History Standard 5 Vocabulary (everything not familiar with) Flashcards
Lyndon B. Johnson
36th president of the U.S. who assumed office after the assassination of President Kennedy, he had a vision to create a “great society” for the American people
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Outlawed discrimination in public places and employment
24th Amendment
Prohibits poll taxes
Voting Rights Act
Banned literacy tests and empowered the federal government to oversee voter registration
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
1964 congressional resolution that authorized president Johnson to commit U.S. troops to South Vietnam and fight a war against North Vietnam
Tet Offensive
Communist assault on a large number of South Vietnamese cities in early 1968
Richard Nixon
37th president of the U.S., he started and ended U.S. involvement in Vietnam, was involved in the Watergate scandal, and became the only president to resign after fear of possible impeachment
Flexible diplomacy adopted by Richard Nixon to ease tensions between the United States, the Soviet Union, and the People’s Republic of China
Ronald Reagan
40th president of the U.S. who helped end the Cold War and was known for his economic plan of Reaganomics; his theory was that if you cut taxes, it will spur the growth of public spending and improve the economy
Mikhail Gorbachev
The eighth and final leader of the Soviet Union
Iran-Contra Affair
Political scandal under president Reagan involving the use of money from secret arms sales to Iran to illegally support the Contras in Nicaragua
George H.W. Bush
41st president of the U.S. who successfully pushed for the reunification of Germany and led a coalition of countries which invaded and defeated Iraq after it invaded Kuwait in the Gulf War
Bill Clinton
42nd president of the U.S. who oversaw the country’s longest peacetime economic expansion and became the second U.S. president to be impeached
George W. Bush
43rd president of the U.S. who ordered an invasion of Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban; he signed the Patriot Act in order to authorize surveillance of suspected terrorists
Camp David Accords
1978 agreement brokered by president Jimmy Carter between Egyptian and Israeli leaders that made a peace treaty between the two nations possible
Process by which national economics, politics, cultures, and societies mix with those of other nations around the world