Historical Perspective Flashcards
When were microscopes first developed?
1700’s before we could see something microscopic
Before the 1700’s what did people have a good understanding of?
Magnifiers i.e. burning glasses
What where they able to draw from these old time microscopes?
Who had these kinks of microscopes?
Mostly rich people with time and money on their hands to play with these kinds of things
What was the first microscope called?
Viewing Animalcules
What is the Transactions of the royal society?
Happening at the same time in London as this guy who first was drawing out what bacteria looked like. The society was already learning and doing talks on this
Who put on lectures every week at the London Society?
Robert Hooke
What did Hooke first look at and with what?
used a compound microscope with 2 lenses and looked at the cork cross section of the outer layer of a plant (which is water proof)
What was the theory of life back then?
Spontaneous generation and though disease could come from they air
What was the relationship between death of new mothers after birth and the doctors who helped them?
The doctors would be coming right form the morgue and would cause death in mothers. Solved by washing hands with chlorinated water before going to the mothers
What was the first sign of blocking disease transmission?
Cholera outbreak was pinpointed around the city as to where people were getting sick. It was the water source in the end
What did Pasteur discover?
That fermentation was the result of bacteria
What experiment did Pasteur conduct and how?
Heated beef broth and didn’t cover it, bacteria grew
Did it again but attached a long tube to the top with a curve and the end. Bacteria didn’t grow because it got stuck in the curve
Did it one more time and tilted the flask so the liquid would go down the long tube, bacteria did grow
What did Lister discover?
Responsible for implementing carbolic Acid for spraying on equipment to sanitize everything
What is Koch known for?
Studying things that cause disease
What are Koch’s postulates?
Take a sample of a dying animal, isolate it and grow it in a petrie dish, inject animal and see if it has the same symptoms or if it dies from the same thing
Why are bacteria spores dangerous?
They are able to survive for a very long time
Why was Dimitri Kvanowsky having a hard time filtering out the virus?
Was able to filter out the bacteria but the virus had a long and tube like shape and could not pass through the filter
Who called virus’s living liquid?
Martinus Beijernck
What did Walter Reed discover?
Yellow fever is caused by a virus
What are rod shaped bacteria called?
Bascili or Bascilus
What do fungi look like?
Long and tubular
What did Flemming discover ?
-Fungus on a petri dish separated by a clear zone and then the bacteria
What did Chain and Florey do to Penicillin?
Figured how to make penicillin into a functional drug to fight disease
What was Penicillin mainly used for when it was discovered?
Treating WW2 infection wounds on the battle field
-got over used (bad cause its an antibiotic)
Globally what % does infectious disease account for ?
25% of all deaths
Who is the founder of immunology?
Metchnikoff understood our immune system, white blood cells and antibodies
What did Paul Ehrlich discover?
Discovered and developed a chemotherapeutic agent against microbial disease
What did Domagk discover?
Developed the first sulpha drug
-sulfur affects microorganisms
What did Selman Waksman discover?
Discovered streptomycin and other important antibiotics
-antibiotic produced from a different organism