History Test study guide Flashcards
What was the American System?
A plan to assist the United States in becoming self-sufficient economically
Who invented the American System?
Henry Clay
What were the three parts of the American System?
Protective tariffs, a national bank, and internal improvements (infrastructure)
What effect did the American System have on the regions?
North saw an increase in trade, better transportation centers, and industry grew. The South did not like the American System
What is Sectionalism?
An exaggerated devotion to the interests of a region over those of a country as a whole
What were some differences between the regions (North and South).
North- economy based on manufacturing and trade, has more cities/towns so therefore more immigrants
South- economy based on agriculture and slavery
Where does the phrase “54’40’ or fight” come from?
The Oregon territory
Explain the Louise and Clark expedition and what came out of it.
A military expedition that started in St. Louis, Thomas Jefferson purchased it, they were trying to find a water route to the west, and they wanted to go to Oregon. Mapped land, rivers, and mountains, journals with details about Native Americans, scientific notes about unfamiliar plants and animals, and stories came out of it
What is the Adams-Onis Treaty?
Spain gave Florida to the U.S. in exchange for $5 million, also created the border in the west with Mexico
Who coined the term, Manifest Destiny?
John O’ Sullivan
What was Manifest Destiny?
The belief that Westward expansion of the U.S. was inevitable and a God-given right
When the south was complaining about the Tariff of Abominations what issue were they focusing on that they said was being violated?
State’s rights
How would the Tariff of Abominations affect Southerners?
Raised the cost of living because of raised prices on cropped goods, and cut into profits with the world market (southerners wanted to nullify this tariff, this was called the nullification crisis)
What was the issue that brought concern as territories became states out west?
The expansion of slavery, the balance of free and slave states, and how this would affect the balance in Congress
Why did Americans in Texas want to declare independence from Mexico?
Differences on religion and slavery (considering Mexico banned it) caused tension
Why did the U.S. seem reluctant to annex Texas?
It would disrupt the balance between free and slave states
What was the Monroe doctrine and why was it issued?
Discouraged European intervention in the west, it was issued to stop colonization in the western hemisphere
What was the effect of the cotton gin invented by Eli Whitney in the south?
The growth of slavery
What was the Missouri Compromise?
Called for the admission of Missouri as a slave state, and Maine as a free state, and banned slavery in the Louisiana Purchase territory north of the 36*30’N latitude
What did the Missouri Compromise accomplish?
A balance between free and slave states
What was the Anaconda Plan?
A Northern Civil War strategy to starve the south by blockading seaports, controlling the Mississippi River, and the seizure of Richmond
What was the Anaconda Plan?
A Northern Civil War strategy to starve the south by blockading seaports, controlling the Mississippi River, and seizure of Richmond
What land did we acquire from the Mexican War?
California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah (parts of Colorado and Wyoming)
What was the Trail of Tears?
Forced march of Native Americans to move west of the Mississippi in the 1830s
What was one of the major tribes that were moved?
The Cherokee
Where were they moved from and sent to?
The East to the West (Oklahoma)
Why did a lot of people go west to California?
Cheap land, gold mining, and the concept of Manifest Destiny
What was the outcome of the Dred Scott case?
The court ruled that Scott does not have rights so he can’t sue, and the federal government could not prohibit slavery in any territories (could not deprive anyone of their property)
What type of man did Andrew Jackson represent as President of the United States?
The common man
What was the Gadsden Purchase?
Five years after the war, the US agreed to pay an additional $10 million for the southern strip of Arizona and New Mexico
Why did the U.S. purchase the Gadsden Purchase?
To build the southern transcontinental railroad and attempt to solve conflicts that lingered after the war
What did the Emancipation Proclamation do and who did it benefit the most?
Freed enslaved people living in Confederate states still in rebellion, it benefited the North considering African Americans could now join the Union army
What are the advantages of the north and south during the Civil War?
North- more railway lines, more factories, established government, standing military force, 2/3’s of the nation’s population
South- better military commanders, motivation, defensive war designed to wear down enemies
Due to secession, what gets settled by the Civil War?
Slavery, western expansion, states rights, and the national bank
What was the original purpose of Reconstruction?
To rebuild the south, readmit southern states, and secure civil and voting rights for African Americans
What was the compromise of 1877?
Argument by which Hayes won the election and in exchange agreed to remove remaining federal troops from the south
What is the 13th amendment?
Abolished slavery in the U.S.
What is the 14th amendment?
Granted citizenship to African Americans
What is the 15th amendment?
Granted all men the right to vote
How did the South undermine the 15th amendment?
Literacy tests and poll taxes
What were Democratic “Redeemers”?
Southerners who wanted to bring back the way it was before the Civil War
What did the Freedmen’s Bureau do?
Provided food, housing, low-interest loans, medical aid, established schools, etc to people in the south
Who did the Freedmen’s Bureau help?
Freed slaves and poor white farmers
What was the Freedmen’s Bureau’s main goal?
To help integrate formal slaves into American society; educate them
What did most former slaves do after the Civil War?
They tended to stay in the south and found employment in blue-collar fields
What were the Black Codes?
Laws that restricted African American’s rights and opportunities
Why did Reconstruction end in the south?
Federal troops were withdrawn
What were some of the effects of Reconstruction ending?
Rise of terrorist groups like the KKK and legislation for African Americans was limited
Who was Booker T. Washington?
Leading African American intellectual of the 19th century, argued that African Americans must focus on educating themselves and excelling in blue-collar fields
Who was W.E.B. Du Bois?
African American protest leader who argued that African Americans should not be judged by the same standards until they are equally free (should be given immediate emancipation), and should work in blue-collar AND white-collar fields
Who was Ida B. Wells?
She led a campaign against lynching that made northerners aware of crimes being committed in the south, also played an active role in the women’s rights movement
Explain the Plessy v. Ferguson case.
Upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation that allowed for separate but equal accommodations for races
Essay: Compromise of 1877, What was it?
An agreement that settled the disputed 1876 U.S. Presidential election in which Rutherford B. Hayes was awarded presidency and in return promised to remove federal troops from South Carolina.
Essay: What were the effects of the Compromise of 1877?
The Compromise of 1877 resulted in the pulling of federal troops from South Carolina and the end of Reconstruction. Considering the federal troops were no longer in South Carolina to enforce laws, southerners then created Jim Crow Laws, poll taxes, literacy tests, and gave rise to organizations like the KKK.