chapter 10 Flashcards
Jacksonian America
gave the infant industries in the North time to grow stronger before they lost their protection
Compromise of 1833
would consist of a number of federal vaults and depositories
independent treasury
the time between the election and his leaving office
lame-duck period
lived in Mississippi
Choctaws and Chicasaws
a high-tariff package to pay for internal improvements
American System
best educated man of his day; career diplomat; term was disastrous; public service for 36 years
John Quincy Adams
deciding factor in 1824 election
Henry Clay
act of handing out government jobs to loyal followers
spoils system
first Whig president
William Henry Harrison
Kitchen Cabinet
Andrew Jackson
first president not born a British citizen
Martin van Buren
his entire cabinet resigned
John Tyler
allowed the use of the army to enforce the laws
Force Bill
raised the price of foreign goods
protective tariff
how much did the voter turnout increase in 1836?
champion of the common man
Andrew Jackson
secretary of Treasury who suffered a stroke in 1823; opposed federal support; disliked tariffs; democratic-Republican
William Crawford
settlers without titled to the land
strong nationalist; favored central gov., national bank, and high tariffs; endorsed the American System
John Quincy Adams
lived in North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, and Alabama
a state could declare a deferral law unconstitutional by reinforcing to enforce it
pet banks
Andrew Jackson
lived in Alabama
elected without an Electoral College majority
John Quincy Adams
a tariff designed to raise money
revenue tariff
banks that government revenues from taxes and land sales would go into new accounts in 89 state banks
pet banks
“A man without a party”
John Tyler
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
John Tyler
came to a head as Congress considered the use of tariffs
states’ rights
longest inaugural address
William Henry Harrison
made spoils system; political machines which brought scandals to his presidency; wanted to remove Indians
Andrew Jackson
Compromise Tariff of 1833
Andrew Jackson
what did Southerns called the American System?
tariff of abomination
bill that said Indians who left their lands east of the MS would be given land west of the MS
Indian Removal Act
speaker of the house; strong nationalist; favored central gov., national bank, and high tariffs; created American System
Henry Clay
Indian leader of the Sauk and fox tribes
Black Hawk
an increase in the money supply that causes a corresponding rise in prices
organized groups of politicians who sought to control the government
political machines
malicious statements about opponents
died after only one month in office
William Henry Harrison
lawyer + U.S. Senator; came into office in 1829; some people distrusted him bc of a treaty with the Creeks and Cherokees
Andrew Jackson
Indians called the relocation this
Trail of Tears
Battle of New Orleans
Andrew Jackson
allowed Squatters to buy western land for once up for public sale
Preemption Act of 1841