Fecal Analysis Flashcards
A. identify the term used for a newborn’s first feces -
B. T/F Constipation provides time for additional water to be reabsorbed from the fecal material
C. what happens when amount of water reaching the large intestines exceeds 3000 mL?
A. meconium
B. T
C. diarrhea
Differentiate secretory from osmotic diarrhea.
Secretory = usually caused by Bacterial, viral & protozoan infections. + increased secretion of water & electrolytes.
Osmotic =Incomplete breakdown –> Increased fecal material to the large intestine. Retention of water &electrolytes!
A. T/F Bile in feces is both present in adults & children
B. Identify: the substances that produce normal odor formed by intestinal bacterial fermentation and putrefaction (decomposition)
C. Sickly sweet odor @ feces is caused by ___
A. F - children only
B. indole & sketole
C. undigested lactose
Does not cause alkaline stool A.Colitis B.Antibiotic use C.Villous adenoma D.Fat malabsorption
D - dapat Excess protein in diet
Does not cause acidic stool A.Carbohydrate malabsorption B.Antibiotic use C.Disaccharidase deficiency D.Fat malabsorption
Which is false about fecal specimen collection?
A.Red meat interferes with some test and should be omitted from the diet three days prior the test.
B.If the examination is for ova and parasites, the specimen/sample must be refrigerated.
C.Obtain a walnut-size stool specimen for the examination.
D.If the patient has diarrhea, newspaper can be deposited into the toilet bowl.
B = not refrigerated dapat
Which is true?
A. Iron therapy can result to red stool.
B. Ribbon-like stool may be due to intestinal constriction.
C. Rifampin causes black stool.
baliktad ang A and C
Which is false?
A. Frothy stool may indicate pancreatic disorder
B. Green stool may be caused by oral antibiotics
C. Pale yellow, white or gray stool may be caused by barium sulfate
D. Bacteria that cause diarrhea by toxin production still have appearance of fecal leukocytes.
Leukocytes, primarily neutrophils, are seen in the feces in the ff:
A.condition that affect the intestinal mucosa
B.ulcerative colitis
C.bacterial dysentery
Large amounts of leukocytes are suggestive of all except: A. Chronic ulcerative colitis B. Cholera C. Localized abscess D. Fistulas
No leukocytes in: A. Cholera B. Viral diarrhea C. Chronic ulcerative colitis D. Giardiasis
Enumerate two methods for examining fecal leukocytes.
- Methylene Blue Stain for Fecal WBC
2. T5019 - Leuko Ez Vue
False about T5019 - Leuko Ez Vue
A. Immunochromatographic test for the detection of fecal lactoferrin,
B. fecal lactoferrin is a marker for fecal leukocytes and an indicator of intestinal inflammation.
C. quantitative determination of lactoferrin is done
C - qualitative dapat
Qualitative fecal fat exam: which is not included? A.triglycerides B.fatty acid salts C.phospholipids D.cholesterol.
In qualitative fecal fat analysis: Which is stained by Sudan III? What does it look like when stained? A.triglycerides B.fatty acid salts C.phospholipids D.cholesterol.
A = large orange-red droplets
A. identify the method of analysis: Fecal fat extraction and titration of long chain fatty acid by sodium hydroxide
B. which fecal fat method makes use of 36% acetic acid
C. Fecal Elastase-I procedure makes use of what technique
A. Van de Kamer
B. Split Fat Stain
C. immunoassay ELISA
Not true about acid steatocrit
A. pH
C - baliktad :)
Fecal exam for presence of undigested striated muscle fibers- patients with ___
A. cardiovascular disease
B. hepatic cirrhosis
C. pancreatic insufficiency
A.identify reagent used to view muscle fibers
B.any bleeding in excess of ___ (give amount) is considered pathologically significant
C.What is hemochezia?
A. 10% eosin in alcohol
B. 2.5 mL/150 g of stool
C. rectal hemorrhage/bleeding at the rectum
A. type of cancer screened by fecal occult blood test
B. enumerate two types of fecal occult blood test
A. colorectal cancer
B. Traditional guaiac smear test & Newer, flushable reagent pads
False about commercial testing kits for fecal occult blood test:
A.Hemoccult ICT detects bleeding from other sources such as a bleeding ulcer;
B.Hemoquant provides a fluorometric test for hemoglobin and porphyrin.
C.As hemoglobin progresses through the intestinal tract, bacterial actions degrade it to porphyrin that the guaiac test cannot detect.
A - does not detect!
Which cannot cause a false-positive result for fecal occult blood test?
A.Iron supplements containing vitamin C
B.Red meat
D.Raw broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, turnips
A - false negative ito! aspirin ang false positive
Explain principle of Traditional guaiac smear test
The reaction uses the pseudoperoxidase activity of hemoglobin reacting with hydrogen peroxide to oxidize a colorless compound to a colored compound:
Why is the APT test (or fetal Hb test) needed?
distinguish between fetal and maternal blood
APT results: which is/are true?
A.Pink color indicates presence of fetal blood in stool
B.Yellow color indicates absence of fetal blood
C.Pink color indicates absence of fetal blood in stool
D.Yellow color indicates presence of fetal blood
A and B
identify fecal screening test to which this is applicable:
A. Blue color indicates GI bleeding
B. Rxn of 0.5g/dL reducing substances suggests CHO
A. Occult blood guaiac smeartest
B. Clinitest
identify positive result for:
A.Exam for neutrophils
A. 3/hpf
B.digestion of gelatin
iWhat indicates malabsorption for?
A.Microscopic exam of direct smear stained w/ Sudan III:
B.Microscopic of smear heated with acetic acid & Sudan III
A. 60 large orange-red droplets indicates malabsorption
B. 100 orange-red droplets measuring 6-75 μm