History Test study guide (last of standard 4) Flashcards
According to the American economy of the 1920s, was there a growing gap between haves and have nots?
What consumer product of the 1920s had the greatest impact on American society?
The automobile
Describe the role of women in the 1920s. What were some younger women doing?
Women generally played traditional roles. Some younger women were becoming flappers, going into the city, and exploring independent life
Why did African Americans start to migrate to Eastern and Midwestern cities in the 1920s?
To escape racial discrimination (the KKK, lynching, Jim Crow Laws) and to find work (better jobs/opportunities)
What was the Harlem Renaissance?
A period of increased appreciation of African American culture - literature, art, and music
What era of history is organized crime, bootleggers, speakeasies, and the temperance movement from?
What was the reason for the Palmer Raids and the “Red Scare” that happened in the United States?
The fear of communism with its disruption of society
How was a Flapper different from other women in her era?
A flapper defied traditional values and roles; was politically and economically independent
What were the major differences of the KKK of the 1920s from the KKK of the Reconstruction Era?
The KKK of the 1920s attacked African Americans, Jews, Catholics, and immigrants while the KKK of the Reconstruction Era mainly attacked African Americans. The KKK also became more of a public group than a secret organization, going to a national level
How did the Scopes Trial reflect the social conflicts of the 1920s? What was it about?
This court case demonstrates an out cry of teaching modern scientific principles (science vs religion). It was about the teaching of evolution
What were the causes of the Great Depression?
Overproduction, speculation, buying on margin, installment credit, unequal distribution of income, farming crisis
What was a long-range effect of the Great Depression dealing with people’s opinions of government services?
People began to believe the government should take more action to aid the public and provide for their needs
What is stock speculation?
Practice of making high-risk investments in hopes of obtaining large profits; buying stock for less than its worth - buying on margin
What were some of the results of the Great Depression?
Business closings, banking failures, deficit spending, and marriage has decreased
What problems did the farmers have during the 1920s?
Overproduction, debt, suffered from prices caused by the Great Depression
What was Hoover’s approach to the Great Depression?
He did not want the federal government to interfere in business; he helped out big businesses instead of individuals
What were Roosevelt’s “Three R’s”?
Relief, Recovery, and Reform
What effect did Roosevelt’s “fireside chats” have on society?
It eased the minds of Americans that the government is fixing problems from the depression and is encouraging Americans to put their trust back into banks
What New Deal program was chiefly designed to regulate the stock market?
Securities and Exchange Commission
Why is the effectiveness of the New Deal in ending the Great Depression hard to measure?
Because of the country entering WWII, which accelerated economic growth
What is the 18th Amendment?
Amendment that prohibited the manufacture, sale, or transportation of alchohol
What was the percentage of the distribution of wealth in the 1920s for the people that controlled the wealth?
What were Calvin Coolidge’s views on Big Business?
He supported it, he did not regulate it at all