history exam Flashcards
chapters 1-10
(1795) made w/ Spain which gave U.S. right of deposit to New Orleans + made 31st parallel of latitude the S. boundary of U.S.; ppl liked
Pinckney Treaty
intense rivalry between England and France; French and Indians sided
French and Indian War/7 Year War
prevented “that old Deluder Satan” from keeping people from scripture
Old Deluder Satan Act
list all of the New England colonies.
- Connecticut
- Massachusetts Bay
- Rhode Island
- New Hampshire
Patriot general who fought tories and Indians in the West
George Rogers Clark
colonists dressed as Indians and threw tea out of ships
Boston Tea Party
tax on goods such as paper, glass, paint, and tea (1767)
Townshend Act
lived in the East; permanent villages; hunted, fished, and planted
system established by the Constitution to elect the president
Electoral College
first written constitution drawn up in America
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
(lower house) representation determined by population
House of Representation
first institution of higher learning in the colonies
rebellion due to the excise tax placed on whiskey
Whiskey Rebellion
ppl dislikes this treaty made by Jay w/ the Brits in which the U.S. would stop trade w/ France + pay Brits what they owed
Jay Treaty
English sea captains; pirates
sea dogs
allowed the use of the army to enforce the laws
Force Bill
the first 10 amendments to the Constitution
Bill of Rights
a board-like paddle that was covered with printed sheet
first law college in America; only college in the southern colonies for years
William and Mary
the main north-south highway (Pennsylvania and New York)
Great Wagon Road
the time between the president’s election and leaving
lame-duck period
Vice president who defended states’ rights; resigned and joined the Senate
set from Massachusetts to capture Ft. Ticonderoga; traitor of the U.S; took over the outposts, seizing fts., cannons, and ammunition
Benedict Arnold
lived in teepees or brush shelters, hunted buffalo; harsher climate = no farming; survived by gathering wild nuts and berries
Great Basin and plateau
where the president opposes the bill, stating his objection
group that took control of army at Boston and asked the colonies for supplies and troops
Second Continental Congress
groups that settled down in one area and were farmer; lived in stable shelters
permanent lifestyle
Jackson’s close friends who he consulted informally with instead of his Cabinet
Kitchen Cabinet
a closed meeting of party leaders
1539, discovered the Ms River and died there; his crew founded St. Augustine, Fl.
Hernando De Soto
father was head of house (family = center of life)
(upper house) 2 of these per state
where the British surrendered in 1781
a loose confederation of the states with a weak central government
Articles of Confederation
called for a unicameral legislature based on equal representation
New Jersey Plan
areas of 6 miles squares the ordinance divided
originally created for Indians
Dartmouth College
list all of the Southern colonies.
- Virginia
- Georgia
- The Carolinas
- Maryland
made by Phillip II; 150 ships sent to England in 1588; Half of its ships were destroyed by storm or killed by the English
Invincible Armada
a powerful revival in the 1720s
Great Awakening
another name for loyalists
ceremony starting the President’s term
list all of the Middle colonies.
- Delaware
- New York
- Pennsylvania
- New Jersey
discovered the St. Lawrence Rv.
Jacques Cartier
led British troops to defeat Saratoga
John Burgoyne
used to teach trades to boys, they left home and lived with someone to learn the trade; lasted 7 yrs. or until they turned 21
can be charged with treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors
a count of the population
colonists wrote this to King George to create a chance of peace
Oliver Branch Petition
hunted buffalo; used horses, were nomadic and followed the buffalos
led the second expedition
Zebulon Pike
settlers without tile to the land
introduces the Constitution;; states the source of governments power and the six purposes of gov.
people who died here were called Patriot “martyrs”
Boston Massacre
an increase in the money supply that causes a corresponding rise in prices
organized groups of politicians who sought to control the government
political machine
oldest permanent city
St. Augustine
king had direct control
royal colonies
taxes on all paper products (documents, newspaper, and playing cards); special stamps for taxed items
Stamp Act
(1791) could hold tax revenue in one place, and the nation’s financial dealings could be handled here
National Bank
chosen by Lewis to aid him with the expedition
divided the government’s powers between the National government and the states
organized by villages and hired teachers (4-7 yrs)
Grammar school
called for three branches with a Bicameral legislature based on population
Virginia Plan
favored fighting the Brits
tariffs cannot be more than 20%; gave the infant industries in the North time to grow before they lost protection
Compromise of 1833
was bounded on the E. by the 13 colonies, on the W. by the Ms. Rv., on the N. by the Great Lakes, + S. of the Ohio Rv.
Northwest Territory
leader of the green Mountain boys
Ethan Allen
bicameral legislative w/ the Senate based on equal representation + the House of Representatives based on population (Connecticut Compromise)
Great Compromise
the undeveloped area at the edge of the settled land; Americans could claim property and improve it
allowed Squatters to buy western land once up for public sale
Preemption Act of 1847
laws created by the British Parliament to punish the colonists for the Boston Tea Party (1774)
Intolerable Acts
bill that said Indians who left their lands east of the MS would be given land west of the MS
Indian Removal Act
public policy for western lands, provided for setting 1 section of land in each township for public education
Land Ordinance of 1785
proclamation that claimed that the colonists couldn’t settle East of the Appalachian Mountains
Proclamation Acts
first Whig president; longest inaugural speech; died after a month in office
William Henry Harrison
work for 4-7 years to get land; worked with white servants
indentured servants
colonies were called this since so many people from other countries came
melting pot
malicious statements about opponents
a tariff designed to raise money
revenue tariff
constantly on the move in search of game and wild plant
Nomadic lifestyle
mercenary troops who fought for the British
British general who surrendered at Yorktown
Charles Cornwallis
travelers on the Great Wagon Road often used this to carry belongings
Conestoga Wagons
the right to vote
given by the king
proprietary colonies
wave of immigrants from England and other countries to Massachusetts Bay Colony
Great Migration
as more families came, population population grew faster
natural increase
first president; 1st to be voted unanimously twice
George Washington
act of handing out government jobs to loyal followers
Spoils System
most famous of the new ships
USS Constitution
a state could declare a deferral law unconstitutional by reinforcing to enforce it
founded when New England Puritans saw that Harvard had been infected with liberal ideas
led the first two expeditions to explore the west
required colonists to house troops in their homes; to wash their clothes and freed them (1765)
Quartering Act
biggest American victory of the war (of 1812)
Battle of New Orleans
naval officer who went against the Brits in the North Sea and won
John Paul Jones
Secretary of Treasury who suffered a stroke in 1823; opposed federal support; disliked tariffs; democratic-Republican
William Crawford
permanent villages; water = food; totem poles
west coast
guaranteed religious freedom to all who believed in the Trinity
Act of Toleration
elected representatives govern the people
first European to see the Great Canyon
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
slaves would count as 3/5 person for the House of Representatives and for tax purposes
3/5 Compromise
raised the price of foreign goods
Protective Tariff
joint-stock companies
charter colonies
one of the first people to openly challenge the Puritan leaders and founded Rhode Island; ministered to the Indians
Roger Williams
Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico; earmed the deserts, gathered wild plants, and hunted small animals; architects and masons
powers are divided between separate branches of government
Separation of Powers
Indians called the relocation this
Trail of Tears
powers of each branch are checked and balanced by other branches
Checks and Balances