History Flashcards
How long was world war 1, and where did it take place?
4 years, Europe was the main battlefield
What were the causes of world war 1?
Economic and colonial competition
Armaments race
Alliance system
Extreme nationalism
Pre-war conflicts
Immediate cause:the Sarajevo incident
Who were involved in the first world war?
Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire) and Allied Powers (Britain, France, Russia, Japan, United States and Italy)
What was the course of the first world war?
Central Powers vs Allied Powers
What were the results of WW1 (Short-term)?
The big three was formed: US,GB,FR
What were the effects of WW2 (Long-term)?
Remap of Europe, a lot of casualties
How long was WW2 and where did it take place?
14 years,
Europe, Asia and Africa
What were the causes of the second world war?
Failure of the Paris Peace Conference
Economic problems in the inter-war period
Rise of the totalitarianism and aggression
Failure of collective security
Immediate cause: German invasion of Poland
Who were the leaders in WW2?
Hitler (Germany), Mussolini (Italy) and Tojo (Japan)
What was the Great Depression?
It was when rich countries became poor such as Germany, Britain and Japan. This caused countries to want strong and great leaders so their countries can be great again.
Why was Hitler bad?
He killed 6.6 million jews. This was known as the holocaust.
What was the course of world war 2?
Axis powers vs Allied Powers
What were the effects of the second war?
The effects were decolonization of Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, India and Pakistan.
Who did the Axis Powers consist of?
Who did the Allied Powers consist of?
Axis Powers: Germany, Italy, Japan
Allied Powers: GB, FR, USSNR, US, CN
Who won in WW2?
The Allied Powers won over the Axis powers.
What was the Cold War?
The Cold War is a series of conflicts between USA and USSNR after the second world war.
What were all the wars/crises during the Cold War?
Korea being divided into two parts. North was supported by USSNR and CN, South was supported by USA. (1950-53)
Missile Crises in Cuba. This was stopped by the Pope. (1962)
Germany (1948)
Vietnam (1961-75)
What was the diplomacy (relationships between countries) in the cold war?
USA and PRC would sometimes be friendly and some times be enemies.
Who won the Cold war?
In 1991, USA won and was no.1 ; USSNR collapsed on itself. Cold war ended.
What is the United Nations?
It was a security council.