What Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire?
The deadliest industrial disaster in the history of New York City, and one of the deadliest in U.S. history.
What was the Progressive Era and when did it take place?
a period in the late 19th century and early 20th century where widespread social activism and political reform focused on defeating corruption and monopolies.
Progressives wanted to reform government by
making it more efficient and responsive to the people
What was the most important reason the Progressive movement lost power?
International problems became more important than national reforms.
Which two goals of the Progressive movement had the strongest support from churches?
protecting social welfare and promoting moral improvement
Pearl Harbor
Naval port in Hawaii
American businessman who became president of the new government of Hawaii after the queen was pushed out.
Sanford B. Dole
The Hawaiian queen who was forced out of power by a revolution started by American business interests.
Queen Liliuokalani
The practice of strong countries taking economic, political and military power over weaker countries.
The treaty that ended the Spanish – American War
Treaty of Paris (1898)
Reporting in newspapers and magazines that exaggerates the news in order to make it more exciting.
yellow journalism
Fighting unit led by Theodore Roosevelt in Cuba.
Rough Riders
Political activists who worked for Cuban independence
Jose Marti
U.S. warship that exploded in a Cuban harbor in 1898
USS Maine
What were at least two factors that fueled American imperialism
desire for military strength, thirst for new markets
What were at least two roots of American Imperialism?
Political and Economic.
How did Hawaiians lose control of their lands?
By 1900, thousands of foreign laborers (Japan, Portugal, China, Philippines) outnumbered the Hawaiians three to one.
Why did American business interests not want Queen Liliuokalani to take over after the death of her brother, the Hawaiian king in 1891?
She wanted a new Constitution for her people and would have given voting power back to ordinary Hawaiians.
What was one event that led Americans to call for war against Spain?
Publication of the de Lome letter criticizing McKinley for being a weak president by a Spanish official.
What three territories did the United States get from the war with Spain?
Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines
As a result of the Spanish American War, which territory did U.S. pay Spain $20 million?
When the United States went to war with Spain on April 1898, where did the first battle take place?
Which U.S. President volunteered as a member of the Rough Riders, to help win an important battle in San Juan Hill, Cuba?
Theodore Roosevelt
The U.S. government paid $7.2 million for this territory from Russia in 1867.
Provisions in the Cuban constitution that gave the U.S. broad rights in that country.
Platt Amendment
Message sent by John Hay to other countries to protect U.S. trading rights in China.
Open Door notes
Chinese rebellion against Western influence in the 1900s.
Boxer Rebellion
What did the U.S. do to protect business interests in Cuba?
U.S. insisted that the Cuban government add the Platt Amendment that would give the U.S. special privileges and limit Cuba’s rights in dealing with other countries.
Why did the Filipino Nationalist, Emilio Aguinaldo, feel betrayed by the United States?
Aguinaldo believed the U.S. when they were promised independence if the Filipinos helped U.S. fight against Spain but turned around and annexed the Philippine islands instead at the end of the Spanish - American War.
Why did Secretary of State John Hay issue the Open Door notes?
The U.S. wanted other countries to know that the U.S. wanted to trade with China. The statement in the policy called for China’s ports to remain open and for China to remain independent.
A channel across Central America, between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, opened in 1914.
Panama Canal
Roosevelt’s 1904 extension of the Monroe Doctrine, stating that the U.S. has the right to protect its economic interests in South and Central America by using military force.
Roosevelt Corollary
The policy of intervening in other countries to protect U.S. business interests.
dollar diplomacy
Francisco “Pancho” Villa
Mexican revolutionary.
There were ways that Roosevelt used U.S. power in other countries. Choose the statement that does NOT belong.
a. When Colombia did not allow U.S. access to build the Panama Canal, the U.S. convinced the Panamanians they would help Panama gain independence from Colombia, and in turn, the U.S. would be allowed to finish build the Panama Canal.
b. Roosevelt used U.S. influence to help settle the Russo-Japanese War.
c. Roosevelt used the “missionary diplomacy” to mean that the U.S. could not officially recognize governments that were oppressive, undemocratic, or opposed to U.S. business intersts.
c. Roosevelt used the “missionary diplomacy” to mean that the U.S. could not officially recognize governments that were oppressive, undemocratic, or opposed to U.S. business intersts.
A country that is partly controlled by another, stronger country.