History Test study guide (standard 3) Flashcards
What effect did the Railroad have on the United States?
The railroad helped drive settlement in the western regions, stimulate economic development, and open up mining markets
What was the purpose of the protective tariff policy of the late 1800s and restrictions on union organizing?
To protect American industries from foreign competition. Restrictions on union organizing help industrial growth because businesses can expand considering they aren’t fighting with their workers
Explain what laissez-faire economic is.
Prices/wages are determined by the marketplace (government hands off)
What was a major impact of laissez-faire economics?
It allowed businesses to do what they wanted with little government interference. This led to the development of monopolies.
What industry did Rockeffer run?
Standard Oil
What industry did Carnegie run?
What type of monopoly did Rockeffer have and explain it.
Utilized the horizontal system, system of consolidating many firms in the same business
What type of monopoly did Carnegie have and explain it.
Utilized the vertical system, system of consolidating many firms in all steps of a product’s manufacture
What is a philanthropist?
A person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes
How could a business tycoon earn himself the nickname “Robber Baron”?
If their business practices were considered unethical and if they created a monopoly
What is Social Darwinism?
The belief that certain nations and races were superior to others and therefore destined to rule (survival of the fittest)
What did the Triangle shirtwaist factory fire show about factory owners?
Factory owners cared more about profits than safe working conditions
What was the primary reason labor unions formed?
To help laborers with work-related difficulties such as low pay, unsafe or unsanitary working conditions, long hours, and other situations
What were the workers demanding?
Better wages, reasonable hours (eight hour workday), and safer working conditions
Was there division among the workers?
Yes, workers were divided based on skill, race, gender, foreign vs not foreign, etc
Why did big business want relaxed immigration laws?
They were concerned with making the highest possible profit and immigrants (cheap and unskilled) were willing to work long hours for very little pay
Why did farmers desire “cheap money” policies?
Prices for their crops would raise and debts would become easier to pay
What was the Dawes Act?
Act that attempted to foster Native American assimilation into American society, tribal lands were divided into farming parcels and given to individual families
What was the impact of Upton Sinclair’s book, The Jungle?
It inspired a national movement for food safety, the Pure Food and Drug Act
What is a Political Machine and what do they do?
Organizations that controlled local government, provided aid to immigrants in return for their support and votes
What is nativism? Who would most likely be a nativist?
Belief that native-born Americans are superior to newcomers, white anglo-saxon protestant (WASP)
How did the government help aid the building of the railroad?
Gave subsidies in the form of payments, loans, and western lands in return for a discount on the transportation of troops and mail
What problems did farmers face in the late 1800s?
Overproduction which caused prices on farm goods to fall, high tariffs on items they needed to purchase, and competition
What was the platform of the Populist Party?
More silver in circulation, government ownership of railroads, a graduated income tax, direct election of senators, immigration restrictions, and eight hour workday
What is Bimetallism? Who was the political candidate for it?
Backing money with both gold and silver so that more money could be in circulation, William Gennings Bryan
What was the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?
1890 law banning any trust that restrained interstate trade or commerce, prohibits monopolies, this means we have more competition to give the consumer the best price
Who was Jane Addams?
A pioneer social worker in America, as a feminist and an internationalist, she created the first settlement house in the U.S., Chicago’s Hull House
What did Settlement Houses provide?
Support services to the urban poor, women, and immigrants, often including education, healthcare, childcare, and employment resources
What are the progressive amendments?
16th, 17th, 18th, 19th
Who were muckrakers and what did they do?
Writers who uncover and expose misconduct in policies or business