousness
- Airway obstruction (tongue fall back to touch posterior pharyngeal wall)
- Aspiration (due to vomit go into lung + loss of protective airway reflexes) —> aspiration pneumonitis
Intravenous GA
Must have following properties:
- ***Lipid-soluble (diffuse BBB to gain access to brain)
- ***Less context-sensitive (i.e. not accumulate)
- Thiopentone (thiopental)
- not commonly used now - Propofol
- Ketamine
- Etomidate
Pharmacokinetics of Thiopentone
- Ampule form (also contain NaHCO3 powder)
—> reconstitute with water —> alkaline solution —> thiopentone in ionised state
—> injected into body (pH 7.4) —> becomes unionised —> rapid conversion to highly lipid-soluble form
—> readily crosses BBB - Terminal t1/2: 12 hrs (i.e. takes 36 hours to leave body, does NOT mean patient wakes up after 36 hours, ∵ redistribution of thiopentone)
- Redistribution of thiopentone in body: from CNS (site of action) to other parts (muscles, fat) —> ∴ patient wake up before terminal t1/2
- Significance of redistribution: accumulation of drug in body (muscles / fat) —> longer context-sensitive half-time —> ∴ thiopentone not used repeatedly / continuous infusion (only used at initial stage: Anaesthetic induction), use other substance subsequently (如果唔係有排都唔醒)
Pharmacodynamics of Thiopentone
- ↓ vascular resistance (vasodilatation)
- ↓ cardiac contractility
- ***↓ arterial pressure
—> reflex ↑ HR - ***↓↓ respiration
Pharmacokinetics of Propofol
- very lipid soluble
- cannot be dissolved in water
- Terminal t1/2: 4.8 hrs
- accumulate much less extent —> much ***less context-sensitive —> good for IV infusion (no need to replace with something else after induction)
Target Controlled Infusion (TCI)
Input target plasma concentration to computer
—> computer calculate dosing rate accounting for accumulation, patient factors, pharmacokinetic variations etc.
—> can achieve precise level of sleep in patient (sedation / drowsiness / sleep / anaesthesia)
Pharmacodynamics of Propofol
- ***↓↓ vascular resistance (vasodilatation)
- ↓ cardiac contractility
- ***↓↓ arterial pressure —> Not desirable in patients with active bleeding (low BP)
- ***↓↓ respiration
Pharmacokinetics of Ketamine
Fairly similar to other IV GA
Pharmacodynamics of Ketamine
**No CVS depression, BUT cause **hallucination, nightmares
- ***↑ vascular resistance (vasoconstriction)
- ↑ cardiac contractility
- ***↑ arterial pressure —> good for patients with active bleeding, but undesirable for patients with IHD, hypertension
- ↓ respiration