Histotechnology Flashcards
Differentiate rigor mortis from algor mortis
Rigor mortis (stiffening) Algor mortis (coldness)
Which is false?
A. Histotechniques may be applied to biopsies only.
B. Hypostatic congestion is due to gravity
A - autopsies also
For specimen accessionin, tissue specimens received in the surgical pathology should have a request form that lists 3 things. enumerate
- Patient information
- History of patient
- Description of the site of origin
What happens in gross examination of a specimen to be subjected to histotechnologic techniques?
describing the specimen and placing all or parts into a small plastic cassette which holds the tissue
While gross exam is being done, the specimen is being processed to a __?
A. slide maker
B. tissue dessicator
C. paraffin block
False about gross examination
A.Cassettes are placed into a fixative.
B.When a malignancy is not suspected, the specimen is often covered with ink in order to mark the margins of the specimen.
C.Different colored inks can be used to identify different areas if needed
D.When sections are made and processed, the ink will mark the actual margin on the slide
B - this is done when malignancy is suspected, and purpose is to mark the normal tissues vs the suspected malignant ones
Why is fixation done on a slide?
A. to preserve tissues
B.to prevent autolysis (as in surgical pathology and autops)
Enumerate 5 major classes of fixatives
Aldehydes Mercurials Oxidizing Agents Picrates Alcohols
Include permanganate fixatives (KMNO4), potassium dichromate and osmium tetroxide A.Aldehydes B.Mercurials C.Oxidizing Agents D.Picrates E.Alcohols
Bouin's fluid belongs to this class of fixatives A.Aldehydes B.Mercurials C.Oxidizing Agents D.Picrates E.Alcohols
Good for cytologic smears because they give very good nuclear detail... but not for lipids A.Aldehydes B.Mercurials C.Oxidizing Agents D.Picrates E.Alcohols
Cross-link with proteins but cause extensive denaturation A.Aldehydes B.Mercurials C.Oxidizing Agents D.Picrates E.Alcohols
Best application for hematopoietic and reticuloendothelial system (RES) A.Aldehydes B.Mercurials C.Oxidizing Agents D.Picrates E.Alcohols
Include Zenker’s and B-5 A.Aldehydes B.Mercurials C.Oxidizing Agents D.Picrates E.Alcohols
What is buffer @ formalin for?
prevents acidity that promotes autolysis and cause precipitation of formol-heme pigment in tissues
peneterates tissue well, but slowly A.formalin B.glutaraldehyde C.BOTA D.NOTA
peneterates tissue poorly, but fixes quickly A.formalin B.glutaraldehyde C.BOTA D.NOTA
not good for immunoperoxidase staining A.formalin B.glutaraldehyde C.BOTA D.NOTA
Stains everything yellow including skin A.Aldehydes B.Mercurials C.Oxidizing Agents D.Picrates E.Alcohols
Used for fixation of testis, GI, endocrine A.formalin B.glutaraldehyde C.Zenker's solution D.alcohol E.Bouin's solution
Used for frozen sections, cytologic smears A.formalin B.glutaraldehyde C.Zenker's solution D.alcohol E.Bouin's solution
Recommended for RES tissues (spleen, bone marrow) A.formalin B.glutaraldehyde C.Zenker's solution D.alcohol E.Bouin's solution
Recommended for tissues used for EM A.formalin B.glutaraldehyde C.Zenker's solution D.alcohol E.Bouin's solution
Recommended for tissues used for EM A.formalin B.glutaraldehyde C.Zenker's solution D.alcohol E.Bouin's solution
Enumerate 6 factors that affect fixation
Buffering Penetration Volume Temperature Concentration of Fixative Time Interval
Which is false?
A. Fixation is best carried out when buffer is @ pH range of 6 - 8
B. Hot formalin will fix tissues slower.
C. Penetration depends on tissue diffusibility
(B - faster dapat)
Which is false?
A. Fixation should be carried out in 10:1 ratio of tissue to fixative
B. Conc of fixative shuld be adjusted to lowest level possible
C. Artifact will be introduced by drying
(A - dapat fixative to tissue)
A.Enumerate 2 main steps @ paraffin block method.
B.T/F Wet tissues can be infiltrated directly with paraffin.
A.dehydration & clearing
A.What is clearing @ paraffin block method?
B.the ff are not used as clearing agent due to cost EXCEPT: chloroform, toluene, methyl salicylate. choose one
A.Removal of dehydrant with a substance miscible with paraffin
B.chloroform - health hazard
A.Most common clearing agent @ Paraffin block method B.Enum 2 purposes of paraffin block method
B.Get genetic material & Discover diseases
False about automatic tissue processing
A.consists of an instrument that moves the tissues around through various reagents on a preset time scale
B.It is a mechanical processor with an electric motor that drives gears and cams
C.Newer processors still have cam wheels to control them
D.A vacuum can be applied inside the tissue processor to assist penetration of embedding agent
(C - computer na ang controller)
A.main purpose of tissue embedding
B.T/F Tissues that come off the tissue processor are already thrown away
A.proper orientation of tissues @ paraffin block
B.F. They are still in the cassettes and must be put in the blocks by a technician who must pick the tissues out of the cassettes and pour molten paraffin over them
False about tissue embedding:
A.Alternatives to paraffin embedding include various plastics that allow thinner sections
B.Plastics require special reagents for dehydration and clearing that are expensive
C.Most tissues are plastic embedded
C - Few tissues are plastic embedded, the processing is usually done by hand
Tissue sectioning is done using a knife with a mechanism for advancing a paraffin block standard distances across it. What is this tool called?
False about tissue sectioning
A.Very sharp knives are necessary
B.Knives are always made of standard metal
C.Glass or diamond knives are used for sectioning plastic blocks used for electron microscope (EM)
B - pwede ring disposable
Which is false about tissue sectioning?
A. Once sections are cut, they are floated in a warm water bath to remove wrinkles then they are picked up on a glass slide.
B. Glass slides are always placed in warm oven for about 15 minutes to help the section adhere to the slide.
B - If this heat might harm such as antigens for immunostaining, then this step can be bypassed and glue-coated slides used instead to pick up sections
False about tissue staining
A. Embedding process should be reversed to get the paraffin out prior to staining to allow soluble dyes to penetrate sections
B. Slides are “deparaffinized” by running them to xylenes to alcohols to water
C. Tissues containing paraffin may still be stained
(C - There are no stains that can be done on tissues containing paraffin)
Hematoxylin is able to stain? A. nucleus B. cytoplasm C. RBC D. Collagen fibers
A and B
Eosin is able to stain all except? A. nucleus B. cytoplasm C. RBC D. Collagen fibers
A. T/F In tissue coverslippping, the slide is passed through series of alcohol to remove water
B. In tissue coverslippping, slide is mounted using __.
C. T/F There is no need to removed calcium prior to embedding to allow sectioning
A. T
B. Canada balsam
C. F
False about frozen sectioning
A. Used in autopsies
B. Done to get rapid diagnosis of pathologic process such malignant neoplasms
C. Pieces of tissues are snap frozen in cold liquid (-20 to -70˚C)
D. Uses cryostat which a refrigerated box containing microtome
A - biopsies, not autopsies
False about staining frozen sections
A. stained by hand because this is much faster for one or few individual sections
B. stain is a “progressive” stain
C. section is left in contact with the stain until the desired stain is achieved
Enumerate four methods/materials for decalcification of specimen.
- Strong mineral acids
- Organic acids
- Electrolysis
[Specimen Decalcification] used on dense cortical bone. intense damage on cell morphology. A. Strong mineral acids B. Organic acids C. EDTA D. Electrolysis
[Specimen Decalcification] least tissue damage A. Strong mineral acids B. Organic acids C. EDTA D. Electrolysis
A. Adipose tissue fat is composed of indiv cells called __
B. Why is the nucleus of (A) pushed to side?
A. - steatocyte
B. cytoplasm dedicated to storage of lipids
Which is false?
A.Trachea has serous and mucinous glands
B.The skin is a dynamic structure
C.Melanocytes are located in the topmost layer
(C- basal dapat)
Components of pilosebaceous unit: enumerate
arrector pili smooth muscle
hair follicle
sebaceous gland
“Floaters” are small pieces of tissue that appear on the slide that do not belong there.The best way to guard against unrecognized floaters is ___
always to separate like specimens in the numbering sequence
special stain used to stain glycogen and mucins; usually @ hepatocytes A. mucicarmine B. Fontana Masson C. Hemosiderin D. Periodic Acid Schiff
used for parasites, fungi, epithelium A. mucicarmine B. Fontana Masson C. Hemosiderin D. Periodic Acid Schiff
used for skin, eye, substantia nigra A. mucicarmine B. Fontana Masson C. Hemosiderin D. Periodic Acid Schiff
“wear and tear” pigments found most commonly in heart, liver, CNS and adrenal cortex A. mucicarmine B. Lipofuschin C. Hemosiderin D. Periodic Acid Schiff
A.Differentiate Hemosiderosis fr Hematochromatosis
B.How will you know if urate crystals are present in the sample?
A.Hemosiderosis - does not interfere with organ function
Hematochromatosis - interferes with organ function
B.Blue crystals at 90˚ using red plate;
Which exogenous pigment appears as anthracotic pigment in the lungs?
A.Red tattoo pigment contains cinnabar, which contains: ___
B.stain that can be used to detect fat emboli
B.Oil Red O
Which connective tissue stain can highlight supporting collagenous stroma? A.Reticulin Stain B.Trichome Stain C.Van Gieson Strain D.Giemsa Strain
Which connective tissue stain has metachromasia? A.Reticulin Stain B.Trichome Stain C.Van Gieson Strain D.Giemsa Stain
Which connective tissue stain can highlight arteries? A.Reticulin Stain B.Trichome Stain C.Van Gieson Strain D.Giemsa Stain
Which connective tissue stain can highlight structures in parenchymal organs? A.Reticulin Stain B.Trichome Stain C.Van Gieson Strain D.Giemsa Stain
requires fluorescence microscope for viewing A. Warthin-Starry method B. Ziehl-Neelsen method C. Fite method D. Auramine stain
Uses weaker acid for M.leprae A. Warthin-Starry method B. Ziehl-Neelsen method C. Fite method D. Auramine stain
most common for acid-fast bacilli. A. Warthin-Starry method B. Ziehl-Neelsen method C. Fite method D. Auramine stain
Best method for spirochetes A. Warthin-Starry method B. Ziehl-Neelsen method C. Fite method D. Auramine stain
used for Pneumocystis carinii A. Warthin-Starry method B. Ziehl-Neelsen method C. Fite method D. Gomori methenamine silver stain
minerals are best demonstrated by
A.microinceneration techniques
B.scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive analysis