History Of Microbiology Flashcards
Were the first to record observations of microbes through simple microscope.
Robert Hooke and Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Who showed that microbes arise from preexisting microbes and demonstrated heat sterilization?
Lazaro Spallanzani
Who used the gooseneck flask experiment to disprove spontaneous generation?
Louis Pasteur
Who developed heat canning?
Nicholas Appert
Who devised techniques of pure culture to study single species of microbes in isolation?
Robert Koch
What provides a set of criteria to establish a causative link between an infectious agent and a disease?
Koch’s postulates
Who established the practice of vaccination, inoculation of cowpox to prevent smallpox?
Edward Jenner
Who developed the first vaccine based on attenuated strains, such as the rabies vaccine?
Louis Pasteur
Who showed that hand washing and antiseptic could prevent transmission of pathogens from doctor to patient?
Ignaz Semmelweis and Joseph Lister
Who discovered that penicillum mold generated a substance that kills bacteria?
Alexander Fleming
Who purified the substance penicillin to create an antibiotic to save human lives?
Howard Florey and Ernest Chain
Who developed a system of enrichment culture, Winogradsky column, to grow microbes from natural environments?
Sergei Winogradsky
Who demonstrated that nitrogen-fixing rhizobia grow as endosymbiosis within leguminous plants?
Martinis Beijerinck
Who recognized that microbes constitute a form of life distinct from animals and plants?
Ernest Haeckel
Who classified prokaryotes as a form of microbial life distinct from eukaryotic microbes such as protists?
Herbert Copeland and Robert Whittaker
Who discovered a domain of prokaryotes, Archea, whose genetic sequence diverge equally from those of bacteria and those of eukaryotes?
Carl Woese